
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2745 Posts

When Plants VS Zombies came out in 2009 I was hooked. It's fun take on the tower defense genre but if I had one gripe it would be the game was pretty easy and as such you could use the same strategy over and over to win. Plants VS Zombies 2 was launched as a free to play game and it was a fun game to start but it didn't quite live up to the original.

Recently it seems like each company is releasing their own digital collectable card game to get a piece of the huge Hearthstone and Magic online money making machine. EA recently dropped Plants VS Zombies Heroes on smartphones and since I enjoy the franchise well enough I decided to download it. If you have spent any time playing Hearthstone or Magic the game feels very familiar. Plants VS Zombies Heroes is a free to play game where you can grind in game currency to open packs or spend real money to open premium packs. Not quite sure what's in a premium pack vs a normal pack you can earn in game but I imagine the cards you open are better. The game also features Zombie and Plant heroes that grant you different abilities that change how you play the game.

In the end Plants VS Zombies Heroes is a fun smartphone game and brings a quirky simplicity to the digital card space but doesn't bring anything new or terribly interesting to the table. If you are looking for a new free app to try, I recommend you check it out but if you are looking for something a bit more deep then you should be playing Hearthstone, Elder Scrolls Online, Faeria or plain ol' Magic.

FTL is an spaceship simulation turn based roguelike that features an incredible score by composer Ben Prunty. If you liked the FTL score Ben has just released an all new Halloween themed EP called ElectroCrypt you can checkout by heading over to his Bandcamp page.

I recommend checking out the title track "Welcome to the Crypt," "Welcome to the Gravediggers Hut" and "Ghima's Revenge."

That is... if you can stand the... horror....

"Happy Halloween! This EP is a collection of what I'm calling 'Halloween electro-funk'. Let's make that a genre. The music was inspired by Danny Elfman, the old Super NES game Zombies Ate My Neighbors, and the gleeful indulgence of OCRemix, a community of game music rearrangement artists that I love.

This was all originally written for the indie PC game FranknJohn, which is currently in early access on Steam, but I decided to release the music early in its own collection as a celebration of my favorite holiday. The track titles and cover art have been chosen to evoke a campy, spooky, horror-themed story.


Even though i'm more than a couple days late to writing about the second day of Steam Developer Days I wanted to get out my thoughts while they are still nearly fresh in my mind. Spoiler alert, day two was incredible but the drive home from Seattle to Portland that night was precarious as I had to navigate the freak storm that occurred as some remnants of Typhoon Songda hit the west coast. I feel bad for my steering wheel as my clenched fingers strangled it for many tense driving moments but the wheel and I made it home safely.

One of the most interesting parts of the second devs days was Mike Ambinder's talk on The Psychology Of Games. When the talks are released from Steam Developer Days I plan on featuring the talk in a post for people to watch and talk more about it. There were many standout parts to Mike's talk but the thing I thought about was how Developer choice can effect player preference. Mike also talked about cognitive dissonance and how they used that to change toxic behavior in DoTA 2. His talk also featured the hilarious picture of him and Gabe embedded above and I want to thank Mike letting me use the image in this blog post.

Another interesting talk was by Ronimo Games(the creators of Awesomenauts) about games as a service. Traditionally a game was released as a physical product and after the initial wave of sales you were done with it. You'd maybe drop a patch or two and sometimes an expansion but for the most part, after launch, developers and companies were done with the game. Ronimo takes a different approach to this with Awesomenauts as they are always releasing content in the form of game patches, heroes, skins and expansions. They've been utilizing the games as a service model since 2012 and it seems to have served them and the fans of the game well. Fans get more of what they love and Ronimo can keep the studio lights on. I found a few things out in this talk in that when players buy Awesomenauts skins one reason they often do that is to support the developers. Players see it more as a patronage of the company and want to support them as a studio. Ronimo also was straight up honest that they held back some content at launch so they could focus on post release promises and be able to fund fixing bugs. Usually companies are not transparent about this but Ronimo was pretty straight forward about the costs of running a studio and being able to keep post release commitments by having the work done in advance.

