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Torchlight was overall a pretty good game. It had a diverse amount of maps, weapons, armor, and the such. Torchlight was fun, but once you have beaten Ordrak in the Lair, the game kind of loses its excitement, now that you have finished the main quest line, and there are only repeatable and side quests left. The whole game kind of feels a bit grindy, although the ability to mod it makes it a whole lot better. In my opinion, Torchlight is a good game to play for a weekend or 2, but its lack of multiplayer or coop subtracts from the game's fun. Really hoping that Torchlight 2 will be much better than the original.

My adventurer and my pet could be Jerry the Berserker and his wolf named Puppy.

Ahh, the good old times of Torchlight. A long time ago, I must have been when I was in the 9th grade, I was at a friends house for a sleepover. Unfortunately, both me and my friend have very different sleeping patterns. I woke up at 5, to a rising sun, while the rest of the house was asleep. Not wanting to wake anybody up, I was keeping silent, staying on my fold out bed, not knowing when anybody would rise. I had brought my laptop with me, though unfortunately, it was ancient, and had the technological capabilities of a toaster. I had no offline games to play, and no wifi to connect to. But then I saw it, at the base of my games list, Torchlight. I started a new... Read All

Torchlight was to be my fix before Diablo III came out and it did give me tons of fun reliving the good old Diablo II days. Killing monsters, leveling up, getting talents for damage, watch things explode and picking up those sweet sweet loot. In my case, it was letting my minions do the work while I chill and nuke stragglers along the way.

Sad to say, I didn't complete the game. Grueling level after level of the same dungeon type, over and over and over again, I hit the bottom of the first one. Boss time! Now that was fun! But it ended in a flash and there I was back in town, pointed to the graveyard for yet another descent into "over and over again". With that thought,... Read All

My adventurer and pet is going to be called
Captain Cortan and his Mighty Minion

Torchlight is a sort of Diablo II I've always wanted to play. It has much more positive and pretty cartoonish graphics and a lot of looting (as any Diablo-like game would have ;) ), not to mention fishing mini-game and an (yay!) an option to send a pet to the town instead of running there on my own ;)

I wanted to finish the game with a hardcore char just to test (and testify) my skills with dungeon-crawlers. It's good to know that even the hardest difficulty is not insane and is easily playable (by me). The problem came at the third night. It's just like sleeping when you drive. So *BAM!!!* -- ooh, my health is dropping, how quick, strange. *BAM!!!* -- Game over. My... Read All

Torchlight took everything that made diablo 2 work and made it roughly 10,000x better. It's no wonder, too, as Runic is mainly composed of the former Blizzard East employees charged with creating Diablo 2 in the first place. From the ability to create endless variations of the same class to the random dungeon generator, not to mention the Sword of Adam (WIZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARDS!) This game was a masterpiece and the TRUE spiritual successor to Diablo 2.

Is this game better than Darkspore or Diablo III?

Really good game, Even if it is not in Cheerful Ghost List it should be...