General Discussion

Released on February 28, 2012 by Cheerful Ghost

Developed by Cheerful Ghost

The place for conversation that doesn't make sense to talk about in any specific game in our list. Think of General Discussion as a "catch all" for conversations about gaming, game culture or anything else worth sharing.

In The Cheerful Ghost Roundtable Episode 7: Halloween Special we take a bit of a break to talk about horror themed games we have played that have had an impact on us. @CapnCurry drops a story during our roundtable about "Gonzo the Norn" that is a must hear. It's a really interesting tale about an experience he had with a particular Norn in Creatures 2. Experience the story that prompted us to spontaneously clap when he was finished.

We also polish off the episode by going over games we'd like to see come to Valve's upcoming SteamOS and Steam Machines. Come for the video game discussion stay for us dressing up strangely!
I was just glancing at what games might be available for my phone (Andriod) and saw that the Final Fantasy games are being ported to Android? Has anyone tried any of these? I honestly never paid too much attention to which FF in North America translates to the original number, but I suppose I'll finally have to figure it out now!

Here's FFIV, which I think was FFII for the SNES? Looks like it's been remade in 3D?
Like many of you guys I am really excited about SteamOS and Steam Machines. So much so that I have been creating a mental list of games i'd love to see ported. I don't hold out hope for many of these, but if by some chance it were to happen but one can dream right?


I'll admit, this is kind of a cheat answer. It's not so much that I want to play Terraria on a console as much as I want to get Terraria off Windows. If Terraria were on Mac or Linux it would make my life much simpler and SteamOS would be an awesome benefit. That said, Terraria tops my list and if it were to be ported I would be elated.


Getting a solid triple A game that people love ported to... Read All
We will be recording the Cheerful Ghost Roundtable Halloween Special this coming Wednesday and I was wondering what everyone was playing this Halloween? For instance, one of the games I play that reminds me of this time of year is Doom 3. It's creepy jump scare element really make this time of year seem more enjoyable.

If you have such a game or games you play, chime in the comments, i'd love to read them off during the roundtable!

"I'm pleased to finally announce my new source filmmaker project. End of the Line. This has been in production since January. With a planned release around the end of the year. The full film is around 8 minutes long and I've saved the best for the film itself. Some of the shots have been altered for this trailer to take out jokes so they won't be spoiled. Special thanks to all those involved in the production who helped get this done."

I have been waiting for someone to take the Source Film Maker and release something like this for some time. Very interested in seeing this drop when it goes live at the end of the year.

Now if someone could just remake Star Wars with the... Read All

The awesome folk over at CineFix on YouTube created a video showcasing what The Shining may have looked like if it were given a NES version. Taking serious nods from Manic Mansion this faux game gives the movie a pretty good treatment. Many of the iconic scenes such as the tricycle scene are recreated here, but the 8-bit translation loses much of the haunting effect. That said, I wonder how well a game like this would have done being a recreation of the movie itself?

I recently watched an XBox One marketing video that I thought was interesting enough to comment on. If you know me I am no Microsoft fanboi or hater, I exist mainly in the "meh" space. That said, after watching this video I felt was worth talking about. I don't think I am alone on this one either so chime in with your thoughts.

The main premise of the video is the XBone is "future proof." They do this by claiming the XBone is built "for the future" and talk about the cloud, increased voice commands and the new Kinect camera. Whereas some of these features are cutting edge for sure, I don't think they strike at the heart what it means to build a console for the future.

... Read All

"Humble Bundle with Android 7 includes six brilliant games ready to play on four platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. DRM-free soundtracks are also available for select games. Pay what you want for the time-honored favorite, Ticket to Ride, the tactical turn-based game, Greed Corp, the lovable limb-sprouting game Incredipede, and the 2-D adventure puzzler Anodyne. If you pay more than the average you’ll also get worm-on-worm violence in Worms Reloaded (includes mobile counterpart Worms 2: Armageddon) and the hilarious and raunchy role-playing game, The Bard’s Tale."

This is the first Humble Android Bundle I am interested in. Not only are all these games... Read All
I know, this has nothing to do with video games. That said, I send you waves of mad apologies. I love films and lately I have found some great "Halloween themed" movies on Netflix. Since the season of spook is upon us, I decided that it was appropriate to write about some really great films you might want to watch.

The Evil Dead & Evil Dead 2

Seems wrong to lump them together in a way because both films are so iconic, but The Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn are available to watch on Netflix right now. The Evil Dead is a classic "cabin in the woods" themed movie that sets the stage for many horror films that came after it. It also builds the character of Ash... Read All

"Here's a quick look at some games being played with the prototype version of the Steam Controller -- the same version that we'll be shipping to 300 Steam users later this year. We'll post more demonstrations like this soon, including footage of some other game developers using the controller to play their own games."

In this awesome new video Valve shows off the new Steam Controller with Portal 2, Civilization 5, Counterstrike Go and Papers Please. The control of the games looks fluid and I like the varied nature of the games they are showing. The controller is pretty rough and is missing the middle display button, but it already seems very functional. In the video... Read All