
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

Warsow is a free Open Source shooter that has been in development for 7 years and recently just released 1.0. It boats a hefty selection of features and looks incredible. I am going to check it out, but I wanted to let everyone know it went 1.0 so you can check it out.

Oh right, did I mention it is free?


A few Skyrim news bits I thought were worth sharing. Looks like Bethesda is starting to move its 1.7 update patch through the works. It will be released on XBox 360, PS3 and Steam and contains a few notable bits including stability fixes, general optimizations, bug fixes and updates the the dragon shouts via Kinect.

Also looks like later this week Bethesda will be talking about the release date for Dawnguard on PS3 and Steam. Looks like the XBox 360 exclusive lockout window is over and my guess is they will talk about it when they show next week at Quakecon. Well, not entirely my guess a few have speculated about it.

Oh and do phone solicitors bother you? Respond as a citizen of fair Skyrim and transcribe it:



This morning I read a really interesting article about the rise and fall of Curt Shillings 38 studios. A few things I learned from the Article:

1. 38 Studios bought Big Huge Games. Big Huge Games created Rise of Nations and Kingdom of Amalur.
2. The studio got a loan of about 50 million dollars from Rhode Island government by moving headquarters.

I wonder if this means the state of Rhode Island owns Rise of Nations, Kingdoms of Alamlur and the other 38 studios IP?


Recently read a cool article on Mashable about 10 awesome additions to Borderlands 2.


A few things that caught my eye?

The Stash Is Persistent
Customize Your Character (shown in image above)
Beautiful Aurora Borealis in Pandora's Frozen Tundra (I enjoy awesome environments that immerse you in the game.

Some people felt the enemies in Borderlands were easy so 2K made them much more difficult. A recent article on Joystiq draws a picture of how much harder they can be.


"New baddies include Threshers and Foreman's personal favorite, the Goliath. Goliath is a monstrous enemy with the singular focus to kill you. Literally – all Goliath variants wear helmets that give them tunnel-vision to destroy whatever is in front of them. Shooting its helmet off will send a Goliath into a blind rage, and it will punch the nearest character, even taking down another Goliath, a Marauder, a teammate, your grandmother, whatever"

Sick. No literally, sick, the picture of the Goliath is kind of sad and disgusting. A robot head and human body? Wow.


Looking forward to putting these guys out of their misery.



The server will be open for business starting today(6/27/2012) at 8PM PST at the following location:

terraria.cheerfulghost.com port 7777

I decided there will be a game password, so hit me up in the comments or on Steam for it. I want to limit it to our direct friends to protect against any kind of griefing. Understand I want anyone that wants to to be able to play, so just hit me up or anyone else playing for the password and you can get it.

See you at 8! Oh and the image above is the starting newb zone. I wanted to welcome people to the game and I won't spoil whats on the signs on in the chest!

Join The Cheerful Ghost Terraria Game Starting this Thursday!

To celebrate this retro Tuesday, WhiteboySlim and I had an idea. Lets run a Cheerful Ghost Terraria server for two weeks and kick it all off this Thursday @ 8pm PST. If you are a Terraria newb or long time player, feel free to join us. Ill be in game explaining the ropes to new people as I build my house and start a mine. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

The Main Details:

When: Cheerful Ghost Terraria starting this July 26th @ 8PM PST

Where: The game will be accessible @ terraria.cheerfulghost.com port 7777.

How long? This server will last two weeks. This is to see how it went and discussion will be had to continue it or reset for a new world

Oh and there will be a password. More on that later...

The Rules:

1. Be cool. I will be running a mod to disable most griefing and banning folk that are not cool.
2. Checking out peoples houses is fine, just leave it as you found it.
3. When you build your house, attempt to build around people and don't box them in. Build close to your friends, just allow them to either build upward or out.
4. Have fun!

I hope people find time to connect to the server and check things out and build with people on the site. This is the first time we have done a community game and I hope it goes well!

Now that Diablo 3 has been out a little while I wanted to post a few thoughts I have about the game after beating it a few times. First off, its great and if you can get it I recommend you do as it did not disappoint. That said I did figure I would be playing it much longer than I did. I can't pen why I thought Diablo 3 would be all the game I needed for the rest of the year, but I did. I figured the replayability would be so high that I wouldn't put it down for 6 months. Thing is, that was me for a few weeks but after that my play time waned and I don't play it all too often anymore. I imagine ill poke around in it and occasionally put in more time but it started and stopped like any other game ive played. I may have played it less than Borderlands come to think of it.

Recently Blizzards President took to the forums to address a few issues, some I had some I didn't. Interesting read for sure:


All that to say, Diablo 3 was a great game, I beat it and I am a bit disappointed because I thought I would play it more than I did. In the end, playing it again a little bit harder than before wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be.

I am camping this weekend with friends and I'll be playing a few games of Magic The Gathering. I might crack open a mobile title or two.

What are you playing this weekend?

Just started Skyrim. An hour in and I am enjoying the game(the shot above is from my current location in the game looking at a sweet mountain). Taking it slow. Following people, listening to them and getting all the story I can. After the initial Dragon attack I had to pick one of the guys to follow. Didn't know who was who so I picked the guy with long hair. After a dungeon crawl we emerged from the dungeon and I followed him to Riverwood village where we met his sister. He is part of the resistance to the Empire. I like the sound of joining them but I really don't know much about the war save Ulrich is their leader and they want Nordic freedom in Skyrim.

I talked to the vendor in Riverwood and apparently he had an Inn break in so I am on the hunt to recover his dragon claw. Along the way I killed some bandits, nabbed some new armor and gold. I met up with a lone hunter in the wilderlands and wanted to see how killing an innocent would work. Apparently nothing happened. Well thats not true as his dog didn't like me killing his master and attacked me too. I had to dispatch the dog as well and after the whole ordeal felt horrible.

I killed an innocent hunter. I am the monster of Skyrim. Oh well at least I didn't behead people like the EMPIRE! BLAST YOU EMPIRE I WILL SEE YOU.... Oh wait, I have no idea whats going on in this conflict. A bit more searching for answers then ill pick a side.

Hopefully. Oh and double hopefully I don't murder more innocent hunters and their dogs. Ug.