
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2731 Posts

As part of my series of Interviews with Cheerful Ghost users I started up a conversation with panickedthumb. He had and idea that we have a Interview but sort of trade ideas back and forth. Its a good format, one I plan continuing with the next few interviews.

It is a bit long so it will be broken up into two parts.

jdodson: Recently you picked up Dishonored. What are your thoughts on this one? Are you interested in seeing more of this game made?

panickedthumb: I love it. It's so incredibly engrossing, and yet... I haven't been able to motivate myself to play much of it. I feel like this is the opposite of pick-up-and-play, and I haven't had a lot of time at a stretch to play it lately. I hope to get back into it tomorrow, so I'll post a follow-up if I have more to add.

jdodson: Why is that thumb so afraid?

panickedthumb: This: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6b53mXQYT4 was a special feature on Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. It was a menu item simply called "A panicked thumb." I watched it and laughed for a good long while. Since then, that's been my handle on everything. I looked it up, and it's from Thumb Wars, a Star Wars parody in a series of Thumb parodies. They are totally hilarious and I recommend them to anyone who appreciates bizarre humor.

I probably would have changed it but at some point it became a brand, and I can't imagine changing it now. I'll be panickedthumb until I'm old and gray.

jdodson: If you could see one thing added to or changed about Cheerful Ghost what would it be?

panickedthumb: Dude, I don't even know. You've implemented nearly all of my suggested features. I guess some elusive way of better connecting people, but in all of our numerous conversations about CG I've never come up with the magic bullet. So I guess the one nameable thing I'd like to see at CG is growth. :)

jdodson: What are some of the most under rated games in your opinion?

panickedthumb: The Katamari series. Especially the ones on PS2, but really, the whole series. I think I could roll that ball around for days on end and be perfectly happy. Wait. I already have. I made spreadsheets for those games so I would know what items I had collected and what I hadn't. It brings out an obsessiveness in me that no other game can. And it's beautiful.

jdodson: A few years ago there was a new Kaminari game, how do you think that served the series?

panickedthumb: *Katamari ;)

jdodson: See, isn't it obvious I haven't actually played one of the games? OK maybe not entirely true, I got the demo for the one on PS3.

panickedthumb: Are you talking about the one on Vita or Katamari Forever on the PS3? Since the second game, We Love Katamari, each subsequent game has gotten lower and lower review scores. I suppose there's a reason for that. There's only so much you can do, so far you can expand, with a mechanic like that. But honestly, whenever I get the itch to play a Katamari game, Katamari Forever is the one I go to. It's one of the very few PS3 games I've gotten a platinum trophy on. It's a bit of a greatest hits type of game, with a few new levels, and a new jump mechanic. I'd say it served the series fairly well, I guess. It was exactly what it was meant to be, and it was a ton of fun. A huge new Katamari game with some new mechanics would be amazing, but I'm beginning to doubt that will ever happen.

jdodson: End of the world happens. Aliens + Zombie attack. 95% of people die except you. 3 months after the event the dust settles and the Zombies die off due to going through the food supply and the Aliens leave. Do you head out into the wild to live off the land or try to find the last vestige of human kind to rebuild?

panickedthumb: Somewhere in between? You can be sure that in that kind of situation, factions are going to form and start power-grabbing. The last vestige of human kind isn't going to be a single place, it will be many different groups with different ideas about what's best for rebuilding. Fighting would be inevitable. I'd try to form a self-sustaining community with my last remaining friends and family, their friends and family, and so on, so that we wouldn't need to depend on anyone else and could try to avoid the fight as much as possible, and hopefully have some bargaining chips so we aren't just overrun by which ever militia thinks they own the place. Perhaps I'm cynical, but I don't think preserving human life would be the most important thing to those who seek power in an apocalypse.

jdodson: So you agree more with the Dystopian Mad Max kind of apolcalytptia than say a.... Come to think of it I don't know of any end of the world scenario where love and fuzzies wins.... I guess in the absence of Government most people think we de-evolve to a feudal tribal system hell bent on making wearable ornaments of human bones. From a positive spin, wearable human bones are back in fashion!

