329 Posts
I've finally played FTL, probably less than 2 hours was spent. The tutorial was definitely helpful and easy. I didn't do the virus or spider missions, I knew from Cheerful Ghost that definitely shouldn't do the spider one. I made it to the third sector, but that is where I ran out of fuel. I obviously need to keep an eye on that and buy some when I can. I found out (via a Google Search) that I could attempt to jump, but choose to wait and use a distress signal. Unfortunately, an enemy ship (a Mantis one, I think) found me and started firing at me. They had great weapons, including a laser that penetrated my shields. Unfortunately, they took out my weapons and caused some fires. I had crews repairing and trying to put out the fire, but my oxygen system was also damaged. Unfortunately, the three crew members (one an Engi) died while trying to repair everything (fire and lack of oxygen). Once the ship destroyed my weapons system, my ship blew up. I did try to take out their weapon system, but they disabled mine before I could get a shot in.

I have this habit, that I've had for a few years now, where I visit www.gamefaqs.com every day after midnight and vote in the daily poll. I love it! Do any of you do this, too?

I found out recently that Final Fantasy X and X-2 are being re-released in HD next month (1 month & 1 day from now I believe). I want to know what your thoughts are on games that get re-released in HD. I think it's great that games are in HD and cool that some get re-released in HD, but I'm not sure I'm going to by any of them. Zelda: Wind Waker got the same treatment by Nintendo. While I'm sure I'll get a Wii U eventually (maybe next month for my son's 10th birthday), I'm not really interested in buying the HD re-releases, especially when I still own the original game. That applies to Kingdom Hearts, too. I did buy the Metroid Trilogy for the Wii and regret that I traded in the Gamecube versions of those games that I had. I even saw an online graphic that showed how much better the originals looked compared to the new Wii version. I also had some disc reading issues with the trilogy and Other M (and Super Smash Bros. Melee). This is probably because I have one of the very first Wiis that were released, not the one that came with an updated disk drive.
I mentioned Kingdom Hearts, which is (as far as I can tell) the reason why I will buy a PS4 (for Kingdom Hearts 3). So far I see no reason to get one yet and am waiting on games I want (like KH3 and Final Fantasy). I wouldn't be caught dead thinking about getting an XBoxOne, even though I once again have the original XBox (the first Buffy the Vampire Slayer game is only for XBox). I really liked it back in the day when I had a PS2, Gamecube, and an original XBox. Even though I had the PS2 versions of Grand Theft Auto, I bought them for the XBox, which I loved because those games let you use the music you've stored on your XBox. I did trade in those games though when I gave away my first XBox. Now I only have Buffy for it and I'm fine with that. I also have the Gamecube version of the 2nd Buffy game.
Well, I've kind of gone off topic, but let's get back to the idea of HD re-releases and let me know what your thoughts on those are. Do you think they're worth getting, especially if you still own the original releases? I loved FFX & X-2, Kingdom Hearts, and Wind Waker. I still think each game is awesome, but I don't feel the need to go out and buy the HD versions.
I mentioned Kingdom Hearts, which is (as far as I can tell) the reason why I will buy a PS4 (for Kingdom Hearts 3). So far I see no reason to get one yet and am waiting on games I want (like KH3 and Final Fantasy). I wouldn't be caught dead thinking about getting an XBoxOne, even though I once again have the original XBox (the first Buffy the Vampire Slayer game is only for XBox). I really liked it back in the day when I had a PS2, Gamecube, and an original XBox. Even though I had the PS2 versions of Grand Theft Auto, I bought them for the XBox, which I loved because those games let you use the music you've stored on your XBox. I did trade in those games though when I gave away my first XBox. Now I only have Buffy for it and I'm fine with that. I also have the Gamecube version of the 2nd Buffy game.
Well, I've kind of gone off topic, but let's get back to the idea of HD re-releases and let me know what your thoughts on those are. Do you think they're worth getting, especially if you still own the original releases? I loved FFX & X-2, Kingdom Hearts, and Wind Waker. I still think each game is awesome, but I don't feel the need to go out and buy the HD versions.

