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Ok people, who's in? I'm pacific time and available most evenings after 8pm. Do we want to try and set up a group to meet once a week?
Oh, and does anyone know if the PC version limits group size to 4 like the console version? My quick google search seems to indicate yes. I've limited the event size to 8 for now in case we want to set up two groups (maybe one east coast, one west coast?)
One more thing: I marked the game for the event as Borderlands 2 because there seemed to be more interest in that one. But I am completely open to either the first or second game.
They are indeed limited to 4 players. I'm still a maybe due to the time difference, but if you don't find two more I'll be an alternate.
I'm in. I'd like to be the Psycho I've wanted to try that class out.
I'm also on the West Coast, but available at just about any time. It's one of the joys of being "retired."
BL2 is probably the most solid experience all around. BL:TPS has some nifty new mechanics that make it fairly enjoyable and there are a few really good characters in it.
You can count me in too. I'm West Coast. I usually play soldier or commando but I'm open to trying another class if someone else wants to play that.
So it sounds like Bean, Jon, Danny, and I, with Travis as an alternate if someone can't make it? That's a pretty solid group I think.
What days work best for everyone? Would Saturday nights work?
Oh, and dibs on Mechromancer. :)
I'm free most Saturday nights. And even nights when I'm busy with the kids they are usually in bed by 8:30.
Saturday evenings could work. No weekday evenings?
Since today is Saturday wanna play tonight?
Weekdays are going to be hit and miss for me for a little while, but after about... July 18th or so I will have a much more steady schedule.
As of right now, I can probably commit to Monday nights. Looking at the calendar there doesn't seem to be anything planned on Mondays.
I would love to play tonight! I've had BL2 installing today, so it will be ready by tonight.
8pm tonight sounds great.
Monday nights work for me, also tonight might work. Let's drop a time tonight say 8pm on?
That work for everyone else?
Also, everyone message WhiteboySlim your Steam info so he can friend you to setup tonights game.
Great, see you then.
Are we going to use Skype or in game Steam voice chat?
We can have multiple classes but I'll probably bring a Siren. We can work out the details on that once we're in-game.
Tonight might not work for me but that's why there's an alt slot, right? ;)
Keep the event open and I'd be more than happy to join another one.
I'm beansmyname on Steam. Feel free to add me if you haven't already. Also, ping me around 7:30 Pacific and I'll have a more concrete answer.
8:00 should work fine. I've had more success with Skype than Steam chat.
Sadly, I won't be able to make it tonight. However, I have multiple characters and would love to join some other time.
FWIW, the in-game voice chat seems to work fairly well, too.
Ok! First night went well. We're going to try and meet up on Monday nights starting this Monday. We're currently all level 9 and we just got to Sanctuary. We're about to start the firehawk quest.
I have an idea. Let's play the side quests on our own and then when we come together continue with the main quest. One benefit there is we get all the loot drops to ourselves for those, plus we can just focus on the main story together.
I'm not too worried about loot drops. Gearbox has been handing out golden keys like mad since BL2 shipped and they haven't stopped. Have about 60 or so in BL2 and TPS, so I just spend 4 or 5 at the gold crate every once in a while. And I'm willing to share whatever comes out. Always got better items there than anywhere else (until you get to the end stage and collect the same gear everyone else has).
The real advantage for me in the side quests isn't the loot, but the experience gained. There are some mid-to-late stages of BL2 that become really grindy. OK in an RPG (and possibly expected), not so OK in an FPS. Fighting bullet sponges for a few hours to be able to progress in the story is not fun to me. So, the side quests help alleviate some of that. My only concern is the potential level disparity between those who do the side quests and those who don't.
That's a good point. I guess we can do the side quests too, I just wasn't thrilled with the guns I had to start and after a few side quests I am good. That said, I don't have a problem re-playing those missions.
Golden keys are account bound and limited but there are ways of getting around that.
The only side quests I'd say we really NEED to do are the ones that offer skins/heads, because I like playing dress up with my characters sometimes. >.> Or there are a few that offer unique and awesome guns.
Really I just enjoy the game, and playing as a group is a blast. I don't care if we focus on the main story or side quests or both! We could also do a bit of both: Focus on the main storyline, and then if the mission levels start to pass us up, stop to do a few side quests.
Sounds like you play the way I do. :D
I don't really care for much beyond the skins/heads since the gunplay is a bit lackluster and I'm not interested in having all of the top gear.
