
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

MetalJesusRocks is one of my favorite retro YouTubers because his videos contain stuff I don't see anywhere else like this video for the Pioneer LaserActive. The LaserActive was a LaserDisc player and console released back in the 90's that could play it's own games as well as Karaoke, Sega Genesis games and 3D games. I remember seeing this in the stores and thought it was awesome but it was crazy expensive for the 90's and I knew no one that actually owned it. As i've been collecting more old films on VHS I am getting closer to pulling the trigger on a LaserDisc player and if I ever found one of these would snap it up in a second if the price was right. That said, it's huge because it has to hold LaserDiscs but... you now... that just means it's retro awesome right?

Ubisoft has celebrated it's 30th year anniversary giving away some gaming classics such as Beyond Good and Evil, Rayman Origins, Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia Sands of Time. They are rounding out the celebration with a final set of two games and Novembers game is the 80's retro themed shooter Far Cry Blood Dragon. If you haven't played this you absolutely should head over to the link below on November 9th and redeem it on your UPlay account. Blood Dragon is a standalone game built on the Far Cry 3 engine that was written like a spiritual sequel to old 80's classics such as Terminator, Tron and Predator. It's not a very long game and can be completed in well under 10 hours and doesn't require the latest and greatest PC hardware to run.

If the second to last giveaway is a FarCry game I am wondering if the final giveaway will be Assassins Creed?


In this episode of Nintendo's new online web show the Nintendo Minute they show off the upcoming NES Classic and quite a few games that come with it. There are a few details confirmed here such as the 3 foot long controllers and the incredible NES Classic interface in action. Not thrilled with the cord length and i'm honestly curious what the thinking was here? Do they expect us to stretch out the HDMI cable to make room from the TV to the couch? I hope someone makes some extension cables or something because that would make using the system in the living room much easier. I imagine if you were plugging the NES classic in to your monitor then the small cords wouldn't matter as much but this system is made for the living room.

Regardless of "NES Cordgate" I'm picking one up because it's pretty incredible and I saw an unboxing today that made things even more compelling. Not only does the NES Classic come in a box that pays homage to the original but it also comes with a poster that looks like it stepped right out of the 80's. If you want to watch the unboxing hit the link below.


Portland Retro Game Expo is a mecca for retro game lovers. This year we had a booth a the convention and ran four NES speedrun and score tournaments. Packie was the overall tournament master by winning two of our contests starting with his blistering 2 minute 04 second Super Mario Brothers 1-4 speedrun. Packie then ended the convention by absolutely demolishing our Dr. Mario score tournament with a score of 334,400! His Dr Mario ability was incredible and i've never really seen anything like his setup and execution of combos. Ben won Papers, Please on Steam for his 1 minute 26 second speedrun of Super Mario Brothers 3 to the first Toad House. Philly won our RC Pro AM score tournament with a incredible final score of 18,658! I want to thank everyone that took part in our contests as each was unique to watch and some were won on the edge of a knife, or in this case a controller.

As Adam and I were preparing for our booth this year we identified early on that we wanted to run a few NES tournaments and I realized that the best way to do that was to get an old CRT TV. After looking at some options I decided that getting a TV/VCR combo seemed like the coolest option as I haven't owned a VCR in well more than a decade. As I scoured the local Goodwill and other second hand stores I also noticed how cheap VHS films were and that it might be fun to start a small collection. Between each tournament we played a couple VHS films such as Tron and Back to the Future and people seemed to really like that. Besides showing a few films between our tournaments I also had a few movies out on the table I was showing and more than a couple times people seemed interested in buying them. I didn't know there was even a small market for VHS films but I suppose a retro game convention would be the place to pick them up if you wanted to.

After our first NES tournament my childhood NES we were running the tournaments on stopped working. I was really upset as this NES had been with me since I got it for Christmas from my Grandparents back in the early 90's. Having your NES break at a retro game convention is pretty fortunate but I wasn't ready to pull the trigger on getting a new one quite yet but we had to continue the tournaments. In the end I decided on picking up a Retron 3 and that worked out really well. The Retron 3 not only plays NES games but it also accepts SNES and Genesis carts. We continued our NES tournaments without a hitch and I was surprised at how incredible the Retron worked with my existing NES games and controllers. After the convention was over I set it up with the TV in my office and played some of the games I picked up at the convention such as Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam on Genesis. Apparently Sega Genesis games are much cheaper than the SNES counterparts because collectors seem to prefer the Super Nintendo. Whereas I think the Super Nintendo does indeed have better colors and sound the Genesis ports of games are extremely solid and I have been having a blast playing Mortal Kombat on it. So much so that I plan on doing a formal review in the upcoming weeks on what I think of the game and my thoughts on the Genesis port.

