Drop the games you think we should vote on in the comments and remember this is games that were released in 2014. We will post the final list for voting on December 20th, so act now!
I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.
2746 Posts
Drop the games you think we should vote on in the comments and remember this is games that were released in 2014. We will post the final list for voting on December 20th, so act now!
The trailer for Terminator Genisys dropped today and I can say that I am now officially excited to see the new film. From the trailer it looks like Arnold is back and there is a new "messed up" timeline ALA Star Trek 2009.
What do you think of the Terminator Genisys trailer?
People are calling it a reboot, but it doesn't seem like that to me. It's new actors playing familiar characters but it still takes place in the same continuity.
And one good thing about the Terminator franchise is that there's literally nothing in canon that they can't change. All it takes is sending a terminator back a little farther and a new timeline is born. The Sarah Connor Chronicles had a timeline change after T2 and before T3. Great show, too.
So yeah we terminator fans are used to abandoning canon and accepting new canon. But some are saying this movie will take it too far. Young Sarah growing up with a good terminator? It doesn't bother me, I'm still excited, but a lot of people are complaining loudly about it. I do wish Cameron would come back for another one but I doubt he would at this point.
I had been reading about it but finally got a chance to actually *watch* the trailer, and wow. Emilia Clarke is very convincing as Sarah Connor.
She is. Some say she looks too young but in this version she is 19.
Or supposed to be 19, as all things that could be a bad source.
Emilia Clarke is 27. I think she's old enough :) She does look way younger though.
Interesting video. I like that these guys have created this video to help make other gamers aware of issues female gamers go through and that they should be treated equally. I'm pretty much only aware of how males act towards females online because of what my female friends have told or shown me. It's pretty sad that a lot of guys are quite nasty towards them. I think if anyone doubts the mistreatment of female gamers, they should try to play as a female character on a popular MMORPG and they will soon find themselves the victim of the harassment mentioned in this video.
That said, I wish there were more active females here on our site. I am a guy and straight, so I love females, but I don't harass them. I respect them and believe they should be treated fairly. I think everyone should be treated fairly no matter their race, gender, sexual preference, religion, or all those other borders that we, as humans, have used to divide ourselves from one another.
I'd like to see more women on the site too. We've had a few contributors but no one permanent. If you have any ideas on this, message me and we can talk about it.
Since the game dropped in 2009 if you have a modern PC you can run it with everything turned up with a pretty high frame rate. Watching buildings topple at a buttery smooth FPS is a sight to behold. Since Red Faction is new on Steam is has a ridiculously low $2.99 price tag for the next 38 hours.
The thing is, they never did. I just signed into GFWL the other day in Fallout 3. Apparently multiplayer still works. Microsoft has said they plan to continue to support it for "years to come," they just aren't releasing new titles with it. I'm glad to see the move away from it though, since it always seemed to cause problems.
Also it isn't new on Steam, the old version got upgraded to the Steam version, but it's been on Steam for a while. The sale price is just a celebration of the update.
Updated post to reflect that, tanks Travis. The only game I've had on GFWL was Age of Empires online and it was shutdown when GFWL was discontinued. Since a bunch of other games lost multiplayer that used the service I figured it shutdown most games but apparently not.
Yeah I have no idea what *actually* shut down. And Microsoft never made an official announcement. It's confusing.
Again, more reason for people to jump ship to other, better, platforms for authentication and multiplayer.
If you want to head back and watch Cosmos 22 minute run:
Hoooo-leeee crap.
That was incredible. And so much of it I didn't understand. But just incredible.
As you delve deeper and deeper into the story of 'I am Bread', you'll notice that things aren't quite what they seem.... "
Gaming has finally escaped its cage, dropped the chains and is free. Lone gone are the days when we couldn't play as a slice of bread and now we can take part in that dream. I just wish so many early video game pioneers could be here to witness the day, so many have been lost. Today is a great day in gaming, the day bread could become toast.
I am Bread comes to Steam on December 3rd.
I love that there's random games like this out there.
I've not played Octodad, but this looks like it will have a similar gameplay feel.
Do we know how much it might be?
Right now it's 15% off at $8.49.
I suppose I could have just waited until today to check the price lol
Here to help.
