
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

A few weeks ago I was able to volunteer at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo and during my time I met the awesome guys that run the podcast "Watch Out for Fireballs!" Watch out for Fireballs! is a cool retro themed podcast that covers topics close to our hearts like Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Bionic Commando, Secret of Mana, Earthbound and the recent episode on Super Mario World.

The most recent episode is interesting in that it features a plethora of stories and opinions on the fantastic Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo. They set up a TV and SNES playing Super Mario World and recorded people's thoughts on the game. I point this all out, not only because it is awesome but because I contributed my own audio story in the podcast of a level I initially hated, but have since grown to love. A bit of context, I was playing the level as I was talking, I don't know why but I felt that was worth sharing.

Nab the episode and for your information my story starts at 34.10. You have me at Beck's Loser, yeah I talk about that song too.

Grab the episode here:

If you are interested in more retro rad, check out the Fireball guys on the web here:

For more backstory about Portland Retro Gaming Expo 2012 and my involvement, look see here:

More information for you all that love to clicky click:

As there have been many Borderlands 2 posts recently and I wanted to celebrate the event with one more!

Gearbox dropped the last echo log entry for Gaige completing her entire back story. I really enjoy these recordings and they paint a compelling picture of her character and how she became a vault hunter. Gearbox writing style has stepped up with Borderlands 2 and the Mecromancer back story is a great example of it.

Without further text, here are all of the echo logs for Gaige:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijs-FEk3OIk&list=UUSRO0JNUYTCjsk7VmMdNYKw&index=4&feature=plcp

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zNk8kM2Qj0&list=UUSRO0JNUYTCjsk7VmMdNYKw&index=3&feature=plcp

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qe4m0Oydw4&list=UUSRO0JNUYTCjsk7VmMdNYKw&index=2&feature=plcp

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6iFA1KFPQI&list=UUSRO0JNUYTCjsk7VmMdNYKw&index=1&feature=plcp

Rock Star just announced "Rockstar Games Collection" a backlog release of all its big modern titles to date on PS3 and XBox 360. In the collection are: Read Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City, L.A. Noire & Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete Edition.

If you haven't played many of these games getting them all for $59.99 is a steal! They are mysteriously missing some DLC that comes with the Game of the Year editions, but even at this price that omission isn't a problem.

Does this collection interest you? Does this "Rockstar Orange Box" tempt you into getting it or do you already have these titles?

Sad to not see a PC version of this, but some of the titles missed a PC release entirely, like Red Dead Redemption.


After watching Indie Game: The Movie I decided to try Super Meat Boy. From what I saw in the movie, it looked awesome. I know I am behind on giving this game a shot, but I am glad I tried it out as it is a really unique modern experience.

First off the game really feels like Super Mario Brothers. Well, that's not entirely true, it feels like a more... stripped down Mario Brothers. Something more... focused perhaps. Think Mario, with just platforming. It is also quite challenging but that didn't hit me in the feels, I like how hard it is.

The premise is you are Meat Boy and Dr. Fetus keeps capturing your girlfriend Bandage Girl. In every level you make it to her and that dastardly Fetus snatches her away for you to find again in the next level. Each World has a fun cut scene intro and each world end boss fight comes with a cut scene as well.

I enjoy the games humor and unabashed grotesquery. I mean the main character is meat and he bleeds... everywhere. I came at this game from having played The Binding of Isaac first so I was used to Edmund McMillan's unique art style and Meat Boy delivers.

The game is fairly pick-up and play as I beat the first world in under 20 minutes and hit a wall of difficulty with World 2. Now I can make my way through about 2 - 3 levels in a 30 minute sitting and enjoy that process. Unlike other games that are very hard I find Meat Boy's difficulty to be loads of fun. Death doesn't really penalize you like in the Binding of Isaac and starting again is simple, fast and fun.

If you have Super Meat Boy and haven't tried it, do so. Oh and I recommend playing it with a controller too, it just right playing it that way. Just like platforming was intended.


Heard about a game coming to Steam via Greenlight called DLC Quest. DLC Quest is a satiric game that sends up the recently trend to making more game content available as DLC. From the Steam Greenlight page:

"What happens when DLC practices go too far? An indie developer makes a game that mocks the industry and its foibles, that's what! Defeat the bad guy, save the world and get the girl! But first you'll need to find coins to buy DLC to enable animation, sound and even pausing. Thankfully this is just satire and all the DLC is purchased with in-game coins. But consider it a cautionary tale for the future..."

Pausing as DLC is very funny. That said, I sort of wonder if we will get to the point where features we take for granted become DLC, like the games proper ending?

Looks like DLC Quest allows you to turn on the features by collecting coins so you don't really have to pay to unlock the features. Hopefully this gets Greenlit!

Go, go, vote, vote, click, cick!


Gearbox just dropped the skill tree for the new Mecromancer class here:


Based on information in the skill tree the Mech you summon is called Deathtrap. Not all the Mecromancer skills effect the Mech, that said some do and they look really cool(these are not all of Deathtrap's abilities):

  • Buckup: Deathtrap restores the sheilds of one ally.

  • Upshot Robot: While Deathtrap is active, if you or Deathtrap kill an enemy it increases Deathtrap’s Duration and grants both of you a stackable Melee Damage bonus. Bonuses are lost when Deathtrap goes away.

  • Explosive Clap: Deathtrap causes an explosion in front of him, dealing Explosive Damage to all nearby enemies.

  • Made of Sterner Stuff: You and Deathtrap gain Damage Reduction against All Damage Types. Additionally, Deathtrap gains bonus Melee Damage

  • Make it Sparkle: Shooting Deathtrap with an elemental weapon charges him with that element, causing his melee attacks to deal additional damage of that element.

Update: According to Gearbox Gaige will drop today 10/9 a day earlier than planned, woot:


Looks like our dreams have been answered. Yes Virginia, there is a Skyrim Super Mario Brothers mod and it hit 1.0!


Downloading this now, report back in the comments or a post what you think of this! Ok Internet, you know I love you right? How bout a Zelda mod?





Notch recently released a demo video of Mojang's upcoming game 0x10c. If you are wondering how to pronounce the name, Notch explains it like this: "I say 'ten to the see', but people can pronounce it however they want." 0x10c is interesting as what I gather from "teh intarwebs" it will include engineering, space battles, seamless space-to-planet transitions, mining and trading, and an open universe with both single and multi-player modes.

The trailer shows Notch running around the area, bobbing around as the player walks around. The bullets emit light which is a nice effect and the light hanging from the ceiling bobs around a bit when things happen to the environment.

I am interested in a modern space sandbox game. Back in the BBS days of yore I was addicted to Tradewars and that was fairly open and allowed you do much in the world. If 0x10c is Tradewars mixed with Minecraft I can't imagine ill ever get my life back.


I have been finding many retro themed YouTube channels lately. Here is the latest from YouTuber snowcon3 on Double Dragon for the Game Boy.


I played this version a bit but I was never really awesome at Double Dragon. Then again, who was? :D Did you ever beat any incarnation of this classic?