Diablo III

Released on May 15, 2012 by Blizzard Entertainment

Developed by Blizzard North

Diablo III is an action role-playing game that takes place throughout the dark fantasy world of Sanctuary.

You play a hero who engages in fast-paced combat that tests your reflexes and rewards tactical decisions. As you slay hordes of monsters and challenging bosses, you grow in experience and ability, learning new skills and acquiring items of incredible power.

Looks like the Diablo 3 free beta weekend blew the doors off battle.net a bit:

"Diablo 3's weekend beta went about as smoothly as a hamster in a ball rolling down an erupting volcano – which is to say it was completely normal for a high-profile beta test. Saturday saw a peak of 300,000 concurrent players, Blizzard community manager Micah Whipple (Bashiok) tweeted, reporting the full number of testers for the weekend was "a lot.""

Friday night was quite laggy, Saturday was better but battle.net was out of commission until 9.50am. Some of my friends on Mac had the game crash a few times. My Windows client was stable but lagged out a bit. On Sunday battle.net was pretty... Read All

"To the umbaru, their mortal duration is but a pale shadow of the Unformed Land, a testing ground for those wishing to ascend to the higher plane. And only the witch doctors are able to look upon the Mbwiru Eikura, through mastery of potent herbs, bloody rituals, and an intense focus known as the Ghost Trance. Their combined spiritual and military acumen has earned the witch doctors a place of status and reverence amongst the tribes. Theirs is a calling that requires an incredible degree of courage, self-sacrifice, wisdom, and foresight."

I will be playing this class at game drop.



Now that the Diablo 3 beta weekend is over what did you like or dislike? Will you buy the game before launch on May 15th?

For me this was the first time I have ever played the Diablo franchise. I have to say for people new to the game but love any of the Blizzard IPs this is something that is very simple to pickup and can be played by anyone. I am looking forward to the harder modes and playing with friends. I like the Battle.net integration. I have many friends in WoW and going to be able to chat and play with them is going to be great. Only down side I have heard about is that if your computer that can play WoW it might not play D3. I have heard of this from several... Read All

I write this to you Saturday night 4/21 and the Diablo 3 free weekend stress test beta is not available because they are rebooting servers. Error 301 abounds. That said, I did get on today with a few other Cheerful Ghost users. My thoughts on the game thus far in no particular order:

Right away I want to say the game and its user interface are extremely polished. Everything I thought to do in regard to chatting with other users in game or asking them to join my game was intuitive. After I started a chat with a person, simply hitting enter continued it. Click on a persons name sent them a private message independently. When something happened for the first time in game,... Read All

Blizzard just announced a free beta weekend tomorrow for everyone.

"From Friday, April 20 at 12:01 p.m. PDT (noon), until Monday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m. PDT you'll be able to log in, team up with friends, and play each of the five heroic classes to level 13 as you fight to save the world from the impending demonic invasion."

Prayers answered.

** UPDATE ** Ill be playing the D3 Beta tomorrow(4/21) @ 10am playing the free beta with a few other users. Hit me up in the comments if you are interested in joining us!



So a few minutes passed and keeping with that tradition, its time for some new Diablo 3 news! Above is the new Diablo 3 feature video for the Monk. I will admit, the Monk is a class I wasn't too interested in at all. I typically don't prefer hand to hand combat in games, but after watching the video I might give him a spin. He almost seems akin to the ol' Diablo 2 Paladin.

The second socketable new bits is that the Diablo 3 Beta servers will go dark May 1st. So get all your early level play in now because come May 1st, you will be without for 14 days until the official launch May 15th.

Lastish, it seems Blizzard hastily patched something they did not intend and may have... Read All

Two Part interview with the Diablo 3 developers.

Here is part 2:


In the video its the end of 2011 and they look very tired. I wonder how they are doing now?

Yeah I am pretty crazy excited for this game. Barb looks awesome.

I will use this here site to let yall know when ill be on battle.net and how the games with people I play go. A few people on the site will be playing with me, so very excited.

Talked to one such person today about the lull in great games out now. I agreed, the games that have come out recently haven't been too exciting. Maybe we are missing something awesome?

Recently watched a video talking about the Diablo 3 beta on Slashdot.


Its a bit dry but found the content interesting and afterward was really excited to play it. Originally I wanted to play as a Demon Hunter when I started but the reviewer seemed to think it wasn't quite up topar with the other classes. From his description I may try the Witch Doctor for my first play through.

May 15th can not come soon enough!

The world must be told of the coming darkness! It has begun.

Wonder how far into the story until you save Cain?

Diablo retrospective videos:


Wonder how much of that will show on the collectors DVD/Bluray?