
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

Just wanted to remind everyone that tonight we are having an online meetup and play session for Quake Live! It will start tonight 10/24 at 6pm PST.

Ill use this thread to co-ordinate the game, so check back for what specific games we will be in and the sharing of our in-game accounts to play together.

Original Post:

On teh intarwebs I found a breakdown of the password save system for the original Metroid. It reads like a technical whitepaper and seems pretty straightforward to construct your own passwords if you so desire.

I sort of inspected a few of my games that used a password save system and noticed patterns that let me modify them. For instance, in Mega Man 2 I collected E Tanks only(did nothing else) and noticed what happened to the password. Collecting the maximum amount and noticing the password allowed me to create a password where at any point I could refill my character back to maximum E Tanks. I was able to do the same to a few other games as well and it was always fun to hack the game this way.

John David Ratliff seems to take this one step higher and lets the entire algorithm out of the bag. I wonder how long this took? Did you ever spend time reverse engineering your passwords to get an advantage?

Oh and the Metroid comic above has been making the rounds online as well and I though it was pretty fun.


Happy Retro Tuesday!

To kick off Retro Tuesday I wanted to talk about a game I have been playing recently with my wife. There are not many generes of games my wife and I can agree to playing together save puzzle games and the occasional Mario Kart level. Recently we decided to un-box the N64 and play Dr. Mario and played a few competitive matches.

I consider Dr. Mario practically a perfect game. I hesitantly compare it to Tetris as Tetris literally is a perfect game, but Dr. Mario is a close second to it in my mind to perfect puzzle games. The original NES cart was well done too, top notch music, game mechanics and concept. The 64 game adds on the original by allowing 4 player matches, different kinds of competitive play and a story mode.

As we were playing Dr. Mario we played a few matches of Flash mode quite a bit. To win flash mode all you need to do is clear all the viruses that flash on the screen. Seems simple but often times the flashing viruses are really buried deep on higher levels it can get tricky.

Dr. Mario has seen a few incarnations since its 64 days with a Gameboy Advance port as well as a Wii Downloadable only port. I never picked it up on Wii because I have an aversion to downloadable only titles on console. I sort of wonder how the version on Wii turned out as this year I picked up Tetris Party Deluxe on sale as it was originally Wii download only but later moved to a disc release and it was very good.

That said, Dr. Mario 64 is an amazing game and there isn't much reason for a modern port. It looks good in full screen mode on my TV and plays just as well. Recently I caught a real bug and wished it were as simple as dropping a few pills on the viruses to get rid of it. Oh well, real live antibodies to the rescue.

Rumors have surfaced on the web of a new Borderlands game to be released soon on mobile. A screenshot found by someone on the Gearbox forums. Borderlands on mobile sounds awesome and I will pick this up when it comes out.

Hopefully it will be an awesome slice of one of the best games released this year! Will you pick up Borderlands mobile?


In other Borderlands news, looks like Borderlands 2 shipped 1.4 million units since its launch to date. Hopefully that means there is enough interest for more Borderlands in the future :D

After getting into table top gaming a few years ago I started following Fantasy Flight Games and the work of Kevin Wilson in particular. For me, Kevin's games stand above others in their creativity and gameplay. It was a joy to be able to ask him questions and I hope you find it as interesting to read as it was to take part in.


jdodson: I want to thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I am wondering if you could give a quick rundown of your history with gaming and what you currently do for Fantasy Flight Games?

Kevin Wilson: No problem. I've been gaming for about 30 years now, getting my start as a D&D roleplayer way back in the day. After that, I managed to fall into a position at Alderac Entertainment writing RPG books for several years, then moving to Fantasy Flight Games, where I wound up in the board game department. At FFG, I've worked on a number of their board games over the last ten years, including A Game of Thrones, Arkham Horror, Descent: Journeys in the Dark, Android, and Sid Meier's Civilization.

jdodson: Recently you had a hand in the Fortress America reboot. I wonder how the process was refreshing the original? How involved was Hasbro in the process?

Kevin Wilson: Mostly I talked to Mike Gray to see if he had any thoughts on things he'd like to see changed. Hasbro was very hands-off for the small bits of redesign I did and in general I tried to have a very light touch because I felt Fortress America was a very good game already.

jdodson: As you think back to the games you have created I wonder which one you look back at as your best work?

