Goodbye PC launcher, we barely knew...

Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault from Vault-Tec. Build the perfect Vault, keep your Dwellers happy, and protect them from the dangers of the Wasteland. Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault from Vault-Tec. Build the perfect Vault, keep your Dwellers happy, and protect them from the dangers of the Wasteland.
Thanks for sharing this! I think I have to agree with you that this is one of the best phone games I've ever played, but I haven't played many of them. Fallout Shelter is interesting because I was able to play it on my phone, on Steam, and via the Bethesda launcher on my PC. I played a bit of it and put it down, but found a friend playing it and picked it back up. I grew and did better and liked the game much more after that.
I like how Todd mentioned Little Computer People. I remember having that game on the Commodore 128D we had.
I haven't played Blades, I'm not even sure if my phone can.
Blades isnât quite out yet and it seems to be a pretty spec intensive game. That said they might cast a wide net and make it work on older phones. Since it will be free to play I imagine they will want to get as many people playing as possible.
I found someone wearing the same clothes as your guy, but he has a different name. I invited him to my vault (dialog option). I did a few quests, but am out of Quantum, so I have to wait for my team to make it to the next quest.
Nice to hear! I havenât spent any Quantum and Iâm currently sitting on 99 bottles.
Iâve also been hoarding lunchboxes and have 12.
Damn, why are you hoarding?
Man, Fallout Shelter makes me want to play Fallout 4 again. LOL
Hoarding because there isnât a reason I can see to open them. Itâs just a random chance to get something in the game you could get otherwise so I donât open them as late in as I am because I can craft mostly whatever I want or train someone to all 10âs.
It makes me want to play Fallout 4 too and since I havenât actually beat it yet.
Ah. I haven't really hoarded, I use all the lunchboxes, pet carriers, and such that I can. I use Quantum for quests. But yeah, the things you get are random. However, since there's a holiday event going on, you can now get those, too. That's actually how I acquired my Santa suit.
Maybe it's not so much that I want to play it (Fallout 4) again, but more so that since Fallout Shelter uses Fallout 4 music, it reminds me of that time when Fallout 4 came out. I remember the Thanksgiving at home I really enjoyed and playing Ark, too. It was quite a rough start for me though. I'm still blown away by the fact that it's outsold Skyrim. I thought Skyrim was much more popular.
Skyrim might be more beloved than Fallout 4. Fallout 4 received more criticism than I think it was due because it simplified some of the dialog and RPG options. Since it wasnât a clone of New Vegas some people were upset.
Hey Greg youâll want to log into FS today as a special holiday bonus you get a couple pet carriers, lunchboxes and nuka bottles for free.
Sweet thanks for the head's up!
Uh, wait, I didn't get that. How are you playing the game? I'm playing it on Steam.
Playing it on my iPhone. I wonder if itâs a mobile only bonus?
I had to play for about 10 minutes before I got it. Maybe less.
Yeah, I was disappointed with the Nuka Plant, too. I assumed it would produce Nuka Quantum. I use Quantum to send my dwellers on quests quicker, if I have enough of it. Right now I might have 5 or so. I do have about 200,000 caps though. I have at least 3 dwellers level 50, which is their max level. They have sweet weapons like a Fat Man, Alien Blaster, and Missile Launcher. I also have 3 Mr. Handy.
I haven't felt it necessary to make any real money purchases.
200 dwellers is the max your vault can hold, but with my room situation, I find about 130-170 to be about a "sweet spot. I don't like dwellers walking around the vault and using the elevators, because that makes it harder to track Bottle and Cappy when they visit.
I like to check in with my vault at least once a day. I've been working on SPECIAL stat training. I've completed plenty of quests. I still enjoy playing the game. I definitely prefer playing it on Steam instead of my phone. I have about 90 hours in on Steam, but I've played it on my phone PC via the Bethesda Launcher.
I got Bottle & Cappy a few weeks ago and I like that they come to your shelter to increase everyones morale and I can touch to get caps but I haven't ever see Bottle dance for the free Quantum. I'm hoarding Quantum now and have something like 60+ bottles of it. Like you i've found that not buying anything is just fine and honestly if I did buy lunchboxes or the like I think the game MIGHT be too easy. Right now the difficulty seems just about right and i'm just balancing playing with quests and making sure to grow my vault at the right clip. Right now I have 48 people in my vault and once the two kids are grown I plan to hit the big 50 soon! I've got two really solid quest groups that can clear anything i've assigned them and really think the best part about Fallout Shelter is the quest system. The original game missed it and I think having that makes Fallout Shelter WAY more interesting and WAY more fun a mobile game.
