It's hard to believe that a year of Tale of the White Wyvern is behind us. In this episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio, we're looking back at our favorite moments from Wyrmdoor, and looking forward to what's ahead.
Thank you all so much for playing Tale of the White Wyvern!
It's hard to believe that a year of Tale of the White Wyvern is behind us. In this episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio, we're looking back at our favorite moments from Wyrmdoor, and looking forward to what's ahead.
Thank you all so much for playing Tale of the White Wyvern!
Tale of the White Wyvern launched last year on July 28, 2019. We are celebrating our anniversary with an in-game event in which the Wyrmdoor residents celebrate the town's founding!
From now through August 3, you can get some great bonuses as with all of our events:
+11 forest fights.
+1 fishing.
+3% to forest fight gold.
+18% to forest fight experience.
But the main attraction is the Wyrmdoor Jubilee itself. Head over to Jubilee to play Ring Toss, Wyvern Smash, and Bean Bag Throw for some awesome prizes, and talk to Ilsa to learn more about the event.
Helga, as always, keeps the history of Wyrmdoor available for all who are interested, so check in... Read All
Hello adventurers!
Tale of the White Wyvern launched last year on July 28, 2019. We are celebrating our anniversary with an in-game event in which the Wyrmdoor residents celebrate the town's founding!
From now through August 3, you can get some great bonuses as with all of our events:
+11 forest fights.
+1 fishing.
+3% to forest fight gold.
+18% to forest fight experience.
But the main attraction is the Wyrmdoor Jubilee itself. Head over to Jubilee to play Ring Toss, Wyvern Smash, and Bean Bag Throw for some awesome prizes, and talk to Ilsa to learn more about the event.
Helga, as always, keeps the history of Wyrmdoor available for all who are interested, so check in with Helga to learn more about the founding of Wyrmdoor and the Wyrmdoor Jubilee.
And stay tuned, tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of the Tale of the White Wyvern launch, and we have an episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio dedicated to talking about our first year.
This is great! I'm happy to have been playing this since the start. :) Just a quick note, though, clicking "(R)eturn to Other Places" from the Wyrmdoor Jubilee page actually takes me back to the Town Square. Not a big deal, but I figured I'd mention it.
We have been wanting to change the fight run mechanics for quite some time, and recently had time to simplify how it works. Before these changes, the fight run mechanic was needlessly complicated and allowed you to run away essentially every time. Iif the run attempt was unsuccessful, you could just try again without consequence, so with enough patience in spamming run, at some point you'd run away and suffer no ill consequence of hitting it a bunch of times.
We just pushed up a change to the fight run mechanic in that you have a random 1 in 4 chance to successfully run. If your run attempt fails, you take half the incoming damage or at least one damage from the enemy.... Read All
We have been wanting to change the fight run mechanics for quite some time, and recently had time to simplify how it works. Before these changes, the fight run mechanic was needlessly complicated and allowed you to run away essentially every time. Iif the run attempt was unsuccessful, you could just try again without consequence, so with enough patience in spamming run, at some point you'd run away and suffer no ill consequence of hitting it a bunch of times.
We just pushed up a change to the fight run mechanic in that you have a random 1 in 4 chance to successfully run. If your run attempt fails, you take half the incoming damage or at least one damage from the enemy. This means that you can take damage from running away and could possibly die.
Before this change, the Mage Teleport spell was a spell few used; it would always take you out of battle, but running was free, would accomplish the same thing. We believe the update to run will give players more reason to choose Mage, and to buff Mage a bit further, Teleport now costs 3 MP (down from 4) and Healing now costs 7 MP (down from 8).
As always we look forward to your input and would love to hear what you think in the comments.
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 04/19/2020 at 07:45pm
I think this is a great mechanic! I've recently been playing FF3, and I love the run away animation. That's how I'm going to imagine running away in Wyvern now!
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 04/20/2020 at 05:54am
Wow! I just realized you attached this video!
Also at you guys looking like gang members with your faces covered.
Looks like Run had been working more-or-less how I thought it did *and* what I encountered was not a bug, but a change. Thanks for pointing me to this! Also, folks weren't playing Mage? It's always felt like the strongest to me due the sheer number of battles I win due to being able to use a single Magic Missile. I almost always start Mage and switch to Rogue late so I can blast the Wyvern from the shadows. I never use Teleport or Healing, though, so it's nice that those may get to be decent options now.