Kevin Wilson: That's a tough call. I think that my work on Android is perhaps the work I'm _proudest_ of, but I don't think it's my best work, necessarily. Arkham Horror was certainly the most successful work, but I think I have to give the nod to Sid Meier's Civilization: the Boardgame as my best work to date. I had a good amount of time to really engineer that game, and I felt I was able to weave a lot of interesting mechanics together into a game that really felt like the computer game while still retaining an identity of its own.

jdodson: When you are creating a new board game how long and involved the process is for coming up with the initial concept to playing the first version of the game? Do you play it by yourself generally or with others?

Kevin Wilson: It varies greatly based on the size, ambition, and clarity of the initial concept. I've designed a couple games in an evening, while Android took approximately two years to finish. For my initial playthrough, generally I'll just solo the game for a few turns to make sure things are flowing the way I envisioned. After that, I step it up to actual playtesting with others, and that continues until the game is ready for prime time.

jdodson: For aspiring board game designers I wonder what you recommend they do to break into the industry?

Kevin Wilson: Another hard question. I was undoubtedly in the right place at the right time when I broke into the industry. You can't really engineer something like that. What you CAN do is present a professional personality and appearance, be friendly and courteous to EVERYONE in the industry you talk to (you never know who will turn out to be the key to your future career), and do your research. By that I mean to include not only books on game design, but actually study the products made by the game companies you are interested in. Also, cultivate other hobbies and interests besides gaming. It's not only useful to be a more well-rounded person when trying to break in, but if you DO make it into the industry, you can find yourself swallowed up by the job if you don't have other things to anchor yourself.

jdodson: I love Doom. I couldn’t get enough of Doom and one year many moons ago I picked up Doom: The Board Game. Quickly it became my favorite board game of all time. I love it because it totally threw me for what I thought board games were. It had awesome pieces, the rules fit the mood of the game and it had a tone I hadn't seen in a board game before. I was blown back by how well a first person shooter translated to a board game. Oh, and its hard as hell, which is awesome. That said, if you could beg my indulgence as its been out for many years now, I had some questions about it.

jdodson:When I first sat down to play the game with my wife I wanted to collect everything and take my time with going through the scenarios. She stomped my face into the dirt and I quickly learned the point was to escape alive. I wonder, where the focus on the escape and evasion rather than the typical dungeon crawl came from?

Kevin Wilson: I wanted the marine players to be afraid. If they kept fighting and dilly-dallying, they would eventually be overwhelmed, dragged down, and defeated. This motivates them to move through the level as quickly as they dare, in a sort of endless fire fight. I really wanted that desperation, and all the time the invader player is sitting on the other side of the table, taunting and laughing at them.

jdodson: How involved was iD in the process of the creation of the board game?

Kevin Wilson: iD wasn't involved any in the actual design, but they were very generous in providing nice 3d shots of the monsters from all angles posed however I wanted them. It was incredibly helpful when we had the miniatures sculpted. Overall, they were pretty pleasant to work with, I thought.

jdodson: This game is generally panned as being very difficult. Ill admit, I lost all of my early games as a lone Marine. Part of the games charm is how difficult it really is, for me winning is a badge of pride. That said, I wonder for you what do you think about its difficulty now? Have you been designed a game that was more difficult by design or chance?

Kevin Wilson: It was interesting to see how difficult many people found playing the marines, and the various ways they reacted to that. When I designed Descent 1st ed., I purposely started the quests easier for the heroes at first, and then ramped them up over time because of the violent reactions some folks had to Doom's difficulty. It's tricky to gauge that sort of thing because no two gaming groups are the same, and that makes the 50/50 win ratio that some expect kind of impossible, assuming it's even a worthwhile goal. People forget that just because a game plays one way for their gaming group, doesn't mean it plays that way for EVERY gaming group. Still, I won't deny that the difficulty of playing the marines in Doom was an unpopular choice.

As for more difficult games, I'd say that I've cranked the difficulty of Arkham Horror beyond that point when you take into account the various expansions. I've always found it funny how players keep asking for it to be harder. Well, at least up until Innsmouth Horror. I think that expansion finally scratched the difficulty itch for players.

jdodson: Over the years as you have experienced people playing your games, I wonder what has surprised you the most about that? Do people experience your games in ways you didn’t expect?

Kevin Wilson: Hmm, I'd have to say that seeing parents playing Doom with their kids was quite surprising for me, given the source material. That said, I was very proud of that, and made sure to anticipate it more when designing Descent 1st ed.

