Will_Ball gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Will_Ball gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
The team at Powerhoof was kind enough to send Cheerful Ghost a download key for Crawl for the Nintendo Switch. After watching the trailer, I was ready to download it and give it a go.

Crawl puts you in control of a person trying to escape a dungeon, slay a beast and, in the end, freeing yourself. Sounds pretty simple, right? Well it is not. On you journey to free yourself, you are surrounded by three ghosts, who also want to make it out. Their goal is to kill you, regain human form and then try to free themselves. There can only be one human alive at one time, so not only are you battling the beasts of the dungeon, but you are battling the ghosts. Did I mention that... Read All

Valve has supported Windows XP and Vista for way longer than I thought they would so it makes sense that they are finally going to stop. I could see some gamers running older games that work great on XP get bitten a bit here but Windows XP is now 17 years old and most PC gamers have moved on and it seems Valve is too.

"Starting on January 1 2019, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems. This means that after that date the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. In order to continue running Steam and any games or other products purchased through Steam, users will need to update to a more recent... Read All

At this years E3 Coliseum Double Fine presented a really special script table read of Grim Fandango featuring the original voice actors and Jack Black! The original game music composer Peter McConnell was there providing the music creating the backdrop for a very special event. The whole thing was to pitch that Grim Fandango and Broken Age are coming to the Switch and if you haven't played these games and own a Switch you might be interested.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Smash is back in a big way with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It will have every fighter from every Smash Bros. game including Ridley from Metroid (see the video above).

You can use a Game Cube controller and all Amiibos can be used.

There are also some changes and tweaks to the mechanics that you can learn about, along with everything else about the game, in this 25 minute video: https://youtu.be/L93H7YC-83o

Super Mario Party
This one is interesting. A bunch of new, fun looking mini-games as you'd expect, but this one brings in extra functionality if you use multiple Switches. The downside being that to use it, you need multiple Switches but... Read All

In this episode we cover a variety of video game news. Will Steam Link ever get a release on iOS and Apple TV after Apple denied the app? How awesome does Rage 2 look? How long will Nintendo support the 3DS? Will we see an N64 Classic this year? Will No Man's Sky's Next update be everything we hope? What is the meaning of life? We dive into these questions and more in this episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio!

I don't own a PS4 and don't plan to buy one but I hold a special place in my heart for Sony as I was a happy PS3 owner until mine died a couple years ago. They seem to be doing a great job of collecting the hardcore console audience and the console exclusives seem interesting to fans. I watched the conference tonight and if you are interested in seeing what Sony is up to you should too. I'll drop some interesting bits of that conference below and if you have something I didn't note let me know in the comments.

In the beginning there was Banjo: The whole stream started off with an old dude playing a banjo and it sounded awesome. I also liked how the Sony conference... Read All

When you ask someone if they want some corporation deciding what movies, music, books or games they should consume they usually say they don't. One negative part of the Apple Ecosystem people cite is that the app store curation doesn't allow anyone the ability publish any app they want. Most apps get through but some don't and recently the Steam Link App was barred access for reasons that aren't entirely clear. One really amazing benefit of open systems such as the PC, Linux and the Mac is that you can install anything you want and I appreciate it when companies and communities build these open systems. So it wasn't a controversial topic, to me, when Valve recently... Read All

Bethesda is busy. To think, ten years ago all they really had was the Elder Scrolls series. This year's conference showed off a ton of new games and updates.

Rage 2
This one looks like a hoot. I loved Rage but the open-world part didn't exactly land. The gunplay was near perfect but it left some to be desired. This time, id is partnering with Avalanche (of Just Cause fame) to bring something special and the trailer and gameplay look like exactly what I was hoping for.

Elder Scrolls Legends and Elder Scrolls Online updates
These games seem to be doing really well for Bethesda. They spent some time talking about some new updates. I'm just gonna be straight up honest here, I... Read All

Ah, Neo Geo. I never had a home console, but I remember a lot of Neo Geo arcade games fondly. This minified version looks to reclaim that nostalgia, minus the smell of grease and cigarette smoke that usually accompanied playing these games in restaurants and bars.

This one stands out from the others by having a small LCD screen built in, but you can still hook it up to your TV and play with a replica of the Neo Geo home console's controller (sold separately)

The list of games for the Neo Geo Mini just dropped. 40 in total:

  • The King of Fighters ‘95

  • The King of Fighters ‘97

  • The King of Fighters ‘98

  • The King of Fighters 2000

  • The King of Fighters 2002

  • Samurai Shodown II

  • ... Read All

EA was the first big game entity to present at this years E3 and as such I have a few news bits I thought were interesting about it. If you have more you want to share that I didn't cover, please drop it in the comments.

BioWare's New Anthem

Anthem looks to be the big game EA is betting quite a bit on the success of and it launches next February. If you look at the gameplay you can see why as it looks like Halo/Destiny decided it needed more mech suits. The game also looks incredibly pretty yet I have an odd feeling like we've seen the same game play now for the last two years of E3. It keeps looking better, I just wonder how many more environments or scenarios the game... Read All