Welcome, explorers!
There are some pretty incredible sights to see in No Man's Sky, and we want to see! Use this thread as a place to share links to screenshots of your own personal journey through the universe. Please keep this spoiler free! Some of the story elements are pretty amazing to look at, but we want to see those other discoveries more unique to you and your travels. We want to see what star systems you're traveling to, and what worlds you're visiting. What creatures are you coming across? What kinds of ships or tools are you discovering? At minimum, a simple description with a link is all that's needed, but feel free to expound and tell the story of what you've found.
Fly safe!
There are some pretty incredible sights to see in No Man's Sky, and we want to see! Use this thread as a place to share links to screenshots of your own personal journey through the universe. Please keep this spoiler free! Some of the story elements are pretty amazing to look at, but we want to see those other discoveries more unique to you and your travels. We want to see what star systems you're traveling to, and what worlds you're visiting. What creatures are you coming across? What kinds of ships or tools are you discovering? At minimum, a simple description with a link is all that's needed, but feel free to expound and tell the story of what you've found.
Fly safe!

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I need to start taking screenshots. Currently my wife and daughter are out on vacation, so I've been playing the game on my TV, so my computer hasn't been handy to take pics, but once they're back, and I'm forced back to just the laptop screen, I'm sure I'll be taking screenshots :)
Here she is, the last ship I'll ever need: http://i.imgur.com/wLIMmrX.jpg
Until I find another one that looks cooler ;)
I just love the science-type ships, and this one's asymmetry won me over. I was scouting for a badass x-wing looking ship but found this one instead.
Very nice! I like the pads coming off the lower front-end. And that color. Good color is hard to come by.
Here's my latest ship: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=749402060
I thought this scenery was nice looking:
I like the wings on that ship, Greg. Cool!
That scenery is nice, too. One thing I'd recommend for taking good screenshots (until we get better functions) is to visit all of those markers in order to get as much clutter off the screen as possible. Or take shots before you set markers. It's not necessary, or anything, and it sucks for now, but whatever :).
The wings are cool, but I like the nose best, probably. It makes me think of a duck and probably more specifically Darkwing Duck or something.
Well that's the problem I'm running into. Some of those markers don't disappear. Sometimes you come across something and the marker won't go away, like a plague. Also beacons often point me to things I've already discovered. Once you get within range of something, the marker color will fade indicating you've already discovered it. This has begun to annoy me. Thanks for the tip though.
To make the markers disappear, you have to walk up to the save marker, a mast that's usually situated somewhere in the immediate area of the destination location. Walk up to it, and you'll get a notification saying "Destination Reached" or something to that effect.
Yes, but it doesn't always work. There was one marker on a plague or monolith, for example, that I couldn't get to go away no matter what I did. I even climbed all over it and it wouldn't go away.
With some of the monoliths/plaques/ruins, you have to go to the base of it, as opposed to the point where you interact with the object, which is really weird. You have to literally walk up to the marker, not just the location. Unless that's a PC specific bug.
On PC you can hide the HUD in the options, too.
Or download a mod to do it with a shortcut key
That's what my brother (rettisawesome) flies too, Travis.
I'm still in my starter lol. Haven't played the last few days tho
Nice! That first animal is sweet! I'll see if I can get some PS4 uploads over.
@scrypt, in the Roundtable you discussed some botanical gardens. Get an Atlas Pass v2 and you'll see some of this:
Also, here's some weird terrain bugs I've found:
The floating cargo box: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=747207128
Floating terrain: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=747956055
And why does copper hover in boulders above ground?: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=747956077
Cool looking creatures:
My current ship:
That first creature is awesome! And I love your ship. I might even give up mine for it! :D
Thanks for the compliments! JaBo's appears before my comment because he commented right as I had deleted the one he replied to because I had added more and decided to delete the old one. So, I turned two of my posts/comments into one. I often do that. He caught me in the middle of that.
Greg, I was trying to avoid spoiling what's behind locked doors to those who haven't got the V2 or V3 Atlas Passes yet. But, yes, that's what I'm talking about.
