If you are interested in trying out Destiny before you buy it, you are in luck. Bungie has released a demo for download on XBox 360, XBox One, PS3 & PS4. A few days ago I downloaded the demo and spent a few hours playing it today. The demo contains a pretty complete version of the game and so far, I haven't made it to the end of it. So far I have played the introduction, the initial Earth mission and spent some time in the Tower interacting with people. After the first mission, "The Divide" the other missions you can play are "The Dark Within" and "The Warmind."
Destiny is one of those games that received a ton of praise and criticism. After spending time playing... Read All
If you are interested in trying out Destiny before you buy it, you are in luck. Bungie has released a demo for download on XBox 360, XBox One, PS3 & PS4. A few days ago I downloaded the demo and spent a few hours playing it today. The demo contains a pretty complete version of the game and so far, I haven't made it to the end of it. So far I have played the introduction, the initial Earth mission and spent some time in the Tower interacting with people. After the first mission, "The Divide" the other missions you can play are "The Dark Within" and "The Warmind."
Destiny is one of those games that received a ton of praise and criticism. After spending time playing the game I can understand the criticism but think much of it was simply unmet player expectations. Destiny is good and I appreciate its simplicity and gameplay. The story is interesting yet vague leaving me to wonder how much more will open up over the game or if they are planning on telling the tale over the base game and DLC?
I am playing the Destiny demo on the PS3 and beyond the initial jolt of coming back to PS3 gaming after being PC bound, it's a fun ride. Sure some of the graphics don't look as great as PC titles I am playing, but that's to be expected on the PS3. That said, the overall art of the game looks great and coupled with the music the game sets a very somber tone. I applaud Bungie for doing such a good job porting to the PS3, I didn't notice any lag or bad performance while playing it. Many modern triple A games still ship on PS3 and if Destiny is any indicator, it will be a great experience.
The ultimate tell of any demo is if you get the game. More than likely I won't pick this up on PS3 right now. I am still holding out hope that Destiny will come to PC at some point and I imagine this will happen well into the lifetime of the game or beyond. For now, playing the demo here and there will do and if you have any of the consoles I seriously recommend you give the game a try.
I tried it on PS3 as well, and I'm quite impressed. But I'm so used to playing FPS games with a keyboard and mouse, I'm definitely holding out for a PC port that may come eventually.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 11/24/2014 at 09:05pm
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If you have been paying attention to the release of Bungie's new game Destiny you may have heard some people take point to aspects of it. YouTube sensation loadingreadyrun has created a fun 8bit styled video about some Destiny quirks.
Not sure I am going to pick this up on console and if it ever does come to PC, I can't wait to try it out and join the "destiny complain train."
If you have been paying attention to the release of Bungie's new game Destiny you may have heard some people take point to aspects of it. YouTube sensation loadingreadyrun has created a fun 8bit styled video about some Destiny quirks.
Not sure I am going to pick this up on console and if it ever does come to PC, I can't wait to try it out and join the "destiny complain train."
If you are a Playstation 4 (or 3) owner, or you have a really good friend who is, and have pre-ordered Destiny at participating retailers, in less than seven days, on July 17th, you'll no doubt be pacing in front of your console, waiting, what will feel like forever, for the Destiny Beta to download. Xbox users will have to wait a bit longer, till July 23rd. After that install, though, you will be knee deep in moon wizards and nothing else will matter. It's because of this euphoric tunnel-vision that I'm offering a simple guide of things you might want to look out for on this sweet, sweet journey.
Check your email! Before, during, and after the Beta, keep an eye on... Read All
If you are a Playstation 4 (or 3) owner, or you have a really good friend who is, and have pre-ordered Destiny at participating retailers, in less than seven days, on July 17th, you'll no doubt be pacing in front of your console, waiting, what will feel like forever, for the Destiny Beta to download. Xbox users will have to wait a bit longer, till July 23rd. After that install, though, you will be knee deep in moon wizards and nothing else will matter. It's because of this euphoric tunnel-vision that I'm offering a simple guide of things you might want to look out for on this sweet, sweet journey.
Check your email! Before, during, and after the Beta, keep an eye on messages coming from Bungie. Might want to follow @Bungie and @DeeJ_BNG on Twitter, while you're at it. Emails are going out now, requesting that you go to Bungie.net and lock in your console type and region, so that you get proper codes for access. They'll send the actual Beta download codes at a later date, which you will then enter into your console.
Three (3) codes incoming! When Bungie does send out download codes, they've noted that they will come in packs of 3, so you can bring friends along with you (same console type, same region) who haven't already pre-ordered and gotten their own Beta keys.