I'm thinking of upgrading my PC now that I can afford to. Well, I shouldn't say "upgrade," I'm thinking of building or buying and I want your opinion. This post isn't exactly about gaming, since I don't do very much gaming on my PC, but if I had a better system, I might. Some of the games I'm thinking about getting are The Sims 3 and Starcraft 2. I went to Newegg.com (my favorite PC site) and looked up some components and then got frustrated. I also found some things on TomsHardware.com. Here's kind of where my predicament comes in....the very high-end graphics cards are apparently really great (like the Geforce GTX 600 or 700 series), but they are expensive! Apparently Intel has the best processors, too, but I'm an AMD guy. While Intel's CPUs are apparently better, they are also very expensive. I'm tempted to go all out on a PC upgrade (build or purchase) since money really isn't an issue (I'm not as poor as I used to be). But, I wonder if it would be better and cheaper for me to just get a high-end PC from HP or to build one on my own. Thinking about the cost of a high-end GPU, and the cost of Windows alone (I plan to stick with Windows 7, if I can), then it probably would be cheaper to get all of that from HP or someone.
My PC is ok for what I've been doing with it since I built it, but it's been 7 years or so. It can't handle today's best video games and I would like to see it start up faster (it takes about 5 to less than 10 minutes to be ready for me to start doing things with it). I've also noticed a tiny bit of lag every now and then with Terraria, probably because I put it on high quality settings. Right now I have an AMD 5200+ dual core processor. I have 4 gigs of RAM, but it's definitely not DDR3 (the latest standard) nor is my motherboard capable of that. I also have a Geforce 8800GTS (with less than a gig of RAM on it). I had thought to just upgrade my processor, GPU, and get some faster RAM, but again, I feel like that probably won't be enough and I should just go all out on building or buying a new one. That would be cool, too, because I'd be able to give my son this PC and wouldn't have to continue to share my PC with him.
So, what are your thoughts on this? What kind of specs does your computer have? What components would you recommend? What manufacturer would you recommend if I were to buy a new PC instead of build one? If you own a Mac, you can tell me all about it, but you won't convince me to buy one. I'm not a hater, I just don't have any interest in Apple. I know they're good quality computers, but they are expensive and (from what I understand) there is less out there for them (in regards to software) than for a Windows PC. At least, I think that's still true of them, but I could be wrong.
My PC is ok for what I've been doing with it since I built it, but it's been 7 years or so. It can't handle today's best video games and I would like to see it start up faster (it takes about 5 to less than 10 minutes to be ready for me to start doing things with it). I've also noticed a tiny bit of lag every now and then with Terraria, probably because I put it on high quality settings. Right now I have an AMD 5200+ dual core processor. I have 4 gigs of RAM, but it's definitely not DDR3 (the latest standard) nor is my motherboard capable of that. I also have a Geforce 8800GTS (with less than a gig of RAM on it). I had thought to just upgrade my processor, GPU, and get some faster RAM, but again, I feel like that probably won't be enough and I should just go all out on building or buying a new one. That would be cool, too, because I'd be able to give my son this PC and wouldn't have to continue to share my PC with him.
So, what are your thoughts on this? What kind of specs does your computer have? What components would you recommend? What manufacturer would you recommend if I were to buy a new PC instead of build one? If you own a Mac, you can tell me all about it, but you won't convince me to buy one. I'm not a hater, I just don't have any interest in Apple. I know they're good quality computers, but they are expensive and (from what I understand) there is less out there for them (in regards to software) than for a Windows PC. At least, I think that's still true of them, but I could be wrong.

I'm not sure why, but before (in 1.2) I couldn't get Steam to capture a screenshot, so I windowed my game and used the Snipping Tool. Now it works and I thought I'd share my place, since Travis asked long ago. Feel free to notice my character. I found a Familiar Wig, Shirt, and Pants while exploring CGWorld3 and thought I'd equip them. These are the first vanity items I've used. The set makes my character look much more like him without armor. I don't know if that's a coincidence that the color of these items is either what my character has (without armor) or close. I've also experimented again with embedding the screenshot. I think it will work this time (if not I'll update again and fix it). I don't recall seeing the "Content URL" option while creating a new post, but it shows up when you select "Edit." Therefore, I must thank Jon for adding that feature.