And yeah, it's like free and it's so good now. I think Bethesda is making money from it too so that's good to hear because I really want a Fallout Shelter 2, whatever that may look like. Or more updates to this version, that would be awesome too.
I'm so glad you got B&C. Bottle dances, but not as often. Sometimes he'll give you caps, sometimes Quantum. One time he gave me 5 Quantums! Wow, how'd you get so much Quantum? I've collected some, but I use them on quests, to either get my crew there quicker, or return quicker.
I agree that the difficulty is about right. It's still not incredibly easy. I'm not sure how many times I've done this, but I've restarted my vault (on all platforms) quite a few times. I've been on some hard quests that I've had to give up. I think if my better dwellers weren't already on a quest, they would have done better.
For some reason, I went through a few large breeding phases, so getting my population up wasn't a problem, until I had too many. I actually looked up how to get rid of extra dwellers and the best suggestion I found was to send them out to the Wasteland, which I thought was genius. You can only have less than 30 dwellers out exploring at a time, but doing this helped me get rid of my excessive population.
I really like the quest system, too. It's more adventurous and fun. The background music comes from the series and it makes me want to play other Fallout games again. I kind of suck at getting good critical hits. I wish the critical hit thing was different, but it's ok. Usually, even the worst critical hit does a hell of a lot of damage.
I can't really imagine a Fallout Shelter 2 right now, but they've already added a lot to the game in the year I've been able to play it. I think it's a really good game and, again, I like it a lot more than I thought I would. As I mentioned (perhaps in my other post), I played it a little bit and forgot about it until recently when I saw a friend playing it on his phone. At this time, it just arrived on Steam and I decided to focus on it more, especially on Steam for the achievements.
Anyway, Jon, you saw my last comment in my other post where I said that I should write a "proper review" of this game and you encouraged me, so here it is. :)
I think I'll soon go ahead and work this post into a Steam review.
> Wow, how'd you get so much Quantum?
Quantum collection from Quests I just don't spend it so it adds up.
> I really like the quest system, too. It's more adventurous and fun. The background music comes from the series and it makes me want to play other Fallout games again.
Yeah totally. I really do feel to urge to return to Fallout 4 or 3 when i'm playing quests and the choice they made to include the original game music for those quests was a great idea. It really just puts you right there in the game in that moment and it feels like Fallout.
> I can't really imagine a Fallout Shelter 2 right now
So this version is incredible and the updates doubly so. This game was hella successful and my thought is it will become a franchise because it was so popular. I think they could do another version with more features, deeper gameplay, etc with the same premise that is both mobile and PC focused. I mean, that's what these kinds of things typically do. If success find next big thing and make new thing. We'll always have Fallout Shelter for sure but my guess is they will either keep updating FS or another one is in the works.
I had to edit my post. Themes are for the Diner and Living Quarters. They are based on the Fallout 4 factions. I was thinking that they were more specific, such as Railroad for the Diner and Institute for Living Quarters, but that seems to be wrong.
Jon, how many pets do you have? I have more than 5 I think. I think I have 3 or more dogs, 2 cats, and 1 bird. I should be getting another soon, I think one of the quests one of my groups is working on has one for a reward. I think it'd be cool if you could get these pets in another Fallout game. More pets in this game would be cool, too.
Oh! When sending dwellers out to the Wasteland, I think of it as though they were born and raised in the Vault and now it's time for them to go out into the world and experience it for themselves. I've sent a lot out due to extreme population, which I try to keep under control. Many of those I've sent out were level 1 males. I specifically sent those males out to spread their seeds. I've kept most of the females, although there have been a few I've gotten rid of or not revived. I don't like dwellers roaming around in my Vault. It makes tracking B&C more difficult, since they use the elevators. It also makes finding the Mysterious Stranger more difficult. So, I keep my population down and everyone assigned to a room so I don't have to deal with that.
I've also copied this post into a Steam review with minor changes.
> Jon, how many pets do you have? I have more than 5 I think
That's sounds like about how many I have. I have a cat that isn't assigned a bird and the rest are dogs. The cat just grants happiness and Bottle and Cappy keep the vault near 100% happy. But right now some individual people are at 75% happiness because of some recent vault attacks so it's at about 85% happiness now total for the vault. It's usually much higher though.
