
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

Decided to spend this Retro Tuesday talking about Super Metroid. I was never really a fan of the original NES Metroid as it was fairly challenging and I could never figure out the steps to complete it as they were largely un-intuative. My brother had the Gameboy version and that made much more sense to me and I completed that. I liked the Gameboy version much better and felt it was a bit more accessible. That said, I wasn't a huge Metroid fan until I borrowed Super Metroid from one of my high school friends.

Super Metroid takes the Metroid formula built up in the first two games and ups the ante on all levels to craft a game that really set the bar for other games to follow. The soundtrack was moody and ambient something fairly cutting edge. The game also told a story but instead of using words, it used in game cut scenes and music only.

The word that comes to mind when I think of Super Metroid is moody. The game isn't whimsical or happy like Mario its gritty and dark. Few games had this tone throughout and Metroid really kept that feel the whole way.

Super Metroid was also one the first games in a series that I realised visually nodded to its earlier games. When you arrive on Zebes the first few areas you experience are direct nods to the first level in the original NES game as well as the ending battle with Mother Brain.

Since the game had fairly un-obvious ways to proceed, like many I beat Super Metroid with the Nintendo Power guide at my side. I had fun even though finding each item and beating the game wouldn't have been possible without it.

If you want to keep yourself spoiler free, I suggest not reading the final bits of this post.

The ending was fairly epic from the final level to the few act final story and boss battle. The start of the last level sees the original Metroid from the start of the game all grown and as you enter its lair it attacks you. It stops and the game implies it recognises you from earlier as it thinks you are its mother. As you fight Mother Brain in the final battle the Metroid attacks mother brain to save you from death. As it attacks Mother Brain the Metroid dies but as it dies it imbues you with its power giving you a pretty hefty attack. You use this attack to destroy Mother Brain and escape Zebes. The game does this all with in game cut scenes and music and its expert story telling that made a fantastic ending to a great game.

Super Metroid isn't a game I come back to play regularly but after watching the above walkthrough YouTube video will put it on my list. A few years ago I tried Metroid Prime but it never stuck as a game I needed to finish.

What did you think of Super Metroid? Were you into any of the other Metroid games? Did you always type in the Justin Bailey code or did you always want Nintendo to release a space pirate game?

**UPDATE** Many moons ago OCRemix created Relics of the Chozo a Super Metroid remix album if you like retro game remix soundtracks: http://smproject.ocremix.org

I know Starcraft 2 has been released for quite some time but today seemed like a good time to write about it.

I love Starcraft. When Broodwar came out I really dug the additional units they added and tore through all the campaigns. When Starcraft 2 was announced I was ecstatic. All I really wanted was Starcraft with an upgraded interface and smooth graphics, the original formula I felt was perfect. I pre-ordered the collectors edition(as I sort of do now days) and when the game launched I raced through the single-player game.

The game is fantastic. It takes place after Broodwar and stars Jim Raynor as the leader of the human opposition to General Mengsk and the other bad stuff out there in the Universe. The game improves on the ol' Starcraft formula and takes it up a few notches by enhancing multi-player and your options in single player as well. The single player story is lengthy and fun. Blizzard really changed up the kinds of things you did in single player so it didn't feel boring or formulaic. Some missions you build your base, some are essentially "hero maps." Each mission allows you a main quest line but you can optionally finish the side missions if you so desire.

Unlike Diablo 3, Starcraft 2 comes with a offline single player mode after you install it. I played it on battle.net and as such experienced trophies, something I felt really added to SC2's unique spin. Each map has special trophies you can earn for doing awesome stuff, like beating it on hard mode or doing other map specific radness, like killing a bad guy only using lava in a map where you have to avoid lava yourself.

A really fun element of Starcraft 2 for me was the story. I liked Jim Raynors character and how he related to the Blizzards world. I liked how the game wove in the Protoss for a few really awesome missions in the middle of the game(I won't spoil the story, but its a fun set of missions). As per Blizzard normal, the cinematics are great.

I delved a smidge into online multi-player but I didn't really stick with it. For a few weeks I played as the Zerg and got a pretty reasonable build going that stacked up to hard bots and a few humans. Playing with friends is always fun but for whatever reason SC2 multi-player didn't stick with me. Don't get me wrong, its really really fun just not something I come back to often for whatever reason. I imagine it has to do with that I know few of my friends that have it and fewer that play it. If you want to play sometime, drop me a line id love to dust off my Zerg build.

I am very excited for Heart of the Swarm to drop and now that Blizzard has released the awesome Diablo 3 I am hoping they drop the release date for Heart of the Swarm. I love playing as the Zerg so I am doubly excited for this expansion. I wonder what fun bits await they that snag the collectors edition? The new units they add will be great as they generally are. I guess we will find out the details at some point, hopefully soon!

In a bid to increase my knowledge of the fine board game arts I went to Rainy Day Games and rolled the dice with some awesome people. Every other Sunday at 1pm Rainy Day Games hosts a board game event where anyone can go and you pick a game to play. I showed up a bit late because Siri pointed me to the wrong location. When I arrived there were two groups of people and I joined the group playing Days of Wonders game "Colosseum" because they had a free spot. Yay!

In Colosseum you play a total of 5 rounds and the player that puts on the best show in those five rounds wins the game. Each round nets you cash you can spend on Colosseum upgrades, better shows and other various other stratagem to help you earn points to get the best show.

Each round has 5 phases which are:

Phase 1: Invest in your Colosseum in various ways. Expand it, add various features to it to give you extra rolls or points when you add your show score.
Phase 2: Bid on tokens with other players. You need tokens to put on shows.
Phase 3: Trade tokens with others. Similar to other trade phases in games like Settlers of Catan.
Phase 4: Put on your event. The more tokens you have the more points you get for your event.
Phase 5: Closing the round by giving up a token in your show and the player trailing the pack can steal a token from the person in the lead.

The game seemed a bit overwhelming at first but after a few rounds it clicked. I made a fatal flaw in the 3rd round by not expanding my Colosseum to support an advanced show. That mis-step caused me to end up in last place as everyone else made the stab for the 3 layer Colosseum and got an advanced show. Didn't matter too much that I came in dead last as it was a ton of fun though.

The game is made by Days of Wonder, the people that make Ticket to Ride. It has the score counting on the outside board edge similar to Ticket to Ride but isn't too similar beyond that. I really liked playing Colosseum and recommend it if you like strategy games involving trading. Our game lasted about 2.5 hours but some of that was spent explaining the rules.

It was awesome to learn Colosseum and meet people that come to play. I plan on hitting up more of these in the future and if you were on the fence about attending, I would recommend you go to one. The people are awesome and its cool to play new stuff.

Ive been trawling the internets for better builds for my Witch Doctor in Nightmare mode and beyond. I had a pretty good pet / acid rain build that was fine but wasn't really working out too well in Nightmare mode so I changed it. This is how I play my Witch Doctor now at level 39 based on recommendations from people can can solo Inferno.

First thing is you need the best weapon you can get. This often means the best two hander you can find. This might not make sense as you might think the Witch Doctor needs a shield or the special shaman carriable shrunken head totems. All your spells, pets and skill damage per second is based off your attack so to hit the hardest with everything you need the best weapon you can aquire. I also recommend going to the auction house if you have a hard time finding a good weapon through grinding. I can't stress enough how much you need a good weapon that deals a ton of DPS. Don't worry about taking more damage, if you have good enough armor and are kiting well damage shouldn't be too much of a problem in most scenarios.

That said, this build takes some time to perfect so don't expect you will master it on your first try. It took me a bit to get used to how to use it. After I learned it I was destroying mobs with ease.

My current build is as follows:

1. PRIMARY: Poison Dart w Splinters Rune. Hits pretty hard and with it you can focus on baddies when you need. Pretty much useful in most cases.

2. SECONDARY: Grasp of the Dead w Unbreakable Grasp Rune. Seriously, this is one of the best abilities WD has. Slowing your enemies down to 80% is epic. If you are not using this in any build of your WD you are really harming yourself. Often times there is a choke point in maps, dumping this on it and backing off to pick off enemies is magic. Seriously, learn to master this ability it is very good.

HOTKEY 1: Fire Bats w Dire Bats Rune. I never understood how powerful this ability is until I understood that it goes all the way across the screen. Being able to be at a distance and send this at 5 guys charging for you can kill them in a one shot if everything is in your favor. Coupled with Soul Harvest this is insta-death to mobs. Ill explain more about that next.

HOTKEY 2: Soul Harvest w Whatever Rune you want. Soul Harvest coupled with other skills is insta-death to certain mobs. Basically it allows you to "Feed off the life force of nearby foes" which basically gives you 88 int * bad guys nearby. So if you harvest from 6 foes, thats 88*6=568 int for 30 seconds. I am using a Rune that ups that to 60 seconds. So sending out dire bats can in certain situations one shot mobs and drop yellows in Nightmare in a few hits.

HOTKEY 3: Big Bad Voodoo w Rain Dance Rune. Basically you drop a AOE totem that lasts for 20 seconds that returns you 98 mana per second. Practically speaking that means if you have the right passive abilities turned on for 20 seconds you will not run out of Mana. Coupled with Soul Harvest and Dire Bats ive been able to drop things in seconds.

HOTKEY 4: Fetish Army w Fetish Ambush. Fetish Ambush rune causes all 5 fetish folk to deal 250% damage on spawn. So if you get ambushed or rushed, I cast this and it deals everyone a fair amount of damage and then I nuke.


Spirit Vessel: This reduces the cool-down of Soul Harvest.
Jungle Fortitude: This reduces the damage you take by 20% Useful because I don't roll with a shield or carriable, just epic two handers.
Spiritual Attunement: Max Mana increased by 20% and it regens 1% faster.

This build is epic fail for mobs in Nightmare so far. I am not saying its perfect, but its a pretty fun build. I wish some kind of pet build was as good as this, but so far they are not that viable for me in Nightmare. If you know of any, id love to see them.

Can't take credit for this build, its based on this post and tweaked some to fit my style:



DoTA 2 will be Free to Play. Yup. Awesome. From the horses mouth:

"Today we’re announcing that Dota 2 will be free to play, and contain an in-game store where you’ll be able to buy fancy gear to customize your heroes. From the forum threads we’ve read over the months since The International, it’s pretty clear that this won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone out there. There are a variety of smaller details that we’ve decided to put together a FAQ to help with, but we wanted to address the two most common concerns right away:

Dota 2 will not be a pay-to-win game. All the items in the store are cosmetic, and don’t affect gameplay.

All of the heroes will be available free of charge. We believe restricting player access to heroes could be destructive to game design, so it’s something we plan to avoid."

This really makes sense for this kind of game to be free to play. Having a large user base makes these kinds of games fun. Seems like they made money when Team Fortress 2 went free to play and DoTA 2 sounds like it could do very well too.

What do you think is this awesome or something else less great? Now if only Borderlands 2 goes free to play.... Hmmmm...

Its as if someone heard that I like soundtracks in collectors editions and decided that the optimal number of collectors editions soundtracks was 11. Because if 11 soundtracks for a collectors edition is your magic number then HELLO Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collectors Edition!

Which includes:

Street Fighter X Tekken (including all character and Swap Costume DLC), Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (with all costume DLC), Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition. PLUS a documentary BluRay, Street Fighter II The animated movie, all episodes of the Street Fighter animated series. A Light-up Ryu statue & art book & certificate of authenticity.

This pack seems compelling to me because it contains Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix available on a game disc as it was previously only DLC. Oh and its $125 dollars as well. Seems like everyone is getting into the HD re-release collectors edition mood lately. Oh and its planned to be released September 18th.

When I saw the news today that iD will be releasing "Doom 3 BFG Edition" I was extremely excited. Few games get the "HD/re-release" treatment and I just didn't figure Doom 3 would be one of the lucky few games that get it. Add in the Doom 3 expansion, the original Doom and Doom 2 and new content and my mind was blown.

