
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

I want to wish everyone(who celebrates) a very Cheerful Thanksgiving! Like many of you, I enjoy this time of year and it's demand I eat more stuffing than I should begging the question "who's the actual Turkey?"

If you wanted to stuff yourself on video games, checkout the latest Steam sale. It features some deep cuts on some great games like Portal 2, Harvester & Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake.


If you are looking for something to watch all day while you putter around the house, why not Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day? Joel has been dropping spoilers on social media bout the reboot and to start things off we got to see the bots! From the few seconds we saw it seems Trace is back as Crow and there may be a new voice for Tom Servo. Right now they are riffing "The Magic Voyage of Sinbad."


Drop what you are doing with your Thanksgiving in the comments and have a great holiday!

Why is Terraria one of the greatest Indie game ever made? The fact that they keep updating it for starters and this video is one more reason. Kudos to someone that can pick out each new thing teased in this video.


EDIT After looking at the video again the cat weapon in question is called the "Meowmere."

If you are interested in trying out Destiny before you buy it, you are in luck. Bungie has released a demo for download on XBox 360, XBox One, PS3 & PS4. A few days ago I downloaded the demo and spent a few hours playing it today. The demo contains a pretty complete version of the game and so far, I haven't made it to the end of it. So far I have played the introduction, the initial Earth mission and spent some time in the Tower interacting with people. After the first mission, "The Divide" the other missions you can play are "The Dark Within" and "The Warmind."

Destiny is one of those games that received a ton of praise and criticism. After spending time playing the game I can understand the criticism but think much of it was simply unmet player expectations. Destiny is good and I appreciate its simplicity and gameplay. The story is interesting yet vague leaving me to wonder how much more will open up over the game or if they are planning on telling the tale over the base game and DLC?

I am playing the Destiny demo on the PS3 and beyond the initial jolt of coming back to PS3 gaming after being PC bound, it's a fun ride. Sure some of the graphics don't look as great as PC titles I am playing, but that's to be expected on the PS3. That said, the overall art of the game looks great and coupled with the music the game sets a very somber tone. I applaud Bungie for doing such a good job porting to the PS3, I didn't notice any lag or bad performance while playing it. Many modern triple A games still ship on PS3 and if Destiny is any indicator, it will be a great experience.

The ultimate tell of any demo is if you get the game. More than likely I won't pick this up on PS3 right now. I am still holding out hope that Destiny will come to PC at some point and I imagine this will happen well into the lifetime of the game or beyond. For now, playing the demo here and there will do and if you have any of the consoles I seriously recommend you give the game a try.


Cygnus Destroyer started a new YouTube series called "Innocent Until Proven Guilty." In this episode he looks over the NES classic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. This game is usually panned as terrible popularized by The Angry Video Game Nerd. Cygnus Destroyer covers much of the games history and his deep dive on the topic is worth checking out.

"In the Innocent Until Proven Guilty court, Matt will do what no one else has dared to: give it a fair trial/review. Will the final verdict condemn it to a hell of fire and brimstone, or will the accused be exonerated of its crimes? Find out on this controversial episode of Innocent Until Proven Guilty!"

I enjoy watching these old documentaries of video game culture. This is a episode of Showtimes What's Up America showcasing the popular arcade culture.

"This recording was discovered on an old betamax video tape, recorded in September of 1982. This upload contains fifteen minutes of uninterrupted programming from SHOWTIME including promos, bumpers, an "Mini-Doc" from the series WHAT'S UP AMERICA! (Video Warriors) and a Hollywood Close-Up with Bill Harris."

Oh that sweet Hyrule board game unboxing. The game looks beautiful, I just wish it weren't Monopoly and I would actually pick it up. Like some kind of Hero Quest adventury game featuring different colored Links working together in some kind of threaded mission based game?

That said, if you are a Monopoly and Zelda fan, this seems like the right kind of Christmas gift for you.

Zero Master recently dropped a speedrun of Doom 2: Hell on Earth in 23 minutes and 3 seconds. The run is masterful and features a nice blend of map bugs and amazing shooting. I recommend you watch at least a few minutes of it.

From the video:

"This improves the previous record by Looper (30uv2325) set in Dec. 2010. by 22 seconds. Previous record before that was by Radek Pecka (30uv2609) set in Dec. 2003

So this is the second improvement in the last 10 years, though I don't think we will have to wait that long before we see the 23 minute mark broken.

YouTube sensation Rhykker released a video outlining the upcoming Diablo 3 2.1.2 patch. The new patch features 3 kinds of Treasure Goblins, two new gems and a new zone. They are also adding new legendary affixes, items and ancient items.

Blizzard is doing much to keep Diablo 3 updated and address player feedback. Will any of these changes get you to come back to Diablo?