You can't tell in this screenshot that I've been exploring the CG worlds. The third one is probably the best one. I found a wonderful arena to do the Pumpkin Moon (remember placing the dart trap and spikey ball switches?). Sadly, the Pumpking kicked my butt and I wasn't able to defeat it. Oh, I also found a Hoverboard in one of these worlds, which I'm thinking of trying out. While I didn't really want to take anything from the CG worlds, I've obviously admitted to taking some things. I also took Jon's cool hammer weapon, which is more powerful than my Terra Blade. Travis, at first I took your painting of The Nightmare Before Christmas, but I decided to put it back where it was. Hahahaha. I've also now created a safe, so I'll see how that works. Anyway, these worlds are amazing and I'm enjoying them! I have not yet fully explored them, but I will be continuing my exploration of them.
You can't tell in this screenshot that I've been exploring the CG worlds. The third one is probably the best one. I found a wonderful arena to do the Pumpkin Moon (remember placing the dart trap and spikey ball switches?). Sadly, the Pumpking kicked my butt and I wasn't able to defeat it. Oh, I also found a Hoverboard in one of these worlds, which I'm thinking of trying out. While I didn't really want to take anything from the CG worlds, I've obviously admitted to taking some things. I also took Jon's cool hammer weapon, which is more powerful than my Terra Blade. Travis, at first I took your painting of The Nightmare Before Christmas, but I decided to put it back where it was. Hahahaha. I've also now created a safe, so I'll see how that works. Anyway, these worlds are amazing and I'm enjoying them! I have not yet fully explored them, but I will be continuing my exploration of them.

Spoiler-free story intro: The game works as I described in my first writing of the demo version. Lightning slept for 500 years in crystal form and was awoken by God (Bhunivelze) to do his bidding, in return he'll bring Serah (Lightning's sister and Snow's fiancee) back. However, there's an enemy roaming about, who seems to be able to control the Chaos that's spreading and bears a striking resemblance to Serah. Lightning's task is to save as many souls as she can in the thirteen days before God awakens and destroys the current world and creates a new one. All the souls Lightning saves get reborn into the new world.
Time is definitely not on her side! The clock is ticking and some quests can only be completed at certain times of the day. Luckily, Hope has returned, but for some unknown reason is a boy (as he was in FFXIII) and not the man he was in FFXIII-2. He is aboard the Ark guiding Lightning through her quest. At 6AM (game time) every day, Lightning must return to the Ark, where time stands still, to deposit the souls she's saved. This helps grow the Yggdrasil tree on board and with enough souls, Lightning can have more days until the end of the world. Currently, it seems that the world will be destroyed before the thirteenth day as Chaos is consuming the world, leaving only a handful of areas to venture to.
The demo version of the game is the beginning of the game. Lightning crashes in on Snow during one of his banquets and they have a bit of a duel while monsters pour in from a nearby Chaos infusion. Snow fights against Lighting and the monsters, but something is weird about one of his hands, it apparently seems able to suck up the Chaos. Snow later disappears into the Chaos as Lightning chases him.
Lightning cannot save all the souls in the world and she must act quickly to save as many as she can. She must use time management and decide whether to spend a lot of time saving a few souls, or spend less time saving more. It's a conundrum and there are five significant souls for her to save, my best guess is that these are fellow FFXIII characters. I'm already aware of Snow and I believe Noel (from FFXIII-2) was following me in another area.
This is the first Final Fantasy game I can recall where there is no party, just a single character controlled by the player. So far, I'm enjoying the game. The music seems new, but a few bits are obviously recycled. There was one character playing a familiar FF song, a bit remixed and I'm still not sure what it is or where it's from, my guess is FFVII.
Schemata are kind of like outfits that Lightning has access to. She can only switch between three at one time. Each have their own abilities and features. It’s very similar to the dresses used by Yuna and her companions in FFX-2. The pre-order bonus I got of Cloud Strife is just one of these (so far it’s my favorite). Although I got ingredients for three schemata for pre-ordering, so far the Cloud one is the only one I've really used. I set it as default, so that's what I see Lightning running around the game wearing, it's pretty cool. You have room to create more as sub-schemata and change them out (outside of battle) as you please. You can customize each schema with a different garb, shield, weapon (the three main ingredients), accessories, and abilities. So far, I've only explored two different places. I haven't completed every quest I've accepted, but I'm working on it. It doesn't seem too difficult, but I have died a time or two. You are limited to the number of restoration potions you can carry (six at first), which grows as Lightning grows by completing quests.