I don't have extreme population yet as i'm at 53 and only let that number grow to less than 5 per day. Soon i'll be up there though. Right now when someone is born or is attracted to my vault through the radio signal I onboard them by putting them to work to boost them to 75% happiness then start training their stats. Strength is the first and I usually cap people out at 6 and then move to Agility, Endurance, Intellect, Perception, Charisma and finally Luck. When people are out of training they are still level one so I put them on Power duty OR drop them in the Wasteland until they are level 30 which is about 14-15 hours. Then they are ready for solid work/vault defense or put them in a Quest group which is currently full.
But I used to just have people with normally low stats and I think it's easier to work with people which much higher stats naturally. That said if you have them produce offspring the offspring don't inherit the high stats so it's really just individual based OR if you get a cool person through a Lunchbox that could net you someone with unnaturally high stats. Occasionally i'll set a new person to work but it's rare and when I can train them to get higher stats.
My pets have different abilities. One gives a bonus S.P.E.C.I.A.L. point to the child of the pregnant mother with the cat. One of my dogs increases junk found in the Wasteland. Another dog increases health regeneration. I can't recall what abilities my other pets have.
Raids don't get far in my base. I have the vault door, elevator, then tier 2 water processing room. On the next floor is another tier 2 water processing room, elevator, and then my hospital, I think. Death Claws barely reach that last room on the second floor, everything else either doesn't make it past the vault door, or barely makes it to the water processing room I have on that top floor. I have 2 dwellers in the vault door room, and a Mr. Handy on that top floor. I'm about to get another Mr. Handy that I'll put on my 2nd floor.
Nice, so you're training your dwellers much sooner than I did. That's great! I've had some dwellers max a stat, so I put them in the appropriate room.
I've gotten plenty of dwellers from lunchboxes. I think I got a new one in the last 24 hours.
Also, are you playing the mobile or PC version? I kind of hate the mobile version, because my phone isn't very big and it's hard to see everything. I'm really not too fond of touch controls either as I often touch it wrong and I do something I don't want to, like destroying a rock instead of accessing the menu. I haven't checked on my mobile game in a while, but I've been playing it on Steam frequently throughout the day.
I thought I took some in-game screenshots, but I can't find them. There's an old one located in my folder. Maybe I didn't do something right. I'll try to get some screenshots with Steam (F12 I think) and post a link here. I remember you suggested that and I didn't for a long time because I was still working on my tier 2 room upgrades and my dwellers were very unhappy at the time.
Oh! I started saving, I have about 80,000 caps. I need 90,000 to upgrade my weapon crafting room so that I can make Legendary weapons. :)
> Also, are you playing the mobile or PC version? I kind of hate the mobile version, because my phone isn't very big and it's hard to see everything.
On my phone. I have an iPhone 6S Plus so my phone is fairly large. Not to say I don't fat finger things on occasion but I do think the phone version is quite good.
Awesome! I think even with a bigger screen, I'd still much prefer to play one of the PC versions. As far as I know, this game isn't available w/ Amazon, so I can't play it on my Kindle. It would be cool because that screen is 8.9".
Anyway, I just remembered something else I wanted to ask you. What kind of family names do your dwellers have or have you named them yourself? I select whatever name the game gives my babies. What's funny is that the Snow family is HUGE in my vault! I didn't name them (as I said). I even had a dweller named Johnny Snow (again I didn't name him). I'm sure I know which dweller started this and I don't remember how I got him, maybe from a lunchbox. Armstrong is another name, from a really good dweller I'm not sure how I got, again possibly from a lunchbox. I actually saw a variation on this as one dweller had the last name of Armstron (missing "g"). I think maybe his first name took up too many characters, so one was deleted from the end. Cox is another name in my vault that I don't know where it came from. My family trees are quite deep and it'd be awesome if I could actually view my dwellers family trees. I know they often intersect.
> What kind of family names do your dwellers have or have you named them yourself?
Unless I am naming someone after one of my close friends, I just stick with their original birth names with one change. Each baby is marked with a [B] at the end of the last name to denote that it is in fact, a baby or a vault dwellers kid. Reason why is so I don't inbreed and I try and mix the [B]'s with the dwellers I attract with my radio signal. I know brothers and sisters will tell you they are related but with this system I don't even run into a problem at all as I just match last names.
I just updated my Overseers room so I can send out three quest groups and now have three going. It's nice and they all have some pretty nice weapons, armor and upgraded skills.
