Discussion Forums

The Cheerful Ghost Forums are the place for any kind of discussion around games, movies or off-topic threads that are not on the main page.

This game is IMO one of the best game blends of story and gameplay. It tells a moving narrative of war, friendship, loss, and triumph while giving exciting SRPG tactical action.

If you haven't gotten this game yet, you really should. It is one of my all-time favorite games. The single-player is terrific and the coop is just as good (although I strongly recommend voice chat for coop).

Beta key anyone? PS-3 only. I only have one.

Thanks for this! Here is my haiku attempt!

Borderlands was fun.
Now it's time for way more guns.
Lots and lots of guns.

Limbo is one of the most artistic games I have ever played. It is really fun!

Haiku deadline's tomorrow, so I should probably cast my die. Good luck to all the entrants!

Level-up and catch a ride;
Handsome Jack beware.