panickedthumb: Yeah I think that's how it would end up. Maybe not as bad as Mad Max (which seemed almost purely tribal) but something like the Fallout universe or Monroe's Militia in Revolution. People actually trying to form governments, and becoming brutal and power-hungry.

jdodson: With digital distribution of games and the fact that we can now own so many titles, I wonder if that has changed how you play games?

panickedthumb: It has. Steam in particular. I still feel like MS and Sony, and ESPECIALLY Nintendo, are really lagging on this. I have honestly given Steam way too much money, I've bought more games than I'll ever play, and it's because they make the deals so ridiculously amazing. There are some great games that I would have never played if they weren't 75% or more off the retail price. There are some bad things about it too, like feeling like your ever-expanding backlog might swallow you whole, but I love it. There will always be some games I want to have a box for. The collectors items. But digital distribution is the future, and I'm glad I'm on the ground floor.

jdodson: I agree, we will have thousands of games in Steam before we die. I wonder though is there a negative of us owning so many games?

panickedthumb: It's the cereal aisle dilemma. I think it may be plaguing me now, and that's why I can't find what I want to play. You walk into this vast aisle of cereal and like 80% of it looks delicious. What do you pick? It's daunting.

jdodson: Borderlands 2. Seriously I am going into the living room after writing this and will start Borderlands 2 up. You should too. Does that help?

jdodson: You have been elected Chairman of the Board of Bethesda but unlike Carrot Top you mean business! Todd Howard comes to you begging for leadership, they need an idea for a new game! Panickedthumb is sitting in the seat of power able to direct Bethsda's next efforts, what does he do?

panickedthumb: A new *game* or a new franchise? Like something entirely new or does a sequel count? I'll assume you mean a new idea altogether, and make their previous franchises off-limits.

I love their engine, personally. There were major changes between Morrowind and Oblivion, so I'm referring to the engine from Oblivion to the present. It has tons of bugs, and game launches are always buggy, but perhaps because of the hundreds of hours I've spent there, it's like second nature. I'd like to see what they could do with something real-world yet futuristic. Not the alternate-history future as predicted by 50's sci-fi they have in the Fallout games, but an idea of what the distant future could look like. Space travel, interplanetary quests, tons of playable races, all with the basic rules set out by Oblivion/Fallout 3.

Secondary idea: iD made some Doom RPG games for mobile. Now that Bethesda owns that franchise, how about a real Doom RPG for consoles/PC. Hundreds of hours in an RPG set in the Doom universe?

Sign me up!

jdodson: This is interesting to me as you well know I love Doom. Do you think we will see this in Doom 4?

panickedthumb: I wouldn't be surprised if Doom 4 adds some RPG elements at least. Perhaps not a full-on 100+ hour RPG masterpiece, but it's hard to find a game these days that doesn't have RPG elements. In fact, I'm not sure a numbered sequel in the series *should* be a full-on RPG.

jdodson: Yeah, it does seem like Doom is a jump scare shooter in some version of Hell. So maybe a non Doom 4 with RPG elements? I could see that being cool.

Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion in PART 2!

YouTube channel START has a new comedy web series called Game Shop. I have been watching it for a few episodes and thought this episode was worth sharing. The first few episodes delve into some fairly well covered territory but I enjoy that its about people in a Game Store. I like that the episodes are somewhat threaded and over time they revel more about certain characters.

You can go back and watch all 3 previous episodes of Game Shop. They contain people I have seen in other things, like episode 2 had one of the kids from JJ Abrams last film Super 8.

After watching it what did you think?

To celebrate today's retro Tuesday I won't be talking about a game. The Nintendo Cereal System was a thing released in Nintendo's golden age when they released branded products for everything. The Nintendo Cereal System came with two options, Mario cereal and Zelda cereal. The Zelda Cereal was my personal favourite not because it tasted better but because I liked Zelda more. Oh and being able to eat Octoroks for breakfast is bad-ass.

I never actually convinced my parents to buy it for me(at least that I can remember) but I did get to have a few bowls at my cousins.