If I had one suggestion for next years Steam Developer Days it is that I would focus on more advanced topics. It's good to cover things from a beginner level but I wasn't finding each talk to be as meaty or topical as i'd of liked. The talks I highlighted in my two posts were superb but not every talk was as deep as i'd have wanted. That said, I loved that Steam Developer Days was only two days as i've had a rough time when conferences overstay their welcome. All that said, I really enjoyed this years Steam Developer Days and can't wait to head back when Valve does it again in 2018.

If you want to read up on my thoughts on the first day of the conference hit the link below


Skyrim Special Edition comes to Xbox One, PS4 and PC on October 28th and Bethesda has released this trailer showing off just how good the game will look. As a fun bonus if you already have Skyrim on Steam on PC it will be available to you at the ultra low cost of zero dollars. It's nice that Bethesda is making this available to owners of new consoles because if you haven't played it now is a great time. Not does it come with an incredible graphical upgrade but Skyrim will also come with all DLC included.

If you are interested in joining the Skyrim Special Edition launch hype train join the Cheerful Ghost launch event discussion below


I have really enjoyed Double Fine's documentary videos. It's something they started with Broken Age that has carried through each game and they are continuing it with the development of the much anticipated Psychonauts 2. The video covers the games reveal at the Video Game Awards as well as successful funding on Fig.

A brand new Rogue One Trailer dropped bringing us more details about the upcoming Rogue One Star Wars film. Showing more of the story it seems that Jin's father was captured by the empire and forced to build it's ultimate weapon. This trailer features the music of Michael Giacchino who replaced Alexandre Desplat and you can heard Giacchino's style front and center for the trailer. Internet people have been worried about a series of pickups for Rogue One but that's still something I am not really concerned about. Why wouldn't you want to make a movie even better?

The new Rogue One trailer story trailer is out but what do you think? Does the movie still look like something you are interested in or maybe something else?

In 2014 Cheerful Ghost published it's first game Starship Rubicon, an asteroids-esque rogue lite. Working with Wick to take his game to a wider audience was a really fun experience and along the way we hit some fun milestones like releasing the game on Windows, Mac and Linux on Steam. Because of that Cheerful Ghost was asked to attend this years Steam Developer Days and we happily signed up. I wasn't sure what to expect but I figured we'd learn more about what Valve was up to and maybe play some fun games along the way.

It's All About VR Baby!

It might not be too surprising that Valve is focusing heavily on VR and the Vive. The main social area here at Steam Developer Days is lined with VR booths featuring a ton of really interesting games such as Work Simulator and Tilt Brush. I've really enjoyed trying my hand at Work Simulator and after the whole experience really think that the Vive is the most immersive VR I've used to date. The sensitivity of the tracking and controllers is superb and much smoother than other VR I've tried like the Oculus. Wick discovered the Tilt Brush VR app by Google and was painting some really interesting things for about an hour. It's hard to describe just want you can do with Tilt Brush but imagine a paint program where you can paint with light, smoke and other effects in 3D at room scale. These kinds of VR art experiences are going to allow people to create some really great stuff and I can't wait to see what people do with it when VR becomes more popular.

Valve Dropped Some News On What's Next

We've heard rumblings of a new Steam client update that aims to change things up considerably and I heard first hand of this today talking to a Steam designer and it was later confirmed in a Steam talk. They didn't talk a ton about what the new version would do but they did note that they wanted to improve how people find new games.

Valve said that they are partnering with Samsung to have the Steam Link built in to upcoming Samsung TV's. Smart TV's are doing so much these days and integrating the Steam Link into them seems like a really great next step to get Steam into every living room. I wonder how long it will be before you don't need a PC to stream the games and the TV's have enough horsepower to do it themselves?

During the VR talk they also let us know that they are working on bringing VR to Mac and SteamOS and that there would be a demo of VR on Linux for us to get our hands on tomorrow. Valve bringing VR to SteamOS, Linux and Mac sounds like something that should make people happy as will push VR to be a more open system, something Valve is committed to.

The Swag Is Strong With This One

Each Steam Developer Day attendee was gifted a Steam Controller, Steam Link and a bunch of other swag. This is a really great bonus and something I am looking forward to checking out. It's also really nice for players of Steam games because now that more developers have a Steam Controller, adding support is that much easier.