Regarding floating copper boulders, "why?" is a tricky question in a fantasy sci-fi universe. A more important revelation might be that copper seems to follow that logic on most planets (at least all the ones I've visited that possess copper). So, if you're seeking out copper, and flying over a planet and see floating rust-colored boulders, you know that you probably don't have to land on the planet and walk up to the formation to figure out whether or not there is copper there.
I love those creature shots! That first creature is indeed really cool!
Also, that floating box is certainly a bug, but floating terrain is not. I've been on several planets that have floating rocks, or abstract formations. I believe that to be part of the intended effect of some planets seeding.
For those that may not be aware, here is a really good selection of where Hello Games was drawing inspiration from when developing the style of No Man's Sky: https://www.google.com/search?q=1970s+sci+fi+book+covers&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=1017&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwimxISj8NfOAhVM2GMKHcJfD-oQ_AUIBigB
Oh man, I've been burned by floating terrain! I landed on an ocean planet, with multiple islands. I dash flew off the island into the water, towards another island, got sick of swimming and headed back to my ship, only to find that the island I had landed on was actually a flying island that I couldn't fly high enough to reach! I finally made my way around the island to find another island I could reach and then dash my way up to the original island and my ship (which I then promptly left the planet and named it "This Planet Sucks" lol)
That's a rad image selection Script!
Watch out for Sin in Space. That book is brazenly tawdry!
Adam-- I've done the same thing with floating islands, and ended up just finding a beacon where I could call my ship. It was on another sucky planet though so it was not a fun time.
"On a world older than time, built upon dope and vice, this was... Sin in Space"
Dope and vice!? Dope and vice!!! The timeless horrors of dope and vice!!
I ran into my first planet with weather patterns. I didn't even know there were such things in the game. It is so cool to discover these things!
@scrypt yeah that's a light spoiler. I didn't reveal what else is behind those v2 locked doors though, well I did mention a server room. Ok, so I didn't reveal everything that's behind them. LOL
Someone just stole my ship. Like, no joke, I'm walking back to my ship to leave and I see it take off.
I get to where it was supposed to be in about 25 seconds and snapped another pic. They've gotten off-world with it.
I was able to call it back with an override chip but what the hell?
Also you shouldn't trust Dale: http://i.imgur.com/10CAotl.jpg
LOL! I love it that your ship can be stolen!
What if some of the crashed ships we find and fix up have their owners simply out looking for materials to fix them themselves, and we're the ones stealing it? ;)
(Most seem to have deceased owners though)
Also, we haven't mentioned portals: http://i.imgur.com/qX1wLNG.jpg
These were shown and discussed in trailers. This is the second one I've found. There's no marker for them (that marker in the screenshot is on a planet behind the portal) and they're apparently useless at the moment. People have dissected the game files and found dialogue relating to portals, but as of now nobody knows how to activate them, or even if you CAN activate them.
It's another SEAN MURRAY LIED TO US trigger, but I imagine they just couldn't get them working before launch.
@Adam, I'm not sure if it's *actually* being stolen or if it's a bug where the game treats your ship like an NPC ship. Either way, it was hilarious.
Travis: Can you be stuck on a planet if your ship is stolen?
The stolen ship is hilarious! Curious off what Adam suggested, how was that ship acquired?
I have only had 2 ships (3 sorta if you count the starter, then the promo starter, but I never flew the first one anywhere).
I finally bought my first upgraded ship for 3 million last night (26 or 27 slots, looks pretty cool).
Ships being stolen is hilarious! I want that to be an actual feature in the game. Too funny!
I've yet to come across a planet-side portal, though I was just about to jump through a black hole. Would be interested in tinkering around with a portal. Could be broken, but the mystery...
Jon: no, you can't be stuck. All it takes is 10x of a couple elements to craft an override ship that you can use at many of the planet's locations to call your ship.
I actually bought this ship. I had a ton of money and little to spend it on, and I spotted this one and fell in love. It was like 300 million or something to that effect but at a certain point money is useless. I lucked into a gravitino ball planet followed by a vortex cube planet fairly early on, so I didn't have to worry about money.