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 04/21/2020 at 06:56am
Yeah, sorry we kind of buried this update. Maybe it would help if we had something in the news section to let us know of changes like this.
Wow people play as a Mage? I always felt like the Rogue was the best, because a wyvern can't hit what it cannot see. As soon as I learned about Invisibility, I never went back to another class.
I like the Disappear ability specifically for Wyvern and now Fish fights, but I died so... many... times in the forest as a Rogue and that was when running away was essentially free. There aren't nearly enough uses of Disappear to use for every Angry Rich Boss or Xenomorph in a given day.
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 04/21/2020 at 10:14pm
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 04/22/2020 at 03:20am
One feature Travis and I are working on now is how to let people know in Wyvern about updates and changes to the game... in the game. Folks don't read Cheerful Ghost daily, but for folks that do play the game daily why not just alert you in game? So yeah, we're sorting that out now as something we'd like before we release 1.0 among a few other things.
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 04/22/2020 at 04:29am
Yeah, I thought about that most recently. Perhaps if we had a town crier or some way a CG post about the game could find it's way into the daily news of the game. Perhaps it could stay there for a period of time to give players enough time to be aware of it.
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Tale of the White Wyvern Season 2: The Plot Quickens starts today! This one is going to be intense, and loads of fun. It's all about bonuses to increase the pace of the game. Here's what we have in store for this season:
50 Forest Fights per day, before other bonuses like partnership, bard songs, and washing your hands
5 PvP fights per day
10 fishing turns per day
You can eat up to 3 fish per day
+70% gold find and experience gain!
500 starting gold
This season will be over on June 1, so get in there and enjoy all those bonuses!
In addition, members can now head over to their user preferences for a new feature: user flair. This let you style up your name with some... Read AllTale of the White Wyvern Season 2: The Plot Quickens starts today! This one is going to be intense, and loads of fun. It's all about bonuses to increase the pace of the game. Here's what we have in store for this season:
50 Forest Fights per day, before other bonuses like partnership, bard songs, and washing your hands
5 PvP fights per day
10 fishing turns per day
You can eat up to 3 fish per day
+70% gold find and experience gain!
500 starting gold
This season will be over on June 1, so get in there and enjoy all those bonuses!
In addition, members can now head over to their user preferences for a new feature: user flair. This let you style up your name with some fancy punctuation, like [Golok], +GregoPeck+, or *Caz* for example. More of these will be added soon.
If you haven't played Tale of the White Wyvern yet, head over to now to play for free!
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 04/01/2020 at 07:17pm
I got a head start. I noticed "*Golok*" (in the non-season/1st game) and thought that meant something special, but when I went in to configure my new character's profile, I noticed the flair. I used the box, which is fitting, since my PC is a blue box. I can think of some others that could possibly be added, like $ would be "bling." Maybe others would like other symbols, too. Who knows, I'm sure we could go crazy with this. Thanks for including my name in the post.
If you want to join this conversation you need to sign in.
If you're like me, it's felt weird this month to only have one game of Tale of the White Wyvern to play instead of two since Season 1 ended. Well, we have some great news: Season 2 starts up in just a few days, April 1!
Titled The Plot Quickens, this season will be fast. Very fast. The focus is on getting through Wyvern kills much faster than normal with increased experience gain and gold find. But with great power comes great responsibility: the rapid pace of the game means that if you die in the forest, you could get passed over in the standings much more quickly. I'm going to be on the edge of my seat watching the leaderboards for this... Read All
Hello citizens of Wyrmdoor!
If you're like me, it's felt weird this month to only have one game of Tale of the White Wyvern to play instead of two since Season 1 ended. Well, we have some great news: Season 2 starts up in just a few days, April 1!
Titled The Plot Quickens, this season will be fast. Very fast. The focus is on getting through Wyvern kills much faster than normal with increased experience gain and gold find. But with great power comes great responsibility: the rapid pace of the game means that if you die in the forest, you could get passed over in the standings much more quickly. I'm going to be on the edge of my seat watching the leaderboards for this one.
Also, starting tomorrow, March 20, the townsfolk will be observing The Fall of the Forgotten, an annual event remembering those who came before, before The White Wyvern, in the Old World that came before. Helga has more details in the Potion Shop for you to read, and look for some familiar faces in town chatting with you about it.
