Discussion Forums

The Cheerful Ghost Forums are the place for any kind of discussion around games, movies or off-topic threads that are not on the main page.

Here's my Haiku.

Strip flesh, salt the wound
Paint the man, cut all the lines
Whoops, that's the wrong game


i played borderlands 1 and i was impressed about it and would love to win borderlands 2 here with you guys :) this would be my first time when i would win something on internet :P...nha what i'm talking here kid dreams :( i know i wont win i never do :D...but at least i tried i give my shoot :( but i'm not mister popularity to get lots of +1 or likes from fans :D i guess steve kardynal should be here he would win from first shoot 5000000000000 likes :D

try this video guys is very fun made my day lolz

what do u expect of this?

Its Full of Adrenalin Rush Action

Just wanted to remind everyone that we will be on our Terraria game tonight(9/9) @ 7pm PST spawning and killing the Wall of Flesh. This will flip the world to hard mode.


Hey want to see a surprisingly amusing song?

Adym's Daughter -
My video game just dance3 stopsin the middle of one song called Price Tag. Is this a problem with my console, the disk, or is it just this song?