*override chip, not ship.
Oh! And this isn't the first time I've had ship weirdness. I died in a space battle and respawned at that system's station. But my ship wasn't with me. The marker for that ship was behind me and days away. I had to reload my previous save, which was also at that station, and when I got out I checked the direction where the map marker was, and there was nothing back there. So it seemed my ship spawned in a different star system than I did.
Here is my current ship: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=750596983
I really like that, Will!
Thanks scrypt! I found it crashed on a planet.
Yeah I dig that particular color. I haven't found a ship in that color that didn't look like a flying air conditioner unit.
@Will_Ball I like your ship, too. It seems a bit more unique than anything I've seen, at least because of it's color. I don't think I've seen any yellow ones yet. It reminds me of the X-Men, the cartoon where all of them were wearing blue and yellow uniforms. :)
One planet I was on had some very bizarre world generation that led to the environment breaking into buildings.
I had to use a grenade to get in: http://i.imgur.com/gUmvjy5.jpg
Here's some of the interior:
Then this building is barely hanging on: http://i.imgur.com/XuSAfzL.jpg
Again, interior shots:
http://i.imgur.com/KIjhq2g.jpg - The entrance
Another planet had some really unique creatures:
Flying tadpoles:
And this bug chicken thing: http://i.imgur.com/HCKsjsY.jpg
And more ship weirdness! http://i.imgur.com/qWtqJJp.jpg
As I jetpacked up to get in, another ship landed below me.
I need to get a pic of my current ship. I have a love/hate relationship with it. It's been great in fighting pirates, but it's so tall that I get fall damage almost every time I exit it (the ground can't be sloped away from the ship AT ALL lol)
Those are some really awesome shots of the buildings Travis!
Yeah I wanna see that tall ship too! I've never seen anything that looks like it would be a hazard before :D
I ran into some of the same issues before, but I don't think I took a screenshot of all of them. I found one building where the entrance was almost completely covered by terrain and I couldn't get it.
Flying tadpoles, very weird! I've never seen anything like that! That goes for the ship weirdness, too!
As for ships, I found out mine has 4 bars, so I think it's a medium armored one.
I take fall dmg when I get out of my current ship, too! So frustrating lol. Does anyone know the best way to share PS4 screeshots?
@Greg-- 4 bars is the light armored one, the explorer class. Fighters have six, trade ships have eight.
Fighters are faster, trade ships are slower, explorer ships are medium speed and have the lowest HP. So it seems in terms of best all around, fighters are the best class.
But I still love my little lopsided grasshopper looking thing.
Right, I was incorrect.
JaBo, you could share them directly to Twitter. That's probably the easiest way. What I've been doing, though, is copying the images I want to share onto a USB drive, and uploading to Imgur through my computer. It's a small inconvenience, but it gives me a chance to edit out the UI stuff that gets distracting.
scrypt-- do you have the option on PS4 to turn off the HUD? I try to remember to do that for screenshots, but obviously I forget more often than not.
The HUD disappears automatically after a while, but I found out that you can press "H" to toggle it (PC version obviously).
The HUD doesn't entirely disappear, only the stuff at the bottom with your life support and protection. Though it seems kinda odd that they do since life support is always dropping and you'd want to keep tabs on it.
The option in the menus disables everything, including point of interest icons and even the "press E" notifications that come up on things. If H does the same thing, I've been making this way harder on myself! :D
Yeah, I uploaded to Facebook, posted to self only, dl image, upload to imgur, now posting here. All without using my laptop lol.
@Travis no, "H" doesn't do all that, I'll have to look deeper in the menus at that option you speak of.
@JaBo cool creature! That's a lot of work you did to get that pic here and without a laptop, that's impressive!
Check out this interesting looking creature:
A vicious looking dog, there's a panther like creature in the back, but it's hard to make out, maybe I'll get a better screenshot of it:
@Travis, I couldn't find the menu option to disable the HUD other than "H"
Escape -> Graphics -> Show HUD
There is no option to remove HUD on the PS4 that I'm aware of :(.
