
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

Maxis let loose an awesome 10 minute overview of how to play the upcoming Simcity slated for release in 2013. I wasn't too interested in this new version of Simcity after playing Simcity 4 and being thoroughly disappointed with it. I am likewise not excited about having to play it through EA's origin service. VIVA LA STEAM MIS AMIGOS!

That all said... The video is really well done and I want to play the game in that video. One reason Simcity 4 was such a disappointment was because it was so bloody complicated. I never felt the original SimCity, SNES SimCity, SimCity 2k or 3k were that hard to understand. All of those versions were tons of fun, the best of the lot I felt was the SNES version or 2k. It seems the new SimCity take a few notes from the earlier games and allows you to simply zone and have the game decide based on population and whatnot, what buildings are constructed in the Residential, Commercial and Industrial areas. Allocating power, water and sewer to your cities doesn't seem that complicated either. Like the guy in the video, I am want to build my own version of Las Vegas as well!

I doubt EA would back down and release this game on Steam but if they did I would snap it up in a second. Well, maybe a few minutes as the checkout process in Steam takes a little bit.

What did you think of the video? Did you try a later incarnation of SimCity, if so what did you think? Are you going to pickup SimCity 2013?

Gearbox released an image of Gaige the new Mecromancer class for Borderlands 2 as she appears in game. The Mecromancer will finally be released October 16th for anyone that pre-ordered Borderlands 2.

Gearbox just released the first in game echo log for Gaige: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijs-FEk3OIk

Gearbox has been talking about the Mecromancer for sometime and as such I am really looking forward to trying her out. I think I am a bit more interested in her class than the other in game classes I haven't tried yet.

When she drops will you give her a shot or are you more interested in your current character? Maybe another character you haven't tried thus far?

I just watched this Retroactive video on Kid Icarus for the NES. Kid Icarus was one of those games I always wanted but never wanted enough to ask for it for my Birthday or Christmas(the only times I could get games as a kid). I had a NES hint book(all text) that explained how to do well at the first few levels of Kid Icarus and I read the text imagining how the game would look and play.

Did you play Kid Icarus or any of the later incarnations?

Tonight I just tried Cubemen for the first time and in a nutshell, it is awesome tower defense fun. The game graphics are very reminiscent of Minecraft or Darwinia and fit the game style very well. I opened the game up on my Mac laptop and it played very well with no lag or slow down at all. I imagine it would even run on a low powered PC. That said, I tore into the first few levels and was actually able to figure the game right away.

The game is fairly simple, you are the blue Cubmen and the red Cubemen are coming at you and want to over run your base. So... you need to defend it from them and as such you have a few Cubemen you can build to help you. You can move your Cubemen around so if you put a mortar Cubmen in a spot and you think he would be better somewhere else, you can. I really like this aspect of Cubemen as most tower defense games ONLY allow you to place a tower in a static spot.

The game starts you in an easy mode, which was fun but I imagine it can ramp up pretty quick as it comes with a ton of levels and the last levels are in Insane mode.

If you dig retro styled multi-platform Tower Defense games you need to check out Cubemen. It also has a multi-player mode I wanted to try but I didn't see any games I could join.

Thanks BR for allowing me to win the game in his give away contest! Looking forward to playing it more.

A fun GIF outlining what certain games would be like if they had a super easy mode.

If you grew up in the NES golden year then you may well remember the infamous Konami Code. One site online has cataloged all the other sites that use it and what secret easter eggs occur when you enter it in.


Awesome to see so many people implementing this bit of game history where they work.

A bit more information on the code and its history:


I hear many people mention that video games are more expensive than they were in days of yore. Its interesting as this image has recently surfaced to somewhat dispel that idea. Some games cost in upwards to $70 in certain markets depending on the launch system and demand for it.

I don't mind the $60 if the game is worth it and now games can be MUCH less if its digital. Do you think games cost too much? What was the most expensive game you have both recently and ever?

This just in from the land of things that needed to happen yesterday: 8-bit Gangnam Style. If you haven't been initiated to South Korea's own Psy and his video masterwork, please do so now:


Kingdom Rush was recently released for the iPhone and being a fan of the original browser Flash game installing it was a no brainer. It being free also helped as well. Since Kingdom Rush had an iPad port it was fairly inevitable that there would be a port to the iPhone and after playing a few levels I can say the wait was worth it. Occasionally the map doesn't fit the size of the phone and the game lets your flick around the map to see areas you couldn't otherwise. That said, the port is nearly flaweless and in not time I was enjoying myself protecting my Kingdom from invaders.

Tower Defense is one of those game types that does well on a touch screen device. Tapping to select the tower you want to build is simple enough but Kingdom Rush ups that a notch by tossing the invaders at you at a quicker pace. If you don't feel the game is fast enough, you can tap to allow the next wave of invaders to come faster and if you do so, incur a bonus of reinforcement units.

The game picks up on the pretty popular freemium model by allowing you the ability to collect gems and spend those on in game bonus items. If you want to purchase them with real money, you can. As with many freemium games you need not pay to win, that said I could see where it would help you out quite a bit.

If you have an iPad or iPhone you should download Kingdom Rush as it is a really fun high quality tower defense game. The ability to replace levels with different challenges adds to its replay-ability and its fantasy theme make it more fun that most of its kind.

I just watched an interesting documentary I've heard quite a bit about titled Indie Game: the Movie. It basically follows a few indie game developers through development ups and downs in really interesting documentary style. They focus on the team that made Super Meat Boy as well as the developers that made Fez. They also talk to the developer that made Braid as Braid ushered in the new wave of Indie game development on XBLA.

The movie is very interesting and if you can check it out, I recommend you do. I felt it was a little long but that was my only negative to the film. The soundtrack is fantastic and the camera work stands out to me as some of the best I've seen in a documentary yet.

If you love video games or ever want to make them, you need to watch this!


Update: Indie Game the Movie is now stream on Netflix!