Other than that, I don't know that I've been "surprised by" so much as I've "learned from". Games are sort of like a conversation between the players, and the best designers learn how to slip in what they have to say without interrupting the players. I feel I've succeeded some at this and failed some at this, but I always strive to push my skills to the next level with each new design.

jdodson: What have you been playing lately?

Kevin Wilson: My group has been playing a fair amount of Quarriors and King of Tokyo lately, besides our usual mainstays of Cosmic Encounter and Battlestations. I'm not really sure why we've gravitated to lighter fare lately, but we certainly have.

jdodson: What game do you think really encapsulates what you love most about gaming?

Kevin Wilson: If I had to choose a single game, it would have to be Cosmic Encounter. It's endlessly replayable, and it creates all sorts of interesting dynamics between the players at the table that shift over the course of the game. All that and it's a simple game to learn and teach. It's truly a gem of a design.

Now, on the other hand, if I were to choose a game designer who encapsulates what I love about game design, it would have to be Sid Sackson. He was a master of crafting wildly different experiences with each of his games. If you look at I'm the Boss!, you get this tense, freewheeling negotiation game. Acquire is a wonderful mix of luck and skill with some incredibly clever bits. Can't Stop is an exciting press-your-luck game...the list goes on and on. He always had something new to say with each release. Sid was really an amazing guy.

note: As we finished the interview Kevin let me know that he was leaving Fantasy Flight Games on good terms to become an independent Board Game Designer. He was awesomely able to answer a follow up to that:

jdodson: Are you going to be making a game on your own or consulting in some other way? If you are going to be building a game, do you have any details you want to share about it?

Kevin Wilson: Well Jon, having left FFG, I'm going to be going out on my own as a freelance designer. That means I'll probably be doing a mix of work-for-hire and my own original concepts, which I'll then attempt to sell to a company. Some of those projects may very well be with FFG, since I'm still on good terms with them. I can't speak about anything I'm working on yet except to say that I'm definitely planning on doing a collaboration with Eric Lang (Chaos in the Old World, Quarriors) later this year.

For more follow up to Kevin going freelance there is a post on Board Game Geek about it:

I want to thank Kevin Wilson for taking the time to answer my questions and wish him well in the design of his next games!

For quite some time EA has been saying Star Wars: The Old Republic will go free to play. They recently dropped some details on how that will work.


I think the big take away from this list is that everything will be limited for free to play users with the story being one exception. The limitations don't seem to restrictive, but we will know more when free to play is available.

If you make any purchase at all the game unlocks:

  • The ability to run faster (Sprint) starting at Level 1.

  • Cargo Hold access (Bank Slots) and higher login queue priority.

  • Increased access to Chat and Secure Trading.

The ability to run faster has me wondering if we are not entering a strange new world of DLC similar to DLC quest? As long as your player doesn't crawl along, it might not be too bad, but still... Pay to run faster?

They also have a pretty extensive FAQ as well:


Wondering when all this will be available? According to the site "The Free-to-Play option will become available later this fall."

Are you interested in checking out Star Wars: The Old Republic when it goes free to play? Do you play MMO's and if so what are you playing right now?

If you have been reading my posts over the last few days I have been posting a lot about Doom because of the release of Doom 3: BFG Edition. I decided to write a few of my thoughts down about the board game that brought the love I have for board games back, Doom: The Board Game.

Also check the site tomorrow as I will post an interview I gave with Kevin Wilson. Kevin Wilson is the designer of such amazing board games such as Doom: The Board Game, Android, Descent: Journies into the Dark, Arkham Horror and Civilization: The Board Game! Yep, that Kevin Wilson! Incredible.

I was going through a Doom craze about 5 years ago and in a off the cuff moment I decided to purchase a game I wasn't sure about. I mean, Doom as a board game? Honestly I wasn't into board games but at the time I wanted to try it out. After the game shipped and I opened it immediately I realized this was going to be better than I expected. The plastic game pieces are really great quality, the tokens looked great and the rule book and scenarios were compelling.

My wife even got into helping me baggy up the pieces and organize things to put back in the box. I think that helped me get her to play with me the first few times as she wasn't to keen to play the game at first. I really wanted to play the Marines so she took the duty of playing the invaders. After reading the rules and playing the first mission I was in love.

The game play was deep, interesting and the thing I never expected was the board game felt like the video game. The way the game was built allowed it to come alive on the board and over the next few months my wife and I would play it "cat and mouse" against each other. It was a really fun time.

