
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

SimCity Social BETA was released recently and I just checked it out. Its a Facebook game and I figured it would get out of the typical Facebook game mold because, its SimCity. It doesn't. SimCity Social seems to do the same thing as Farmville, CityVille, etc by allowing you a certain amount of free actions per day and then requiring you to include you friends to get more actions or pay to play. I don't mind the pay to play model for games, but in the case of SimCity Social it mines the FarmVille model that just seems stale to me.

I would love to play a modern SimCity in my browser. It would be awesome to build my city and share it with my friends so they can see my progress. It would be cool to have them do stuff in my city if they want that isn't annoying. It would be great to be able to play the whole game and not be stopped to enter my credit card every 15 minutes. It would be great if I could drop in and play for 15 minutes or 5 hours if I wanted.

I guess in the end SimCity Social is just too similar to other games I have left to be compelling to me. That said, its free on Facebook and you should check it out for yourself if you are interested.

You can do that by here:

Recently I was on vacation visiting the Grand Canyon and other sights in Arizona and took a few pictures of things I thought were interesting. I snapped a pic above of a green porcelain pig at a Native American Store. Couldn't help but want to throw a bird at it.

At the same store I came across some computer mice that had Spiders, Scorpions and Beetles encased in them. I don't know, its kind of cool but this would creep me out.


At the Grand Canyon I saw a rock formation called "Isis Rock." This might just have been my nerdy side thinking but.... Well yeah it reminded me of the Wind Fish Egg from Link's Awakening.


Finally, I found some Native American art that reminded me of something from a Mario game. Funny what comes to your mind when you see things.


Cool Pac Man 3D street art.

The new Diablo 3 1.0.3 Patch dropped a few days ago. More details here:


A few items I felt interesting:

"Attack Speed bonus values on weapons and armor have been reduced by 50%"

Heard for quite sometime people should stack attack speed, I guess Blizz thought it was too overpowered.

"Magic Find will no longer be considered when looting objects in the environment such as chests, barrels, vases, pots, and corpses"


"The item quality of all components needed to craft the Staff of Herding, as well as the Staff of Herding itself, have been changed from Common to Legendary (i.e. their item names will appear orange in color)"

I have a Staff of Herding now and this doesn't seem to effect it but I don't quite understand this. Can someone with more knowledge chime in on this change? Does this mean all the items drop as non-white or orange? I hope its not harder to get, it was tough as it was.

"Combinations for these ranks now only require 2 gems, down from 3"

This is the best change in the patch.

Many other changes are in the link above, so check it out if you play. Do you think these are mostly good or is this just the long arm of a Blizzard nerf cannon?

For Retro Tuesday I am going to nerd out on a game from a galaxy far far away.... Queue John Williams please....

In a world where movie tie in games go horribly wrong Star Wars is one franchise that does pretty well for itself. More recently with the Knights of the Old Republic MMO Star Wars has had good luck with its tie-in games. One such game I played was Super Star Wars on the Super Nintendo.

Super Star Wars is a fast paced action side scroller where you played Luke Skywalker starting the game with a simple blaster. As you progressed you could upgrade your blaster and after meeting Obi-Wan you got the lightsaber. At one point you can play as Han Solo but I never opted to use him as Luke could use the blaster and lightsaber and all told the lightsaber was too good to miss.

One thing I really liked about Super Star Wars was that for two missions they tossed out the sidescrolling elements and you took a first person view for a Landspeeder run in Tatooine and ended the game in the Death Star trench in Lukes XWing. The Landspeeder run in Tatooine was fun as you spend your time collecting items and shooting Jawas and bullseying Wamprats.

A few months into owning the game I discovered an issue of Nintendo Power that dropped a hint on a secret area of the game where you could collect unlimited lives. Getting all these lives allowed me to replay certain hard levels to master them. After I mastered some harder levels beating the game with the standard life set wasn't too hard. The game didn't allow a continue at the level you left off at so losing all your lives was pretty annoying.

I really dug this game and as far as side scrolling action shooters go its one of the best I played on the Super Nintendo. I didn't pick up Super Empire Strikes back or Super Return of the Jedi though. Always looked cool to ride a Ton Ton though.


Want to know all the game secrets? Doesn't everybody?

Downloaded this demo on the PS3 after hearing in a podcast that the game was exceptionally violent and gory. It is. The first few seconds of the demo shows your enemy knocking rail road spikes into your hands while you dangle on a cross. Some vivid imagery and then the game pulls you into a flashback.

The games tone is very Godfather-ish but the voices are as if people are mocking Italian Americans. The demos first few minutes are not too hard as you just hit X a few times and try to kill a few guys though I missed most of them and it didn't seem to count against me.

If you are familiar with The Darkness, this game is similar. You are the host to "The Darkness" which is a spirit that possesses you giving you evil super powers. You can shoot out tentacles that can grab on to bad guys and rip them apart. You can have the tentacles nab a car door to use as a bullet shield or toss things at guys to knock them down.

The shooting in the game is good but its meant to be played as a shooter/grab stuff with your tentacles game. You get bonus points for more gruesome deaths and its kind of fun to see how creative you can be.

That said, the game has a few tones and they are all scary dark. I don't mind the gore but games that are just one style throughout wear on my pretty fast. That said the demo was pretty interesting and if you loved The Darkness this looks to be more of that with a Godfather like feel to it. It's also very apparent to me it's a 2K game as the character models look Borderlandsy. It has the same drawn look just not as pronounced.

In the end I stopped playing the demo because it just kept adding bad guys to make it more challenging. Fun but I wasn't blow away by it. You should download the demo and check it out if you are interested it's worth a look!

Traveling this week and without PC and console wondering what games people are playing on their phones? Ive been playing Sword and Sworcery, Harbor Master & Ticket to Ride in the down moments between stops. Harbor Master is fun as my wife and I play it a bit before bed and on flights to pass the time. Harbor Master is a game much like Flight Control where you tap a route for boats to unload cargo. There is a free demo for Harbor Master on iOS.

Still playing Tiny Tower off and on, that said it has lost much of its appeal after a few weeks intially. I have about $650k and growing if I put a few days into it ill have a cool million. No real reason, just hoarding because I have a pretty large tower as is and don't have much incentive to build a taller one. Still fun every so often. Tiny Tower is a free game on iOS and Android.

WhiteboySlim clued me in on PewPew a really fun space shooter very similar to a modern Asteroids twitch shooter. Many game modes to keep you interested for sure. Oh right, its free too.

Are you having fun with any of these games? Any game you love I should check out?

I love playing board games. One game I am looking forward to is Descent 2nd edition. I signed up for the preview game event at Rainy Day Games and will pre-order the game the second I am able to. Recently Fantasy Flight released the PDF rulebook that you can check out to be up to speed on how to play the game before it drops. I put it on my iPhone for easy access and ill be reading it over the next week.


I have a pretty limited time set these days and can only really put time into so many new board games, this being one of them.

If you are interested in going to the preview event with me let me know.