When I got the email from Steam that Starship Rubicon was Greenlit on Steam I immediately called Wick and left him a message. A few minutes later we were gleefully talking about it and basking in the glow of joining the games accepted to Steam club. As the Greenlight campaign was still a significant way from the top 100 (though we had an awesome approval percentage!) it appears Valve works in mysterious ways!
Wick has been hard at work on a big Rubicon update that will feature a Linux port, a raft of bug fixes and some really awesome new features that we will talk about as we march closer to a Steam launch. We wanted to personally thank everyone that picked up the game and wanted to let you know that if you Kickstarted the game, bought it from our website, the Humble Store, Desura or Itch that when the game launches on Steam you will get a copy to unlock on Steam.
Thank you to everyone that voted for the game on Greenlight and I hope that when we launch on Steam that more people are able to check it out!
Wick has been hard at work on a big Rubicon update that will feature a Linux port, a raft of bug fixes and some really awesome new features that we will talk about as we march closer to a Steam launch. We wanted to personally thank everyone that picked up the game and wanted to let you know that if you Kickstarted the game, bought it from our website, the Humble Store, Desura or Itch that when the game launches on Steam you will get a copy to unlock on Steam.
Thank you to everyone that voted for the game on Greenlight and I hope that when we launch on Steam that more people are able to check it out!

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Congrats guys! How long does the process take from being Greenlit to ending up on the Steam store?
This is exciting news! Congrats! I can't wait to see it on Steam!
Awesome!!!! I'm guessing the game doesn't need to go through Early Access, is that right? It seemed pretty solid when I played it. I remember reading that Salt was in Green Light for about a month. Also, it seems like a long time ago that we were giving it a thumbs up so it could go Green Light.
BTW, by adding Steam login on the CG site, you made it much easier to log in while in-game on Steam. Thanks! =)
Huge congratz! That's really exciting news and something to feel proud about for sure!
Congratulations! Hope this brings in plenty of new players!
Thanks everyone, when I heard the news I was very happy. It's a fun milestone to achieve.
Travis: 6 months in total. Wick and I are going to collaborate on a post that will talk more about the process and the length. A few people have been asking for something like this and we don't mind talking openly about our numbers.
Greg: We are not going to put Starship Rubicon on Early Access. Wick is working on a major patch that should fix up quite a few bugs people found but when it comes to Steam it will be the fully released version.