Best way I've found to share golden keys is in-game. Head to Sanctuary, open the chest, back away. :P
Golden keys aren't a problem any more. I just went to https://twitter.com/dgshiftcodes and copy/pasted every BL2 code that would work (all the Randy Pitchford ones back to March) and I now have 55 golden keys. I think I'm set, lol.
Sheesh, after a bit of googling I also found this shift code for 20 keys that has no expiration date: 5BW3B-F96CT-KXJFK-TB3B3-39BWZ
I'm going to attempt to run BL2 on my laptop. It should work at minimum settings, as long as my desk doesn't catch fire in the process...
I realize coming in late that you guys already have a solid group. I can try to be a swing man, or get a little side action going with the East Coast ghosters :).
All you need to do is back up a single file, profile.dat I think, open the chest until you're out of keys, then close the game and copy that file back in and you have all your keys back but you retain all the loot.
Dirty cheater here. :) It doesn't give you that big of an edge though.
Just to confirm: we're on for tonight, correct?
Oh bummer... I was hoping to join in for once a week of play. I was pretty busy this weekend and not usually checking the internet much (facebook aside on my phone). I've never played BL2 tho and don't even have it installed probably, so it sounds like I'd be way behind the curve, not to mention you're already full up.
I am more than happy to step aside to let someone else play.
Another idea: If we get one or two more people, just run concurrent games. :D
I played all of two minutes with WBS last night. Got the game running on this little 13" MacBook Pro, and, while it's super tiny on this screen, the hardware seemed to handle it okay. Granted, it might melt in the more open areas. I'll keep a fire extinguisher handy.
I'm supposed to be working tonight, but I might carve out time to play. I'd be up for running on the B-team ;).
One thing we can do is just play with whomever shows up. Make sure that WBS is connected to you and if there are 4 it's fine and if there are 6 we can split into two teams of 3.
Also, we will track what mission we are on so if someone skips they can play on their own to progress onward. I am going to try and hit up tonight at 8pm PDT.
One thing that's cool about BL2 also is that if you join a game that has progressed farther in the story than you have you will still get credit for those missions in your own game. Once you go back to your solo game, you will be set back to your last active mission, but once you "catch up" to where you had completed in a multiplayer game you get a prompt to skip the missions you already completed.
More details: http://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/articles/201335863-How-does-Mission-Fast-Forward-work-in-Co-Op-
It would be nice if there was some level scaling so you didn't have to be near-matched to really play well together.
SO, I installed it and jumped on anyways. I haven't been on my desktop in like a month. Ended up playing for an hourish with WBS. I'm a lvl 7 assassin right now. I'll play some more to get caught up.
Is there a set day people are aiming for for grouping?
Right now Mondays at 8 is kind of our set meeting time.
Ohh, they just added a lot more DLC to the deal, sweet!
What's everyone's level btw? I think I got to 9 last night?
I think we dinged 10 before logging out. My Mechromancer that I played on Monday is 13 I think.
So I bought the BL2 Game of the Year Edition which doesn't come with all the DLC if you get the $15 bundle. I did the math on if I bought the DLC straight up and it's the same price as buying the bundle. I think i'll end up picking up the bundle after all.
Who's on for some BL2 tomorrow night: 7/7/2015 @ 8p PST?
You have my gun.
I'm down - my assassin is ready. Also, fyi, in a random occurrence that didn't impact me deciding to play BL2 or sway my character choice, I realized yesterday that the mousepad I got from loot crate is this:
Ha ha ha, that's an awesome mousepad.
It's big too, and thick and smooth, it's the best quality mouse pad I've ever had (then again, I didn't care to use most of the time, but now realize it improves mouse precision).
Ok, well I'll be on as close to 8 as possible (after getting kids to bed). My assassin is lvl 11 I think. Cya in 3 hours!
I'll be joining a few minutes late tonight. Still be on though so start without me and i'll join up during.
Everyone down for this Monday the 13th @ 8p PST?
I'm in, but will probably be a little late. Go ahead and start without me and I'll jump on when I can.
I can't. One of my grandmas passed a few days ago, and I'm slightly wrecked. I'll try to catch up with you guys soon. I'll stay in the event thread, though, if that's okay.
That's cool. Wish you all well.
I'm so sorry hear about your Grandma Scrypt! :( Hope you're doing ok. Of course you can stay in the event thread.
thank you :)
Sad to hear, sorry for your loss :(
I'm down for Monday, btw
Scrypt, I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you! I probably shouldn't have blurted that out here. I didn't mean to be a downer. I've never lost anyone close before, so I guess I'm in a weird place. I do very much appreciate the condolences, though!