"Last year Josh hacked a game boy classic so he could play it on an old computer monitor. By tapping into the digital signal deep within the game boy, he could generate amazingly crisp graphics. After playing some Mario, Tetris and Zelda we decided we just had to share this and take it to the next step.
So we spent the last 3 months building a prototype which supports full hd and makes it super easy for everyone to upgrade their game boys. Now it's time to find out how many people would like one so we can do a production run!"
This is awesome. I can think of no practical modern use for it since emulators can already provide a better picture than this, but still. The ingenuity.
For people that love their Gameboy so much they want to give it a second life. It's like remodeling an old car, sure new ones exist but it's the grandeur and cool of the old that makes it worth it.
That said, emulators are great and just tonight enjoyed Links Awakening. Still looks good after this many years.
Links Awakening was a masterpiece.
That said I had a few thoughts after the trailer.
- Is John Boyega a Storm Trooper? The idea of a main character being a Storm Trooper seems really interesting to me.
- I hope the whole movie isn't on Tatooine.
- People have mentioned JJ is using a lot of practical effects but this trailer is pretty loaded up with CG. With that, I liked all the shots I saw.
- The Rebel alliance is still around and flying X-Wings.
- The Empire has altered the appearance of Storm Troopers. I pray they don't alter them any further as I really like th new design. That said, did the empire pay a design specialist to do this after the Rebel Alliance blew up the Death Star? Out of all the things to spend time on, I am not sure that would be a priority for me.
Let's keep the discussion about the trailer and spoiler free, so if you know anything NOT included in this trailer then please try and keep it out of the discussion.
To your points:
* Agreed, I'd love to see a main character being a rogue storm trooper.
* It looks like the sith with the light-broadsaber is on a forest planet, so not Tatooine.
* The CG is used well, the practical stuff (like the pod racer parts in the background, etc) is really well done.
* Are they still the rebel alliance though, or are they the new government? And those X wings flying near the water, OMG.
* I'd assume there are more pressing reasons for the redesign. I mean obviously the real reason is that Abrams/Disney wanted them to look better, but it could be an upgraded model with advanced protection or a HUD or something. And is it the empire or is it the remnants, like in a lot of expanded universe stuff.
But seriously, that light-saber broadsword. OMG. I'm assuming this is either ancient sith or insane sith.
Also, soccer-ball-droid is cute as hell!
Wow! I like that lightsaber sword!
Definitely a huge improvement from the "teaser" i saw sometime last week. Basically the title of the movie, and a few select screenshots pertaining to Star Wars.
Looks like it would make for one hell of a movie. Bummed out that i have to wait another year to see it though. In the meantime i'll be sure to watch every past movie, entire series of clone wars, and play the crap out of Jedi Power Battles for PlayStation!
Zach: Last weeks "teaser" was terrible. I was fooled into thinking it was the real trailer and my honest thought was "This looks like someone put Star Wars in a can and shook it up." My significant other said it was the worst trailer she has seen. So yeah, this one, HUGE improvement.
The new cross lightsaber looks interesting, not the direction i'd have gone but it's interesting. Some have said it looks really dumb, not sure I’d go there but I am interested in how it fits with the character overall. TOTAL GUESS: The way that character moves, my thought is it's played by Andy Serkis.
"Travis: I'd assume there are more pressing reasons for the redesign. I mean obviously the real reason is that Abrams/Disney wanted them to look better, but it could be an upgraded model with advanced protection or a HUD or something. And is it the empire or is it the remnants, like in a lot of expanded universe stuff."
Hahahah yeah, I mean obviously it's the new reboot redesign happening, but from a world perspective, I mean how does the Empire explain a redesign? I guess it's been 30 years after the Death Star exploded and if they are still around and have some strength it makes some sense.
My S.O. and I were talking in the car and I brought this up and said one possible reason is that the Empire is tired of Stormtroopers being such terrible shots. So they redesign the helmet with some tactical elements making them good at hitting everyone OTHER than the target? One can only assume and I image the movie won't cover it, but my nerd side will ponder it anyway.
Addressing your points from the original post:
-I'm hoping for a Storm Trooper turn-coat for a main character too. That sounds like an awesome idea. Not to mention I'm excited to see someone in Storm Trooper armor that doesn't look like the actor that played Jango Fett.
