Today Valve announced the Team Fortress 2 update: Mann VS Machine in a Left 4 Dead blog post:
There is a link at the bottom you might find interesting. When you click it, it takes you to the Team Fortress 2 update page but if you typed in the ACTUAL url it took you to a special Steam profile of someone called "Chase."
Here is the clickable secret URL in question:
The interesting part about Chase? He is playing Half-life 3: Indev. Is this the start of a new ARG or Valve having a bit of fun with players?
There is a link at the bottom you might find interesting. When you click it, it takes you to the Team Fortress 2 update page but if you typed in the ACTUAL url it took you to a special Steam profile of someone called "Chase."
Here is the clickable secret URL in question:
The interesting part about Chase? He is playing Half-life 3: Indev. Is this the start of a new ARG or Valve having a bit of fun with players?

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Nice! I love it when the devs mess around like this. But it could just be a joke...
Looks like that url is now broken. People have flooded it!
I was able to click it and got this now:
Same Steam page.
Ha! That's great. I bet sometimes he really wishes he could do this.
Did anyone notice that the top comment on the profile for "Chase" says "Thank's for that hat you traded! Gordon looks good with a beret."
Seems like Steam trading coming to Half life 3, not that that's very surprising. Does this also mean there will be an item shop for HL3?
I don't know how much of that is a joke and how much of it is real. I just found that on the profile page for Chase, if you click on the HL3 dev, all the screen elements fall apart. So it's obviously not a real page, but Valve loves mixing hints with jokes.
Hey, speaking of which, anybody else up for some Left 4 TF2? Kill some zom... robots or whatever. Sure would be a change of pace from terraria.
Yes. I want to try my hand at it tonight I hope. Heard threre are lines for servers though :)
They appear to have "fixed" the L4D post. 2 possibilities: A. Valve really meant for this to be a thing. B. Someone made a typo, and an opportunist took advantage of it to register the broken URL and send it somewhere fun.
On the "URL Not Found" error page that I see now for that link above, it mentions "" in the Apache server/port 80 reference. This is a site that has been previously identified (not via this particular page), and which people have been claiming is a fake/hoax for months. For some reason, my cynic brain is telling me to go with Option B, even though the rest of me so-very-much wishes it was Option A.
Hmmmm, yeah that makes sense. I am still holding out for option A but... Yeah I guess we will see.
I want HL3 but I'm not crazy about it. If I had to wager, I'd say they are working on it now. Especially since Valve employees can work on whatever they want. Unless there is a 100% company wide "no HL3 policy."
Dammit Geoffrey, you ruined my fun. But you're probably right, this does seem to be hoaxy.