547 Posts
How better to spend your time in quarantine than listening to us talk about the next generation of consoles? We dive into the next generation and talk about what Microsoft and Sony might bring to the table. But first, we update you all on how we've been coping with the pandemic and all the stuff we've been playing and watching.

Our long wait is at an end, folks. The final major update to Terraria will be with us on May 16.
This update has been in the works for quite some time now, and will bring with it quite a few new features, including new game modes Journey and Master, new weapons, new NPCs, new buildable objects, GOLFING, and so many others.
The wiki has a list of all confirmed new features for 1.4 and this likely isn't even all of them: https://terraria.gamepedia.com/Upcoming_features
Announcement tweet: https://twitter.com/Demilogic/status/1249728004827250693?s=19
This update has been in the works for quite some time now, and will bring with it quite a few new features, including new game modes Journey and Master, new weapons, new NPCs, new buildable objects, GOLFING, and so many others.
The wiki has a list of all confirmed new features for 1.4 and this likely isn't even all of them: https://terraria.gamepedia.com/Upcoming_features
Announcement tweet: https://twitter.com/Demilogic/status/1249728004827250693?s=19

Tale of the White Wyvern Season 2: The Plot Quickens starts today! This one is going to be intense, and loads of fun. It's all about bonuses to increase the pace of the game. Here's what we have in store for this season:
This season will be over on June 1, so get in there and enjoy all those bonuses!
In addition, members can now head over to their user preferences for a new feature: user flair. This let you style up your name with some fancy punctuation, like [Golok], +GregoPeck+, or *Caz* for example. More of these will be added soon.
If you haven't played Tale of the White Wyvern yet, head over to https://thewhitewyvern.com/ now to play for free!
- 50 Forest Fights per day, before other bonuses like partnership, bard songs, and washing your hands
- 5 PvP fights per day
- 10 fishing turns per day
- You can eat up to 3 fish per day
- +70% gold find and experience gain!
- 500 starting gold
This season will be over on June 1, so get in there and enjoy all those bonuses!
In addition, members can now head over to their user preferences for a new feature: user flair. This let you style up your name with some fancy punctuation, like [Golok], +GregoPeck+, or *Caz* for example. More of these will be added soon.
If you haven't played Tale of the White Wyvern yet, head over to https://thewhitewyvern.com/ now to play for free!

Hello citizens of Wyrmdoor!
If you're like me, it's felt weird this month to only have one game of Tale of the White Wyvern to play instead of two since Season 1 ended. Well, we have some great news: Season 2 starts up in just a few days, April 1!
Titled The Plot Quickens, this season will be fast. Very fast. The focus is on getting through Wyvern kills much faster than normal with increased experience gain and gold find. But with great power comes great responsibility: the rapid pace of the game means that if you die in the forest, you could get passed over in the standings much more quickly. I'm going to be on the edge of my seat watching the leaderboards for this one.
Also, starting tomorrow, March 20, the townsfolk will be observing The Fall of the Forgotten, an annual event remembering those who came before, before The White Wyvern, in the Old World that came before. Helga has more details in the Potion Shop for you to read, and look for some familiar faces in town chatting with you about it.
Finally, the world is in a bit of a mess right now with the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope you're all staying safe, and we hope Tale of the White Wyvern and Cheerful Ghost are giving you some fun distractions to keep you busy while you're bunkered at home. Stay home when you can, and if you have to go out, keep a safe distance from people. If you have friends or family you think may be lonely, give them a call to check up on them. And wash your hands often. It won't get you a forest fight when you do it IRL but it can help keep you and those around you healthy. We'll get through this together, even if that means separating ourselves from each other.
Now, let's go slay that Wyvern. Head over to https://thewhitewyvern.com/ to play now for free!
If you're like me, it's felt weird this month to only have one game of Tale of the White Wyvern to play instead of two since Season 1 ended. Well, we have some great news: Season 2 starts up in just a few days, April 1!
Titled The Plot Quickens, this season will be fast. Very fast. The focus is on getting through Wyvern kills much faster than normal with increased experience gain and gold find. But with great power comes great responsibility: the rapid pace of the game means that if you die in the forest, you could get passed over in the standings much more quickly. I'm going to be on the edge of my seat watching the leaderboards for this one.
Also, starting tomorrow, March 20, the townsfolk will be observing The Fall of the Forgotten, an annual event remembering those who came before, before The White Wyvern, in the Old World that came before. Helga has more details in the Potion Shop for you to read, and look for some familiar faces in town chatting with you about it.
Finally, the world is in a bit of a mess right now with the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope you're all staying safe, and we hope Tale of the White Wyvern and Cheerful Ghost are giving you some fun distractions to keep you busy while you're bunkered at home. Stay home when you can, and if you have to go out, keep a safe distance from people. If you have friends or family you think may be lonely, give them a call to check up on them. And wash your hands often. It won't get you a forest fight when you do it IRL but it can help keep you and those around you healthy. We'll get through this together, even if that means separating ourselves from each other.
Now, let's go slay that Wyvern. Head over to https://thewhitewyvern.com/ to play now for free!