-The leading "rumor" going around is that this isn't even Tattooine. I doubt that is true though. As Travis said, there's the scene with the Sith (well, what else is he?) in a snowy forest area. And forgive me if this is considered a spoiler, but we know the filming took place in Abu Dhabi, Iceland, and Ireland. So probably at least three planets, assuming they stick to the usual one climate per planet. :P
-Yeah there was a lot of CG, but compared to the prequels there was a lot of practical stuff there too. Those looked like real locations and those Storm Troopers looked like real people in real plastic!
-Gotta have X-wings. :) Also it looks like this is a bit of a redesign, the wings look a little different.
-I love the original Storm Trooper design, but the new design is pretty awesome too. I imagine there were two very practical reasons for the redesign: Merchandising and the original helmets were notoriously difficult for the actors to work in. These seem like they have larger eye slits and might be a little easier to see out of. On a related note, the googles that Daisy Ridley's character has appear to be repurposed from an old Storm Trooper helmet!
That lightsaber looks cool but has got to be a pain in the butt to use. You figure it's hard enough not to accidentally chop off one of your own limbs with a regular lightsaber, let alone one that has two little blades pointed towards you!
Oh, and Zach, I loved Jedi Power Battles! That was a fun game. Not too many people I know of have heard of that one. Unfortunately my copy got stolen a long time ago. :(
WhiteBoySlim: i'm sure handling a lightsaber of that caliber is no problem for a person who has completely mastered the Force! hah!
and similar thing happened to me, i had an original copy when i was a kid, shared it with a friend and got it back in three pieces. I ended up buying a new copy on amazon for right around ten bucks with shipping and it's in pristine working order. i'd suggest browsing the internets for a new copy of that fine gem of a game, and i suggest the same for anyone else who hasn't played it.
Also reminder, although i'm sure you all know, but GOG.com has X-Wing, Tie Fighter, and Knights of the Old Republic for $10, $10, and $13 respectively.
Just a complete guess, but since John Boyega's character pops up right after the "There has been an awaking" voice over, I'm thinking he's one of the people within whom the force awakens and the Millennium Falcon is there to pick him up, since Luke feels his presence? Maybe alone the lines of X Men First Class where Charles Xavier tracks down the first mutants?
Adam: Not a bad thought, that may be. I was thinking(I have read no spoilers on this) that he has to do something he doesn't like and feels horrible about it. In Star Wars IV Storm Troopers burn Lukes adopted parents alive and leave the smoldering corpses outside. Maybe he has to do something similar and turns against the Empire about it?
I feel like I have to share this now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3Kor78QPNw
Being really young the last time I watched any Star Wars movie, I never really understood or got into the story, but I'll probably re-watch the movies with my dad before seeing the new one. I'm also really excited for the special effects. I feel like some people might get motion sick though, because the scene with the millennium falcon made me a little uneasy. And I've never gotten motion sick from anything on a screen before.
WhiteboySlim: Hahahaha, it's as if they found deleted scenes from the original film!
Here is a pretty exhaustive tear down from the trailer frame by frame.
Warning, super nerdy.
AAAAND Plinkett reacts to the new Force Awakens trailer: http://youtu.be/yBEdgPFoBjY
I RedLetterMedia.
The trailer already has a George Lucas Special Edition version!
You've shared a couple of RedLetterMedia videos in the past, but this is the first I actually watched. Well, tried to. That humor just really wasn't working for me. 2 minutes in and he was still feigning ignorance about what the movie trailer even was, when it was coming out, etc, and the fake voice was annoying.
I'll check the next one you post, I assume they aren't all like that.
All RedLetterMedia Plinkett reviews are in that style. Mr Plinkett is an old, crippled homicidal moron that shows up as the reviewer in Plinkett Reviews and as a character in RedLetter films and shows like Half in the Bag.
I have a Plinkett documentary and have seen all the stuff he's been in they released. Kind of a fan.
If you want a good into to the Plinkett-verse I'd recommend the Phantom Menace Review. The Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. If you liked those, then head back to the Star Trek reviews and the try Half in the Bag.
That said, the style isn't for everyone.
Stephen Colbert defends the new sith lightsaber.