Well dwellers won't necessarily in-breed. It could just be between parents and their children, but you can see when they say they enjoy spending time with their family. Then you know that you have a pair you can't breed and need to change one of them. That's how I've done it and I still have Snows breeding with Snows. I think somewhere along the line they're all related. Also remember that babies get their last names from either parent.
Yeah, I love having the three quests available. Right now I'm working on getting two of my main quest groups (of three) to train their intelligence, because a quest requires six intelligence at about level 40. I have one quest that requires one level 48 dweller, but I'm not quite there yet. My best dwellers are in their mid-40s.
I seem to recall reading about This War of Mine and it seems a lot like Fallout Shelter, more quest oriented perhaps. I also recall that it had good reviews on Steam. I got it via Twitch Prime, but haven't played it yet. What are your thoughts about it?
I haven't played This War of Mine yet so I can't comment on it. So many games to play
I am putting my Vault in hibernation so I can take a break from the game for a bit. It's fun but it's getting a bit repetitive and I am at 60 dwellers, 3 quest groups and I am growing nicely so I am setting things up so I can take a break and come back to it to get to 100. Basically I am sending out all my quest groups so they can wait at the next quest and max out my vaults energy collection. Basically I am putting the Quest groups "out" so I don't forget which Quest thread they are on and then max out stuff so when I come back I have more than enough caps and resources. So far 100k caps, lots of armor and weapons and in vault equipped dwellers so I am pretty well set.
Wow you're doing really well, I'd say better than I was at your point!
I spent 90k on upgrading my outfit room, now I'm trying to save 60k to do the weapons. I think I had that reversed in a comment or something.
I have two Mr. Handys. They're on the first and second floors. I had to build a fourth reactor, which is at the bottom of my vault, because I was having power issues.
So I just unlocked the nuclear reactor. Does that just do what the power room does but generate more energy? Curious if removing the old power rooms and replacing them makes sense if it's WAY better?
Yes, I believe it does produce more power. I removed my old power rooms and put in the reactors. I didn't do this all at once though, so be careful.
Good idea.
Bethesda won't say whether or not Fallout Shelter is coming to the PS4. They said, "In general, we never talk about whether we will or won't do games/platform/etc. If it isn't announced, we don't talk about it, either way." As a fan of the game I think it would do well on other platforms. However, I'm completely satisfied with the fact that I can play it on PC for free. I'm not a fan of the mobile version simply due to screen size and touch controls.
One of my dwellers reached level 50 yesterday, which is the max. I also have a Fat Man and Guided Missle Launcher. Those weapons are sweet. I think I can make more of them, too. I haven't been playing as much lately, but I check in with my vault every now and then. There's not too much to do as I complete higher level quests and still have some lower level ones showing up.
If I play it on PC I'll install it on Steam for sure. With that, I think that Fallout Shelter is really best served on a mobile device. The gameplay is suited to not having it running all the time because you have to wait often BUT the new updates make this less of an issue because of the Quest system. With that, I think brining this to Steam will open it up to a ton more users and it's interesting that Bethesda starts a game on the Bethesda client and then now puts it on Steam. I wonder if Elder Scrolls Legends will eventually come to Steam too?
Yeah, I think agree with you regarding mobile gameplay. I only took issue with it because my (Android) screen is so small. It'd be great if you could increase the font size of the game's text. I'd like to see a Kindle Fire version of this, I think it would make a great game for a tablet (bigger screen, bigger text).
I, too, wonder if ESL will come to Steam as well. I'd say now that that's certainly a possibility. However, from what I've seen, it seems that this game is very popular. It's not just on Android or PC, but it's also on IOS and Xbox. I think that not only increases its popularity through wide platform availability, but also if it wasn't popular, it wouldn't be out on so many platforms. That said, I'm not sure if ESL is as popular or will be and that may determine if it comes to other platforms. That's just my thought on it.
> It's not just on Android or PC, but it's also on IOS and Xbox.
It looks like ESL is on its way to more platforms as well.
I've been spending more time playing this on my phone and on Steam. I still prefer the PC version, because it's bigger and I can use my mouse. The touch controls don't always work so well, sometimes I touch a button and it thinks I'm touching something else. Sometimes I'm trying to scroll around and I accidentally pick up my dwellers (mobile version). I've restarted my vault a few times and I finally have a good thing going with good progress. I'm liking it. It does make me wish my phone had a much bigger screen. One of my daily objectives is to find the Mysterious Stranger 6 times. He's showed up, but the screen is so small I haven't been able to locate him, not even once.
Locating the Mysterious Stranger can be hard for sure but I have an iPhone 6S plus which has a big screen.