@Travis Uh, well that makes sense, why didn't I look there....
@scrypt it looks like a PC only option for some weird reason :/
This planet has some interesting creatures. The ones I recently posted are from the same planet. I just discovered the last I needed for 100% and I thought it was cool looking with two bulbs on the top of it. Also, I turned off the HUD as Travis pointed me to the right setting. Along with that, I caught this as I was getting the milestone, so it's even extra special: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=751850512
I also liked this one, it looks like an ant-eater: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=751850634
Triceratops looking creatures: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=751928230
Now on another planet, underwater. I didn't think these looked like water creatures, but they are. This isn't the best screenshot, but they looked cool and I tried to get a shot of them.
This planet has some interesting creatures. The ones I recently posted are from the same planet. I just discovered the last I needed for 100% and I thought it was cool looking with two bulbs on the top of it. Also, I turned off the HUD as Travis pointed me to the right setting. Along with that, I caught this as I was getting the milestone, so it's even extra special: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=751850512
I also liked this one, it looks like an ant-eater: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=751850634
Triceratops looking creatures: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=751928230
Now on another planet, underwater. I didn't think these looked like water creatures, but they are. This isn't the best screenshot, but they looked cool and I tried to get a shot of them.
I believe that when you're discovering a planet's fauna, there seems to be one extra that you can discover. This has happened at least twice for me now. Actually, it often seems to allow you to "discover" another species, but not count towards the 100% completion. This other species always seems to look exactly like one I've already discovered. This has happened to me a few times, I think. But back to my original thought for this shot. I found this unique one after already completing and uploading my 100% for this planet. Take a look, it's definitely unique!
> This other species always seems to look exactly like one I've already discovered.
It's male and female. Some species don't have male and female that you can scan, some do. But when they do, only one counts toward your fauna completion.
In fact if you notice, when you scan those it'll say in the bottom right "scanned creature belongs to already scanned species" or something like that.
There's another patch up on the experimental branch. No patch notes, of course, because who wants to read those? But it appears bird scanning has been fixed, confirmed by a bunch of people.
Confirmed! I've scanned a few things and the scanner seems to be more consistent across the board, but it's more noticeable on birds.
I found a planet that was almost entirely water, and that's not a fun trip. There should be some sort of underwater propulsion. http://i.imgur.com/VWSFQri.jpg
But it did have a ton of underwater buildings, which I hadn't seen before and haven't since. http://i.imgur.com/FNh66Ia.jpg
These were odd animals. They were attached to the ground but would swing around like wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men. http://i.imgur.com/blbIuz2.jpg
These guys, in case you didn't get the Family Guy reference. https://www.amazon.com/Inflatable-Wacky-Waving-Tube-Man/dp/B008NCQ5O2/?tag=lege1-20
This happened, and I had no clue what the text said, but luckily the correct answer for Vy'Keen is almost always "report them to the authorities" http://i.imgur.com/pI3vHFz.jpg
This was the last animal I needed for 100% on this planet, and I found him in the wrongest place: http://i.imgur.com/UWgQrTE.jpg
I almost swapped ships when I came across this beauty, but I couldn't quite part with mine. http://i.imgur.com/QbIY5xe.jpg
This is my most recent planet, and the one that really makes me wish there were a way to wormhole to specific places. I never want to leave this place, but I must: http://i.imgur.com/M6ee7oN.jpg
More from that planet:
Side-note: I don't know why these screenshots are so jaggy. It doesn't look like this in-game.
(actually, my in-game anti-aliasing is off, and I'm forcing it in the nvidia control panel because the in-game AA is broken. Maybe Steam is somehow getting a screenshot before the nvidia AA kicks in? I dunno)
>It's male and female. Some species don't have male and female that you can scan, some do. But when they do, only one counts >toward your fauna completion.
>In fact if you notice, when you scan those it'll say in the bottom right "scanned creature belongs to already scanned species" or >something like that.
Thanks, Travis, that was confusing me, when it said that it already was a discovered species, but was still scannable, especially since I was the only one on the planet.