Recommendation: If you play and like the demo, you'll probably like the game. I think it's pretty cool and so far I'm not disappointed. I may even decide to play the other FFXIII games again. I know in the first one, I wanted to unlock the PS3 theme for Fang, but that required crafting everything. I also believe there were some areas I didn't unlock in FFXIII-2.
Update 11/2019: It's been quite a while. I don't recall how much I played this game or how far I made it. I don't think I made it very far though. I'm not sure what happened, whether it was that I didn't like it or that I decided to play another game. I tried replaying the FFXIII games almost a year ago and just found myself a bit disappointed in them. I can't quite explain this. On my last play through of FFXIII, I did get near the end, but then the game beat the crap out of me and I gave up. Otherwise, I couldn't "get into" the FFXIII games as a whole.
- Pre-order bonus is cool!
- Possibly recommended if you enjoyed the demo
- Demo is beginning of game’s story
- Play as Lighting, alone
- Schemata are like outfits each with their own abilities and attributes
Spoiler-free story intro: The game works as I described in my first writing of the demo version. Lightning slept for 500 years in crystal form and was awoken by God (Bhunivelze) to do his bidding, in return he'll bring Serah (Lightning's sister and Snow's fiancee) back. However, there's an enemy roaming about, who seems to be able to control the Chaos that's spreading and bears a striking resemblance to Serah. Lightning's task is to save as many souls as she can in the thirteen days before God awakens and destroys the current world and creates a new one. All the souls Lightning saves get reborn into the new world.
Time is definitely not on her side! The clock is ticking and some quests can only be completed at certain times of the day. Luckily, Hope has returned, but for some unknown reason is a boy (as he was in FFXIII) and not the man he was in FFXIII-2. He is aboard the Ark guiding Lightning through her quest. At 6AM (game time) every day, Lightning must return to the Ark, where time stands still, to deposit the souls she's saved. This helps grow the Yggdrasil tree on board and with enough souls, Lightning can have more days until the end of the world. Currently, it seems that the world will be destroyed before the thirteenth day as Chaos is consuming the world, leaving only a handful of areas to venture to.
The demo version of the game is the beginning of the game. Lightning crashes in on Snow during one of his banquets and they have a bit of a duel while monsters pour in from a nearby Chaos infusion. Snow fights against Lighting and the monsters, but something is weird about one of his hands, it apparently seems able to suck up the Chaos. Snow later disappears into the Chaos as Lightning chases him.
Lightning cannot save all the souls in the world and she must act quickly to save as many as she can. She must use time management and decide whether to spend a lot of time saving a few souls, or spend less time saving more. It's a conundrum and there are five significant souls for her to save, my best guess is that these are fellow FFXIII characters. I'm already aware of Snow and I believe Noel (from FFXIII-2) was following me in another area.
This is the first Final Fantasy game I can recall where there is no party, just a single character controlled by the player. So far, I'm enjoying the game. The music seems new, but a few bits are obviously recycled. There was one character playing a familiar FF song, a bit remixed and I'm still not sure what it is or where it's from, my guess is FFVII.
Schemata are kind of like outfits that Lightning has access to. She can only switch between three at one time. Each have their own abilities and features. It’s very similar to the dresses used by Yuna and her companions in FFX-2. The pre-order bonus I got of Cloud Strife is just one of these (so far it’s my favorite). Although I got ingredients for three schemata for pre-ordering, so far the Cloud one is the only one I've really used. I set it as default, so that's what I see Lightning running around the game wearing, it's pretty cool. You have room to create more as sub-schemata and change them out (outside of battle) as you please. You can customize each schema with a different garb, shield, weapon (the three main ingredients), accessories, and abilities. So far, I've only explored two different places. I haven't completed every quest I've accepted, but I'm working on it. It doesn't seem too difficult, but I have died a time or two. You are limited to the number of restoration potions you can carry (six at first), which grows as Lightning grows by completing quests.
Recommendation: If you play and like the demo, you'll probably like the game. I think it's pretty cool and so far I'm not disappointed. I may even decide to play the other FFXIII games again. I know in the first one, I wanted to unlock the PS3 theme for Fang, but that required crafting everything. I also believe there were some areas I didn't unlock in FFXIII-2.
