I guess Blizzard likes me because I have four more beta keys to giveaway. This time I am giving preference to long time Cheerful Ghost users. So if you want a key, hit me up in the comments and i'll send it your way!

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This is a very fun MOBA! I recommend everyone check it out!
More fun than LoL?!
I've actually never played LoL. But I've played Dota2 a ton. It's not quite as good as Dota2, but that could be because that was my first, or because I've put so much more time into it.
Right on. I should probably just try it. I'll queue it up tonight.
I've played LoL and DOTA2 one about as much as the other, and the hyper-elitism turned me off. I'm sure Heroes will get there as well, but the learning curve is a little better so you aren't kicked or ganged up on because you suck.
And that also goes into Greg's discussion about competitive games. DOTA2 and LoL go far past my competitiveness threshold, so I may not be the right person to ask about how Heroes compares.
I would play if there were any more keys. But no worries if not.
rettisawesome: sent.
Started it up and played through several of the practice matches. It's a lot more simple than both DotA 2 and LoL, but I kinda like that. I could see sinking a few hundred hours into this ;). Tempted to pick up the Nexus Bundle...
Just changed my Battle.net ID to scrypt#1203, to make myself easier to find, for those who want to par-tay :squirrel:.
I'd probably play with rett if you have an extra key. I love MOBAs (like dota 2). I tried getting Tim to play dota2 with me. He tried once and we had some asshat with us that I quickly defriended after he went all rage mode... poor Timmy...
JaBo: sent.
Awesome! Rett let's play!
Thank you much! Jason m down. I'll install asap