It's so incredible and I nearly teared up. Yeah, just watch it because this movie looks absolutely amazing.
As always, discussion in the comments.
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This is the most excited I've been over a movie... that I could ever remember. I almost teared up as well! I'm super kid giddy over this!
I'll delete my post in the forums ;)
Yeah, this is amazing! The anticipation is just too much!
I am so freakin' excited about this movie! I tried to remain cautiously optimistic, but I failed. The Luke monologue! Han and Chewie! OMG!!
Are we sure it's Luke speaking? Sounds awful young. Maybe a flashback? A youthful/slightly-passed-Jedi Luke talking to his niece or nephew?
I'm guessing the voice over was Luke talking to one of the new main characters, possibly Finn (John Boyega).
I really hope this doesn't become Star Wars: First Class though
It sounds like Mark Hamil, and it's the same dialogue Luke said to Leia on Endor (plus that added little bit at the end), so I think it's him. Mark Hamil's voice has held up pretty well over the years. Possibly due to his extensive voice-over work? :)
I don't know, X-Men: First Class was really damn good.
And yeah I thought it sounded like Mark Hamil. And freakin Han Solo!
I was excited about the trailer drop today but I wasn't expecting it to be so good. I've watched a bit of the Star Wars Celebration stream as I worked today and the fan response to the trailer has been pretty great. Vaders burned helmet, the Star Destroyers in ruin and Han and Chewie wrapping it all up.
Like WBS I was also trying to temper my excitement but... You know, I am only human.
Star Wars Arcade Cab release video -
Regarding the Luke voice over:
This whole trailer breakdown is pretty fun, too:
Yeah, it does seem to be from ROTJ then. Nice touch though, taking something from the old film. The music in the trailer is from the Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones trailer and it works very well here.
You all must watch Matthew Mcconaughey's reaction to the new Force Awakens Trailer. I feel ya Matt.
It's from Interstellar.
That's a good meme :D