The episode you've all been waiting for, the scheduling-around-holidays-is-hard-but-we're-back-now episode! It's been a little while but we're back to talk about all the cool stuff we've been playing and watching since we last graced your podcast app of choice. Plus our Christmas gaming loot, and an update on Tale of the White Wyvern development!

First off, Season One was a blast! Thanks to everyone who played! Without further ado, here are your winners...
Overall Winners
Thanks to everyone who played our first season! Let us know what you thought about the season and things you'd like to see in future seasons. Stay tuned for information about Season Two, coming to Wyrmdoor soon!
Fishing Update Coming March 8
In just a short week from now, you too can cast your line into the cool, refreshing waters of Woodhaven Lake! Here's what you can expect:
We are excited to release this update out into the world, and we can't wait to hear what you think! If you have questions, fire them off in the comments, but we may want to keep some secrets for you to find on your own! And as always, thanks for playing Tale of the White Wyvern! It's incredible that so many of you love this game, and we hope to keep bringing you new, fun features!
If you haven't played Tale of the White Wyvern yet, head over to https://thewhitewyvern.com/ now to play for free!
Overall Winners
- Saturday has won the season and brought peace to Wyrmdoor!
- Declan
- Quite Dapper
- Azure Azul
- Beo Rubirnen
- Nawt Wynnor: 10 kills
- Quite Dapper: 9 kills
- Bre Orgligrat: 4 kills
- Azure Azul: 3 kills
- Mystical Lord: 3 kills
- Nawt Wynnor: 27 deaths
- Declan: 27 deaths
- Saturday: 19 deaths
- Bre Orgligrat: 17 deaths
- Quite Dapper: 16 deaths
Thanks to everyone who played our first season! Let us know what you thought about the season and things you'd like to see in future seasons. Stay tuned for information about Season Two, coming to Wyrmdoor soon!
Fishing Update Coming March 8
In just a short week from now, you too can cast your line into the cool, refreshing waters of Woodhaven Lake! Here's what you can expect:
- Woodhaven Lake: This is a new area that you can get to from the main menu as well as a path from Forkwood Forest.
- Three fishing locations: Within Woodhaven Lake, you can choose to fish in the Shallows, at the Waterfall, or in the Murky Depths. These locations will have different fish that you can catch. But be careful-- some fish may not like being caught and may fight back! And if you look closely enough, you may find a secret glowing deep below the surface...
- Able's Fishing Shop: You can't fish without a pole! Able can sell you one. As you level up, Able can give you guidance on whether to upgrade your fishing pole. There are some cool member-only poles, but as always these are different only in name, the fishing power is the same, but you'll look much cooler with a member-only pole!
- Eat or Sell Your Fish: You can choose to eat your fish or sell them. You can only learn what a fish can do if you first eat one to test it out. Some effects will be better than others, and you may not like some of them. The fish effects are temporary, and will reset on the next game day. Your fish will rot if you don't either eat them or sell them on the game day you caught them, so keep that in mind as you fish!
- The Fish-Dex: When you eat fish and learn their effects, they'll fill out an entry in your Fish-Dex! There are 27 total fish at launch for you to unlock. When you first catch a fish, it unlocks in your Fish-Dex, and when you eat it, the effects will be shown here. Any fish you haven't found yet will give you a hint about where to find them.
- Crugg's Farm: It may seem like Crugg spends all his time at the Grey Hood, but he also maintains a farm. Visit here to check in on his goat, Caprinicus, a new NPC that can give you charm if you're running low.
- Fishing leaderboards: See who has caught the most fish, and who has filled out the most entries in their Fish-Dex!
We are excited to release this update out into the world, and we can't wait to hear what you think! If you have questions, fire them off in the comments, but we may want to keep some secrets for you to find on your own! And as always, thanks for playing Tale of the White Wyvern! It's incredible that so many of you love this game, and we hope to keep bringing you new, fun features!
If you haven't played Tale of the White Wyvern yet, head over to https://thewhitewyvern.com/ now to play for free!