Were you lucky enough to have tried this as a kid? What other Nintendo products do you remember loving in Nintendo's Golden Age?

The cereal was pretty much a clone of Captain Crunch and Franken Berry and as such always shredded my gums when I ate it due to it being so hard. I imagine that was a feature to prevent sogginess.

The Nintendo Cereal System Box:

In 2010 someone was selling a box on Ebay for $200:

You might not have known that during the original run of Borderlands Claptrap had his very own web series. Gearbox recently released a new season and episode. Ill link to the previous episodes at the bottom of this post. Now you can get even more Claptrap!

A few other interesting Borderlands 2 bits. You can now pre-order the new Art of Borderlands 2 book. Sort of thing they should have released in the collectors edition but better late than never I suppose.

Gearbox is also outsourcing the Mac port and it should be released sometime soon. I hope this means Mac/PC Steamplay. The original Borderlands had a Mac port but it wasn't available via Steamplay, it was available on the Mac App Store and Mac retail only.

Claptrap Season 1:

Borderlands 2 Art Book:

Blizzard just dropped the release date Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm! I actually mark game release dates on my calendar and March 12, 2013 will be no different.

This release is a bit different from past Blizzard releases as they are not only releasing a physical collectors edition but also a digital deluxe version to include:

Digital Deluxe:

  • Heart of the Swarm for PC and Mac

  • Torrasque Ultralisk skin, 3 Portraits, and 3 decals in Starcraft II

  • A Baneling pet in World of Warcraft

  • Blade Wings & Banner Sigil in Diablo III

Collectors Edition:

  • Heart of the Swarm for PC and Mac

  • Torrasque Ultralisk skin, 3 Portraits, and 3 decals in Starcraft II

  • A Baneling pet in World of Warcraft

  • Blade Wings & Banner Sigil in Diablo III

  • Heart of the Swarm Art Book

  • Zerg Rush Mouse Pad

  • Behind the scenes BluRay/DVD

  • Collectors Edition Soundtrack

Since Warcraft 3 I have picked up the collectors for Blizzard games. I tear through the book, soundtrack and videos over the weeks after release so the added stuff isn't lost on me. It seems that Blizzard is forgoing the typical USB drive with the previous games in favor of a mousepad. A good idea as I already have a USB drive from the Starcraft 2 collectors.

Did you play Starcraft 2, if so will you pick this up? Which version are you thinking about getting?

It seems Heart of the Swarm is for pre-order on the Blizzard site for $39.99 and the digital deluxe is $59.99. So it seems this normal digital version is priced a bit lower, perhaps priced as an expansion?

A few days ago I finally completed the single player campaign of Rage. I had a roller coaster experience with the game and recently just picked it back up to complete it. I would say if you want a good shooter with plenty of car combat, Rage is your jam. The game isn't perfect but the shooter aspects of it are very good.

After starting it up for the first time on PC I was blown away with how awesome the graphics were. The story was compelling and I really enjoyed the voice acting of John Goodman as your main contact for the first 30% of the game(he vanishes after that never to be heard from again). In fact, the first 40% of the game is paced very well and plays awesomely. Rage even contains a few fun mini games, one such game, Rage Frenzy is a collectable trading card game where you collect cards in the game to build and play against NPC's.

The game is broken up by you flying to Subway Town and never needing to go back to the first part of the game. This is the part where Rage sort of broke down for me. I didn't really dig Subway Town as much and in general the missions you get are not as awesome. After hitting up Subway town and playing through a few missions I sort of stopped playing the single player and only just picked it back up to beat it recently.

I liked Rage a lot but in the end I really wanted more. I wanted more missions like in the first half of the game. I wanted more boss fights. I wanted more shooting and less driving. I didn't mind the driving but the game paced with an epic shooter level and then some occasional mandatory racing or driving to another location was odd. I don't mind driving to another location but the driving broke up the shooting awesomeness that Rage brought to the table. I guess in a way all the driving was good because without it the game would have even shorter. That said, in the beginning of the game I did enjoy building up from my 4 wheeler to my buggy.