Awesome, Adam! Stephen's explanation makes sense! Also, check out this awesome meme I saw: http://i.imgur.com/TohfhUC.jpg
Speaking of Star Wars, I heard something funny on the radio today, something like, "do you ever notice that when a woman says, 'we need to talk,' that it's never about Star Wars?" The other guy said, "that's why I don't have a girlfriend." LOL
Today at work I geeked out over the new trailer with a 40ish year old woman who's the biggest Star Wars fan I know. She's going to be a Jawa in an area Christmas parade.
That sounds great. Does she belong to the local 501st?
I had no idea what the 501st even was until a few minutes ago, but yep!
Hey cool. Something I would do if I had more time.
I didn't know about the 501st until I watched the extras on my Star Wars Blu-Ray box set.
If you wanted to stuff yourself on video games, checkout the latest Steam sale. It features some deep cuts on some great games like Portal 2, Harvester & Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake.
If you are looking for something to watch all day while you putter around the house, why not Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day? Joel has been dropping spoilers on social media bout the reboot and to start things off we got to see the bots! From the few seconds we saw it seems Trace is back as Crow and there may be a new voice for Tom Servo. Right now they are riffing "The Magic Voyage of Sinbad."
Drop what you are doing with your Thanksgiving in the comments and have a great holiday!
I'm in Kentucky missing my PC, PS3, Wii U, Doctor Who, my own bed, and natural teeth. I'm working on PC maintenance and malware removal for my uncle. Happy Thanksgiving!
Cheerful Thanksgiving from Kona!
Cheerful Thanksgiving from Portland, the land of PBR Hipsters!
I want you to know that not once during my visit and stay with family in Kentucky did I get on Facebook, but I cannot tell you how many times I visited Cheerful Ghost! =)
Hahahaha, I believe it.
Well, of course, you've seen the comments I've left since I've been there. I used my Kindle Fire HDX to access the site. Although, I may have used my grandmother's PC to see the Terraria video that was recently posted on here.
EDIT After looking at the video again the cat weapon in question is called the "Meowmere."
I'm more interested in the fact that you can apparently click to teleport to people and there are new indicators for helpful info below the health bars. Again, this is going to feel like a sequel to the game we've been playing.
The person in the video crafted a Teleportation potion, which allows her/him to click the persons face on the map to teleport to. Which, yes, is really amazing. I hope it's not really hard to craft.
Ah, nifty. I know of this teleportation potion, but it's totally random, kinda like a get out of jail free card.
I like the purple house at the beginning of the video. That new weapon looks cool. I saw a "wormhole potion" in the inventory. I've been at my grandparent's in Kentucky for one full day now and I oh so miss my PC. I wonder when this update will be released. Honestly, I feel like Terraria is like MineCraft, in that I look forward to new updates and good excuses to start playing again.
Terraria is quite a lot like Minecraft and they seem to update it about as much too.
I have actually started to wonder with all this great new Terraria content, what will come to Terraria 2?
Red has said in the past that there's a lot he wishes he had done differently with the development, but that's all behind-the-scenes. I would imagine something more portable, no .NET/XNA dependency.
I've heard 2.5D is a possibility. The same kind of charming graphics but with added depth.
Multiple planets? Spaceships? Quests? smile:
Seriously though, I don't know much more they could add, the game is pretty great already.
Yeah we've previously noted that the two games are similar. We can certainly dream and discuss our update desires for both games. Quests, planets, and outer space would be cool. While Starbound does this, I feel like Terraria and Minecraft could do if better.
They aren't just similar, Tiy, the main dev of Starbound, has said it's a spiritual successor.
But actually I do think Red mentioned the possibility of multiple planets. I kinda don't see the point of quests if the progression is as tight as Terraria 1.
Yeah, Travis. I'm looking forward to Starbound 1.0. As for quests, Terraria has the fishing ones, which I thought were cool.
http://terraria.gamepedia.com/1.3 "Spoilers!"
Portal gun? Wow, they are going to add everything.
I can't wait. I hope this comes soon.
I'd heard portal gun rumors. I'm glad they were true!
I'm so glad to be home and see that video on my own PC! I'm so very excited for the new update! I did some searching to find out when it'll be released, but the best answer I could find was "when it's finished." It seems it might not be out until early 2015, which isn't that far away.
I kind of expect that I'll find out about the 1.3 release here, but instead of waiting on one of you to post about it, I'd like to keep up with Terraria news. So, I want to hear from you. How do you find out when a new version is released? Is it on the main page under "News?" I've begun to check that section of the web site frequently as I'm really looking forward to this update.
The website is a good source but I follow Terraria on Twitter which is my primary source.
I figured one of you would say that. I'm not as over-active on Twitter as I used to be. I tweet very rarely now and almost never check the site. I only get on there when I think of something I want to tweet.
Oh! I just found you, Cheerful Ghost, and Tim via Travis's followers list. =)
I'm subscribed to /r/terraria (and mod there, actually) so I see things pretty quickly. One of the beta testing team is a mod there too.
Awesome! I've started playing Terraria on my Kindle Fire. I think I'm finally getting used to the controls.
More 1.3 spoilers:
That is so awesome! I'll take a look later at Hero's other videos later. My guess is that he might have one that explains the first video of spoilers we saw here. Remember that video and you wondered if we could spot all the spoilers? That's what I like about this video that you just shared. He explains all or most of the spoilers contained in the GIF you previously shared.
I am really excited about 1.3 and I'm sure you, Travis, and Tim are, too. I can't wait until we get the new release! I keep checking the Terraria official site News section, hoping to see breaking news of 1.3.
As I mentioned, I've started playing the mobile version of Terraria on my Kindle Fire. I got a good bit of game play in yesterday and I noticed that I'm getting used to the touch screen controls. I've been building up my house, which is huge because that's the first thing I always start doing. I always start by making enough rooms for all of the NPCs. I end up making some more so I at least have a place for me and my chests. I'm not sure, but I think I've re-created my first world once or twice due to not spawning in a "nice" area. The final time, I spawned in a perfect spot which will prevent zombies from entering my house. If I can figure out how, it'd be cool to share a screen shot of that.
A final note. Although I'm getting used to the touch controls, I'm wishing I had controls that responded to voice commands. I think that would make things a bit simpler, especially when trying to switch between items. Oh, and I'm also wondering if Starbound will get a mobile or tablet version since Terraria and MineCraft have them. If so, it will probably be a long time from now.
> A final note. Although I'm getting used to the touch controls, I'm wishing I had controls that responded to voice commands.
I bet that would. It's hard for me to play it on a small phone, voice commands would be great. Something like "Build me a killer house" or "Gear me up for the wall of flesh" would be lifesavers
I'm glad you like that idea! Maybe I should send it to the developers. Hahahaha. "Defeat Duke Fishron" would be one I'd choose. That or "conquer Frost and Pumpkin Moon events." Really though, I imagine something like "sword" or "pickaxe" so that you could switch tools easier.
Here's what Cenx posted yesterday about the release date of 1.3, "the update will be done no sooner than 1 month from now and no longer than 1 year from now."
That's quite the timeline. So they are either still trying to convince the community to stop asking about timelines OR they really just don't know. Either way 1.3 should be great.
Last night, I did a YouTube search on 1.3 spoilers and it is going to be nothing short of amazing!! I can't even decide what I like best. I love that liquid physics are going to be much smoother now, natural-looking instead of blocky. Reading "no sooner than 1 month from now" is kind of disappointing, but I understand that they want to make sure they get in everything they want and make sure that it works like it should. It's amazing that once again I have this great anticipation for something to come out. While I hate the wait, I love it when a game comes out and proves that it was totally worth it. It's like being a child waiting for Christmas morning all over again! So, I'm very grateful that they've made a fantastic game and have found ways to make it even more fantastic. I can't wait for the update so I can dive right back into the PC version again. =)
I figured out how to take a screen shot with my Kindle Fire HDX, so here are some links for you to take a look. As I said, I've been playing the mobile version. The Kindle's version hasn't updated to the newest 1.2-ish version, but should hopefully soon.
Here is the big house I built, obviously capable of having 21 total NPCs move in: http://i.imgur.com/wn3cFBa.jpg
As I tried to explain, I spawned on a really cool spot that makes it hard for walking mobs to get in: http://i.imgur.com/rRix7iv.jpg
I'm afraid that once my Kindle gets the latest update I'll have to re-create my world and thus this giant house I made and I may also lose that great spot. I did notice some Harpies flying around when I was at the top of it.
That looks pretty good. Is it slower goings on the HDX than PC?
