
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

Super Mario World is one of the most beloved and iconic Mario titles. RetroLiberty, Game Sack, Leo Camacho & Crossroads Reviews talk about the history and personal recollections of one of the best console launch titles of all time.

2015 is newly minted and as such a time to reflect. I am curious what games you all played last year and what you are playing now? Also wondering what everyone picked up in the recent flurry of holiday sales?

The results from the Cheerful Ghost 2014 GoTY awards have been counted. We decided to vote for two categories, Best Indie game as well as Best Triple A game. Since the voting was close for both categories I will list the winner and runner up.

The nominations were made by the Cheerful Ghost community out of games we actually played in 2014.

Cheerful Ghost 2014 Triple A Game

Winner - Diablo III: Reaper of Souls: "No One Can Stop Death. The Prime Evil rages within the Black Soulstone, its essence screaming for vengeance and release."


Runner up - Wolfenstein: The New Order: "World War II rages across Europe. Where once the Allies pressed advantage, the Nazi forces have turned the tide in dramatic fashion behind the technologically advanced war machine of General Wilhelm Strasse -- Deathshead."


Cheerful Ghost 2014 Indie Game

Winner - Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake: "On the distant island of Gogapoe, a land inhabited by monsters and cake, a young boy named Niko is preparing to celebrate his birthday."


There was a tie in the runner up category between:

Runner up - Transistor: "Transistor is a sci-fi themed action RPG that invites you to wield an extraordinary weapon of unknown origin as you fight through a stunning futuristic city"


Runner up - Shovel Knight: "Shovel Knight is a sweeping classic action adventure game with awesome gameplay, memorable characters, and an 8-bit retro aesthetic."



Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone that voted! Let me know what you think of how things turned out in the comments!

A zillion Binding of Isaac fans might want my head on a pike for putting "fix the original" as the title of my post. Pray, I meant no offense and to me the original game is very special. That said, we all know the original game was written in flash and as such is a bit odd. Since I enjoy the game, I pull out the original to play on occasion and found that with Mac OS Mavericks the game is nearly unplayable. Couple that with no Steam Linux port for the original, I decided to plunge in to the new Isaac demake "The Binding of Isaac Rebirth."

First off the Linux and Mac ports are superb. Gone are the frame skips and load issues of the past. One amazing feature Rebirth sports is native controller support. I know some Isaac superfans are keyboard only but I do like playing it with a controller.

Rebirth also sports a new soundtrack and pixel art style. I think I prefer this to the original but if you like a more smoothed out style, there is an option for you.

I have only a few hours into Rebirth so I can't comment on the new content but I can say that the game feels more fair. I have mentioned this to some Isaac fans that don't agree but it's just an initial impression. I'll post more thoughts on Rebirth later so stay tuned.

Cygnus Destroyer finishes his Wisdom Tree / Bible games reviews with Bible Adventures. This game is a classic I played the hell out of as a kid. Because of this, Cygnus Destroyer and I both have a huge fondness for this game. I have really enjoyed watching all his Wisdom Tree videos this month and found it a bit sad to watch his final one. He missed my absolute favoriate Wisdom Tree title Spiritual Warfare, so hopefully he comes back around and reviews it.

In a very interesting move, Sony will ship Playstation Streaming in Samsung TVs soon. Sony will be showing off the Samsung Playstation Streaming demos at CES next month, something I am interested in reading the reviews of. With the advent of Smart TVs, Googles newly minted Android TV, Playstation Streaming and possibly Steam what will TVs of the future not do?

Would you be interested in buying a TV that does everything by default? Is there any downside to a TV that does so much?


I just wanted to wish everyone a very Cheerful Holiday! I hope 2015 is a great year and you find even more awesome games to play!

Everyone celebrates the Holiday differently and as such and curious how that is going for you? If you don't mind, drop what you are doing in the comments and if you are playing anything and what you think of it new this holiday?