Finally, the world is in a bit of a mess right now with the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope you're all staying safe, and we hope Tale of the White Wyvern and Cheerful Ghost are giving you some fun distractions to keep you busy while you're bunkered at home. Stay home when you can, and if you have to go out, keep a safe distance from people. If you have friends or family you think may be lonely, give them a call to check up on them. And wash your hands often. It won't get you a forest fight when you do it IRL but it can help keep you and those around you healthy. We'll get through this together, even if that means separating ourselves from each other.
> If you lose a fight to a fish, do you lose your gold on hand, too? I think so, but I don't want to test it to find out.
I did not. I did lose the fish I had caught though.
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 03/21/2020 at 08:50pm
>I did not. I did lose the fish I had caught though.
It's been a while since I lost to a fish. I remembered that you lose all fish on hand and all remaining attempts to catch a fish. I just couldn't remember if you lost gold, too. Thanks for the reply! I've realized not to keep more than one fish on hand, so that I don't potentially lose any. I've also just been immediately depositing the gold I get from selling fish, just in case.
I told Travis that I think Wyvern is the coolest thing we've ever done. He agrees. 🤣
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 03/25/2020 at 07:52am
>I told Travis that I think Wyvern is the coolest thing we've ever done. He agrees. 🤣
And here I thought the coolest thing you've ever done was introducing me to Terraria and Cheerful Ghost.
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 03/28/2020 at 07:09pm
So, total kudos for the fishing addition! I don't normally use my skill points, unless I'm fighting the wyvern. But, sometimes I run into a fish that makes me use them, which is a good thing. Fishing also gives me a lot more gems, which is great, because I want as many as possible so I can buy skill points, those are a high priority when fighting the wyvern. Fishing helps you get other bonuses, which is cool, too, though I don't usually use them. I do like being able to sell fish, which helps me buy better gear, including a fishing rod. So yeah, thanks for adding this into the game! I think you've done a fantastic job!
Thanks Greg! The bonuses were meant as a way to make PVP a bit more enticing and certain scenarios and from my recent spate of murdering others in game, seems to have worked!
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First off, Season One was a blast! Thanks to everyone who played! Without further ado, here are your winners...
Overall Winners
Saturday has won the season and brought peace to Wyrmdoor!
Quite Dapper
Azure Azul
Beo Rubirnen
Most Adventurers Killed
Nawt Wynnor: 10 kills
Quite Dapper: 9 kills
Bre Orgligrat: 4 kills
Azure Azul: 3 kills
Mystical Lord: 3 kills
Most Deaths
Nawt Wynnor: 27 deaths
Declan: 27 deaths
Saturday: 19 deaths
Bre Orgligrat: 17 deaths
Quite Dapper: 16 deaths
Looks like the developers die a lot! :D
Thanks to everyone who played our first season! Let us know what you thought about the season and things you'd like to see in future... Read All
First off, Season One was a blast! Thanks to everyone who played! Without further ado, here are your winners...
Overall Winners
Saturday has won the season and brought peace to Wyrmdoor!
Quite Dapper
Azure Azul
Beo Rubirnen
Most Adventurers Killed
Nawt Wynnor: 10 kills
Quite Dapper: 9 kills
Bre Orgligrat: 4 kills
Azure Azul: 3 kills
Mystical Lord: 3 kills
Most Deaths
Nawt Wynnor: 27 deaths
Declan: 27 deaths
Saturday: 19 deaths
Bre Orgligrat: 17 deaths
Quite Dapper: 16 deaths
Looks like the developers die a lot! :D
Thanks to everyone who played our first season! Let us know what you thought about the season and things you'd like to see in future seasons. Stay tuned for information about Season Two, coming to Wyrmdoor soon!
Fishing Update Coming March 8 In just a short week from now, you too can cast your line into the cool, refreshing waters of Woodhaven Lake! Here's what you can expect:
Woodhaven Lake: This is a new area that you can get to from the main menu as well as a path from Forkwood Forest.
Three fishing locations: Within Woodhaven Lake, you can choose to fish in the Shallows, at the Waterfall, or in the Murky Depths. These locations will have different fish that you can catch. But be careful-- some fish may not like being caught and may fight back! And if you look closely enough, you may find a secret glowing deep below the surface...