Update 11/2019: It's been quite a while. I don't recall how much I played this game or how far I made it. I don't think I made it very far though. I'm not sure what happened, whether it was that I didn't like it or that I decided to play another game. I tried replaying the FFXIII games almost a year ago and just found myself a bit disappointed in them. I can't quite explain this. On my last play through of FFXIII, I did get near the end, but then the game beat the crap out of me and I gave up. Otherwise, I couldn't "get into" the FFXIII games as a whole.

For a few days or more now, I've been wanting to play Minecraft again. I don't know what held me back. When I first started playing it around Thanksgiving I was home alone with the pets as the rest of the family was in Kentucky with family. I lost track of time in those days. There might have been two days where I stayed up all night and didn't go to bed, something I hadn't done in a long time.
Apparently, I last played it a little more than a month ago and probably not for very long. One thing I found out was how to back up and restore my world. This became something I made into a habit as I really hate dying in the game and also when Creepers blow my stuff up. Usually if I die I just quit the game and restore from my back up. I also try to make a back up when I've done something significant, like finishing a house.
The world I last created at the end of November put me into a jungle, which is exactly what I was looking for in the previous world, but couldn't seem to locate. I wanted a Jungle because I wanted a cat. Cats supposedly help keep the Creepers away, although one caught up to me as I was leading my new cat to our new home. Usually, I burrow into the side of a hill for a while, planting my base there and mining a nearby cavern or the one I've made into a base. I've found a few caverns, which I've noted coordinates in a Notepad file. I found this to be helpful as well.
Well, I noticed a floating island near where I was last mining and although I thought I'd make a tree house, I decided to move to that island. It's not very big, but big enough for a big house. I used dirt to create a path to get up there and then I leveled it out so that I could build my house. There isn't much room left on that island, which I think will help keep the Creepers away. Yet, some how a Skeleton spawned in my house, so I threw up more torches. I think I did see a Creeper up there, but killed it before it could blow up. Later, I went back and filled in the sides to my path up to the house, so that I wouldn't accidentally fall off the sides (I did that a couple of times).
I do enjoy Minecraft. It took a long time for me to play it. My son has obsessed over it and often watches videos of Minecraft people have posted on YouTube. It really is a good game and I love the music! The thing I hate most about the game is the Creeper. That enemy alone makes me not want to play it. I hate when a Creeper surprises me by coming up to me (out of sight) and blowing up and destroying whatever I'm near. It's really annoying. That's one advantage I found in living underground, but still my wheat farms outside were vulnerable (and blown up at times).
Minecraft is a "sandbox" game, but I'm in it more for the adventure. I like finding caverns and exploring them. I love finding diamonds even more! Sadly, I don't ever find enough of them. I have made a diamond breastplate, I think it might be enchanted. Now when I try to repair it, the game tells me it's "too expensive," so I've kept it in a chest. I also have a very nicely enchanted sword (I'm not sure what it's made of), which seems to get more expensive with each time I repair it. The last time I tried, I didn't have enough XP to repair it.
I'm surprised that it's been so long since there's been an update to this game. It's kind of sad because I've thought of lots of things that could be added (like snakes). I've even seen videos that had birds in there, but haven't seen any in the game.
Anyway, I don't really have a point to this post. I just felt like writing about my most recent Minecraft experience. I still want to keep playing. There's a cavern near my new home that I want to explore. The ocelot I found was very easy to tame, it only took 1 salmon. It turned into an orange cat, which I've had a few before. I might try to tame more ocelots, I definitely need as much protection from annoying creepers as I can get.
Apparently, I last played it a little more than a month ago and probably not for very long. One thing I found out was how to back up and restore my world. This became something I made into a habit as I really hate dying in the game and also when Creepers blow my stuff up. Usually if I die I just quit the game and restore from my back up. I also try to make a back up when I've done something significant, like finishing a house.
The world I last created at the end of November put me into a jungle, which is exactly what I was looking for in the previous world, but couldn't seem to locate. I wanted a Jungle because I wanted a cat. Cats supposedly help keep the Creepers away, although one caught up to me as I was leading my new cat to our new home. Usually, I burrow into the side of a hill for a while, planting my base there and mining a nearby cavern or the one I've made into a base. I've found a few caverns, which I've noted coordinates in a Notepad file. I found this to be helpful as well.
