Discussion Forums

The Cheerful Ghost Forums are the place for any kind of discussion around games, movies or off-topic threads that are not on the main page.

Cleaning out my inventory, I accidentally bought an extra copy of this during one of the many Steam sales. You have to have the main game in order to use this. If you do, and you want it, comment below and I'll use random.org to pick the winner.

Cleaning out my inventory, you get a second copy when you buy the game. Comment below and I'll use random.org to pick the winner.

I think I want to pick these up but I am curious what peoples thoughts are about them both?

So I just nabbed Indie Game the movie through the recent Humble Weekly Sale that Jon talked about a few days ago. Checking out the website for the heck of it, I found there's a special edition being released with epilogues, Team Meat commentary, stories from other game creators, and such. The best part is, if you own the movie, you can buy the special features separately, and there's a box set with extra stuffs too. I'm not too big on the box set, but next paycheck, I'm gonna snag the special features. Sounds like there's some cool stuff to add to it.


Matthew Davis, one of the designers of FTL just agreed to doing an interview with us. I am wondering if anyone has any questions they want me to ship over with the interview? Id like everyone to submit their questions in the comments by Sunday.


My first impression after playing BioShock demo back in 2007? It's time for a hardware upgrade. I was well disappointed, as from what I could see during the slideshow my PC was serving me, it was obvious I *should* play BioShock.

By the time I finally managed to get my hands on first Bioshock, the hype surrounding it's release was long over and I could play through the game without too many preconceptions. I'm glad about it because this game is not perfect. It certainly wouldn't get a place in my personal TOP 10 (my gaming experience started in the 80s, so I guess it doesn't mean much). Sure, BioShock has a combat system that allows so much creativity, a truly... Read All

Cheerful Ghost Bioshock Infinite Contest Entry:

I played the original Bioshock last year while I was away at school. It was a lonely time. I'd lost my roommate, so I rarely had human company, due to my pitiful inability to make friends. I found Bioshock and Bioshock 2 on Amazon and got both on the Xbox 360 for $10 (this was before I had a decent PC which could play those games; fortunately, I do have one now). I popped in Bioshock. Instantly, I was thrown into the dangerous world of Rapture where I could trust no one but myself. I fought through Splicer after Splicer, defeating the ADAM-rattled fiends til I could have sworn that I'd killed the population of Rapture... Read All

It took me multiple playthroughs to really *get* what the original BioShock was about, 'til that point all it was to me was a first person shooter with some RPG elements, a neat setting built around complex and often dark themes and a brilliant narrative twist. It wasn't until about my third playthrough that I started to look at proceedings through a more critical view. BioShock is a startling commentary on the limitations of video games as a medium and why it requires an individual to give up a certain amount of 'control' to be able to truly appreciate the nuances of this new form of art.

The above body of text is my contribution to Cheerful Ghost's "Bioshock Infinite... Read All

Bioshock Infinite Contest:

A creative writing on Bioshock, and the shock to my bioness thereof:

Atlas may have shrugged,
But in Rapture I did not.
contest haiku-win?

... or not?

In all seriousness - my BS1 experience was largely on my old roommate's X360. It reminded me why I play games and what an FPS can be. Admittedly I struggled to get past the first hour or so - but that isn't uncommon for me as a gamer (I just restarted it on PC again and I have the same issue). It thankfully sparked my reentry into the gaming world outside of MMOs - first to console then back to PC. I've largely discredited the FPS genre in my time, and as such it's been a long journey for me - and... Read All

Hello, I am entering this contest, because I loved the storyline of the previous 2 bioshocks, but unfortunately, I was never able to play tem in my own computer, i could't install "Bioshock 2", because of the famous "data2.cab" error and the 1st one, I had a problem with the Disc. Now that the 3rd one got out, I'm really looking forward to play it, but, luck is not on my side again, I can not buy the game myself because I do not have a credit card, and my familly is not that rich, so my father only lets me buy games when they're on sale and only arround 20 EUROS per mounth. So the only way for me to play it this year is to win it on a giveaway or something like that,... Read All