Able's Fishing Shop: You can't fish without a pole! Able can sell you one. As you level up, Able can give you guidance on whether to upgrade your fishing pole. There are some cool member-only poles, but as always these are different only in name, the fishing power is the same, but you'll look much cooler with a member-only pole!
Eat or Sell Your Fish: You can choose to eat your fish or sell them. You can only learn what a fish can do if you first eat one to test it out. Some effects will be better than others, and you may not like some of them. The fish effects are temporary, and will reset on the next game day. Your fish will rot if you don't either eat them or sell them on the game day you caught them, so keep that in mind as you fish!
The Fish-Dex: When you eat fish and learn their effects, they'll fill out an entry in your Fish-Dex! There are 27 total fish at launch for you to unlock. When you first catch a fish, it unlocks in your Fish-Dex, and when you eat it, the effects will be shown here. Any fish you haven't found yet will give you a hint about where to find them.
Crugg's Farm: It may seem like Crugg spends all his time at the Grey Hood, but he also maintains a farm. Visit here to check in on his goat, Caprinicus, a new NPC that can give you charm if you're running low.
Fishing leaderboards: See who has caught the most fish, and who has filled out the most entries in their Fish-Dex!
We are excited to release this update out into the world, and we can't wait to hear what you think! If you have questions, fire them off in the comments, but we may want to keep some secrets for you to find on your own! And as always, thanks for playing Tale of the White Wyvern! It's incredible that so many of you love this game, and we hope to keep bringing you new, fun features!
If you haven't played Tale of the White Wyvern yet, head over to now to play for free!
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 03/03/2020 at 01:43am
Congrats to Saturday! Looking forward to the new stuff!
What good is an RPG if you can't fish in it? I'm glad Tale of the White Wyvern won't have to answer that question anymore. :) Congratulations, Saturday! I'll get you next time. ;-)
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 03/06/2020 at 10:10pm
One thing made this season special for me and that is I made a new friend. Even though it sounds corny, I thought I'd share, because I think if you make a new friend by playing a game that just adds to the positive experience. So, even though this game was already great, it's also accomplished something greater that not every game can do.
Hello Adventurers, we hope you all had a great holiday season and we wish you a belated Happy New Year! As you may have noticed Jon and I decided to take a much earned holiday break from active Wyvern development, and the good news is, we had a very relaxing time and the even better news is we’re back in active development toward the final 1.0 game launch.
The Day of Devotion Holiday Event
To kick things off, Tale of the White Wyvern is getting a new holiday event called “Day of Devotion.” Rather than explain it ourselves, we’re going to turn to the expert on Wyrmdoor traditions, Helga!
”The Day of Devotion is an annual celebration of love. Couples traditionally... Read All
Hello Adventurers, we hope you all had a great holiday season and we wish you a belated Happy New Year! As you may have noticed Jon and I decided to take a much earned holiday break from active Wyvern development, and the good news is, we had a very relaxing time and the even better news is we’re back in active development toward the final 1.0 game launch.
The Day of Devotion Holiday Event
To kick things off, Tale of the White Wyvern is getting a new holiday event called “Day of Devotion.” Rather than explain it ourselves, we’re going to turn to the expert on Wyrmdoor traditions, Helga!
”The Day of Devotion is an annual celebration of love. Couples traditionally celebrate with gifts and delicious meals. The Inn of the Old Hen throws a party every year for anyone who doesn't have a partner to celebrate with. The Day of Devotion is celebrated from February 13 to February 15.”
Alongside the holiday event we created two new fun themes called “Day of Devotion” and “Night of Devotion.” We recommend turning your screen brightness all the way up and putting on some fuzzy slippers when you give those a try.
The Fishing Update
We are very focused on the Fishing update which has turned out to be the BIGGEST single content update Wyvern has ever recieved. When we described what’s coming to some of our friends and that it was taking much longer than we anticipated, one mentioned that it was because it sounded like we are building an all new game and that’s actually fairly accurate. One of our development goals with the Fishing update is to add a boatload(har har) of new content to keep longtime players busy exploring for quite some time. All that in mind we’re still in active development on it and it should take a bit longer to finalize things. Whereas this is a huge update that adds a lot of new mechanics to the game, we do plan on updating the game with fishing for everyone at the same time.