At the very end of the game you get a rather big gun and head out for your last mission. Its kind of funny as the characters even tell you "this is your last mission." The last mission isn't too hard as they give you a very awesome gun and keep the ammo stocked well in the level. I was using the less powerful guns in the last mission and realised there was so much BFG ammo I was just trolling myself for not using it. The last few minutes of the game you are reprogramming satellites and as you wait you simply mutants and then the game is over.

The last level was beautiful and it was fun to be overpowered for a mission but it left me wanting a bit. All told I liked Rage quite a bit and look forward to coming back to play it in the future. I have heard rumblings that iD will release some kind of DLC for Rage and if that were true I would be interested in playing it.

One sort of aside note... At the very end of the game they don't allow you to race in Subway Town because of the Authority occupation. I believe this prevents you from racing in Subway Town on that game save. A bummer because I wanted to go back and play all of those races but can no longer do so for Subway Town.

Friday my Wife and some of our friends went to see the new Disney animation studios film Wreck it Ralph. This has been on my radar for quite some time and its also fairly rare for my wife and I to agree on a film to see together so we had to go.

I am going to keep this review as spoiler free as I can, so you don't have a ton to worry about in terms of me giving away the plot.

The movie is Disney's first jaunt on their own in a zone id like to call "Pixar Country." The animation style and tone are very Pixar-esque. The movie also tonally feels like the first Toy Story film. Its hard to put a pin on why, but I believe the first thing that comes to mind is that they use a lot of solid colors and shapes. Toy Story was chosen as Pixars first film because Toy's are relatively simple to render. Toy Story one also has a lot of close up shots because scenes further away from the camera are simply harder to render, or were at the time. If you walk through Toy Story 1 through Pixars later films you see the evolution of 3D, wider shots and more detail. Wreck it Ralph visually feels like a film from the middle of the early Pixar run. All that to say, its not a bad feel, its just something I noticed.

The movie is jam packed with video game callouts and cameo's and if you are not careful, you will miss scenes where Chun-li and Cammy walk by discussing something in the background of the film. The featured cameo's and characters seem to be more Retro than modern. All the game worlds we experience in the film are Disney creations and one such modern game is called "Hero's Duty." The other games in the movie are for the most part retro callouts. I imagine the target audience for this film is people of my age and my kids as I totally know the characters from Street Fighter, Sonic, Mario, Pacman & QBert. (I don't have kids, but many in my demographic do).

Oh right and the film is good too. It wasn't Toy Story 3 or The Incredibles awesome, but it was very good. I would also describe it as super cute. I wasn't aware the movie would take place 80% in a video game themed Candy World. It's a very well done and all, its just also super cutsey. The jokes in the candy world are funny and worked on me as well as the audience.

Someone on the Itarwebs somewhere noted that Wreck it Ralph is the best Street Fighter Movie. Some truth there as most are terrible and this movie is good and does feature Zangief as a side character with some screen time.

This movie is a no brainer if you have kids and love video games. If you want a "smiling good time" and love video games you should watch this movie. If you don't like either of those things, pass this up and watch the original Street Fighter with Raul Julia and Jean Claude Van Damme. It's not very good but people do punch and kick each other, something this movie omits however Ralph does pummel many things. Just not other people.

""Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie" is a passion project by independent filmmakers James Rolfe and Kevin Finn, based on the popular web series. The film is being produced outside the studio system, entirely funded by fan donations. Principle photography took place in Spring of 2012, in the Los Angeles area, with Jason Brewer as the DP. Additional filming is taking place on the East Coast. Editing is in its early stages."

I am not sure what to make of this after watching the trailer. I really enjoy the Angry Video Game Nerd shorts but I wasn't in love with this trailer. I will watch this movie, no doubt, but this movie seems to go into different territory that might not work for a Nerd movie.

I am sort of reminded of Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie and sort of wonder if that kind of treatment would make more sense for an AVGN film. In MST3K The Movie they kept the structure of the show but made it longer and had a bit more budget.

What do you think, are you interested in a Angry Video Game Nerd movie? What did you think of the trailer?

