"Before you begin your voyage, it's important to know that bad stuff can (and will) happen. For example, an unexpected Singularity Fissure could open up in the Deck 12 Latrines, making for an unpleasant bathroom break. Maybe someone could accidentally leave an airlock open as you jump to light-speed, making the inside part of the ship the outside part. Or, your Away Team could inadvertently incur the wrath of a Grobulous Rex while exploring an alien jungle. We're not sure what will happen with that last one, but it's probably not good."
Like all modern Indie games I love, Orion Trail will ship on Linux, Mac and Windows.
That video is funny! I first laughed when I saw that one of the captains was Grumpy Cat, then I noticed the Star Trek-looking bridge. I also thought it was funny watching the different Star Trek-looking crew members doing things, like dancing at the very end. I haven't played Oregon Trail in very many years. It's been so long that I think the last time I played it was on a Commodore 128D or an Apple IIC. I think an space-aged Oregon Trail makes sense and this game looks funny! I may have to keep my eye on this and figure out this Kickstarter thing.
Oh, look! There's a demo!
A demo? Awesome. I might check that out.
Yup! Check out their official site. The link for the demo is in the upper-right hand corner for Mac, Linux, and Windows.
Is "Trail-like" becoming a genre now? :)
Seems like it. "Trail clone"
That said, I wish I have $500 to back this one!
"There's always room on your Visa."
I played the demo once this morning and made it to the end.
I played the demo too. It's an interesting game and I hope they build on it for the final release.
Huh, come to think of it, FTL is kinda Oregon Trail in space.