Hello Adventurers, we hope you all had a great holiday season and we wish you a belated Happy New Year! As you may have noticed Jon and I decided to take a much earned holiday break from active Wyvern development, and the good news is, we had a very relaxing time and the even better news is we’re back in active development toward the final 1.0 game launch.
The Day of Devotion Holiday Event
To kick things off, Tale of the White Wyvern is getting a new holiday event called “Day of Devotion.” Rather than explain it ourselves, we’re going to turn to the expert on Wyrmdoor traditions, Helga!
”The Day of Devotion is an annual celebration of love. Couples traditionally celebrate with gifts and delicious meals. The Inn of the Old Hen throws a party every year for anyone who doesn't have a partner to celebrate with. The Day of Devotion is celebrated from February 13 to February 15.”
Alongside the holiday event we created two new fun themes called “Day of Devotion” and “Night of Devotion.” We recommend turning your screen brightness all the way up and putting on some fuzzy slippers when you give those a try.
The Fishing Update
We are very focused on the Fishing update which has turned out to be the BIGGEST single content update Wyvern has ever recieved. When we described what’s coming to some of our friends and that it was taking much longer than we anticipated, one mentioned that it was because it sounded like we are building an all new game and that’s actually fairly accurate. One of our development goals with the Fishing update is to add a boatload(har har) of new content to keep longtime players busy exploring for quite some time. All that in mind we’re still in active development on it and it should take a bit longer to finalize things. Whereas this is a huge update that adds a lot of new mechanics to the game, we do plan on updating the game with fishing for everyone at the same time.
If you haven't played Tale of the White Wyvern yet, head over to https://thewhitewyvern.com/ now to play for free!
The Day of Devotion Holiday Event
To kick things off, Tale of the White Wyvern is getting a new holiday event called “Day of Devotion.” Rather than explain it ourselves, we’re going to turn to the expert on Wyrmdoor traditions, Helga!
”The Day of Devotion is an annual celebration of love. Couples traditionally celebrate with gifts and delicious meals. The Inn of the Old Hen throws a party every year for anyone who doesn't have a partner to celebrate with. The Day of Devotion is celebrated from February 13 to February 15.”
Alongside the holiday event we created two new fun themes called “Day of Devotion” and “Night of Devotion.” We recommend turning your screen brightness all the way up and putting on some fuzzy slippers when you give those a try.
The Fishing Update
We are very focused on the Fishing update which has turned out to be the BIGGEST single content update Wyvern has ever recieved. When we described what’s coming to some of our friends and that it was taking much longer than we anticipated, one mentioned that it was because it sounded like we are building an all new game and that’s actually fairly accurate. One of our development goals with the Fishing update is to add a boatload(har har) of new content to keep longtime players busy exploring for quite some time. All that in mind we’re still in active development on it and it should take a bit longer to finalize things. Whereas this is a huge update that adds a lot of new mechanics to the game, we do plan on updating the game with fishing for everyone at the same time.
If you haven't played Tale of the White Wyvern yet, head over to https://thewhitewyvern.com/ now to play for free!

