
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

YouTuber Mauri Helme has recreated the last scene of Back to the Future using pixel art. Contains some great moments all involving pixel art Doc Brown.

Back this on Kickstarter!
Orion Trail is a new Kickstarter by Schell Games that mixes the classic Oregon Trail mechanics and throws them into orbit. It's no surprise that I loved the recent Oregon Trail with Zombies remake, Organ Trail and Orion Trail seems to continue the movement. Orion Trail sports some pretty pixel art as well as some really interesting in game encounters with Warp Weasels and SPACE DYSENTERY.

"Before you begin your voyage, it's important to know that bad stuff can (and will) happen. For example, an unexpected Singularity Fissure could open up in the Deck 12 Latrines, making for an unpleasant bathroom break. Maybe someone could accidentally leave an airlock open as you jump to light-speed, making the inside part of the ship the outside part. Or, your Away Team could inadvertently incur the wrath of a Grobulous Rex while exploring an alien jungle. We're not sure what will happen with that last one, but it's probably not good."

Like all modern Indie games I love, Orion Trail will ship on Linux, Mac and Windows.

Florian Himsl is the incredible other half of the team that brought us the original Binding of Isaac. In a bit of awesome news he is updating the original Wrath of the Lamb update with even more content. Now that The Binding of Isaac Rebirth is out I wasn't expecting more content for the original, but I can't say I mind it!

This is one part of Indie Game Development I appreciate as it's fairly rare for this to happen on the other side of the house.

Recently GOG picked up a ton of classic Star Wars titles that were previously a bit hard to track down. If you were waiting to pick those up on GOG you might want to checkout the latest Star Wars Bundle. All the games come with Steam Keys with PC ports and Knights of the Old Republic, Jedi Academy and The Force Unleashed are also available on Mac.

So far you can unlock all the games at $12 and more will be added to the bundle later, making this a crazy great value.


SethBling just posted the new world record for completing Super Mario World in an astonishingly quick 3 minutes and 7 seconds. The run takes advantage of getting the game into a strange memory state and then pausing to warp all the way to the ending credits.

Incredibly, who comes up with this stuff?

Do you remember when Runic said the Mac port of Torchlight 2 wasn't too far away and then a few years passed? I do and because of that was really happy to hear that it will be coming to Mac in four days. In four days our Mac sisters and bothers will be able to bask in the Torchlight 2 goodness. The wait wasn't lost on Runic either because the Mac port video addresses that in a funny way.

That said.

And I am trying to say this with as much niceness as possible. But. You know.

Can we get a Linux port too? /ducks

Three years of Cheerful Ghost? Yep.

I want to thank everyone for taking part in the site by reading it regularly, commenting, posting or allowing me to publish your game(looking at you Wick). Not only did we publish Starship Rubicon but, for me, the site really clicked as a place that I come to talk about video games with friends.

Raising my glass to another year!

If you haven't already, check out Starship Rubicon below and also make sure to vote for it on Steam Greenlight.


Grim Fandango Remastered dropped a few days ago and according to the reviews i've been reading, if you loved the original you will love this. This morning I found a comprehensive article about resurrecting this classic on Polygon. If you are interested in reading the story of how Double Fine and Sony were able to bring Grim Fandango back, it is well worth the read. Spoiler alert, it involved several old tape machines.


Double Fine also has three documentaries part one is linked above, you can watch the remaining two on the Grim Fandago website.


Grim Fandango is a beloved cult classic of PC gaming and as such the remaster has been getting lots of attention. You can pick up Grim Fandango Remastered on the Vita, PS4, PC, Mac and Linux.

Doom 4 was teased last year at Quakecon and since then there has been a ton of silence from iD on when it will be coming. We've been waiting for the next chapter of Doom for quite some time and if your tired of waiting, the upcoming update to Brutal Doom might hold you over. Adding the pump action shotgun as well as enhanced blood effects, Brutal Doom looks great. The mod creator has been testing it with Free Doom(an Open Source recreation of the Doom assets) so getting it running should be easy.
