
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

When Lord of the Rings Online went free to play a few years ago I created an account and started my adventures through Middle Earth. I didn't know much about the game when I created an account so I picked a Dwarf Guardian. The game impressed me with its size and it ran really well on my underpowered hardware. I told a few of my friends about it and we started playing it together. Lord of the Rings Online was my first proper MMO experience and as such it has a special place in my heart. I picked a crafting tree where I can harvest Lumber, Ore and make armor. Right away I loved collecting wood and ore and refining it into lumber and ingots. I find crafting my own armor to be really awesome as well.

Recently I noticed Lord of the Rings Online was available in Steam so I downloaded it to see how the game had progressed. It sat idle for a long time as my Steam catalog grows at a rate faster than I can reasonably consume it. A day or so ago I headed back into Middle Earth to get my bearings on how the game had advanced in a few years. I noticed they tucked in some new graphics and quests I hadn't seen before. That said, the game is largely the same, just a few years worth of refinements mixed in.

Recently they released a Mac Beta client and I can say it works very well. If you are looking for a fun and accessible MMO you should check out LoTRO. The free to play aspect isn't annoying and I find myself more interested in kicking them a few bucks now than when I originally played. If you are interested in starting a character and want to play together join the Riddermark server.

New episode of Game Shop. Really starting to enjoy this show. The first few episodes didn't really hook me, but these later ones are.


"Seven legendary titles to rock your gaming library. The Humble THQ Bundle is here with a colossal onslaught of esteemed titles. Pay $1 or more for Steam keys for Company of Heroes (and its two full-blown expansions Opposing Fronts and Tales of Valor), Darksiders, Metro 2033, and Red Faction: Armageddon. And if you pay over the average price you’ll also receive the extraordinary Saints Row: The Third!"

Where to begin. First off gratz to the Humble folks, this is a pretty cool next step for them. Its cool seeing the Bundle be able to keep doing Bundle after Bundle. They have tried some awesome stuff, the Android Bundle, The Author/Book Bundle, The Double Fine Amnesia Fortnight and the awesome normal bundles of course. That said I am wondering a few things about the Humble Bundle.

Did the Indie thing change? Not that they must be at all moments but it seems the last few bundles were "mainstream." Not that mainstream is bad, but it is called the Humble Indie Bundle. One other staple of the Bundles was that they were always playable on Windows, Mac and Linux. The THQ Bundle is Windows only as was Double Fine's Amnesia Fortnight. Will the Indie Bundles remain cross-platform and not the mainstream ones?

That said, I am happy the Humble Bundle is continuing its trend of allowing people to buy awesome games and donate to charity. Oh and the THQ bundle is doing pretty well, they raised 1 million dollars in 5 hours!

Are you picking up this bundle?


Skrillex Quest is a gamevertisement featuring his latest single Summit. The game is styled after Zelda, Binding of Issac and Sword and Sworcery. Oh right and did I mention its totally awesome? I beat it a 15 minute sitting so its not too long. The premise is you are Player 1 and The Glitches are destroying your world. Its not entirely clear what you need to do but as you do stuff, you just kind of advance. One hint, try to collect as many Dead Princess Keys as you can.

The image is of my final score after my first play through. I imagine now that I know what to expect and what to do it would be easier a second time.

I have lots of little bits of gaming info that don't make sense in a larger post. Every week I will release them in a General Discussion post called "Dat Firehose." I will keep all the updates to two or less sentences and a link.

SimCity's creative director Ocean Quigley puts in his two cents about the new UI in the upcoming SimCity 2012:


FigurePrints is a company that takes your digital things in Minecraft, World of Warcraft and XBox Live and prints them out for you to own.


Castle Into Darkness is a new Indie game that recently released an intro for free download. They are asking people to give it a spin and comment on it.


Apparently there is a new Game Genie and it works with PS3 and DS.


Doom 3: BFG Edition source released on GitHub, an awesome code sharing site.


For today's Retro Tuesday radness I am sharing with your my latest Let's Play: Super Star Wars. I make it through four levels bulls-eying Wamprats and slaughtering Jawas. No, I didn't play as the Empire I was the farm boy from Tatooine.

I took a swing at this lets play once before but was seriously clobbered in the Sand Crawler level to the point that it wasn't fun to watch. So I played it up a bit and came at it fresh with this much more interesting video. Ultimately my rustiness took hold and stopped the video inside the Sand Crawler.

I put Super Star Wars pretty high on my list for really good Star Wars games next to Tie Fighter, Yoda Stories and... not much else. I have heard the Bioware Knights of the old Republic games were superb but I have yet to take them for a spin.

I want to apologize to everyone because during the video I say I am a pretty big "Star Trek" fan when I meant to say "Star Wars." When someone realized it I immediately subjected myself to a self imposed force choke.

Four games were selected for the Humble Double Fine Amnesia Fortnight event. Spacebase DF-9, Hack n' Slash, The White Birch, and Autonomous.

The game for the video I featured in this post above is the one I am most interested in, Spacebase DF-9. It seems in a way like Sim Tower in space, something that would be totally awesome. Regardless, all the games look really interesting and I wonder what will come from The White Birch and others.

I hope much rad-sauce comes from this and other companies follow suit. If you have a relationship to your customers why not make them part of your creative cycle?

The White Birch

Hack n' Slash:


Mark this down as things I just recently found out about that now alter my Christmas list. Hyrule Historia is an upcoming joint venture by Dark Horse Comics and Nintendo that outline the history of Hyrule and seem to tackle its history. Relevant snip from the Amazon product page:

"Dark Horse Books and Nintendo team up to bring you the limited collector's edition of The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia, containing an unparalleled collection of historical information on The Legend of Zelda franchise. This handsome book contains never-before-seen concept art, the full history of Hyrule, the official chronology of the games, and much more! The limited edition of Hyrule Historia looks like it could have been pulled off the shelf of one of the sages in Hyrule. The faux-leather hardcover bears the symbol of the Gate of Time, debossed, on the cover, and gold gilded pages. The limited collector's edition of The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia is perfect for the hardcore The Legend of Zelda fan!"

This book will solve many mysteries as its been somewhat of a unknown to how the games fit in with the history of Hyrule. I have read many articles and watched videos but always felt it a bit odd as Nintendo hasn't really officially talked about it much.

You can pre-order the book on Amazon here:

Wanted to share with you a Angry Video Game Nerd segment he did on the Zelda timeline. It was originally not something he originally wanted to release, but later did and I am glad because its quite good.


Is this something you might pickup or have you moved on from the Zelda games?

I figured I would hold off on getting any new games this Steam sale. That was until I saw Torchlight II for $9.99 and Dragon Age Origins for $8.99 and... well... I picked them up.

Cool thing about Torchlight 2 is that my character from the demo holds over to the real game. Torchlight 2 is pretty fun and offers a challenge on Normal mode from the start. With a proper Single Player, LAN and Online Multiplayer it sends itself into a different zone than I have become used to with Diablo III. That said, I picked the Bezerker expecting a fairly normal Tank class. I am still pretty low level and already the class is different that I expected. I am only a few levels into the class but already he seems like a Tank/Mage class with some shape shifting elements.

Wanted to pickup Dragon Age Origins for a long time now as I heard it was fantastic. Figured $9 was a good price to give it a spin.