>I found a planet that was almost entirely water, and that's not a fun trip. There should be some sort of underwater propulsion. >http://i.imgur.com/VWSFQri.jpg
I'm also in favor of underwater propulsion. It seems, though, if you hit the water running, you'll go forward faster. Sometimes it also seems to speed up after you've scanned something.
>This happened, and I had no clue what the text said, but luckily the correct answer for Vy'Keen is almost always "report them to >the authorities" http://i.imgur.com/pI3vHFz.jpg
Oh that Vy'Keen I chose "accept." I was able to read as much as you were. You end up hitting it, which it rewards you for doing. It wants you to hit it in other words.
>This was the last animal I needed for 100% on this planet, and I found him in the wrongest place: >http://i.imgur.com/UWgQrTE.jpg
LOL Another creature that didn't take my advice.
>Side-note: I don't know why these screenshots are so jaggy. It doesn't look like this in-game.
I've noticed the ground looking jagged, my AA in the game is maxed.
> my AA in the game is maxed.
Yeah I turned it off because while it works a little better than it did at launch, it still doesn't work very well. I'm having nvidia do it for me which makes the game look amazing but apparently not the screenshots, and I have no idea how that works!
>Yeah I turned it off because while it works a little better than it did at launch, it still doesn't work very well. I'm having nvidia do >it for me which makes the game look amazing but apparently not the screenshots, and I have no idea how that works!
Would you mind sharing your settings? Perhaps a screenshot of your Nvidia Control Panel settings that you've set for the game?
Remind me to do this tomorrow Greg, and I definitely will!
Be prepared for too many notifications after midnight! LOL
Travis, the last creature I needed for 100% completion on the planet I'm currently on (and about to leave) was in a cave. Oh and yes, it's dead. It attacked me, so I killed it. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=752589976
Finally, some screenshots!
Here's my ship that is too tall:
Here are some crazy flying monsters!
Adam, I've never had one of those kinds of ships but some of them look badass.
Also your second screenshot there is someone else's RAGE screenshot, and I suspect it's because the last two numbers got cut off, since it otherwise looks like it's in sequence.
Lol, oops. Yeah, I must have not copied all the numbers :)
Whoa, that banshee looking one is crazy!
@Adam is that a medium or heavy armored ship? You said you get hurt when you exit it, right? I've seen ones like it, but haven't found one for myself yet.
Another winter planet, and these things are floating around. They just stay stationary. They aren't animals, plants, or geology apparently, because they're entirely un-scannable. http://i.imgur.com/tyjoAe8.jpg
Greg, you asked for settings--
Here's in game, everything maxed except for AA: http://i.imgur.com/nWXaRn1.jpg
Here's the nvidia control panel overriding AA: http://i.imgur.com/riy5fna.png
OK so apparently those floating things are radnox deposits. Mine the hell out of those if you find them. It's not gravitino, sac venom, or vortex cubes but it's very valuable!
Weird creatures! Thanks for showing the settings without a reminder. I was going to go overkill on reminders, but decided not to. :)
I thought these looked cool:
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=753284638 (sorry for the extra info on screen, I was trying to hurry and get the screenshot before it could run away)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=753284673 (looks like a cat standing up)
Khajit has wares if you have coin.
@Travis LOL It's like you've been reading things I've posted on FB or talked about. I just put what you said as the caption of that one. :)
An odd looking creature that doesn't move, however it's other gender bounced around, but was smaller:
My newest ship. Still a light armored one with 29 or 30 slots I think:
Also, WTF game? It said "15 of 15 species discovered" yet this (damn trolling of a game LOL):
15 of 15, and there are only 14 in the list. I wonder if that 15th somehow took it one too far. Either way, damn, that sucks!
I dig the ship. There's something about those grasshopper ships that I love.
Yeah it said "15 of 15" and "all unique species discovered." At least I'm sure it did, maybe I misread or overlooked something.