I want to thank everyone that checked out the booth at this years Portland Retro Game Expo and hopefully we will be able to do it next year. We are already planning on attending and have some ideas on how to make it better but if you have ideas, i'd love to hear them.

If you are interested in seeing more of the convention you can hit the link on some pictures I took in an imgur album below:


Amazon recently debuted it's new Twitch Prime service that allowed existing and new Amazon Prime users a free Twitch subscription and some fun Hearthstone DLC. Since I already had Amazon Prime and play Hearthstone signing up for the free stuff made sense. Amazon mentioned that there would be monthly benefits to Twitch Prime and this month they are releasing some free DLC for Watch Dogs 2 and giving away Punch Club and This War Of Mine: Anniversary Edition. If Amazon keeps dropping free games and premium DLC every month it really makes the prospect of Twitch Prime a much sweeter deal. With that the free games don't seem to be Steam codes like you might expect. Apparently Twitch is creating an all new Twitch game launcher to join the already full mass of independent game store launchers such as Steam, Origin, UPlay, GOG, Bethesda.net, Battle.net, the Epic Launcher and the new Facebook Gameroom.

I like the idea of monthly rewards for Twitch Prime but I wonder about adding yet another game launcher to our PC's?


Just wanted to wish everyone a very Scary Halloween! Since Halloween falls on a Monday this year I imagine most celebration happened over the weekend but i'm still curious what you all are doing this year? We were going to have a small party but instead we all got sick so we cancelled that and are going to watch the new Ghostbusters later tonight. Also wondering what people have been playing lately? As per normal i've been playing ... Hearthstone. Yeah, I know, not a huge surprise there but I have been continuing my Final Fantasy VI advance game as well as really tearing into Mortal Kombat on the Sega Genesis.

Stay safe if you are going to be out celebrating or doing tricks or treats tonight!

If you are a fan of old Tim Schaffer & LucasArts adventure games and want to try your hand at some newer Double Fine & iam8bit games you absolutely must look into the Day of the Devs Bundle. Containing such hits as Lumino City, Broken Age, Titan Souls, Massive Chalice, Oxenfree, Grim Fandango Remastered & Day of the Tentacle Remastered. I am picking this up because i've been waiting on picking up Day of the Tentacle and now seems like a good time to do it.

All of the games have Steam keys and are available DRM free and all but two are available for Windows, Mac and Linux.


"College dropout Mae Borowski returns home to the crumbling former mining town of Possum Springs seeking to resume her aimless former life and reconnect with the friends she left behind. But things aren't the same. Home seems different now and her friends have grown and changed. Leaves are falling and the wind is growing colder. Strange things are happening as the light fades.

And there's something in the woods.

Night in the Woods is launching January 10th after a successful Kickstarter project. As a run up to the game the project developers released the side game Lost Constellation and Longest Night. Both are set in the Night in the Woods universe and are available to download under the pay as you like model.


You can head to the woods for the night on January 10th on PC, Mac and Linux on Steam and the PS4.

Today’s Freshmen in High School will be learning aboutThe Berenstein Bears as an book title that happened before they were born.

Yet, the relevance of The Berenstein Bears is felt through our lives to this day. It is impossible to avoid the places we as a nation have gone. Scars and open wounds stain our stars and stripes.

We must understand that what we were told about this book title is a lie.

How many more people need to die until we realize a revaluation of The Berenstein Bears?

Don't let people try to tell it is Berenstain we all remember Berenstein.

The Angry Video Game Nerd video was created as a voice for the victims of Berenstain, to ask the questions they were robbed of the ability to ask about their fate.

When Joel Hodgson created the Kickstarter project to bring back Mystery Science Theater 3000 I was in a blissful nerdvana. Before that I didn't think the show would even come back and then it was funded. Recently they just wrapped up filming the new season of the show and are talking about releasing the new episodes early next year. We are so close to a new movie sign I can almost taste the satellite of love.

Shout Factory is the company that has released the old classic MST3K seasons on DVD a bit at a time and recently they have been dropping free episodes on YouTube. If you haven't seen Mystery Science Theater or want to revist it you should hit play on Earth VS. The Spider above. It's one of my more favorite show format episodes in that it starts with a 50's era PSA video titled "In Speech: Using Your Voice" which is a Professor teaching you how to be an effective speaker. The reason why these 50's era PSAs are so fun to watch and riff is because they are a really fun window into a time in society that is long since past. Earth VS. The Spider is also one of those perfect MST3K movies in that it is a fairly good film but campy and badgood enough to be interesting.