
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

Ben Prunty is the composer behind the FTL score, one of my all time most beloved game scores. When FTL got an Advanced Edition he came back with more tracks and he is back at it again with a new FTL inspired album called "Deep Space Deluxe." The album features 6 new tracks that do a great job of capturing the FTL vibe while doing a good job existing as a stand alone work.

You can stream all 6 tracks on Bandcamp right now and buy the whole album for $5.


We are going to do this years Cheerful Ghost GoTY Awards similarly to last year with a fun new addtion. Please submit your nominations in the comments along with the category they should go in. On December 24th i'll take all the nominations and put out a 3 polls where we can all vote for the winners. Like last year we will have the "2015 Triple A Game of the Year", "2015 Indie Game of the Year" and the all new "2015 Update of the Year". Games that quality for the "Update of the Year" are games that received a significant update or were ported to a new platform in 2015. Games such as Hearthstone(The Grant Tournament, The League of Explorers) & Terraria (1.3 update) quick someone nominate those games!

Thanks for taking part in the GoTY process and I hope 2016 is a great year in gaming!

Join us on December 23rd @ 6p PST for a special Cheerful Ghost Roundtable livestream where we discuss our thoughts on the new Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. We start each show talking a bit about what we have been playing in video games and then our main event, Star Wars. We will have a spoiler free section and then move into spoilers but fear not, you will be warned before we get spoilery.

You can watch the live stream and let us know by following the URL below and clicking "Yes" to watching it.


Many Star Wars fans are marathoning all the Star Wars films before they see The Force Awakens. Seriously, I sort of respect that sort of thing but it doesn't really work for me. In days past i'd do that and then go see the new film with the fresh thoughts of the old ones in my mind. Often it creates a very hard situation where since the thought of the other films are so fresh, I compare it more than I would if some time has past since my last viewing. That said, if you can marathon films and enjoy the new ones, more power to you and if you want to do it faster than ever check out the fan edit above of all 6 Star Wars films at the same time.

Star Wars week continues with this hilarious new Saturday Night Live short. They really capture the disparity between kids and nerdy adult toy collectors. I really want to keep all my awesome stuff behind glass too because dammit, these toys are not for playing with!

"When we first started designing hardware at Valve, we decided we wanted to try and do the manufacturing as well. To achieve our goal of a flexible controller, we felt it was important to have a similar amount of flexibility in our manufacturing process, and that meant looking into automated assembly lines. It turns out that most consumer hardware of this kind still has humans involved in stages throughout manufacturing, but we kind of went overboard, and built one of the largest fully automated assembly lines in the US. Our film crew recently put together a video of that assembly line, showcasing exactly why robots are awesome."

As more manufacturing comes back to the US it will look a lot likes Valve's robot manufacturing Steam Controller plant. Apple has a plant similarly to this that makes the new Mac Pros and they are looking into moving more things stateside as well. It's really interesting to see these plants in action and I wonder how economical this is vs the current method of manufacturing in China.

For even more information on Valve's Steam controller manufacturing check the link below.


This 60 minutes inside look features John Williams scoring the new Force Awakens opening scene. It also features and interview with JJ as well as an all new never before seen scene with BB8 and Rey. It's a scene from the film and doesn't spoil anything, but skip over this entire video if you want to avoid seeing parts of the film beforehand. The tone and feel of the shot is 100% Star Wars and if the whole movie is like this, we are all in for a good time!

Star Wars The Force Awakens releases this week and like many I have had my tickets pre-ordered for a few months now. Thursday can't come soon enough but to keep us all in the mood until we see it, I'll be posting about Star Wars and Star Wars in gaming all week. So ignight your lightsabers and count those midichloreans because this Falcon has a new hyperdrive!

Jack and Rich reviewed EA's latest Star Wars Battlefront and I have to say that I entirely agree with how they look at the game. It's pretty. Very pretty and the music and sound effects are great. The shooting is also good but at the end of the day it didn't really do much for me. EA put forward a solid effort but after playing a few matches in the beta I wasn't interested it continuing with it. Which is good because my love for Star Wars may have seen me buy it at some point and I would have been seriously bummed for doing that. If team shooters are your thing then this is worth looking into but if they are not then you might just want to try a demo.

"Oh the weather outside is frightful,

but the Inn is so delightful.

With our decks all good to go,

Play Hearthstone! Play Hearthstone! Play Hearthstone!

It's nice to see Blizzard getting in the holiday spirit with Hearthstone. Then again, it's not too hard getting excited for something that makes more money than Donald Trump. To celebrate Winter Veil Blizzard is replacing the standard Hero greeting with a special Winter Veil line as well as decorating the boards with a nice festive theme. They are teasing more to come, which might take the form of a fun Tavern Brawl or ... possibly ... some free stuff? If Winter Veil Claus brings us all a free pack or two that would really make the holiday bright!


The last part of League of Explorers just unlocked today making the whole adventure and card set available and now wonder what people are thinking of the new League cards? At first I was a bit harsh on the expansion as I felt it came quick on the hells of The Grand Tournament. But it's been a very fun set of boss fights and the new cards are all very interesting. I wonder for you what are the cards you are having the most fun playing with? I'd say the most immediately useful to me are the Jeweled Scarab and Tunnel Trogg. I've built a deck around Reno Jackson and whereas it's awesome to have it come out and take you back to a full 30, sometimes he doesn't always come around when I need him. So far I have access to the first two tiers and will finally unlock the last two when I grind enough quest gold for it. So far i've been entirely free to play, which is fun but I don't have access to everything quite as fast as others that bought the adventure outright.


Epic just announced that it will be launching a new MOBA in 2016 called Paragon. From the gameplay trailer above it looks like it pulls some elements from Gears of War, Unreal Tournament and their iOS game Infinity Blade. If you are a MOBA fan 2016 will be a good year as 2K's Battleborn is coming out as well as the very popular League of Legends, DoTA 2 and Heroes of the Storm are getting more attention than ever.

Paragon will launch in 2016 to a paid early access and then later with a summer beta on PC and PS4.