Well, I noticed a floating island near where I was last mining and although I thought I'd make a tree house, I decided to move to that island. It's not very big, but big enough for a big house. I used dirt to create a path to get up there and then I leveled it out so that I could build my house. There isn't much room left on that island, which I think will help keep the Creepers away. Yet, some how a Skeleton spawned in my house, so I threw up more torches. I think I did see a Creeper up there, but killed it before it could blow up. Later, I went back and filled in the sides to my path up to the house, so that I wouldn't accidentally fall off the sides (I did that a couple of times).
I do enjoy Minecraft. It took a long time for me to play it. My son has obsessed over it and often watches videos of Minecraft people have posted on YouTube. It really is a good game and I love the music! The thing I hate most about the game is the Creeper. That enemy alone makes me not want to play it. I hate when a Creeper surprises me by coming up to me (out of sight) and blowing up and destroying whatever I'm near. It's really annoying. That's one advantage I found in living underground, but still my wheat farms outside were vulnerable (and blown up at times).
Minecraft is a "sandbox" game, but I'm in it more for the adventure. I like finding caverns and exploring them. I love finding diamonds even more! Sadly, I don't ever find enough of them. I have made a diamond breastplate, I think it might be enchanted. Now when I try to repair it, the game tells me it's "too expensive," so I've kept it in a chest. I also have a very nicely enchanted sword (I'm not sure what it's made of), which seems to get more expensive with each time I repair it. The last time I tried, I didn't have enough XP to repair it.
I'm surprised that it's been so long since there's been an update to this game. It's kind of sad because I've thought of lots of things that could be added (like snakes). I've even seen videos that had birds in there, but haven't seen any in the game.
Anyway, I don't really have a point to this post. I just felt like writing about my most recent Minecraft experience. I still want to keep playing. There's a cavern near my new home that I want to explore. The ocelot I found was very easy to tame, it only took 1 salmon. It turned into an orange cat, which I've had a few before. I might try to tame more ocelots, I definitely need as much protection from annoying creepers as I can get.

I just found out that the latest Final Fantasy comes out on 2/14. Newegg sent me an email telling me I could preorder it and get a $10 gift card. I figured Gamestop would have a different pre-order bonus and I was right. I'm not sure if or when I'd use a $10 gift card from Newegg, maybe if I decide to upgrade my computer, but I still don't feel like doing that yet. As for Gamestop, "Pre-order Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns to receive Cloud Strife's SOLDIER 1st Class Uniform, Buster Sword, and Soldier's Band! Equip Lightning with Cloud Strife's SOLDIER 1st Class uniform, Soldier's Band and Buster Sword from FINAL FANTASY VII!" So, yeah that seems pretty cool! 
Luckily, I found the PS3 demo at the PS Store and am downloading it now. It's a 2GB download and comes with another costume. Also, there's a free theme for the game, which I got an installed. Other than the info I've given here, I know nothing else about this game. I do love Final Fantasy, with VIII being my all-time favorite of the series. I didn’t really like XIII and XIII-2 very much. Although, I did like that metal Chocobo song.
It seems I'm not the only one with even a slight disappointment in the FF series as of late. Those of us who are fans of the series want a FF that kicks ass and makes us fall in love with it. It's not too much to ask since the series itself is quite epic and the fact that it's survived and thrived this long is amazing.
So, what are your thoughts? Have you seen anything about the game that I haven't mentioned here that you want to talk about? Are you going to get it? Well, at least now I know I'll have a game to write about soon and I have about 10 days until I get my hands on it. Luckily, I'll have the demo soon and I also bought Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Collection for the PS3.
Quick synopsis: I like the demo, but why does it seem like Snow is a bad guy? He seems to be caught up in Chaos along with a new character. Lightning is apparently the "Savior" sent by God. The end of the world is coming in 13 days and you have to try to save everyone (or whoever you can). Some characters return from the other two games in the series along with new monsters and at least one new character.
Just like FFX-2, you change between costumes. By default I had the "Savior" costume on. You can use the four PS3 buttons (Square, Triangle, Circle, X) to use different moves. With the "Savior", Thunder was used with the Triangle, Attack was with the Circle, Defend was Square, and I'm not sure what the other was. As a Black Mage, Blizzard (or higher level of the spell) was the Triangle, while Attack was still Circle. You can customize the costumes and moves. It doesn't take too long to empty the ATB gauge, but when you do you can switch to another costume and use it's ATB gauge while waiting for the other to charge. There is also an Overclock feature which you can use after some time that freezes time so that Lightning moves (attacks) quicker while the enemy is slower.