If you haven't played Tale of the White Wyvern yet, head over to now to play for free!
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 02/13/2020 at 01:48am
Cool, looks like the inn will throw me a party. I'm surprised you mentioned version 1.0, because I honestly feel like the game is worthy of it already. I'm looking forward to fishing. I hope it's good.
> I'm surprised you mentioned version 1.0, because I honestly feel like the game is worthy of it already.
I actually agree with you Greg. We're not waiting to get to 1.0 because we don't feel like the game isn't ready or not bug tested or anything. We're adding more features to sustainably support more users such that if we grew considerably, which we want to do, we could pay for keeping the servers rolling.
Plus I really wanted Fishing in the game before launch
> I'm looking forward to fishing. I hope it's good.
I like it, but it's an entirely optional thing that people don't need to do it if they don't want to. Like you say, the base game is already good, this just adds more if people want and I think most people will.
Tonight at Midnight PT the first season of Tale of the White Wyvern begins. This game will run alongside our main Wyvern game and see some changes to the base rules that make it a bit different. The biggest change is that our first season game will end on March 1st when the winners will be forever immortalized in-game.
There are a few other posts about the new season game as well as a podcast we recording talking about it. Check those out below and we'll see you January 1st 2020 for our first competitive season game!
... Read All
Tonight at Midnight PT the first season of Tale of the White Wyvern begins. This game will run alongside our main Wyvern game and see some changes to the base rules that make it a bit different. The biggest change is that our first season game will end on March 1st when the winners will be forever immortalized in-game.
There are a few other posts about the new season game as well as a podcast we recording talking about it. Check those out below and we'll see you January 1st 2020 for our first competitive season game!
Hello everyone, welcome to The State of the Wyvern for December 2019! Before we get into the changes, we want to shout out those brave adventurers making their names on the leaderboards. These numbers may be a little different from the audio above, as we recorded this a few days ago.
The Leaderboard of the Dead Top 10
MyDude: 108 Deaths
Gemini: 100 Deaths
Golok: 91 Deaths
Conan: 85 Deaths
Maverick: 80 Deaths
Declan: 61 Deaths
Marixu Cas: 59 Deaths
Zehronious: 51 Deaths 47 Deaths
Ktara: 47 Deaths
PvP Leaderboard Top 10
Mydude: 115 kills
Maverick: 89 kills
Caz: 80 kills
Gemini: 60 kills
Zehronious: 48 kills
Tiberius: 43 kills
Button Smasher: 40 kills
Rodnalf:... Read All
Hello everyone, welcome to The State of the Wyvern for December 2019! Before we get into the changes, we want to shout out those brave adventurers making their names on the leaderboards. These numbers may be a little different from the audio above, as we recorded this a few days ago.
The Leaderboard of the Dead Top 10
MyDude: 108 Deaths
Gemini: 100 Deaths
Golok: 91 Deaths
Conan: 85 Deaths
Maverick: 80 Deaths
Declan: 61 Deaths
Marixu Cas: 59 Deaths
Zehronious: 51 Deaths 47 Deaths
Ktara: 47 Deaths
PvP Leaderboard Top 10
Mydude: 115 kills
Maverick: 89 kills
Caz: 80 kills
Gemini: 60 kills
Zehronious: 48 kills
Tiberius: 43 kills
Button Smasher: 40 kills
Rodnalf: 37 kills
Rather Dashing: 37 kills
Ktara 37 kills
The Hall of Honored Adventurers Top 10 All the adventurers below have one paragon point, so I'll just note the wyvern kills/current level.
Declan: 9 Wyvern Kills, level 7
MyDude: 9 Wyvern Kills, level 6
Golok: 8 Wyvern Kills, level 11
Friday: 8 Wyvern Kills, level 9
Conan: 8 Wyvern Kills, level 4
GregoPeck: 7 Wyvern Kills, level 10
Maverick: 7 Wyvern Kills, level 6
Gemini: 7 Wyvern Kills, level 9
Zehronious: 6 Wyvern Kills, level 8
Caz: 5 Wyvern Kills, level 7
New Features Since October We've made quite a few changes since our last State of the Wyvern. You've been playing with them in the game for a while now, but just in case you missed some:
Support / Questions / Bugs: Added a new section for people to find help with questions, support or bug reports.
Bank Interest Change: Hats now effect the interest rate at the bank.
