CryZENx is a YouTuber that is reimagining classic games in the new Unreal 4 engine and the results are beautiful. The Unreal 4 engine is capable of producing incredible games and it's really fun to consider how amazing a PC Zelda game could be in with a modern graphical toolset behind it. CryZENx release a couple other Ocarina videos showcasing Zora's falls and the Temple of Time and you can watch them both below.

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Other than Link looking like one of the Chipmunks, this looks amazing! So cool.
Haha, yeah. The big eyes and feet might be at play there.
I thought this must be the same guy. And yup!
He's gotten better at taking video. Truly amazing stuff.
Oh that looks awesome!
Really cool! Why can't we have this? :(
Hahahaha, because Nintendo games are only made on Nintendo hardware. I bet Nintendo artists would love to do this if they could. We may see more like this on the new Zelda game for the Wii U / NX.
well except for the fact that link does the swan dive off that cliff in the original.... haha jk. great little snippet there. i love seeing these reimaginings int he unreal 4 engine.