I hope Fallout Shelter comes to Mac on Steam!
I've been focusing more on Fallout Shelter on Steam, since I finished (and loved) Dragon Age: Inquisition. Really, I should probably do a proper review of it. I've been enjoying it, but I've only clocked 33 hours on Steam. I currently have about 170 dwellers, 200 is the max. I have a bunch of dwellers just walking around, because everyone one of my rooms is full. Since I have unlocked all the rooms, I am using the ones that give more resources. I have two Nuclear Reactors, three Gardens, and at least two Water Purification rooms. I also have the bottling room, which gives food and drink resources.
I think it is a fun game and it doesn't take too much time to progress. Some things take time and you can step away from the game for a while until things are ready. It's not something you have to give full attention, it's something you can pick up and play for a few minutes, set it down, and pick it back up hours later.
It's kind of a surprise that this is a free game, granted you can spend money on in-game stuff. I really like it more than I expected to. I love the references to Fallout games, including music. It makes me want to play more Fallout.
I think you should write more about your vault and take a screenshot or a few to show it off. While on vacation recently out of the country I loaded up Fallout Shelter on my phone and started a new vault and I'm further than I've gone before. The addition of quests really changes things up for the better and I currently have 36 dwellers in my vault.
Initial reaction: Free?! Wow well I guess there's no real need to question whether or not I should get into it. Honestly, I haven't been interested, but we'll see how that changes after I check it out. Part of that lack of interest stems from the fact that I don't have a smartphone. But, since it's now on PC and free, I suppose I can give it a look.
Thanks for letting us know it was available and basically how to get it. I expected it on Steam. I don't really mind having to install a Bethesda launcher for it because I really like Bethesda. I wonder what else they could possibly have on there that isn't on Steam.
So, it's a free game, but you can pay for it if you want more out of it? From what I've seen, it seems to be very popular and was also very successful as a mobile app, so again it seems as there's little reason to question whether or not it's a good game. I'll check it out and look forward to seeing what others have to say about it, too.
Oh and if you check out this site, you can find the link to download the launcher at the bottom:
Sorry, I edited my comment before I saw your reply (which meant I deleted my comment to add the link I found and reposted).
Can you still get that stuff without paying?
Yeah, you can buy lunch boxes which give you random items, dwellers and pets. Nuka Cola bottles which make some stuff go faster and a starter pack that combines some stuff.
None of that is needed to play the game, but there if people want.
I think most of it, if not all of it but it's all random so it may or may not happen in your particular game.
Ok, I'm downloading the game. It seems the only other part of the launcher includes the Creation Kit for Fallout 4, which lets you create mods for that game. I don't see a friends list either, so right now it seems like a simple game launcher. I imagine they'll expand upon it later. Maybe the game will be available on Steam eventually.
Yeah I downloaded this on launch day, and totally meant to come post about it but I think I got distracted playing it :D
They've really added a ton of content to this game since the initial iOS launch, which is the last time I played it. As for scaling, it was already made to scale-- it played equally well on iPhone and iPad-- and it looks like everything is vector graphics so it's easy to just make it scale infinitely.
I am really bummed to have yet another launcher, especially for something so small. But a free game is a great way to get people using your launcher, so this is a good time for them to push it. I really hope they don't stop releasing stuff through Steam. I imagine at worst it'll be like uPlay where you can launch the uPlay instance through Steam. But still, it just seems so unnecessary.
OK So I counted-- I have...
Steam, obviously.
Origin, which is actually better than people give it credit for.
GOG Galaxy, which is entirely optional but nice to keep your games up to date., for all my Blizzard needs.
Up to this point I'm fine with it honestly. But then there are more...
Uplay, which I don't think many people just use by itself. But in order to play most Ubisoft games available on Steam, they launch into a smaller version of Uplay. BUT you still have to have an account with them and you still have to have the full Uplay installed.
Epic Launcher, the only way to play the new Unreal Tournament and Shadow Complex Remastered. It also gives you access to the Unreal Engine if you're a developer.
And now, launcher. If you've used mods through Fallout 4's menus (as in, not downloading them and installing them yourself) you already have an account, but this is yet another launcher to sit on your system and yet another attack vector for someone to steal your information if you don't want that account.
I have an account for Desura but haven't used it in ages, not since Humble stopped providing Desura keys. I never played a game there anyway, I just redeemed them there just in case.
So yeah, it's getting kinda ridiculous.