That said, the game is hard as hell. Literally, it is very hard for the Marines. So if you are expecting an easy time or to always win, this isn't your game. I'll admit we got into more than a few arguments over some aspect of the rules(they later issued some clarification online about many of the problems) or difficulty.

Doom: The Board Game allowed me a window into how awesome board games can be. I even got into Magic: The Gathering around that time as well. Now I have many board games in my closet and look forward to getting awesome new ones. That said, Doom: The Board Game got me back into table top and for that it will always have that special place in my heart.

Check the site tomorrow for my interview with game designer Kevin Wilson!

I want to meet up with you all and play Quake Live next Wednesday the 24th @ 6pm PST. Quake Live is a modern port of Quake 3 Arena that is sponsored by iD Software and free to play at http://www.quakelive.com.

See you Wednesday!

One addition to Doom 3 I loved was Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3. It's a really funny game which nods to the original Doom. There is a Arcade Cabinet of Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 in the Mars Base Kitchen you can play right at the start.

The only thing you can do in the game is punch and kill Turkeys. One thing I noticed during this play through of Turkey Puncher is that if you hit the punch button faster you get a higher score for killing a Turkey. With that knowledge I punched turkeys to my current high score of 26,220.

I issue a challenge to all Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 fans, attempt to beat my score and post your results. I claim current champion status until proven otherwise. :D

I picked up Doom 3: BFG Edition on launch day because I love all things Doom. I was blown away with the original Doom and how it ushered in the era of shooters. I love Doom 2 and the double barred shotgun. When Doom 3 came out and I had a computer good enough to play it I enjoyed it for its dark horror style. A few years later I replayed Doom 3 and again, enjoyed its dark atmosphere but that time I turned off the lights and cranked up the sound.

When iD Software announced Doom 3: BFG Edition I was excited. Doom 3: BFG Editions big additions are the original Doom & Doom 2. It also includes some new content for Doom 3 in the Lost Levels. It can also be played in 3D, if you have the right hardware for it.

I have Doom 3 on PC and wanted to try it out on a new platform so I picked it up on the PS3. From the reviews I read and by playing it in person at PAX on XBOX 360 and now the PS3 I can say that Doom 3 plays buttery smooth. If you are console bound, love shooters and want something that doesn't lag for second, Doom 3: BFG Edition is for you.

When I got the game the first thing I did was boot up the original Doom to show my wife and see how well it played. It played very well but she was unimpressed with the game as it is now 19 year old. I look at it with love, but if you didn't play it I can see how it wouldn't impress. I then started a new Doom 3 game and was immediately flooded with awesome memories and a wave of excitement for entering Mars base again.

The beginning of Doom 3 has a compelling pulp sci-fi horror premise. After spending a ton of time messing around in base and getting a high score in Super Turbo Turkey Puncher(i'll make a separate post about that) I went on the first mission and header into Mars city basement. I won't spoil the story but not too long after you get your pistol the S hits the F and you are shooting zombies and demons just like iD intended.

One thing I noticed playing the game is that you can't zoom to aim. Modern shooters allow you to zoom your gun in to aim better, Doom 3 does not. This isn't something they took out of the game, it simply wasn't present in the original. After playing modern shooters you sort of realize you cant zoom and wherein its not a big deal, is something worth noting as games march ever onward.

So far all I have played of Doom 3: BFG in length is the original Doom 3 campaign and it seems pretty much as I remember it. They sprinkled more ammo in places than I remember, things are way brighter but that doesn't make the game easier. I haven't spent any time worrying about ammo conservation, just which gun to use to dispatch my foes.

The big change in Doom 3: BFG Edition is that they allow you to turn on the flashlight while you hold your gun. Now this isn't as bad as I thought, though I do appreciate I have the original Doom 3 discs so I can go back and play it the way it was. That said, when you turn on the flashlight holding a pistol the light beam comes in from the side in a way that seems odd. Its like the Marine is holding the light way out to his side at an angle. Its strange and sort of threw me off when it turned on. I was like "how can he be possibly holding the light that way?" But then again, its a game about demons and eventually you do go to hell... It's not a big deal, it was just something I noticed.

I still haven't played much of the original Doom, Doom 2 and the lost levels. When I do, ill post more.

I found a few interesting bits posted online about Doom 3. Here they are for you to enjoy:

HD Play posted a video side by side of BFG Edition and the original Doom 3:

Someone Photoshopped their own pet Hamster in the game:
