
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

"It's with a heavy heart that we announce that FEZ II has been cancelled and is no longer in development. We apologize for the disappointment"

That wasn't something I had expected to hear this morning. But yeah, Fez 2 has been cancelled. It seems this has been brewing for sometime and recently came to a head for Phil Fish, creator of Fez. I don't want to outline the series of events here, there are plenty of gaming websites dedicating themselves to cataloging each bit of information. If you are interested in reading more, i'll provide a link.

That said, it seems Phil Fish is leaving gaming entirely and I find that sad. I saw Indie Game: The Movie and he seemed like a guy very concerned with making the best game he could. I wonder how well I would do under similar circumstances myself, but I think the final product speaks for itself, Fez is a beautiful game.


I hope this doesn't effect Fez coming to OSX or Linux, it would make this whole thing even more unfortunate.

** EDIT 7/29/2013 ** Polytron has confirmed, Fez will still be ported to Mac and Linux. Very happy to see this. https://twitter.com/Polytron/statuses/361976275088310272

"With over 1.5 million copies sold, it’s pretty obvious that #Sworcery has been a resounding success. And we’d like to share a few details of that success with you. There’s not that many titles out there that began on iOS and made their way to this many other platforms over time, so we hope that this info is helpful in some way/shape/form."

Good for The Superbrothers & Capy. It's cool to see great games find an audience.


Recently I downloaded the Call of Juarez Gunslinger demo off Steam and recommend you give it a try. Not too many demos hit Steam, so its cool to get one worth checking out. I previously picked up Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood used at Gamestop and had such a bad time with it I actually resold it.

That said, Ubisoft did a great job with Gunslinger and absolutely nailed the western feel. The shooting is top notch and I love the way the different six-shooters feel as you use them. The game features a recharge element where you can pause time and the game allows you to one shot bad-guys as they freeze. This is really useful for busting in to a room to freeze everyone and then shoot them all in the face quickly. At one point you have a rifle and do that and actually seems like you are charging in, western movie style.

I wasn't particularly in love with the way the game presents the story. It starts by someone telling a story and you are playing through the descriptions he gives. I felt this was a bit off and just wanted to go at the game alone for the most part.

Since the game is a free demo download on Steam, I seriously recommend you give Gunslinger a try.

I always wanted Adventures in the Magic Kingdom. The game looked amazing as I loved going to Disney Land so the game had to be just as good right? No surprise the top 2 are Rescue Rangers and Duck Tales.

Good video and covers some of the awesome Capcom games. I would have put Tale Spin somewhere in a top Capcom Disney Game list too, but it doesn't get quite as much attention.

I am happy to bring you The Cheerful Ghost Roundtable Innagural Edition. Featuring awesome community members such as WhiteboySlim, CapnCurry, Travis and myself.

In the first episode we talk about the games we are playing, some site news and our roundtable topic: THE INDIE GAME REVOLUTION! Loved the way it turned out, but since its our first episode there are a few rough patches.

So check it out and let us know what you think about it and ENJOY!

The Roundtable features people from the community so if you are interested in joining us, hit me up.

The Cheerful Ghost Roundtable uses Google Hangouts on Air so the next one will be live which means you can watch it as it happens. We will plan it and talk a bit about the discussion. Even if your not in the roundtable we will provide an area for you to submit stuff we can discuss in the roundtable to keep it awesome, so stay tuned!

scrypt made the bumper graphic for the episode and if you want a ultra huge sized version to set as your desktop, nab that here:


Each night one of the Starbound developers writes the daily game development progress and I religiously read each one. A few recently caught my eye and I thought they were fun enough to share.

The first bit of awesome shown in the above video is of a new feature, Asteroid mining. It seems all you need to do is go high enough to find them and have a suit capable of sustaining you in the low oxygen environment.

"Yup, if you go high enough you’ll now climb out of the planet’s atmosphere and find asteroids to explore.

The terrain here is COMPLETELY temporary. So don’t worry about that. We simply spawned a random jumble of dirt to test this out. It’s going to get far more asteroidy very soon.

Recently much love has gone into the food system that will be unique to in game races as well as a new farm system.

"More work was done on the food system! So far, each race will start with 16 recipes that reflect their culture/biology. There will be a bunch more recipes to discover in your travels- the more difficult they are to make, the better their buffs! We’re still working on balancing the effects of all the food items and their ingredients. Those recipes haven’t actually been implemented yet, though. Soon!

It seems the recent development posts have been about polish and bug smashing, which is great news as it could mean that the game is in its final stretch. The video above showing an early look at Asteroids also features in game sound effects and the score, which is great to see.

As always, when news of the beta drops you will be the first to know.


Still no word on what they are calling the new Battle.net client but my superior judgement is that they call it... Battle.net. Your welcome Blizzard, that one's for free.

Snarkiness aside, the new Battle.net interface looks very clean and seems like a good way to access you Battle.net games. Too bad they don't seem to support the old games, but perhaps that will come with a later update.

Since I bought it, Legend of Dungeon has become one of my most beloved games of 2013. Since Legend of Dungeon is a rogue-like, each play session is different and I do a bit better each time I keep at it. Recently I made my way to the 11th floor, something I am very happy about. Right off the bat I got an Axe that ramped up my attack power to 30 and that helped immensely. Since the Axe is so large, you can't swing it as fast as the sword but since it hits so hard its a good trade. I also obtained a fair amount of Apples and the potion randomization was kind as well. All in all, getting to floor 11 was a nice milestone to hit and I am excited to progress further. The goal of the game is to make it to floor 26, get the treasure and then escape so I have ALOT more progress to make.

One of the most challenging elements of Legend of Dungeon is timing your shots right to hit enemies so they don't hit you. I am pretty good with most of the early enemies except Snakes. I can sneak up on them from behind and hit them once but if they charge me I nearly always take damage. Bats, Gnomes, Zombies, etc are not a huge problem but ... the blasted SNAKES!

That said, the game is an amazing amount of fun and I enjoy getting items i've never seem before and seeing what they do. And when I hit floor 12+ you will be the first to know :D

If you are looking for another good synopsis of Legend of Dungeon, checkout this recent post by someone on Reddit on how Legend of Dungeon should be a template for other game designers.


"From the San Diego Comic-Con showfloor, right next to a scale recreation of Scrooge McDuck's famous Money Bin, Chris and Brett bring you a full blown look at the latest level revealed for DuckTales: Remastered: THE HIMALAYAS!"

Every time I see game play from the new DuckTales Remastered I get more excited. The Himalaya level was pretty awesome and they really have put a high level of polish on it. My top two levels were the Moon and The Amazon and I can't wait to jump in and play them again in HD.

I think I want to pick these up but I am curious what peoples thoughts are about them both?