Halo: Combat Evolved
Released on December 4, 2007 by Microsoft Game Studios
Developed by Bungie Studios, Gearbox Software
The other day as I was flipping through the Xbox marketplace I discovered a free docuseries called Power On: The Story of Xbox. I decided to watch the first couple minutes and have since binged the whole 6 part show. Power On is a Microsoft created retrospective that goes back to the early roots of the original Xbox all the way to the launch of the Xbox Series X and highlights the ups and downs. From the early craze of Halo to the Red Ring of Death it's all here in it's docu-glory. Often company created documentaries don't showcase the whole story this seems to be a pretty even handed look at the successes and failures of the Xbox platform including the very rocky...

Microsoft unveiled a ton of new details on the upcoming next gen Xbox Series X today and one in particular caught my attention. Historically Sony has provided excellent backwards compatibility between the Playstation and Playstation 2 era of console to later drop it after a time during the PS3 and entirely on the PS4. It seems Microsoft has picked up the love for compatibility in that it seems the upcoming Xbox Series X will still be able to play some original Xbox, 360 and all Xbox One games:
"Four generations of gaming: Our commitment to compatibility means existing Xbox One games, including backward-compatible Xbox 360 and original Xbox games, look and play better...
"Four generations of gaming: Our commitment to compatibility means existing Xbox One games, including backward-compatible Xbox 360 and original Xbox games, look and play better...

if I had to pick between getting and XBox One or PS4 i'd buy the XBox One. Firstly the XBox One has 4k Blu-ray, something the PS4 doesn't and it also has backwards compatibility with original XBox and XBox 360 games where the PS4 does not. One area that Microsoft seems to be excelling at is backwards compatibility and in the DF Retro video linked above they go into detail about how it works. Another reason to get an XBox is, to date, i've never owned one so I haven't had the pleasure of playing the Halo franchise or the other exclusives to the system. Truth be told the chances I'll buy a PS4 or XBox One are quite low in general but I do appreciate Microsoft putting...

Halo was the game that launched the XBox console into a gaming powerhouse. Bungies first person shooter is a classic and deserves a place in the halls of some of the best games of all time. Coming out originally on the XBox and more recently with the Halo Master Chief Collection on XBox One, Halo is still a fun game modern audiences will like. But what if you want to come back and play Halo today and don't have an original XBox or want to get an XBox One? In 2003 Bungie teamed up with Gearbox to launch Halo on PC and this version is completely playable and if you want to relive this classic sans an XBox, this version is where it's at.
I picked up Halo Combat Evolved on...
I picked up Halo Combat Evolved on...

This sounds rad. I love documentaries about company histories, especially video game companies!