So, anyway, I should be back in Texas in a day or two; back to proper gaming platforms. What level is everyone at? How much catching up will I need to do?
Sorry for your loss, scrypt. I've lost people close to me before and it sucks. It will get easier with time, as with all things.
I'm level 15, which I think is a level under WBS. At least they were 16 when we quit last Monday
Sorry I had to drop early, let me know what levels you ended at and i'll make sure I am caught up for next Monday.
So, with WBS's move, not sure if he'll be on tonight, don't think he has internet yet and set up etc.
Internet is up and running, but I can pretty much guarantee I will not be on tonight. We've had a couple set backs with the whole unpacking thing, so our lives (and my PC) are still in boxes at this point. :P
After you guys play tonight just post what levels you're all at when you quit and I'll try and catch up.
Well, let me know who plans to play tonight
Sorry guys I've been really busy today. I can't make it tonight. Let me know what levels you hit tonight and I'll catch up this week.
Yeah, sorry I can't make it either. Next Monday will be better for me!
I don't think anyone is playing tonight, actually
It's not 100%, but I am going to try and be on tonight. It would have been a for-sure thing, but then my shower broke this morning, so I get to fix that tonight. Anyone else think they'll make it on tonight?
I am available, I'll check back later to see who's able. No biggie either way
Yeah, this week looks unlikely. I am hoping for next Monday. Looks way more open right now.
I don't mind skipping, Rett just introduced me to a game called dungeon of the endless or endless dungeon...looks amaze
Stopping in to say that I definitely will not be able to make it tonight. House stuff calls unfortunately. :\
Yeah I can't make it either.
Hey guys I can't make it tonight. Today's my anniversary.
Happy anniversary Danny!
As luck would have it, I think I can attend tonight.
Happy anniversary Danny!
I am putting myself down as a maybe, but probably. I'm visiting family, but by the time we're going to be playing the kids should all be in bed and we will just be hanging out. I'm installing it on my laptop right now so it should be ready to go by tonight.
So WBS and I completed the alt Firehawk cult mission and then the mission that Hammerlock gives you in the Sanctuary hole. While we were over there we found the Minecraft level and WBS got the Mecromancer Minecraft head.
I think I am going to loot all the Minecraft heads as I unlocked them on the PS3 but not the PC yet.
Also, ding! We're level 19 now. So you all don't have much you need to catch up on. :)
Just writing in to say that I won't be on tonight. I spoke with dannytron earlier and he won't be able to make it either.
I'll be on... oh wait, nm, WBS will be visiting my house tonight, guess I can't play (BL2 anyways)!
Hahaha, oh yeah. Jabo won't be on either. We're going to be playing games in person for a change.
Sounds good, thanks for letting me know. I guess I won't be playing tonight either.
I don't know who else was playing (there's 6 ppl subscibed to the event), but I gotta bail on Mondays. I am going to try to get back into a weekly DOTA2 night. That means I'll be doing DOTA and MtG every week eating up 2 full nights. I can't ask for 3, just too many, so hopefully I won't be missed and somebody else steps up.
Sounds good JaBo, it was fun having you while it lasted.
Quick update for everyone: dannytron and I were the only two to make it this week. We didn't progress through the story at all and just did a few side missions. We dinged levels 20 and 21.
See you next week!
I'll be around for tonight. What about everyone else?
On a side note, my Gunzerker is high enough level to join the main group now, so I think I will be switching. I'm bringing my team ammo-regen class mod too. So... you know... you're welcome for that. :P
I won't be, sorry. I spent some time last night grinding to get all the Minecraft heads & got most of them. One of my friends is coming over and we are opening out Grand Tournament packs together, I think we will be making a video of that too.
I always say "next Monday" but in this case I think that should actually work
Looks like dannytron is out also. So I think we're going to postpone until next week. :)
On a side note, does Monday in general still work for everyone? Would another day work out better for anyone? Friday or Saturday might work better for our East coast ghosts.
Hey everyone im in for tonight. In the middle of a move but I need a gaming break. Anyone else in for tonight?
Eh-hem. Yes, I will be on.
Ok, so I won't be anymore. House moving stuff. Will make for a fun story later but for now it's just frustrating. Le sigh
Any responses to "Friday or Saturday might work better for our East coast ghosts?"
I'd love to get in on this :)
I am down for this Friday at 7p PDT.
I can do Friday at 8pm pacific. Would that be too late?
Travis? You in for that time Friday?
WhiteboySlim and I played a couple side missions and pressed forward with the main story some. We ended at level 21-22
We are all level 24 now I think. It was nice to finally make one of these!
