
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

12 years ago I got Warcraft III as a gift for Christmas. After I got it I immediately started playing it for the remainder of the holiday break. The game experience was so awesome for me that for the last few years around the holidays I have wanted to play Warcraft III again. Somehow when the Christmas tree goes up, my mind returns to Arthas epic struggle as a Paladin to Death Knight. I need to aquire Frostmorne and see his turn to a lieutenant of the Undead all the way to becoming their leader. Its just one of those odd things I associate with the holidays.

That all said, a few days ago I dusted off Warcraft III and have started playing though the campaign and have finished the human section and am starting on the Undead missions now. I remember how awesome it was to see Arthas turn 12 years ago and whereas the game looks a bit aged now, its still fun and all I remember loving about it is still present. I like the story of the Human Campaign but as a race, they are my least favorite.

The game is fairly inexpensive now as you can get the Warcraft III Battle Chest for less than $20 and if you like strategy games you could do worse. The game editor spawned many tower defense maps and one such map, Defense of the Ancients of DoTA started an entirely new genre of MOBA games seen in such greats as League of Legends and DoTA 2.

So ho, ho, ho and all that Undead awesomeness, because its Christmas and time for some Warcraft III.

It may come as a surprise to some, but when I was a wee lad I loved video games. I played many amazing games on my NES and DOS Tandy computer. ZZT, Commander Keen, Zelda & Metal Gear were a few gems. When I was in the 7th grade one of my best friends Jason had a Mac. It was pretty amazing as it supported a ton of colors, had a really awesome sound card and I remember when his parents bought him a external hard-drive that was about 150 megs. He had a version of Wolfenstein 3D that graphically blew away the DOS version. He also had a space game I hadn't heard of before called Spaceward Ho!

Immediately I was drawn into Spaceward Ho! as it was one of the first turn based strategy games I was ever exposed to. In Spaceward Ho! you control the economy and military muscle of a space race. You explore and colonize planets, research and build space ships and acquire metal and cash. One stand out feature of Spaceward Ho! is the games simplicity. Not having 50,000 options means the game is boiled down to allow a quicker and more strategic game.

Over the years I have tried to get a version of Spaceward Ho! running on any platform I could. In High School I nabbed a DOS/Windows port. At University I played it on my color Palm Pilot. And recently I bought it on the iPhone. After a spending a few minutes acclimating myself to the port I was immersed back into the awesomeness that is Spaceward Ho! The game is still fresh and everything I loved about it is still present, 22 years later.

For the last few games I have played I have dropped to a small galaxy and go against one computer player. I am trying out quicker games to focus my strategy to improve my win chances in a larger galaxy. I may in depth in a later post on strategy but suffice it to say, I am having a lot of fun.

I recently emailed Ariton, the company working on the modern versions of Spaceward Ho! and they nicely hooked me up with Peter Commons, the original developer of Spaceward Ho! Peter and I are trading around emails discussing his involvement with Spaceward Ho! and I am really excited to bring it to you the interview when its finished. The folks at Ariton also agreed to answering some interview questions about the modern Spaceward Ho! incarnations so that will be coming as well.

Its totally awesome to be able to experience an awesome classic game on a new platform and triply rad to be able to talk to the people that made it!

*The screen grab above is from a recent small galaxy short game I completed.


Our friends over at Starcrafts cooked up a fun Christmas special!

If you haven't tried Starcraft 2 yet, I recommend you get the Starter Edition:


Not only is it free, but Blizzard has opened up even more multiplayer maps in this version. The cool feature? You can play multiplayer with people that have the full edition! @panickedthumb and I have been talking about playing SC2 for the next game event because of this, so download the starter edition and give it a shot!

Hey everyone. After collecting all the entries for this years Game of the Year, I have them now in poll form for you to vote on. Thanks to everyone that added games to the list.


Please select your top 5 and the winner will be the highest voted game. I will also list out the others so we all know how it turned out.

Voting will be open today until December 31st and feel free to share this out with your friends!

*Yeah I linked the same video again, its totally awesome.


We all know there is a mega-ultra-deluxe Holiday Steam Sale going on now. I am sure a few of you already dropped some coins on it. I am sure some of your even checked out the Bethesda pack which is so epically sick at $90 if you buy it you might contract pneumonia. *ZING*


But we already know that, this is old news. But I needed to get that out of the way because tomorrow is supposed to be the end of the world. Since it's the end of the world and we are going to be dead tomorrow sometime, shouldn't someone buy every game in Steam? I mean, that's some kind of achievement right? I mean the world is ending so its not a big deal right?