This is the kind of episode that only comes once every decade. We cover our favorite games from the 2010s, and if you've been paying attention, some of these will be expected. But which one will take the top spot for each of us? Listen and find out!

It's been four years since the Star Wars sequel trilogy began, and with The Rise of Skywalker, the trilogy concludes. If you've heard any previous episode of this show, you likely heard a tangent about Star Wars, so it's no surprise that we are talking about this, one of the biggest events in recent Star Wars history. Come join us as we discuss the film, and share thoughts from some members of the Cheerful Ghost community as well.
In this episode, Jon references this GamesRadar article:
In this episode, Jon references this GamesRadar article:

In this episode we discuss Valve's announcement that a new Half-Life sequel is coming to VR and the newest addition to Episode IV that makes it a super special edition, Maclunkey! And we talk about what we've been playing and watching over the past month, as is tradition.
Note: In this episode we incorrectly conflate Rob Thomas, the TV producer, and Rob Thomas, the lead singer of Matchbox 20. Apologies to both Rob's.
Note: In this episode we incorrectly conflate Rob Thomas, the TV producer, and Rob Thomas, the lead singer of Matchbox 20. Apologies to both Rob's.

I heard the new consoles will feature ray tracing. I also saw something about the PS5 will probably have limited stock during it's first year.
But..... #PCMasterRace!
I'll have to listen to this soon. I realized the other day that I have no idea what the current consoles are, nor what's coming next lol
@AdamPFarnsworth Gigaflops!
I had a feeling I knew what that youtube link was going to be before I clicked it.
Glad to know I was right! :D
Actually, I meant teraflops as you can see here: https://www.polygon.com/2020/3/31/21187430/ps5-xbox-series-x-specs-comparison-next-gen Here's a brief article with an included video about what's a teraflop: https://www.polygon.com/2016/6/14/11932910/what-is-a-teraflop-explainer I think it's a different calculation than what I'm used to seeing regarding GPUs and CPUs where they're measured in megahertz or gigahertz. In a way, I kind of feel like "teraflops" is a bit of a "buzz word" to make the new consoles sound super amazing (and they may very well be). I haven't dived into their details as my interest in them isn't great, but I'm glad they're finally getting SSDs, Since I got one last summer, I realized just how awesome they are, if for nothing else other than greatly speeding up the load time from power off to desktop (at least in my Windows 10 experience). So, at least just being where the OS resides, it can give a dramatic performance increase. I think this is perhaps the single most important hardware upgrade someone could make to make their PC feel faster or notably improved
LOL! Yeah, I think we all knew what that YouTube link was going to be ;)
I've listened to about half the podcast, and I'm glad that it sounds like everyone's doing as well as can be expected!
Also, as far as what I'm watching, some good trash on Netflix is The Circle (so far I've watched the original and Brazil, and now I'm watching France).
It's the perfect show right now, as we really are living in The Circle.
The killer feature im hoping will go well is streaming. My company (engineering/architectural) has moved to 90% virtual machines using Workspots (Microsoft Azure). I am drawing complex 3D models, and aside from a few hiccups when rolling out the new computers, my virtual experience is better than when I worked on my local computer in my office. I hope Microsoft is able to utilize what they've learned in Workspot, and really nail the streaming environment. I've not bought a system since the Wii U, but if I could get a high-powered game streaming service, I might look at getting back into hard-core gaming.
I think Microsoft will have some really interesting with Game Pass. Or at least I hope it will.
I think you accidentally a word
Some really interesting...?
I will probably get the Xbox Series X first. I have the OG Xbox One and it is a little sluggish playing Fallen Order. I want to upgrade to a One X, but I figure it is best to wait for the Series X.
☝️Wins the award for the oddest named GIF image compared to what it actually is.
Yeah gotta love those gfycat random names. I think it's always two adjectives and an animal.
That’s way more fun than some random hexadecimal