But enough of my hyperventilating nerdery, here are some words from the masters of doom themselves:

"A number of companies have done these 'retro projects,'" says Willits, using the company's code name for Doom BFG, "but we're trying to do something with new content. We have all the games. We tried to make the offering the best we can."

Doom 3 BFG Edition will be the final say in Doom content to date. The package will include Doom, Doom 2, Doom 3, Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil and a brand-new, "lost" mission for Doom 3 with seven new levels, a new boss and two-to-three hours of content."

Doom BFG Edition will be released on the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC and I will get it the second it drops. Owning all the games and the new content sounds awesome. I can't say enough about how great Doom 3 really was and this is a change that people can get it in a more modern format.

More from the article:

"Also, it will be available on PlayStation 3, which marks the first time in history that the original Doom will be available on a PlayStation platform. (While a version of the game was released for PlayStation, its levels were modified from the PC version and some were missing entirely.)

But perhaps most importantly, Xbox 360 players will be able to use their flashlight and gun at the same time, something that was not possible when the game was originally ported to the console, and which fans let id know was a problem."

And finally:

"I ask again if it is also a sign that Doom 4 is coming soon, and Willits just smiles."

Seems like a great plan. Step 1: release all old Doom games into modern awesome sweet package. Step 2: Doom 4.



I've been thinking of dedicating a day of the week to a game topic close to my heart. I think Tuesday works because its a pretty boring week day in need of some love. I hereby dub Tuesdays "Retro Tuesdays and as such, each Tuesday I will write about a sweet game of yesteryear that I love or hate and was iconic for me in some way. I would be awesome if others grabbed some good or ill feeling out your mind and posted it on Tuesdays as well. See how that goes.

Without further ado..... "RETRO TUESDAY POST NUMBER A!"

Super Mario Brothers 2 is a game I will never stop loving. First off if you compare it to the rest of the original Super Mario Brothers games its a total odd duck. It did things in a Mario game few games continued and compared to Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Brothers 3 and Super Mario World. Some of us know Super Mario Brothers 2 is actually Doki, Doki Panic rebranded. For more information on the history of Super Mario Brothers 2 read this(I heartily recommend it, its quite interesting):


Nintendo released Super Mario Brothers 2 as we played in the USA because the original was seen as too difficult. Whatever the reason I am glad they shipped the game as I played it because the game is wonderful. The art style is very good, the music is iconic and the story is the best from my memory for a Mario game. Super Mario Brothers 2 shrugged off the princess saving in favor of saving the world of Subcon from the evil Wart. Right, Super Mario Brothers 2 didn't feature Bowser as the badguy.

Super Mario Brothers 2 went so far as to allow you to jump on a bad guy(which didn't kill them) pick them up and toss them as a weapon. I also loved the magic potion that allowed you to enter a special dark world where you could find mushrooms to allow you more life and collect coins and enter warp zones.

Super Mario Brothers 2 also allowed you to pick what who the main character was. In Mario games typically you could only be Mario unless you were player 2 or in later Mario games 2-4. Super Mario Brothers 2 allowed you a choice between Mario, Luigi, Toad and the Princess. This is the only game to my memory where Mario was the worst character to chose as all the others were better in some way. To my memory Mario was kind of average, Luigi could jump very high, Toad was fast and the Princess could float. The character I picked 99% of the time was the Princess, she was mad overpowered and the game was so much easier when you played with her.

I recently went back to Super Mario Brothers and played the Super Mario All Stars version.


Basically, All Stars is Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Brothers 2, Super Mario Brothers 3 and Super Mario Brothers the Lost Levels. The SNES style graphics really make those games shine plus they add a save feature the original NES versions lacked.

When I think about awesome games that I love Super Mario Brothers 2 often comes to mind. I've played it recently so I know it still holds up well for me now. I often wish a modern Mario would pull elements from Mario 2 but it seems that Mario 2 will be off on its own which is just fine to me. I know others share my love for this game because of its uniqueness but we are a rare breed. A few years ago I took my love to another level and purchased this shirt. Yeah, I love the game that much.


Ruh roh!