Hi folks,

We have upgraded some of the frameworks we use on the site -- Bootstrap has a new major version that's been stable for a few months, and that required an upgrade to jQuery as well. As we plan out future changes to the site, these new tools make things easier for us and better for you.

Some of the tools from Bootstrap 3.x we were using are gone in 4, so we had to re-work things a bit. Fortunately, the tools that replace it in Bootstrap 4 are better, and it gave us an opportunity to improve those things with some redesigns.

For now, we just tried to make things look like the site pre-upgrade for the most part, but in situations where that wasn't possible we put... Read All

I didn't know that Sega released the Nomad which was a full blown Genesis that you could play on the go or connected to a TV. It's a great idea and something that people love about the Switch but Nintendo wasn't the first to do it. DF Retro talks about what worked about the Nomad and other consoles that tried to do that before the Switch became so popular.

"Nintendo Switch is rightly lauded for its hybrid console concept - the idea of having a fully mobile console you can also use for living room play, with full multiplayer support. But whether through design or through sheer luck, Sega actually got there first with its Nomad, way back in 1995. John picks up the story.... Read All
Today Nintendo dropped the details of it's Switch online service and it looks quite interesting. I don't love that consoles charge you money for online play as that's typically included in the price of PC games. That said, the way Nintendo is rolling it out isn't too shabby because the first year of service will just be $20. But what do you get for that first year?

  1. Online Play

  2. 20 NES games with added online play

  3. Save data cloud backup

  4. Nintendo switch online app & special offers

I haven't heard great things about the online app & special offers just sound like discounts on things we'd already get. The interesting part is the 20 NES games with added online play... Read All

If there was any question if Rage 2 looked good that’s been answered in the gameplay featured in this new Rage 2 trailer. They are boasting a fully open world, something the original Rage lacked(it was more of a hub world system) as well as the ability to drive any vehicle you see. Visually this does look like the best kind of follow up to Rage and doesn’t look to entirely wipe the original game away as Rage 2 picks up 50 years after the events of the first game.

One part of the original Rage I enjoyed was the multiplayer co-op system. I played a lot of split screen co-op on the PS3 and then on PC online with Travis. Hopefully Rage 2 brings this back because it was a... Read All

Next month's Cheerful Ghost Games Club event is live! Come play Kid Icarus with us!

Punch Out, originally titled Mike Tyson's Punch Out before a bit of ear-biting changed Nintendo's mind, was ported from the arcade in 1987 by Nintendo R&D3. In Punch Out, players take on the role of Little Mac, fighting through three circuits and eventually facing the impossible Mr. Dream.

In season two of Cheerful Ghost Radio we are doing bite-sized NES Classic review episodes. We want to make you all part of these episodes, so if you want to join in the fun, head here and join in the event for next... Read All
There's been a federal ban on sports gambling (that excluded Nevada), but it was just struck down! This opens the way to any state deciding to make sports betting legal (and therefore taxable), with some states ready to quickly making it legal. As one who follows sports, and plays daily fantasy sports (which for whatever reason isn't considered betting in most states), I'm really looking forward to being able to place legal bets on games. I've tried some questionably legal off shore betting websites, and whilst they're ran well, it's always felt shady.

It's estimated that Americans illegally wager $150 billion a year on sports.

Here's more information:
... Read All

The new Rage 2 announce trailer dropped this morning and features a cacophony of visuals that are tonally similar to the original game. I don't love the live action parts of the trailer but i'm also not a marketing expert i'd just prefer to see gameplay. There are a few gameplay glimpses scatted throughout that look incredible and if you want even more of that Bethesda is launching a gameplay trailer tomorrow. It's a good idea Bethesda is releasing these Rage 2 trailers now before E3. There are a lot of games announced at E3 and doing this beforehand gives Rage 2 a chance to shine during a news lull. I think the original Rage game was way better than it reviewed and... Read All

I should have posted this at the top of the month but somehow this news big got buried. That said, iam8bit and Capcom are partnering up to release two new repro collector carts for Mega Man 2 and Mega Man X for $100 each. I imagine a lot of Mega Man fans are pretty excited to get a new pressing of Mega Man and since these carts are in limited quantities what more could a collector want?

"Capcom and iam8bit are kicking off “Mega May” with the announcement of two nostalgic Mega Man collectibles: the Mega Man 2 - 30th Anniversary Classic Cartridge and Mega Man X - 30th Anniversary Classic Cartridge. These brand new, limited edition reproductions are now available for... Read All

After the Switch dropped and it was obvious that is was really popular I started thinking that Sony, Microsoft and even Valve might want to get into dedicated mobile gaming handheld market. With everyone having handy access to very powerful smartphones the market could get crowded but one thing Nintendo showed me that if you do something right, people will buy it. I'm not gonna lie, I've wanted a dedicated PC gaming handheld for a while and would love it if Valve made one. That all said the people over a Digital Foundry made a video recently wondering if Sony would make the Switch equivalent for the PS4. The long story seems to be no and if they did it would just be a... Read All

Nintendo is finally bringing back the NES Classic as it promised and we now have a date to expect it.

"#NESClassic Edition will return to stores on June 29! This system and the #SNESClassic Edition system are expected to be available through the end of the year."

Good news to everyone that wasn't able to get a NES Classic or is having a hard time securing a SNES Classic! That said, I imagine you could take the "available through the end of the year" to mean Nintendo might discontinue them? I gotta think that they don't mean that but... well if you want one, now's a good time to get one. I know the NES & SNES Classics mostly sit unused for most but I play them a lot... Read All