The game also connects to social media, like Facebook. There's an app for this game on FB. You can post screen shots and purchase certain items by talking to NPCs (their names are highlighted in blue). I'm looking forward to playing the game when it comes out, but I'm going to wait patiently. The demo said the game comes out on the 11th, but I swore other sources said it was the 14th.

Luckily, I found the PS3 demo at the PS Store and am downloading it now. It's a 2GB download and comes with another costume. Also, there's a free theme for the game, which I got an installed. Other than the info I've given here, I know nothing else about this game. I do love Final Fantasy, with VIII being my all-time favorite of the series. I didn’t really like XIII and XIII-2 very much. Although, I did like that metal Chocobo song.
It seems I'm not the only one with even a slight disappointment in the FF series as of late. Those of us who are fans of the series want a FF that kicks ass and makes us fall in love with it. It's not too much to ask since the series itself is quite epic and the fact that it's survived and thrived this long is amazing.
So, what are your thoughts? Have you seen anything about the game that I haven't mentioned here that you want to talk about? Are you going to get it? Well, at least now I know I'll have a game to write about soon and I have about 10 days until I get my hands on it. Luckily, I'll have the demo soon and I also bought Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Collection for the PS3.
Quick synopsis: I like the demo, but why does it seem like Snow is a bad guy? He seems to be caught up in Chaos along with a new character. Lightning is apparently the "Savior" sent by God. The end of the world is coming in 13 days and you have to try to save everyone (or whoever you can). Some characters return from the other two games in the series along with new monsters and at least one new character.
Just like FFX-2, you change between costumes. By default I had the "Savior" costume on. You can use the four PS3 buttons (Square, Triangle, Circle, X) to use different moves. With the "Savior", Thunder was used with the Triangle, Attack was with the Circle, Defend was Square, and I'm not sure what the other was. As a Black Mage, Blizzard (or higher level of the spell) was the Triangle, while Attack was still Circle. You can customize the costumes and moves. It doesn't take too long to empty the ATB gauge, but when you do you can switch to another costume and use it's ATB gauge while waiting for the other to charge. There is also an Overclock feature which you can use after some time that freezes time so that Lightning moves (attacks) quicker while the enemy is slower.
The game also connects to social media, like Facebook. There's an app for this game on FB. You can post screen shots and purchase certain items by talking to NPCs (their names are highlighted in blue). I'm looking forward to playing the game when it comes out, but I'm going to wait patiently. The demo said the game comes out on the 11th, but I swore other sources said it was the 14th.

With Spectre Armor and Fairy Wings, my character now looks like a Cheerful Ghost. I decided to give magic a try. It took a little bit of getting used to and figuring out, but Spectre Armor along with a good wand (I have a nice Spectre Staff) make some fun. I'm not sure I can remember ever crafting a suit of armor that didn't have better defense than the one I was wearing at the time, except this time. So, I was concerned about losing a lot of defense, but it turns out that the magic can be quite helpful. Spectre Armor (http://terraria.gamepedia.com/Spectre_Armor) has a very nice set bonus of healing whenever magic damage is done. That means, I get to heal every time I hit something with my magic. The Spectre Staff (http://terraria.gamepedia.com/Spectre_Staff) has a pretty high attack stat and some nice bonuses and is pretty helpful, especially from staying out of enemy range and still attacking.
I decided to try out my new mage set in the Dungeon because I was failing against the Paladin. So far, I've gotten used to using magic and the Paladin is easy, it just hasn't dropped anything yet. I've been sitting in a spot in the Dungeon usually above my enemies and using a Frost Staff to summon a Frost Dragon that attacks my enemies for a few minutes. It's a nice set up and it works, but I'm still not surviving the Pumpkin Moon.
Mourning Wood is always the bane of my Pumpkin Moon existence. With the melee set, I could kill maybe two of them, but now usually one alone gets me every time. It doesn't help that it follows me to my house where I spawn and kills me right away. Still, I have two different armor and weapon sets to try out and have fun with.
I did manage to create a Glowing Mushroom biome above ground to get the Truffle to move in. I bought some of his goods, especially the Autohammer. I was looking at the Shroomite Armor, if I got that together, I'd have all three "endgame hardmode armors."