After Dan and Jon left WBS and I unlocked my fourth gun slot so I'm all set, and now I have a decent shield, so maybe I won't die so much :D
That's great! I got a ton more good drops because those missions were harder. Plus it was fun too.
OK so what level is everyone at after our session Friday evening?
Oh.... Right. Thanks.
This even has officially expired, but curious if anyone wants to play next Monday?
Time to spend some Birthday Steam Money! I have no idea what I'll want, I'll wait to see what's on sale :)
I've been playing through Costume Quest recently and loving it. If the sequel goes on sale I'll probably pick it up. :)
No, I can't think of any. Although, the Terraria Halloween stuff should be available right now, shouldn't it? Yet I've played it with WBS and Travis, some what recently. I still haven't completed the Pumpkin Moon event. We were able to do it on the server because, I think, Travis added in the necessary materials, although we didn't defeat it. I have all of the CG worlds saved and therefore, I could loot the necessary materials any time. Now I'm getting tempted to try it out again. Haha.
I'm still playing Bejeweled 3, getting all the badges. Luckily, I've gotten the hardest ones. I have most of them already. I've also been working on completing the Smash Bros. (3DS) challenges, but I had to take a day off after my thumbs were sore after getting the Home Run Derby challenge completed with Ganondorf.
The Halloween stuff should be available in Terraria now.
If the server is still running we could do a Pumpkin Moon event. I'll rope in Travis to see if it is.
The server is still running, I just tested it. =) It's probably been a long time since any of us played, although I can really only speak for myself and assume for every one else.
What difficulty level were you thinking?
DAMN! Not fast enough for this one. The next one, perhaps, now that I have a machine that runs this well enough to play with others.
I was thinking the same settings as last game. Wondering what those were so I can host it. Unless you want to Tim? That would be ok.
@beansmyname: yeah, catch you next time!
It was a Gib Fest mutation on advanced.
Also, would a versus match be possible in the future? It takes longer, but we can fit up to 8 people in.
Is versus some kind of deathmatch?
Two teams of four. They alternate each leg of the campaign playing as the survivors and the special infected. You get points for how far you get through the level as the survivors. Team with the most points at the end wins.
Oh fun. Yeah, the next event could be that for sure. Could be fun.
Bean, it's yours if you want it. Some stuff blew up at work (not literally) and I have to go in at 4AM in the morning, so I'll be asleep before this starts.
Awww, catch you next time Travis.
Damn right you will! :)
Thanks for the heads up, Travis. Are event times localized?
Yes they are!
Yeah, if your timezone is set (and I am certain we require it is) then it should be localized. After you join you can add it to Google Calendar / iPhone / Android or whatever and that should localize it too :D
All set!
vdogmr called & the trains are running a little slow this afternoon. He should be home right around 7 and will hop in. Jon you can host it, :)
Great, ill try and figure how how to run a game with the mods like last time. We can hold off a bit for vdogmr no problem.
Cool, honestly I'm not sure myself how to set the mutation up. vdogmr does it for me. :)
There is a mutation game mode and you select which one you want. Then "games with friends" and advanced and there we are. Not too bad, but I will admit that Left 4 Dead isn't the most intuitive UI Valve shipped.
And this is version 2. I'll be in there in about 10 minutes.
Whew, that was fun! Glad I beat that finally.
Oh and vdogmr25, thanks for the tips, they helped :D
That was ridiculously fun. Sorry about the voice thing. Turns out it's a long-standing bug in Steam or Pulseaudio. Apparently, there's a workaround and I'm going to give that a shot.
Definitely down to do that again whenever.
Totally. If you guys want to setup the next event feel free!
I haven't tried voice in Linux yet, I wonder how it would do... Hmmm.
Well, voice works in the Steam app proper (so far as I can tell), but once you're in L4D2 the mic shuts off completely. I'm going to jump into Awesomenauts and see if the problem is there, too.
You have to press "C" to chat when I am playing L4D2, unsure about other games.
I tested my headset in Linux too, it works well. Totally amazed by how well Linux is progressing. Had to select it out of a list of things, but after finding it in Steam it worked like a charm.
I pressed 'C' a few times last night and the bubble over my character showed I was chatting, but no one heard me. I am still unable to get voice chat to work in L4D2 at all. I'm not the only person having the problem and I've even tried a few things that were suggested on the forums. Still no dice.
It works in the Steam settings but nowhere else seemingly.
If anyone ever has a moment and would be willing to help me test my configuration, please let me know. Want to confirm that it works anywhere but the settings. Voice chat in group or in-game would be preferable.