July 26th!(possibly the 27th!) This is an important date for two known reasons: 1) This is the final day of the Beta, and 2) Bungie has said they will be issuing special in-game emblems to Beta testers playing on this day, starting at 8pm PDT. Don't miss out on your due swag!!
Be alert for those sneaky, sneaky surprises! Bungie has also said that they will be "delivering some fun and unexpected surprises throughout the Beta!" Feel free to use the comments section of this post to drop knowledge and insight for the community if something pops up.
Be kind to your fellow Guardians! There is a puddle of animosity out there right now between Xbox and Playstation users over this Beta, and the whole Bungie playing for both teams thing in general. Two months from now, it won't matter to anyone, but in the meantime, do yourself and everyone a favor and be nice to each other. Exclusive content sucks, and we've all been affected by it in one way or another. This, too, will pass.
** UPDATE **
Beta maintenance! The Destiny Beta will be OFFLINE for maintenance on all systems from July 21st and July 22nd PDT.
Again, if you have any news or updates concerning the Beta, drop it in the comments. It would be nice if we could keep it all together under one thread, for the good of the many.
Wish I had a PS4 :( I'll definitely share the information with my not-close-enough-to-let-me-borrow-their-console friends though.
scrypt Supporter Post Author
wrote on 07/11/2014 at 06:05am
It's coming to PS3, as well. Sorry about that. I've updated the post to clarify. I'd actually be interested to know how it plays on the PS3 or Xbox 360.
I've got a 360 and a ps3 that gathers dust, i rarely use it. I'm very excited to see how it will play on either of them. I really just want to play it. I started playing Combat Evolved again and i'm pretty pumped.
to clarify, do you get the early beta on ps3 also or only on ps4?
scrypt Supporter Post Author
wrote on 07/13/2014 at 03:31pm
According to Bungie, "On PS4 and PS3, the Destiny Beta will begin on July 17th at 10AM PDT."
scrypt Supporter Post Author
wrote on 07/16/2014 at 06:46am
I'll add these here for now, a list of trading card codes that can be entered through the Redeem Code portal on Bungie.net:
Card 1: Titan: MVD-4N3-NKH Card 2: Hunter: 3DA-P4X-F6A Card 3: Warlock: YKA-RJG-MH9 Card 4: Rixis Archon Slayer: TCN-HCD-TGY Card 5: Old Russia: HDX-ALM-V4K Card 6: Hive: 473-MXR-3X9 Card 7: Moon: JMR-LFN-4A3 Card 8: Gjallarhorn: HC3-H44-DKC Card 9: Duke MK.44: 69P-KRM-JJA Card 10: The Tower: 69P-VCH-337 Card 11: The Hive 69R-CKD-X7L Card 12: Valley of the Kings, Mars: 69R-DDD-FCP Card 13: The Fallen: 69R-F99-AXG Card 14: Red Death: 69R-VL7-J6A Card 15: Los Cabal: 69X-DJN-74V Card 16: La Costa Devastada, Venus: 6A7-7NP-3X7 Card 17: Vex: Minotauro: 6A9-DTG-YGN
scrypt Supporter Post Author
wrote on 07/20/2014 at 01:58am
If anyone is looking for Beta codes, I've got two that I'm not using. PM me here, or send a message on PSN if you're interested.
scrypt Supporter Post Author
wrote on 07/20/2014 at 01:59am
How is it so far? I've heard the improved Peter Dinklage audio. Kind of lame that they removed the "Wizard on the moon" audio though.
Curious how much of the game is included with the beta?
scrypt Supporter Post Author
wrote on 07/20/2014 at 04:54am
Today is my first chance to get on the Beta, and it seems roughly the same size as the Alpha, which Bungie has said is somewhere near 10% of the actual game! which I take to mean actual map space. The level cap so far is 8, which mirrors the Alpha cap. They've shown a couple more PvP maps, on Venus and Mars, which are quite cool. Peter sounds much better with the effected robot voice, which was expected. I'm kinda glad they took out the moon wizard remark, as it keeps the moment special for us Alpha testers ;).
Everything feels slightly more tuned-up from the Alpha gameplay, as it should. PvP feels a bit more balanced. It's nice to be back in the fray. The wait between Beta's end and the Sept 9 release will be unbearable.
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Read an interview today with Eric Hirshberg of Activision publishing about Destiny coming to PC.
"It is [a good fit], and it's something we're talking about and looking at very carefully, and obviously it makes a lot of sense with the genre and the type of game it is," Hirshberg stated.
"You know, developing on PC is a different animal than developing for consoles and so we just want to make sure that we're putting one foot in front of the other and getting it right, and that it's of the highest possible quality. But obviously I see the same things about the natural fit."