Thanks! Are you talking about game play or updates? The game plays just fine and I don't notice any lag. As for updates, yes. The most recent mobile update is pretty much the 1.2 PC update. Unfortunately, it seems that Amazon hasn't pushed that update yet. IOS and other Android devices got it, but there seems to be some issues, perhaps that's why Amazon hasn't released it yet.
I doubt it's just issues. The thing I hear most often about the kindle fire is how terrible the App Store is. Mu think you can fairly easily hack it to get the Google store.
Yeah, you can root it. I did that on my first Kindle, which got stolen. I haven't done it on this one because I don't want to. I did find out that I could install 1Mobile and get the apps from it, which I tried. The Terraria that I had downloaded that way didn't even load. So, I ended up just getting the game from Amazon's app store. So now there are two versions of Terraria I am waiting for.
Terraria 1.3 is going to be amazing!!! Thanks for sharing the new spoilers!!
That's really slick. Nothing major in the new spoilers but a lot of quality-of-life stuff that really helps.
I can't wait to see the new improvements first-hand. I wish we still had an idea about when it will be released. I'm thinking it won't be out until Spring at least. At least the version I have for my Kindle Fire HDX updated to 1.2 yesterday.
Some incredible stuff here.
There's going to be a rideable unicorn that farts rainbows.
I need to give them more money.
I read that hours ago, Jon. I thought about sharing it here, but I obviously didn't do so. My only disappointment is that the interviewer didn't even ask CenX when we might see 1.3 released. I'm ready for 1.3, I've been ready. I want to have some fun again. I wish it would come out soon! I've been checking the Terraria and Starbound pages at least daily for news. LOL @ Travis.
There's sometimes an agreement that you don't ask about release dates. Since they said earlier that it's going to be ready when it's ready, between a month and a year from December, I doubt there was much new info.
This release will be huge and they are right not talk to much about because it would slip if they did. It seems they are just tossing in a ton of stuff, which should make it awesome if not hard to iron everything out.
New soundtrack spoiler!!!!!!
Yep. I have some questions out about it with the soundtrack composer, hopefully he gets back soon.
Feel free to let us know what those questions are and if you get answers. I've been so thrilled with the 1.3 spoilers and I really can't wait for it to be released. I've been more excited about that than anything else. This soundtrack spoiler is superb, I love it!
Yeah, me too.
Looks like Steam achievements are making it into 1.3. I hope there aren't any truly off-the-wall achievements.
Those will be a nice addition to a future play through. I like how Terraria has it's own time for adding certain features. Few games are developed this long and many don't add achievements at the long tail of development. That said, i'd rather have the zillion other features they added than achievements so it's good they added all the other stuff first
It seems the mobile version has achievements, so I imagine they can pull from those. I played a bit more of it yesterday. From time to time it tells me how many enemies I've killed. Adding achievements definitely gives the game replay value. There are still a few things I haven't done with the game such as finishing the moon events and beating Duke Fishron. I also haven't played during every calendar event.
With that said, I've been thinking about Terraria mods and I know nothing about them. I think, Travis, you mentioned one when we were playing on the server and I wonder if you could remind me of that. I think it might be cool to use one to run through the calendar events.
The first few times you beat Duke Fishron he gives you amazing swag that makes killing him much easier in repeated attempts.
The mod we were using on the server was tshock, and it's just a server mod to allow for better control over things and warp points and stuff like that. You can set it up on your own PC and connect to it, rather than going single player, to get the benefits. There are commands to trigger all the moon events. You can even keep resetting the time so the event never ends.
AND calendar events. You can trigger Halloween and Christmas time so that pumpkins grow or the frost legion can invade, and presents drop, etc.
Cool. Thanks for the reminder. I'm interested in the seasonal events (http://terraria.gamepedia.com/Seasonal_event). I see there are a lot of them, but mostly mobile exclusives. I may some time see if that version can be modded as well so I can play those. Otherwise, I may just have to keep them in mind and play during those times. I've only played during the Christmas and maybe Halloween events, which makes sense since they're the only ones for PC. I've played through the Christmas one a couple of times on PC and once on mobile. I'm still interested in getting the game for the PS3 so I can check out those exclusives.
Yesterday I watched Redigit and "Blue" play the Alpha version of Terraria (http://youtu.be/Udp5ozoYfxM?list=PL4129CC1F5130E0C9). One of the good things was that Redigit said the correct pronunciation of the game "ter-rare-ia" instead of "ter-rawr-ria." They were quick videos, but it was cool to see and hear Redigit playing through the game. He and "Blue" got totally destroyed quite a few times. I like how "Blue" said that he loves the color blue (stating something I've said a few times) and that he's begged Redigit to add more blue stuff.
I do want to play the game again, but I don't want to get burned out with it before 1.3 comes along.
Oh! As for Duke Fishron, I searched YouTube and found one really good guide for beating him. The guy used a Snowman Cannon and pretty much didn't take any damage. I may have to give that a try.
Oh and I think it'd be cool if we could run a server again. I *might* try it out and see how it runs from here.
Feel free to share your thoughts on all of this (another long comment)!
Thanks again for the info, Travis. TShock was easy to set up. I might play with it more eventually. Part of it was made easier because I already had my router configured to do port forwarding for the Minecraft server I was hosting for my son and a friend of his. I was able to use that open port and I found my public IP address (again) easily enough. Perhaps some time in the near future I (or we) could do further testing. I'm not sure how much bandwidth would be necessary to host a server, but it could be possible in the near future (even at least for testing purposes).
You could just do it with your local ip, or If only PCs within your house are going to use it, port forwarding and public ip addresses aren't necessary.
Also, te-rare-ia may be how Red pronounces it, but it's always going to be Ter-rawr-ia to me.
Yeah, I know, but at least I now know how to set it all up. It might be something we might think about some time after 1.3 is released. =)
I am going to try really hard to pronounce it Te-RARE-ia. Sounds odd to my ears, but I am going to try.
Come on Travis. What about just once while no ones looking?
Release goal (not a guarantee): June
Man, I was hoping it'd be sooner. Still, at least we know what their goal is.
Must a ton of new stuff in 1.3.
Smash Bros. for 3DS
May not fit the criteria, but still gets my nomination:
TowerFall: Ascension - Ascension is a powered up version of an Ouya game for PC/Mac/Linux/PS4 from 2014, but the Ouya version came out in 2013.
Well I think Terraria is Cheerful Ghost's favorite game, 1.2 came out this year, so perhaps we could nominate that. LOL
Can I nominate more than one?
Hyrule Warriors
Mario Kart 8
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Super Smash Bros. (Wii U and 3DS)
If I have to pick just one of those games, then I would like to nominate Hyrule Warriors. Even though it seems I'm the only one here that's played it, I was very impressed with the game. There is still much for me to do in the game as I have not unlocked all the characters, weapons, Gold Skulltulas, nor have I yet fully explored Adventure Mode.
Terraria 1.2 came out last year, September 30.
I might have to give the nod to Wolfenstein: The New Order. It wasn't a perfect game but it was some of the most fun I've had.
Correct, but we could nominate version 1.2.4. =)
Oh wait, how could I forget Shovel Knight? Hmm. Tough call.
I also just remembered that Transistor was this year, and Hearthstone is a pretty important release, even if I didn't catch the bug.
If patches or new version of old games counted Terraria, Minecraft or Final Fantasy VII would win every year. Plus, all the other re-releases. Not saying that would be bad, but I am thinking games that are brand new to the year.
They've both been mentioned, but my nominations would be:
Mario Kart 8
Yeah, Adam. Transistor. You know what's up.
Games nominated by everyone so far:
* Transistor
* Nidhogg
* Super Smash Bros. (Wii U and 3DS)
* Hyrule Warriors
* Mario Kart 8
* Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
* Wolfenstein: The New Order
* Shovel Knight
* Hearthstone
Games I want to toss into the ring:
* Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake
* Destiny (for Script)
* Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Anyone have any other ideas, toss em' into the ring before December 20th!
How could I forget Reaper of Souls?
Since we have a lot of good games to choose from, may I suggest split polling?
Best indie title
Best AAA title
Overall GotY
We don't have enough for Best FPS and Best RPG, and so on.
Sounds good Travis, best Indie and AAA is a good idea.
And of course the overall as well. Or maybe just put the indie and AAA winners up against each other?
We should consider a month-long contest after the new year for best game of all time. People can submit as many games as they want and then have various categories and platforms, and the best overall.
I've listed my games of the year, but I forgot about Reaper of Souls, too, so that would be on my list, too. =)