There Is No Steamboy

Personally, I've been interested in Valve producing a handheld system for quite some time. While I was talking to a Valve Developer I asked them if Valve was working on such a system and they said they weren't. They remembered the Steamboy concept video and thought it was pretty interesting but said Valve wasn't working on anything like that. It makes sense as they are focused on other things right now but I thought it was worth mentioning and lamenting.

Interested in reading my thoughts on day 2? Hit the link below.


Ubisoft and EA are giving away two classic games you might want to check out. Continuing with it's 30 year anniversary celebration, Ubisoft is handing out copies of Beyond Good and Evil on UPlay. EA just dropped a Peter Molyneux classic Dungeon Keeper on its Origin service for free too. If you were looking for some classic PC titles to play these might be worth checking out.

Unless you are too good for free and absolutely must pay for them and I imagine you could do that if you wanted.

Head over to Club Ubisoft to get Beyond Good and Evil:


Dungeon Keeper on EA Origin:


Dreams of finally owning the self lacing shoes from Back to the Future 2 might finally be here and coming along side a very good cause.

"Almost 30 years ago, Nike inspired a future vision of footwear — an individually responsive shoe that senses the wearer and adapts on its own. The Nike Mag, famously worn on the silver screen by Michael J. Fox, quickly became a cultural icon.

Today, Nike and The Michael J. Fox Foundation proudly announce the release of the 2016 Nike Mag — a limited-edition release of only 89 pairs available globally through an online draw — to once again channel the excitement of the Nike Mag to raise awareness in the fight against Parkinson’s disease and the Foundation's tireless efforts to speed a cure.

If you are interested in entering in the raffle, check the link below. It would be incredible if you won and hopefully, someday, Nike releases these as an actual think. Because if they did, i'd totally buy them.


I really enjoyed watching Star Wars The Force Awakens in theaters. I still enjoy watching it now and think it's a very solid addition to the Star Wars universe. With that, as I was watching it, I noticed a few things that stood out to me that I may have chosen to do differently. Some of those things are covered in Red Letter Media's Plinkett review of Star Wars The Force Awakens. The main one for me is how similar it is to a New Hope. It's nice that it "feels like Star Wars" but maybe i'd have made it less similar? I love talking about this stuff and Plinkett's Force Awakens Review opens the discussion again, which is something I can't get enough of.

The Force Awakens review starts things off by covering all the time that has passed since the Revenge of the Sith Plinkett Review and all the think pieces that have attempted to put the Prequels in a positive light. It's an interesting discussion about stupid click bait articles and reviews as well as the Star Wars Ring Theory that is an interesting idea but when put up to a microscope seems a bit silly.

The Plinkett Force Awakens Review is interesting because it also contains a few notes from the past Prequel reviews. I like this because it sort of gets everyone up to speed even if you haven't watched all the previous reviews. That said, if you haven't and like the style of this review, I seriously recommend you watch them all. I'd even start with the first ever Plinkett review of Star Wars Generations because they all blend together and form a fun story that is loosely threaded together.

Plinkett forges ahead discussing Disney's acquisition of LucasFilm and George Lucas's departure from Star Wars. Originally when LucasFilm was purchased Disney said Lucas would be involved in Star Wars something that was quickly changed and Plinkett notes.

My favorite parts of the review are when Plinkett discusses his ideas for an alternate Force Awakens storyline and each Plinkett review contains live action scenes involving George Lucas and this time JJ Abrams joins. Overall the review seems to note that The Force Awakens is a good movie but suffers from a few issues to repeated viewings. Not sure I disagree with much of what he says here but again... I really like the movie and still do.

Ultimately Star Wars The Force Awakens had an impossible job of creating a modern version Star Wars to lifelong fans as well as kids. It had a very fine dance to do in that the prequels were a thing that many longtime fans didn't love but a new generation of kids did. It had to start up a whole new universe of films as well as be a fucking great film and for that, I think it was one of the most impressive movies made in quite some time. It's not the best movie I saw in 2015 but it's one of the most anticipated and more than met my expectations considering how much was riding on it and how many peoples expectations it had to meet.

I love nearly everything Red Letter Media does and loved watching The Force Awakens Review. As someone that comes back to watch the prequel reviews multiple times i'm happy we got this review and if you watch it let me know what you think of it.