This seems to be a serious nod that a PC port will come for Destiny and if is the case will it... Read All
Read an interview today with Eric Hirshberg of Activision publishing about Destiny coming to PC.
"It is [a good fit], and it's something we're talking about and looking at very carefully, and obviously it makes a lot of sense with the genre and the type of game it is," Hirshberg stated.
"You know, developing on PC is a different animal than developing for consoles and so we just want to make sure that we're putting one foot in front of the other and getting it right, and that it's of the highest possible quality. But obviously I see the same things about the natural fit."
This seems to be a serious nod that a PC port will come for Destiny and if is the case will it change if you get a next gen console?
If they could ever get it to the point that the multiplayer was cross-platform, then I'd consider picking up for PC. Destiny is going to have a lot of MMO type interaction, and most people are going to want to play with their friends, so you usually go with the system that most of your friends have. There have been a few games that I've bought multiple copies of on different systems, to try to be flexible in those situations, but it never really worked. You spend time on the PS3 with Borderlands 2, then your friends on Xbox 360 are leveling their characters at a pace that you can't keep up with, and vice versa.
I'm sure they will bring it to PC at some point, but I don't know many that would hold out for it. I can't imagine that it would be released on PC within this holiday season, and the thing about Destiny is that it will sell systems. I had the chance to participate in the Alpha demo this weekend, and it looks and feels amazing. They are catering to a wider audience than just Halo or Call of Duty fans. If I didn't have a PS4 already, I'd certainly pick one up before Destiny arrived.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 06/16/2014 at 05:16pm
Totally. Destiny, to this point, was the reason to get a PS4 if I were to get one. Now that they are all buy saying it's coming to PC, i'll wait. Makes sense though, sell it on consoles then later on PC. It's not a bad model, if a bit annoying for some that buy it twice.
I wouldn't hold my breath, is all I'm saying ;). I'd be willing to bet that a major contingency in bringing it to PC is how the sales figures look in September and the following holiday months. Another key quote from that article: "...And you asked how are we dealing with the complexity of developing for so many platforms, how about one more on top of that?" More platforms, more problems. The good news seems to be that Bungie is investing in Destiny for the length of this current console cycle, so I'm sure there will be opportunity to jump on at any point. I'm curious, how long would you wait, though? A year? Two years? What if it never actually came to PC, would you be okay with skipping it altogether?
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 06/17/2014 at 06:33pm
I would be ok with skipping it if the only way to play it would be buying a console I otherwise wouldn't.
If they do or don't port it, that would be fine BUT I do want to play it, just not to the tune of $560 dollars.
I've invested a bit in my PC and like that ecosystem quite a bit. I also like my PS3 but if it wasn't for Bluray it wouldn't be used much. Kind if like my Wii. Again, great systems and I have no regrets but if I look at the games I played on them: the orange box, fallout 3, wolfenstein 2009, borderlands, borderlands 2, portal 2, etc all of these are PC titles too.
In the last few years this sunk in and I have switched over. Not to make this a PC vs console discussion, but one about my gaming habits.
But all that said, I won't hold my breath and I don't mind waiting. Plus, if my friends get a Ps4 it would give me more reason to come over and play it with them.
If it does come to PC I also hope it comes with cross system play too.
One thing they have mentioned that they are working on, is the ability to transfer your player profile from older systems to the new. When asked if that included cross-platform upgrades, Bungie said it's a wait-and-see situation, with the ball mostly in the platform holders hands. An interesting scenario would be PS3 and XBox players being able to transfer their characters to a PC version, if they wanted to leave the old system behind but still get the next-gen experience. What would be even better is if they offered a server log-in, like most MMOs and MOBAs do, where you could log-in from anywhere, on any platform, and continue your progress. I can't really see it happening, but it's fun to dream.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 06/17/2014 at 08:36pm
Save/character sync is magic and I hope they implement it in some form. In some games it's effectively DRM but with others it's kind of like "sync up if you can" and I like that stuff quite a bit.
This game has a mad huge budget, if it makes a ton of money who knows where it could go? Maybe they will add it in a future DLC set.
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One of the questions i've had since I heard about Destiny has been "what kind of shooter is it?" I mean, I always knew it was a shooter, but what made Destiny different? Clearly the people at Bungie had something unique in store and after watching this latest interview video with Pete Parsons, I have a much better idea. Destiny seems to take many ideas from Borderlands but seems to do things a bit differently with it's social hub play.
Oh yeah and the game just looks incredible too.
