Discussion Forums

The Cheerful Ghost Forums are the place for any kind of discussion around games, movies or off-topic threads that are not on the main page.

So I have found myself in possession of about 4 extra DotA 2 beta invites. Any one interested?

Happy new year CG..

Wishing a great year for everyone and endless happiness, peace and joy for us all..

GG =)

Happy holidays and a wonderful new year to all of you!

Greetings fellow travellers.

My name is Shavrath, and I come from the north. Some of you might already thought about that, after seeing my bulky build and long beard. I came to this inn to tell you my story, how I discovered the mysteries in world of Torchlight.

It was a long time ago, when I came to the town of Torchlight. I was a young Destroyer back then, and I barely could hold a battle-axe in my hands. After talking with the natives I realised, that there is something bad going on. I got my first quests, and I headed for the old mine, forgotten by all that is holy.

When I arrived there, I was instantly attacked by ancient evil, lurking around, trying to stab me in... Read All

My character name is:

Baron Jamestown von Awesomefist and his gentlemanly and classy Panther Sir. Steamclaw

I got my Torchlight copy among other Humble Indie Bundle games, and it was nothing more than a pleasant bonus - I recall being more excited about Dustforce. A couple of years ago I've pirated Torchlight, but ended up playing just a dozen levels before giving up. Perhaps at that time I just didn't care that much for ARPG's - Diablo II met a similar fate, although on one occasion I did make it to the start of Act III.

This time, thought, it was different. A couple of days ago I felt the urge to play something new, and ended up installing Torchlight. Played a quick session before going to sleep, but again, I wasn't too impressed - it felt dated and I still vaguely recalled... Read All

"Tiny.", is what she thought when she first entered the town of Torchlight. She was used to the hustle and bustle of the big city. "What kind of interest could such a place hold anyway?", she sighed internally, She tried to look casual as she made her way through town, her hand resting on the polished wooden grip of the gun at her side as her large cat, Jade, matched step perfectly at her side as she was trained to do. Her name was Liliana, and she was sent by the city to investigate the rumored dark goings on in this sleepy little hamlet. She was told to keep her identity under wraps to avoid suspicion, so here she was, in civilians clothes with a woefully... Read All

You can trust me, I'm Zapek the almost graduated engineer and with me there's my loyal companion...cube ;)