Another launcher?! Ugh. I was interested, until you mentioned that. I'm also of the "this is getting ridiculous" camp. I've got all of the ones you listed, Travis, plus a couple of indie game portals (one for, and another that I can't remember the name of, and am too lazy to boot my PC to check).
I get it. Everyone wants to control their content and revenue stream. That's more than fair. I just wish there was a better way.
Game Jolt. That's the other one.
Don't let the launcher keep you from it. It's a fun game, and way better on PC for my tastes.
> It's a fun game, and way better on PC for my tastes.
I've been playing it on mobile to experience the new content, mostly because I have 24/7 access to my phone. If you aren't attached to a PC much, check it on mobile!
That said, the PC port is quite good too and worth a look if you can spare a minute.
So far, I like it. I haven't spent a whole lot of time playing it, but I think I'm enjoying it. Right now I'm waiting for one of my dwellers to give birth. I have what I think is a Legendary dweller, Harkness. That's all on my second vault. I started out with a different one and had a lot more going on. Eventually, I realized that you can merge rooms, so I decided to build a new vault and instead build using that game mechanic. So I have merged water rooms together on one level while my merged food rooms are on another. I have two power rooms merged together, but the third didn't merge because I upgraded the first two. So, hopefully when I upgrade the third room it will then merge.
It's kind of a slow, mostly relaxing game. It might be cool if you had some control of how fast time passes. I had an objective to send a dweller out, but it took me a while before I learned how to check on her (without and Overseer's office). When I did figure it out (the vault icon), she was dead, but luckily I got to revive her and now I'm waiting on her to get back to the vault. It kind of seems like time passes even when I have saved and closed the game. Often I find that when I return I have resources to collect.
Any word on iCloud support? It's kinda rough that if you buy a bunch of lunch boxes and your phone crashes you've just thrown money away.
Not that I saw. That situation sounds horrible!
Yeah it does! It hasn't happened to me but I've seen a few unhappy people.
Aaaand, I've started the download.
Cool. Let me know how it plays.
Oh no... I already spend too much time on my phone!
My phone time can't go up... already play hearthstone as much as I can lol, don't see how trying this hurts me =]
Dropping by just to say that Deathclaws suck. My vault dwellers make short work of the Raiders, but the Deathclaws tear my poor dwellers to pieces! I've started stockpiling extra med packs just to keep people alive.
Screengrab of my vault right now:
A zoomin on that first power generator room:
My dwellers are very happy. Does anyone have any unhappy people?
That looks quite fun. I think I'll pick it up when it arrives on Android.
I have a bad run of women with low charisma. The pickup lines are atrocious. "You're like cholesterol, always messin' with my heart." OMG.
I decided to restart on iPad, unfortunately that means I lost Star Paladin Cross, but that game is always there if I want to go back. I read she's the second best unlock in the game, and I got her on the first lunchbox I opened.
I can't remember if I said it over text or on CG somewhere, but I had trouble in my first game with having things built poorly, and I found out one reason-- in the intro you HAVE to block off one room since you don't have access to elevators during the training. This time I blocked off one of the living quarters and just built another one, since the upgrades for that matter less than with the resource management rooms.
I'm not on it every day, so I keep forgetting about my explorers, then they die. Then I have to pay to resurrect them, which leaves me with less money to expand my vault. The moral: play the addicting game every day!
Yeah just be sure you pull them back when you're done for the day or they're basically guaranteed to die. But I've seen some people who have had their explorers out for days, after giving them 20 stimpaks and radaways.
It's amazing how well explorers are at taking care of themselves, but put them in a cafeteria and they'll die in no time if you aren't paying attention to them.
I made a new vault to try something out I read about. If you never turn in the "sell one weapon or outfit" and "equip one dweller with a weapon" goals (you can sell things and equip them, just don't claim the rewards) the third goal will keep alternating between "collect 50 water," "collect 50 food," and "level up one dweller." About 2/3 of the time it will give you a lunch box. So over about two hours I opened 50 lunch boxes or so. It's pretty incredible watching all that loot roll in.
Sweet exploit!
I just read that email. I don't have much to migrate, but it will be nice to be able to switch my games to Steam. I just hope to pay attention to any notifications I receive about it in April, otherwise I'll probably forget about it by then.
So I bought a Fallout 76 mule account when it was super cheap. Launching the game without signing in through the launcher would give you a Bethesda login prompt and you could login through that method. That way I could login twice and alt-tab between them. I wonder how thatâll work now, since I donât think you can sign in twice with steam.