One of the questions i've had since I heard about Destiny has been "what kind of shooter is it?" I mean, I always knew it was a shooter, but what made Destiny different? Clearly the people at Bungie had something unique in store and after watching this latest interview video with Pete Parsons, I have a much better idea. Destiny seems to take many ideas from Borderlands but seems to do things a bit differently with it's social hub play.
"Delve deeper into the world of Destiny with the Bungie team to discover more ways to become legend on this new adventure."
Destiny looks beautiful and this documentary shows off how much time and polish Bungie has been spending on it. I am interested to see how the on the fly co-op works in the game as well as experience the lush visuals first hand.
"Delve deeper into the world of Destiny with the Bungie team to discover more ways to become legend on this new adventure."
Destiny looks beautiful and this documentary shows off how much time and polish Bungie has been spending on it. I am interested to see how the on the fly co-op works in the game as well as experience the lush visuals first hand.
Typically I don't nab a console for one game but Destiny looks so good I might make an exception to that rule. Since I have never owned an XBox I haven't played any of the Halo games and Bungie's next game seems like a re-visioning of that universe.
With the Steam Console being on the unknown horizon and the PS4 seeming to support the Indie scene as well as it claims, I might get a next gen console much quicker than I thought.
What do you think, does Bungie's next game look interesting to you? If so how do you plan on playing it?
Typically I don't nab a console for one game but Destiny looks so good I might make an exception to that rule. Since I have never owned an XBox I haven't played any of the Halo games and Bungie's next game seems like a re-visioning of that universe.
With the Steam Console being on the unknown horizon and the PS4 seeming to support the Indie scene as well as it claims, I might get a next gen console much quicker than I thought.
What do you think, does Bungie's next game look interesting to you? If so how do you plan on playing it?
Since this isn't coming to PC (that I've heard, anyway), I plan on picking it up on Ps4. I'm a big Halo/Bungie fan, so I'm really looking forward to see what they do with a multiplayer persistent world. Looks like there may be some inter-planetary travel, too!
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 06/11/2013 at 04:50am
Yeah, I am really looking forward to more details on this game. It looks so pretty.
This looks pretty interesting but I am firmly in the camp of not buying a console for a particular game. My PS3 is more of an entertainment console anyway, I think I'll stick with it until it dies. I'll need a lot more than one interesting game to pick up the PS4. I had plans to put a guest OS on my PS3 when I got it. With a mandatory firmware update they removed that option a few months later. I'm not bitter...
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 06/11/2013 at 07:14pm
Yeah, I dont typically nab a console for one game either. Also, like you I use my PS3 as a media center the majority of the time too. Destiny does look good though and over time I might get excited about a few more games to help the prospect.
Something I usually use as a decider in any game purchase, is the the controller that's available. Prior to this year, I would have never purchased a First Person Shooter on the Ps3. The Xbox 360 controller just felt right for that type of game on a console. I'm starting to get used to using keyboard/mouse on the PC side of that coin, but I feel more at home with a controller. The DualShock 4, if it's as tuned as everyone says it is, makes playing a game like Destiny even more accessible on a Playstation system. I think it will be a key factor, in conjunction with the apparent lack of gamer love coming from Microsoft, that will draw a good chunk of the Xbox players over. Seriously, is it just me, or is that controller just dead sexy!?
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 06/12/2013 at 03:02am
The PS4 controller looks pretty good. Not sure why people dislike the PS3 dualshock, I think its pretty good but the XBox 360 always felt way too big for my taste.
I prefer the xbox controllers because of the placement of the joysticks. They just feel much more natural when I hold them.
But about Destiny. I've been extremely excited for this game and I would really like to get it. BUT, I ,just a few days ago, built a brand new PC and its going to be hard for me to go back to console after making such a beast machine. If I do end up getting a console I'm leaning towards the PS4. The slightly better hardware and the new design for the controller definitely has me thinking I will part from the xbox, Although, the xbox one does have the ability to switch back and forth between windows and xbox operating systems which is kinda cool(or so I've been told).
I was talking to some of my friends at work today and they were saying that destiny will only be on the PS4 and PC. I'm not sure if this is true but I haven't had the chance to look it up yet. Also, after talking to them a bit, I found out about the PS4's stance on used games and online restrictions. I'm thinking I will be buying the PS4, considering they actually know what the people want.
"I’d say we would absolutely love to be on PC,” Parsons said. “If you go upstairs and talk to the people upstairs, we play on all platforms. So stay tuned."
So, ill hold off on my "buying the PS4 for this one" until we get the official "sorry, no."
I tried it on PS3 as well, and I'm quite impressed. But I'm so used to playing FPS games with a keyboard and mouse, I'm definitely holding out for a PC port that may come eventually.