The grasshopper looking ships are ok, I guess. I like the ones that I've shown before that remind me of ducks, they have a long nose. I haven't bought any ships yet, probably because I've been poor with buying exosuit upgrades. I have over 1 million units now that I have all 48 slots on my exosuit and 24 (I think? But it is the max) for my multi-tool. I almost have my multi-tool arranged like the reddit post you shared, I'm just missing one piece that needs Iridium. And dang, I went and bought a bunch of Chrysonite (is that how it's spelled?) from various NPCs, but then the next planet I landed on had it.
Went from this ship: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=754046934
To this one: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=754046961
I like the first one there. I've never been a fan of the class of ship in the second screenshot though.
To me they're both "ok," not my favorites. I'm slowly upgrading towards a ship with 48 slots. I now have 3 million units, I believe. I could possibly afford to buy one, but if I'm going to do that I want something with max slots and really awesome looking. But, if I see a crashed ship that has more slots than my current ship, even if by only one, I take the new one.
Yeah, there's no reason to be picky until you find that 48 slot ship.
It's pretty easy to consistently find upgrades by using the transmission towers.
48 slot ships are not necessarily the be all, end all. It's maximum capacity, sure, but if you see a ship that's unique, it might be worth picking it up and hanging on to it for a while. Not everything is about pragmatism ;).
Yeah, really what I'd like is an attractive (in my eyes) 48 slotted ship that has heavy armor, but I'd settle for an unattractive light armored one for a while. :) I think the one I have now (30-32 slots I think) is a medium armored ship, although I could be incorrect (wouldn't be the first time).
I really wish there was a way to keep a fleet of ships. Maybe that will come with updates. But I had to get rid of my ship due to a known bug related to my journey to the center.
I grabbed a crashed trade ship that I hated but it was my best option if I wanted to keep progressing on my path and not wait around for another perfect ship. I knew I'd find something amazing later, but that ship has been with me for so long, I'd grown attached to it. It's silly, but I really loved it.
It didn't take long before I found something amazing, though. Here she is in all her glory:
Left side: http://i.imgur.com/mHxNLVz.jpg
Right side: http://i.imgur.com/G159RIn.jpg
Yep, you saw that right. I have an astromech droid! :D http://i.imgur.com/cTRb7hh.jpg
I have a feeling I'll be sticking with this one for a while. I think it's a better looking ship than my old one, but it doesn't have the sentimental value yet.
Other random recent discoveries:
I call this a floating brainsquidturtlecricket: http://i.imgur.com/WGj19WJ.jpg
This gek looks like a cat. I feel like "Khajit has wares if you have coin" is even more appropriate here: http://i.imgur.com/sm5T8y8.jpg
I made it to the center! I won't spoil anything but here's the system I named right on the edge before the center: http://i.imgur.com/CbE9tlT.jpg
As for what comes after, you'll have to find that yourself :)
Once two of us have finished we should start another forum thread to talk about story stuff. "Finished" may be the wrong word because I don't think I'll ever be done with it. This is a game like Terraria where I want to keep playing forever, and it will be even more when they add more content.
Crazy that you made it already! I can't play the game for too long, honestly. I get tired of walking/mining. I think I'll have more fun when I can get more slots, but I hate how limited my inventory is, it stifles my mercantilism and my development of techs which then stifles my exploration.
Also, my girls were really excited at the early released videos of this game and were dying for it to come out. Watching me a couple times, they get really bored of it, because it's not as exciting.
So, I'm conflicted on it... I'm not hating on it, but just pointing out my experience.
I'm also really into Hearthstone and the expansion came out, so there's been new cards released each week (this week will be the last).
Travis, how many hours did you put in before you made it to the center?
I am taking my time getting there.
@Travis, looks like the ship I used to have. Also, I think I've seen those floating brainsquidturtlecrickets before. That's not a Gek, that's the Cheetos cat! LOL
@JaBo Yeah I got tired of walking around everywhere, too. I guess I'm still playing because I'm trying to reach my destination (which is different than Travis's) and work towards a 48 slotted ship.
Once I got all the inventory slots, all the blueprints, basically everything I could, I just made a mad dash toward the center, stopping to repair my ship when necessary. All told I have 62 hours in the game but you could probably get to the center in 30 or so.