Pumpkin Festival: The Pumpkin Festival is in full swing in Other Places.
Pumpkin Festival Theme: Check out this savory theme now available in user settings.
New Shrine: Added the Wyvernslayer's Shrine to Primrose Park. (The first people to kill the Wyvern 5 times get immortalized for all time in a game)
Wyvern Fights: We now properly rotate the Wyvern fight power in cycles of 5. So the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th power levels wrap around at the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th fights and again ad infinitum!
Wyvern Battle POWER MOVE: You can now hug the Wyvern. (Thanks to Will for this suggestion)
The Leaderboard of the Dead: We now have The Leaderboards of Death in the Graveyard and count player deaths.
Paragon & The Endgame: Every 5th Wyvern kill gets you a paragon coin. Learn more about them and how you can spend them in Helga's.
New monster: Added a new level 1 Monster Annoying Bug.
Daily News: When a player kills the Wyvern we note the kill number in the daily news entry.
Daily News: You can now get a link to an individual piece of daily news to share.
Send Mail More Easily: Added a link to send mail to someone on their profile page. Way less tapping or typing, yay!
Town Square Organization: We've had the classic Town Square menu ordering for quite some time and it's placement didn't quite make sense with what's most important in a game day. We've organized the Town Square to make what you do the most in a game day the most prominent. Hopefully you find this change useful especially on mobile. We also moved Calinda's Hof to Other Places.
The Traveling Gnome Village, December 20 - 27 Just yesterday, someone asked me "When are you going to do something like the Pumpkin Festival again?" Here's your answer: December 20! The Traveling Gnome Village is a new event allows you to visit the Mythical Presents Elf and open presents. These presents could have all kinds of good stuff in them, but truly lucky adventurers will get a full weapon upgrade! It is the season of giving, after all, so you can also send a present to a friend every game day.
Some of you loved the Pumpkin Festival theme, and some are even still using it as their daily driver. With The Traveling Gnome Village, feast your eyes on four new themes that will unlock on 12/20 and remain in the game for those who want to stay in the Gnome Village spirit all year round.
The Turn of the Page, December 29 - January 2 This is a smaller event commemorating the New Year. Enjoy more forest fights, experience gain, and gold find!
Tale of the White Wyvern Season 1! Get ready to dive back in at ground zero with a very different experience! Season games are temporary games that have tweaked rules, and our first season will run January 1, 2020 - March 1, 2020.
This season will have 40 forest fights per day (not including any bonuses), 5 PvP fights per day, and 3000 starting gold. We expect this one will move a bit faster than our main game.
When the season is over, we will commemorate the winners of the Leaderboard of the Dead, the PvP Leaderboard, and the Hall of Honored Adventurers on new shrines in Primrose Park. The game will remain open and can be explored, but the monsters will have left the land. You can still continue your conversations, engage in PvP, and get random forest encounters.
Season 2... We don't have much to say about Season 2 just yet, but it will start shortly after Season 1 ends. We have different game types in mind for seasons, in addition to tweaking the variables mentioned above. One of those is races, where rather than an end date, we have an end goal-- for example, the first person to get 5 wyvern kills wins. In those situations, we'd end the game when that goal is achieved rather than on a timer, but the same rules would apply as for post-game exploration.
Fishing A cool new feature we're working on is Fishing! This will work somewhat similarly to forest fights, in that you have a set number you can do per day. You can fish in a few different areas, and find a wide variety of fish with an equally wide variety of effects, such as extra forest fights or an attack buff. But you won't know what that effect is until you eat it the first time. These effects will be temporary and will expire after the current game day. Some fish won't do much for you, but will sell well, so fishing could be how you make your fortune. Asadi doesn't sell stuff for cheap, right?
We don't have a release window for Fishing yet, but we hope to share more info soon.
Accessibility and clean up Finally, we want to present the best game we can to the widest range of people, and some of our controls are problematic to folks who experience the web via screen readers. We are working to clean that up, and to clean up other minor interface issues that have accumulated over the months.
Thank you! Thank you so much for playing Tale of the White Wyvern! Let us know what you think about the new features, and if you need help we have some threads just for that purpose.