As the year marches slowly to close the Cheerful Ghost GoTY voting process is upon us. We are opening up two categories this year in Best Triple A Game and Best Indie Game. If you don't see a game on the list, it wasn't nominated. Check out the options below and drop in the comments if you voted.

Vote for the Best Triple A Game released in 2014.


Vote for the Best Indie Game released in 2014.


Voting will end January 1st.

Google recently released the Nexus Player, a high powered Android set-top box. Sporting a Quad-Core 1.8GHZ Intel Atom Chip, 1G of RAM, 8G of storage, a nice bluetooth remote and a hefty 3D chip the Nexus Player is a steal at $100. The Operating Syste running on the Nexus Player is Android TV, a living room UI built on top of it's latest Android Lollipop. After using Android TV for the last few weeks I can safely say that Google has done a great job bringing this to market. The interface is intuitive, quick and useful and as a first iteration device, Google has done a fantastic job.

The Nexus Player is first and foremost meant to stream media to your TV. Up front, Google is suggesting you use it's Google Play Video, Music, YouTube and Games App. If you have purchased music and film content on Google Play, it should be available here. I've only acquired movies from Google Play giveaways and in trying them out, they look fantastic on my TV. The Nexus Player includes Netflix and Hulu out of the box as well as a ton of other streaming apps from the Play Store. Currently there is no official Amazon Prime app but I imagine it will come with time. I use Pandora for music streaming and the included app is slick and simple.

The Nexus Player also features support for the Chromecast protocol. Chromecast allows you to fling anything from inside a Google Chrome tab to your TV or any supporting app. Want to watch The Daily Show on your TV? Fling it over your Chrome tab. Want to move your Pandora stream from your phone to your TV? Fling it from your Pandora app. More apps are adding Chromecast options making it really simple to fling stuff to your TV.

Each set top box is pushing a certain way to buy music and movies, Google with it's Play Store, Amazon with it's own offerings and Apple with its iTunes store. Since I already have a junkload of digital files from ripped CD's and films I need a way to easily stream it off my NAS.

Since the Nexus Player is Android, it's not too hard to unlock it to side-load apps. One app you can side-load is Kodi, a new rebranding of XBMC. Kodi is an open source app that manages your digital music, movies and photos and can read from any standard NAS or network drive. It comes with a ton of plugins like Airplay and is one of the coolest open source projects I know of. So when I heard you could side-load Kodi on the Nexus Player that sealed the deal.

Side-loading Kodi isn't too hard and for more information on how to do that I recommend checking out the official steps on the Kodi website(linked below).

The Nexus Player is a great device for streaming but Google is also pushing it as an Android games console. Google is selling an XBox style Bluetooth controller OR you can just use your XBox 360 or generic controllers. The Nexus Player allows you to use any USB device but you first need a USB host adapter. After I picked up one at Radio Shack I could use my XBox 360 PC controller as well as a regular keyboard and mouse.

I give gaming on the Nexus Player a "good" ranking because the storage you have is pretty limited. Out of the box the Nexus Player only allows you 5.4 Gigs of storage which isn't much considering some Play Store games can be well over a Gig in size. If you only use the Nexus Player to play more casual games this shouldn't be a problem but I hope this is sorted out. Using Android TV as a console is a great idea and a bit more storage means more games, which is better for everyone.

If you are looking for a nice streaming device for under your TV I can't recommend the Nexus Player more. For my needs it does the job well and for my first ever owned Android device, I couldn't be happier.




Don't we all want to consume every video about the infamous Wisdom Tree NES games? Apparently I must and really enjoyed Cygnus Destroyers latest verdict on Sunday Funday. If you didn't know, Sunday Funday was a slightly less challenging reskin of Menace Beach. Since Cygnus Destroyer drop the details in his video I won't repeat much more here except to say, if you are interested in learning more about infamous NES classics, you should check the video.

I also just realized he uses the same pointing picture to title each of his YouTube videos. Not a huge complaint, just something I noticed.