I just found a planet full of vortex cubes. Needless to say, I am not popular with sentinels on this planet.
Oh yeah, vortex cubes will make them hate you but make you money! They don't come after you as much in the caves.
A couple of recent shots from my travels:
Nice shots, Will_Ball!
I love that first shot, Will. It's like those planets lined up for that shot.
I have been to the biggest planet in that pic. I love that I can go to the planets that I see in the sky. So cool.
My latest No Man's Sky discovery: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/no-mans-sky-being-investigated-over-misleading-adv/1100-6443994/
I'd be surprised if they found anything unethical about their Steam advertising (which is what this is about). Even if they do, it would just mean Hello Games will have to take down whatever is deemed misleading (at least in the UK. I don't know that this pertains to anything else.) from the Steam store. Doesn't appear to be as big a deal as its being projected. Go figure.
Yeah the worst that happens is the Steam videos get switched out.
"Misleading" is a loaded word, but there are some differences between the videos and the released game, as discussed in other threads here. But I think it's ludicrous to go after Hello Games for this when there are so many worse offenders like Ubisoft that I kept mentioning in the other thread.
The ASA responds to complaints from the public and industry about false advertising within the UK. Their power is in getting companies to remove or change advertising they find to be "misleading, harmful or offensive." They can't levy fines or lawsuits. Most of their dealings appear to be informal cases (a recommendation to the advertiser to change/remove the culprit ads) without moving into a formal investigation. The Eurogamer article (originating article) says the ASA has "launched its investigation after receiving 'several complaints'...," which doesn't make sense, given the ASA's stated protocol. It seems they would only launch a formal investigation if Valve and Hello Games were dismissing the recommendation to adjust the advertising, which the article doesn't state as the case. The article says the ASA has contacted them and asked them to respond. They could very well have refused to respond, but the article doesn't mention that.
If they're making recommendations and waiting for a response, I would imagine they'd technically have to be investigating, though perhaps not a "formal" investigation. In order for them to have recommendations to Valve and HG they would have already had to investigate, else there's nothing to recommend.
Surely they don't pass on any complaints to the companies and wait for the response before doing any of their own research. You'd end up with messages from them to Valve with things like "Person McPeople has requested that you change the advertising for DOOM because he/she was under the impression that there would be giant unicorns in the game and there aren't enough notices in the store page that there won't be unicorns."
Sure, that's hyperbole but hyperbole to make it easier to see the problem. Like 80% of the complaints they get are probably baseless, and they'd have to investigate a little bit before even presenting recommendations.
To put it more simply, that Gamespot article says they have rejected claims-- in order to do that, they have to investigate.
It may be a matter of the different ways "investigate" can be used.
Looking at the ASA FAQ, it looks like a justified complaint will launch an investigation. But again, there may be some ambiguity to that word.
OK! Solved! I think! This was bothering me (obviously :D) that the wording didn't all seem to fit.
1. The ASA receives a complaint, and determines if it's legitimate.
2. If legitimate, they launch an investigation and determine how the advertisers can resolve it.
3. At this point they try to resolve it informally, sending (in this case) Hello Games and Steam recommendations for how they can resolve the problem. This seems to be where we are right now. The initial investigation has found ways they can fix the advertising problems.
4. If this doesn't work out, a full formal investigation is done and judged by the ASA council. This takes lots of time so they try to avoid it.
So the word investigation *was* the problem here, since it applies in two different spots. The ASA can launch an investigation immediately, but they usually don't get sent up to the ASA Council.
"To put it more simply, that Gamespot article says they have rejected claims..."
Can you clarify that (Who rejected? Rejected what claims?)? I don't see anywhere in the article that anyone rejected claims.
Everyone is reporting on the original Eurogamer article, which states that "The Advertising Standards Authority has confirmed to Eurogamer that it has launched an investigation into No Man's Sky." A few paragraphs later, the same article states "The ASA has contacted both Hello Games and Valve and asked them to respond to a raft of questions relating to No Man's Sky advertisements." That doesn't sound like an actual investigation was launched, rather an inquiry was placed forward to Valve and Hello Games to respond to the nature of the complaints. It's a significant enough difference as far as the ASA's website indicates, but a great headline otherwise. Eurogamer's article doesn't make sense, in this regard.