The Crimson is taking over my house!
I decided to try out my new mage set in the Dungeon because I was failing against the Paladin. So far, I've gotten used to using magic and the Paladin is easy, it just hasn't dropped anything yet. I've been sitting in a spot in the Dungeon usually above my enemies and using a Frost Staff to summon a Frost Dragon that attacks my enemies for a few minutes. It's a nice set up and it works, but I'm still not surviving the Pumpkin Moon.
Mourning Wood is always the bane of my Pumpkin Moon existence. With the melee set, I could kill maybe two of them, but now usually one alone gets me every time. It doesn't help that it follows me to my house where I spawn and kills me right away. Still, I have two different armor and weapon sets to try out and have fun with.
I did manage to create a Glowing Mushroom biome above ground to get the Truffle to move in. I bought some of his goods, especially the Autohammer. I was looking at the Shroomite Armor, if I got that together, I'd have all three "endgame hardmode armors."
The Crimson is taking over my house!

Azurephile gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Azurephile gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Quick Overview
Spoiler-free story intro: As young Link, you find out that an evil mage is turning some people into paintings and collecting them. There's a reason for the people he's collecting and he's after Zelda, too. Later you learn that he is from another world called Lorule and the princess there, Hilda, needs your help. During the game you'll go back and forth between worlds by turning into a 2D painting and walking into cracks that can be found on the world.
Detailed Review: Last night I finished The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. It was a great game, but I finished it rather quickly. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it seems like a short game, it didn't take very long to download. When I got my 3DSXL, I got the edition that comes with this game (seen at the end of the embedded video). I had to download the game from the Nintendo Store using a code that came in the package.
The game looks like A Link to the Past, perhaps it's a bit of a sequel. Still, the game looks really good. Not only does the game look good, but the music is fantastic as well. I often found myself enjoying the music, especially in the dungeons.
I thought it was a great game, but it didn't take very long to complete it. Sadly, I'm now at the point where I don't know what to play next as the game I was playing was over too soon. Still, I recommend the game to anyone who enjoys the Zelda series.
- Recommendation: Good game 3D Zelda game
- Short (30 hours or so)
- Available with a download code in some 3DSXL models
Spoiler-free story intro: As young Link, you find out that an evil mage is turning some people into paintings and collecting them. There's a reason for the people he's collecting and he's after Zelda, too. Later you learn that he is from another world called Lorule and the princess there, Hilda, needs your help. During the game you'll go back and forth between worlds by turning into a 2D painting and walking into cracks that can be found on the world.
Detailed Review: Last night I finished The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. It was a great game, but I finished it rather quickly. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it seems like a short game, it didn't take very long to download. When I got my 3DSXL, I got the edition that comes with this game (seen at the end of the embedded video). I had to download the game from the Nintendo Store using a code that came in the package.
The game looks like A Link to the Past, perhaps it's a bit of a sequel. Still, the game looks really good. Not only does the game look good, but the music is fantastic as well. I often found myself enjoying the music, especially in the dungeons.
I thought it was a great game, but it didn't take very long to complete it. Sadly, I'm now at the point where I don't know what to play next as the game I was playing was over too soon. Still, I recommend the game to anyone who enjoys the Zelda series.

Playing on Easy and yes it's hard! I hate running out of missiles & getting blown up, but it's not too frustrating.
Yeah, FTL is difficult :D That said, it's one of the first Roge-likes I played that was way more fun than it was soul crushing :D
Yeah, I saw your Roundtable about it, which was awesome by the way! I didn't know what a rogue-like was and I'm glad you explained that in the video. I've actually learned a lot during my stay here at Cheerful Ghost. =)
Another roguelike that's worth checking out is Rogue Legacy. I actually forgot about this one during the RT.
It's a roguelike, sure, but unlike many (most?) roguelikes there's a bit of a narrative. Each time you die, the next time you play you're the offspring of the character that died before you. You can build upon what your ancestors have done, things they've bought, etc.
It's a little like MOBAs in the sense that every time you die you pass by a shop where you can upgrade yourself a bit. But you have to give up all your money to enter the castle, so spend it while you got it.
Interesting! I saw that Jon was playing it earlier.
Maybe I misread and he was playing Reus instead.
Oh, Travis, that looks cool! No demo though.
I was playing Reus.
It sounds great!