I just created a new Let's Play video. The idea of this one was that I would pick a direction in my first Minecraft world to explore. Part of the awesomeness of Minecraft is how open and expansive the worlds are. Its impressive.

I wasn't sure how long I would be out exploring, but the video spans two Minecraft days. Since I don't mark my path, I return to my house by getting killed.


Forever enshrined in history is the story of Action 52 games and The Cheetahmen. Action 52 games made a NES cart that packed in a total of 52 games and one such addition to the mix, Cheetahmen has caught on to achieve NES Retro infamy. In a series of events not entirely clear to me a few thousand copies of a prototype print of Cheetahman 2 were found in an old Action 52 storage area. These were later put on EBay and currently fetch for a high price.

A bit about the original Action 52 cart as reviewed by the amazing Angry Video Game Nerd:

Intro Greg Pabich, the Wizard behind the recent Cheetahmen 2: The Lost Levels Kickstarter. This Kickstarter looks to bring Cheetahmen 2 a modern pressing and revive a lost cult classic. I was able to talk to Greg and ask him about the recent Kickstarter and the history of the Cheetahmen.

jdodson: Hi Greg, thanks for taking the time to talk to me about Cheetahmen. When I was at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo your Cheetahmen Booth caught my eye and I wanted to talk to ask you about the Cheetahmen and its history.

The legacy of Cheetahmen starts with Action 52, a company that made a game cart that included 52 games, Cheetahmen being the 52nd game. I wonder if you could explain for us how you were involved with Action 52 in the beginning.

Greg Pabich: A long story. Let's just say I got lucky. Actually, because of the dark side of active enterprises and the missing millions, it's best not to discuss this in detail.

But, it had a basis in a legitimate interest i had in being the U.S. distributor for an action packed multicart called Action 52 back in late 1990.

jdodson: When you realized you had a few thousand Cheetahmen 2 carts in your possession how long did it take you realize what you had?

Greg Pabich: Not accurate. I had one copy of a prequil game and made several thousand copies to sell (Cheetahmen: The Creation) thankfully, I have only a few hundred left after a very successful launch in 2011.

jdodson: You are accepting a video game legacy award and are on stage with Kanye West. He interrupts you and says: “Yo Greg, i’m really happy for you imma let you finish but Shigeru Miyamoto had one of the greatest games of all time!” What does Greg Pabich do?

Greg Pabich: I say "that shig, he one smart dude" then I take my award and Gangnam Style dance off the stage.

jdodson: Cheetahmen 2: The Lost Levels Kickstarter was a success, congratulations on that. Do you plan on selling Cheetahmen 2: The Lost Levels outside the Kickstarter to people that couldn’t participate at some point after the game ships in December?

Greg Pabich: Yes, I will have a few hundred games to sell because to get the price down to the lowest possible level for the kickstarter backers, I had to commit to the purchase of approximately 2,000 games, boxes labels, comics, etc.
I also had to make the minimum qtys in two other colors for the super duper collector sets (those that come two in the special box)

These games will be sold at a significantly higher price than the kickstarter units.

jdodson: Action 52 was planning on the Cheetahmen being a big hit akin to the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles and according to legend had an action figure line planned. Did they have any prototypes or any initial first draft concepts created?

Greg Pabich: Yes, I am working with a noted game designer/company to produce a limited edition action figure set to coincide with future releases (2013).

jdodson: As Cheetahmen 2: The Lost Levels is nearing release, the legend of the Cheetahmen lives on. I wonder what made you come back to the Cheetah-verse again?

Greg Pabich: It's the music. I have never not had that tune playin' in my head since I first heard it……

jdodson: I wonder, in your opinion when you felt The Simpson’s jumped the shark? Should they continue the show or let its legacy rest with some of the greatest TV of all time?

Greg Pabich: How could I go on without a new episode each week?

jdodson: Many people seemed to have negative feelings to Cheetahmen 2: The Lost Levels Kickstarter. In fact, Angry Video Game Nerd and his partner pulled support after they were initially involved with the Cheetahmen 2 Kickstarter video. As you navigate the seas of this negative attention what are your thoughts about it and does it affect how you continue on?