Say your neighbor is throwing a party and it goes really late, and you need to get some sleep. You might call the police and complain about the noise. They would send someone out in response to that complaint. They wouldn't "launch an investigation" into the details of the situation. You could tell your friends that a cop visiting the neighbors house and responding to the complaint is technically "investigating" the situation, but that would be what the news-folk call "spin."
The ASA has rejected claims because they found they weren't violating anything. And reading about how they do things, they reject things all the time before they go to the Council for an "official investigation" but there's plenty of investigating done before that.
But yeah, the last comment above-- on the ASA site, they refer to the immediate steps after a complaint has been filed as an investigation, and then they refer to the formal process later on as an investigation. Also, that website is hell to navigate. Information is spread around everywhere.
If they are sending Hello Games and Valve a raft of questions about the advertising, I'd *personally* classify that as them investigating the complaint. "An inquiry placed forward to" them sounds like investigating, personally. First steps and all.
Again, it's the ambiguity of the word "investigate." You're not wrong, the articles aren't wrong, it's just an ambiguous word.
Those rejected claims you are referring to, are from a 2012 Hitman: Absolution commercial for "glamorizing violence, or violence toward women". "Investigating" that would take nothing more than simply watching the commercial.
You're right, the term is ambiguous, but I don't think the Press is that naive. Using the word "investigation" in a headline implies criminal activity, especially when associated with "misleading/false advertising."
Eh, I don't see it that way. It's mostly common parlance.
Also, view page 3 here: https://www.asa.org.uk/Consumers/~/media/Files/ASA/Misc/ASA_consumer_complaints_single_Final.ashx
Though I do think it's hilarious that we are discussing whether game media is misleading people about the ASA activities, when what they're doing is determining whether others were misled.
Eh, I don't see it that way. It's mostly common parlance.
Really? If we played word association, what would be your response to "investigation"?
(I'm genuinely curious about that last question. All I come up with is "criminal, Sherlock, FBI..." etc.
I think scrypt is right here in that by using certain words you do hype up the meaning which drives clicks. At this point games media wins clicks and ad revenue by continuing to keep this story amped up.
Investigation does, to me anyway, imply some criminal thing being looked into. Simply saying something like "The ASA has Opened Dialog With ..." isn't as sensational and doesn't drive as much attention.
I have personally been involved with incident investigations at my previous job that usually come down to "Verizon line was down." But it was still called an investigation.
Staying in tech, if I call about a known outage when I have internet issues, they'll say the techs are investigating.
Whenever anyone wants to say they're checking out something in a way that sounds like they care about what they're doing they will say investigating. It's a more official sounding way to say you don't know but you're finding out.
You're seeking knowledge on something, you're investigating it.
Oh, and probably "information" in response to your question.
Yeah, good point. Maybe I still think of Batman when I think investigation. But not the new Batman, the old one where he was a Detective.
Not that makes what I said make more sense. Because it doesn't.
I "discovered" NMS news, the "Foundation Update" is coming very soon (in a week): http://www.gamespot.com/articles/no-mans-sky-dev-responds-to-controversy-announces-/1100-6445739/?utm_source=gamefaqs&utm_medium=partner&utm_content=news_module&utm_campaign=homepage
Heh, I guess that's a discovery :D
Here is a Hello Games post on the update.
Looks like it's getting more Terraria-esque features, which makes a lot of sense for the game.
Heh, Jon you missed my post ;)
Hahahaha. Yeah, your post is better.
Thanks to an ad on YouTube I discovered a game much like NMS. Visually, it looks great. It's too bad I didn't discover this during the Winter sale. it's called Elite Dangerous.
I also watched one of my favorite YouTubers play Astroneer. Again, similar to NMS, yet different of course.
You can find the games I've mentioned by looking at the recommendations on Steam that are similar to NMS.
Elite Dangerous is much more combat oriented. It's been the game that many people compare NMS to when criticizing it, but they have very different goals.