I have a ton of free PAX Beta keys and Free DLC to give-away to all you awesome people. Apparently some of this PAX exclusive stuff is on Ebay selling for real cash money. Like the Doom 3 BFG Edition Pink Avatar I nabbed from the iD booth is selling for $10. Since I love you all so much, they will be free to you all.
I know, I know. Mother Teresa has nothing on my generosity. Well, enough about me, you need free stuff.
I have all your email addresses, so the first people to claim something in the comments I will give it to. When its gone its gone so comment quick like if you want something. Limit yourself to a few codes if you can. If by Friday they are not all gone, feel free to come back and ill give you the remaining stuff.
I will update this post with what has been claimed as I hand out the goods.
Without further ado... Here are the goods you can claim and how many I have to give away in no particular order...
I know, I know. Mother Teresa has nothing on my generosity. Well, enough about me, you need free stuff.
I have all your email addresses, so the first people to claim something in the comments I will give it to. When its gone its gone so comment quick like if you want something. Limit yourself to a few codes if you can. If by Friday they are not all gone, feel free to come back and ill give you the remaining stuff.
I will update this post with what has been claimed as I hand out the goods.
Without further ado... Here are the goods you can claim and how many I have to give away in no particular order...
- 2 Doom 3 BFG Edition Pinky Avatars for XBox 360[ALL claimed]
- 2 Dishonorder Corvo Mask Avatar Items for XBox 360[ALL claimed]
- [CLAIMED]1 Smite Beta Key
- [CLAIMED]1 Tribes Ascend in-game item or something[hard to tell, but its something special]
- 5 FireFall Beta Keys [3 left]
- 1 Offensive Combat Closed Beta Key
- 1 Blacklight Retrobution Weapon Tag[claimed]
- [Claimed]1 D&D Neverwinter MMO Beta
- 1 Age of Empires Steam Starter Pack[claimed]
- 1 End of Nations 7 day 50% xp boost redemption codes
- 1 Need for Speed World Speedboost/special item codes
- 2 Battlefield Hero's in game item codes
- 2 Battlefield play 4 free in game item codes
- 2 Warhammer online Wrather of Heros in game item codes
- 2 Command and Conquer Tiberium Alliances in game item codes
- 2 Lord of Ultima in game item codes

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I'd like the Tribes: Ascend Item please. :)
@vdogmr25: sent.
Firefall looks like it could be tons of fun. So does Smite. I'll claim A FireFall key, and the Smite key only if nobody else wants it. :)
@panickedthumb smite & firefall sent.
I'd like the Dishonored Avatar mask and If its not too big a deal, the firefall beta would be cool too. Thanks for the opportunity! :D
I'd like the D&D neverwinter mmo beta. and if its not to much extra i'd like one of the doom 3 bfg edition pinky avatars.
I'll take what you give. Sounds cool.
@br items sent.
@Jacob_Richardson items sent.
@Steven_Dodson sent
That dishonored mask is cool. I'm no xbox guy though. Nice of you to be giving away them like this. :)
Yeah, no problem! Hope people enjoy the stuff!
Thank you jdodson. Saw the stuff yesterday but was having a party and couldn't post a comment. Very awesome did you actually go to pax?
I did go to PAX this year. Posted a bit about it:
First video game conference and I plan on hitting it up again next year!