I mean if someone, you know, bought a ton of games and just racked up a huge tab on his Visa EXPECTING the end of the world, that would be all right... right? I mean, I didn't do that, heh... yeah.

I mean, right, unless its not the end of the world and I have to pay it off. But then again, HEY I have a huge backlog of games... Ill.... never... finish...

But it won't matter because, hey tomorrow, that whole everyone dying thing... right?

I have wanted to play Dragon Age: Origins since it was released in 2009 but I haven't picked it up till recently. I only recently got a good gaming PC so when the game dropped in 2009 I would have picked it up on PS3. I heard the console versions of Dragon Age: Origins were not awesome and the PC port was much better so I waited to pick it up. During the last Steam sale I noticed it was $8.99 so I picked it up and all the DLC it was launched with.

Dragon Age: Origins is a more unique RPG in that each Class and Race has a unique starting Origin. I created an Elf Mage and my starting Origin story brought me to the Mages circle.

Visually the game reminds me of Neverwinter Nights and has a similar feel and tone to it. Having full voice acting for all the characters and dialog trees is nice as Neverwinter only had voice acting for part of the game. The graphics are very good and the UI is pretty easy to navigate as well. One thing I noticed right away about DAO is that there is much more dialog present than is typical in games I play. The game also presents you with many choices as well. Its not entirely clear what all the choices allow you or change in the game, but its nice to be able to control if your character is an asshole or not.

A few times I was presented with choices(I won't get into spoiler territory) I wasn't comfortable with any of the options. I picked the option that seemed best and didn't love the direction I had to go. It was odd as typically in games they present you with the OBVIOUS evil choice and OBVIOUS good choice but in DAO sometimes you just have choices. The choice I ended up making was seemed like a good one, but, again I wasn't entirely comfortable with it.

The game offers some interesting play style in that you can pause the game to scan the battle-scape and setup your characters next moves. I ran into the fight with the first mini boss without using the pause method and was handily defeated. During my second take I paused it right away and was a bit more strategic and was able to take down the boss easily.

So far I have really enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins and if you are looking for a good RPG that isn't too expensive, I recommend you check it out.

I have to do you a favor. You need to konw about the latest Humble Indie Bundle 7. The latest Bundle is mind blowing and wraps up these awesome games:

  • Snapshot

  • The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of Lamb DLC

  • Closure

  • Indie Game: The Movie

  • Shank 2

Oh right and if you pay above the average you get Dungeon Defenders + DLC and Legend of Grimrock. Oh right and all the soundtracks in MP3 + FLAC + Steam Keys and all that works on Win, Mac & Linux.

The only of the above games I have is Isaac and this adds the Wrath of the Lamb DLC, something I have wanted to get, so ... awesome bonus!


2012 is quickly coming to a close and as such Cheerful Ghost needs to select its top 5 Games of the Year. I am going to list a few big titles released this year and if I left one out you want added, please toss it in the comments. Everyone will have till 12/22 @ 10 AM PST to submit games to this post to add to our candidates for the top 5 games of the year.

After the list has been collected I will make the list available for us all to vote on. The Game of the Year will be the game that gets the most votes and so on till 5th place.

  • Fez

  • Borderlands 2

  • Diablo 3

  • Farcry 3

  • Max Payne 3

  • The Secret World

  • Quantum Conundrum

  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

  • Guild Wars 2

  • I Am Alive

  • FTL: Faster Than Light

  • Torchlight II

  • World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

  • Dishonored

  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown

  • Doom 3: BFG Edition

  • Assassin's Creed III

  • Darksiders II

  • PlanetSide 2

If you want any other games on the list that were released in 2012, add the them to the commets!

YouTube channel Lore made a video showcasing a bit of the story of Valve's Gabe Newell that takes a minute. Nerds rejoice.

Blizzard releases part 9 of the Starcraft Creative Development Q&A w questions by the Community. Proof that some gamers have little tact when asking questions.


Gaming Heads is selling some pretty awesome Team Fortress 2 stand up figurines. Now to the action figures with king-fu grip!


The recent Humble THQ Bundle sold 800k copies and raked in a total of 5 million dollars. THQ is also considering Linux ports for future titles.