Greg Pabich: Correction!!!
The AVGN did not pull support for this project. After some trolls started to make a fuss on his website, Mike, disabled the comments; a move that just inflamed the trolls even more. With all of us involved on a plane to the CGE show in Las Vegas and out of touch, Mike posted a less than artfull video trying to explain the AVGN's position. Realistically, the explanation video could have been better, but as soon as we landed and posted written info (and my own video) about the costs involved, most of those who had legitimate questions were satisfied that the project was legit; surprise- the trolls never shut up!

The AVGN posted his own video explaining, as we have all said throughout the project. "contribute to this asonishinging project if you want to; don't contribute if you don't want to."

Btw, the AVGN, Pat the NES Punk and The Game Chasers were not paid to appear in that Kickstarter video. They did it because they all were previously tied into reviews of Action 52 and the Cheetahmen story and wanted to do their part to keep retro gaming growing.

Although I heard some of the most incredible lies/tales about the project and myself, the backers will all have the last laugh as we ship the rewards in December as promised and the trolls who tried to ruin the fun for thousands of Cheetahmen fans will slink away and hide under their rock.

jdodson: You have dropped some information that you will be releasing a Cheetahmen game on iPhones and iPads. I wonder, will this be a port of some version of the original or a new creation?

Greg Pabich: Going to be spending big bucks to develop a totally new Cheetahmen game. ( also, as an early backer of the ouya Kickstarter project, we are planning a version for this new and exciting platform….)

jdodson: Do you have any plans to release a more modern version of Cheetahmen on consoles or the PC?

Greg Pabich: See above.

Our friends at Suckerfree Games have plans for a Cheetahmen 3 for the XBox 360 and PSP. Going to be spending big bucks to develop a totally new Cheetahmen game. ( also, as an early backer of the ouya Kickstarter project, we are planning a version for this new and exciting platform….)

jdodson: I told my younger sister(she is 16) I was giving you an interview and she wants to know what your favorite Pizza place is?

Greg Pabich: Like everyone, it is a small place around the corner…. It's called "Joes".
Hold the anchovies.

jdodson: Cheetahmen is panned as a very difficult game due to its gameplay and various bugs. What is your personal best going through both games?

Greg Pabich: I have never played it. One does not have to play it, one has to live it………

jdodson: As you are fixing the Cheetahmen 2 for the Lost Levels are you correcting the jump bug that allows you to jump over entire levels?

Greg Pabich: We did not change a thing that gives it its unique character.
Only made all levels play through and made it affordable( because of the price, even the people that own an original are afraid to put it in a console to actually play it)

jdodson: Any plans to branch out into other avenues of gaming? Have you considered releasing other games or are you focused only on the Cheetahmen and its legacy?

Greg Pabich: There is enough about the history and mystery of the Cheetahmen to keep me busy for a long, long time…………

jdodson: Which of the Cheetahmen do you most identify with? Hercules, Ares or Apollo?

Greg Pabich: I am the best of all three (although some think I am closer to Dr. Morbis)

jdodson: I have an idea I want to leave with you Greg.

SON OF CHEETAHMEN: A BOND REKINDLED! The “bond rekindled” part is negotiable, but the idea is there is a Cheetahkid who is the son of the Cheetahmen. Its ambiguous which is his Dad and should be played for humor value and frankly they might all be his Dad who knows... Point is, he is a Cheetah kid and he kicks... a lot of ass!

Greg Pabich: Like it because it then forces us to come to grips with a fabulously hot Cheetahgirl!!!


Greg Pabich: Sounds like you have seen "Galaxy Quest" as many times as I have.

jdodson: Lets see... he is smaller so you won’t have problems having him duck like the original games. Maybe he can have a special ability to call his Cheetah Dad’s for help for a few seconds to clear a difficult game screen or open locked doors to progress.

jdodson: Greg, I really do appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions and wonder if you want to say anything before we wrap things up.

Greg Pabich: I really hate trolls!!!!