Recently Travis and I worked on a large update for Tale of the White Wyvern to bring Paragon levels to the game and add more late game progression beyond the 5th Wyvern fight. We never thought people would be able to make it to the 5th Wyvern kill so quickly even after massively increasing the difficulty of that fight. Personally, I’m also impressed with how people play the game, finding strategies I never had in mind when I created it. Some of those are still in the game, and we’ve had to nerf some and buff some to make the game more fun. Tale of the White Wyvern is one of the best things I've ever worked on in my life and I want to thank everyone for playing it. It’... Read All
Recently Travis and I worked on a large update for Tale of the White Wyvern to bring Paragon levels to the game and add more late game progression beyond the 5th Wyvern fight. We never thought people would be able to make it to the 5th Wyvern kill so quickly even after massively increasing the difficulty of that fight. Personally, I’m also impressed with how people play the game, finding strategies I never had in mind when I created it. Some of those are still in the game, and we’ve had to nerf some and buff some to make the game more fun. Tale of the White Wyvern is one of the best things I've ever worked on in my life and I want to thank everyone for playing it. It’s an incredible feeling to realize that people love something you made just as much as you do. Even though we have Paragon levels that can take you all the way to the 15th Wyvern fight we don’t consider this the end for Tale of the White Wyvern at all. In fact, we haven’t even added all the features to the game for our 1.0 launch yet! While we are not entirely sure when we will launch Wyvern 1.0, based on your feedback we are going to be doing something very soon that I think everyone is going to love.
Tale of the White Wyvern Season 1 starts January 1st
From the first lines of code I wrote for Tale of the White Wyvern, I built the tech to support multiple independent and separate Wyvern games. Currently our main game is the only one we have in operation as we felt it was important to keep everyone “in one house” while our player base grew and we marched closer to Wyvern 1.0. On January 1st we are creating our first Season Race game that is entirely separate from our main game that anyone can play! While normal games stick around, Season Races are temporary. When the game is over, we note the winners and then another Season Race game starts fresh afterward.
Each Season Race will have slightly different rules that govern how you will play it that makes each race unique. Our starting Season will feature differences from the main game but later Seasons will feature even bigger changes to keep things feeling fresh and new.
We’re going to talk even more about Season Races later on but we wanted to let everyone know to mark January 1st on your calendar to start the race fresh so you can be the winner of our FIRST EVER SEASON RACE!
New World Events Are Coming!
We’ve been working on two new seasonal world events that are coming to Tale of the White Wyvern soon. If you loved the Pumpkin Festival you will love our upcoming Winter event! Tales tell of a traveling Gnome Village and the Mythical Presents Elf that runs it. What treasure and magic lurks in the Gnome Village and how many laps will this strange creature make you sit on?
We Need Your Support
Travis and I put our time and efforts into making Tale of the White Wyvern the best text game we can. Cheerful Ghost is working in a very unique space creating text games you can play with friends that are entirely free to play without the pay to win bullshit. As such, we are entirely user supported and independent, and would love to stay that way as we make Wyvern even better and write code for our next text based game you can play with your friends.
I encourage you to join us as a Cheerful Ghost Member today! We have options on the table depending on what works best for you. You can subscribe to us on Patreon for a monthly donation, or buy a yearly Membership via Paypal.
Will_Ball Game Mod Super Member
wrote on 11/11/2019 at 03:28pm
Awesome Jon! I would love to learn people's strategies for the game. I am finally trying dual class, and have been pouring gems into skill points instead of defense. I am slowly creeping towards the 5th Wyvern.
That fifth Wyvern is rough, Will. But yeah pounding out skill points and grinding for gear will get you there. I think everyone spent a week or more at level 12 working on it.
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 11/11/2019 at 07:31pm
Cool! I'm looking forward to new stuff!
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 11/12/2019 at 07:21pm
I have my own strategy now and I don't intend to change it. Dual class seems pointless to me. I could explain why, but then I'd have to give some details about my thoughts on this and include my strategy. It's not that I don't want to share my strategy, more like I don't want to at this present moment. I now have a preferred class and I now only spend gems for that class's skill points, because I need as many as I can get. It's cool to know, though, that we all have our own strategies, even more fascinating is how our strategies differ and how they've evolved over time.
> It's cool to know, though, that we all have our own strategies, even more fascinating is how our strategies differ and how they've evolved over time.
This is what thrills me most about this whole process. Truly. People (self included) have developed strategies that we had no idea they would.
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