The only thing you can do in the game is punch and kill Turkeys. One thing I noticed during this play through of Turkey Puncher is that if you hit the punch button faster you get a higher score for killing a Turkey. With that knowledge I punched turkeys to my current high score of 26,220.
I issue a challenge to all Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 fans, attempt to beat my score and post your results. I claim current champion status until proven otherwise. :D

I simply don't think I have the drive to get a score that high in a button pressing simulator, but I'm impressed at your dedication :)
Noooooooo, it's skill. SKILL!!
Travis you really must try for my high score. I know you technically might not want to, even now many months later but have you thought about the future?
For instance you may very well be on your death bed thinking..... "Why didn't I press that button more times?"
The more you know...
You're just digging up all kinds of old posts lately :)
This one I actually remembered. And really, you don't want to die with regret.