jdodson gives this an astounding "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
jdodson gives this a "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
Last Christmas I was gifted a Nintendo 3DS and the main game I wanted to play on it was Ocarina of Time 3D. I've written a couple posts on on how that's gone and if you want a bit more context, i've linked them below. Needless to say, Ocarina of Time 3D is one of the best remakes i've ever played and the game shines on the 3DS. I think Nintendo games are best played on a handheld system and Ocarina of Time shows that even if it wasn't originally intended for a mobile system it totally works on it.

After my last post I completed the Spirit Temple which, since I always bailed out at the Gerudo Fortress when I played the game before, was the first time I ever played it.... Read All

The Journey To Un'Gogo is the upcoming Hearthstone expansion that set to launch on April 6th. Featuring Elementals, Dinosaurs, class quests and some other fun new cards Un'Goro looks to be a solid expansion. Make sure to log in for daily rewards every day until the launch of the game to get packs, gold and a special golden Volcanosaur(oooh!).

As with every Hearthstone expansion i'll be recording my pack opening and dropping it on YouTube so stay tuned and let me know if you are planning to jump back in to check out Un'Goro! I've been saving up in game gold and i'll have enough to open around 75 packs, woooooooo!

Check out all the new Un'Goro cards below:

... Read All

Gearbox is still handing out golden keys from Borderlands 2 and if you are currently on your way to taking down Handsome Jack or plan on coming back to it at some point these keys will put you well on your way. These shift codes as for PC/Mac/Linux, 360, XBone, PS3, PS4 & the Vita and expire on 4/18 so get em now!

PC / Mac: 5BW3J-C565J-F63FK-T3JBT-CJ9B3


Destiny 2 will come out this September 8th on PC, PS4 and XBox One and besides the new launch trailer being pretty bad I am pretty excited about the game. There hasn't been much in the way of gameplay, features or anything like that talked about but you know... it should be good right? I went to the Destiny website to get more information on Destiny 2 and clicked the "more information" button. I got some information about the early beta you get by pre-ordering and then more information about pre-ordering. Beyond some information about the 3 playable classes in the game and some story backdrop details on Destiny 2 are a bit sparse but you CAN pre-order the game so I... Read All

Blizzard is continuing to add heroes, maps and features to Heroes of the Storm and they are going even further in the upcoming 2.0 update. Firstly they are changing the way hero leveling works by removing the cap entirely and changing the absolutely crazy grind to reach higher levels. Another change is the addition of loot chests that are awarded when your Heroes level that award nearly any item in the game including voice packs, skins, banners and portraits! Blizzard is also changing up the way you can outright buy things in game with the new in game currency, gems. Gems can be purchased with real money and Blizzard will give you some at level 5 for free to "get you... Read All

Fallout Shelter just arrived on Steam! This summer I tried the PC version of the game that you can get with the Bethesda launcher. I had forgotten about it, but one of my friends was playing it on his smartphone and I thought I'd try it on that platform, too. After a little bit of playing the mobile version, I prefer the PC version, because the text on the screen is too small. I figured I'd check in on the vault I created this summer. I thought about adding it to my Steam library (as a non-Steam game), but it looks like it just arrived on Steam.

I haven't spent much time with it, but it does seem fun and it's free, which is a combination that can hardly be ignored.

... Read All

Jack and Rich review Nintendo's latest Zelda game and they love it. Clocking in at an hour it's one of their longer reviews and as such a pretty deep dive in Zelda's gameplay.

Hearthstone will be running special rewards for simply logging in March 29th through April 5th. This is a pretty special thing in Hearthstone as most CCGs have gold rewards for coming back every day and to date Hearthstone has been one of the biggest hold outs. That said for the next 8 days that changes so you should log in each day to get the 4 packs, 100 gold, 100 dust and a special Golden Volcanosaur card from the upcoming Ungoro expansion.


Back this on Kickstarter!
"Battle Princess Madelyn is a game that follows the journey of a young knight in training, Madelyn, and her ghostly pet dog Fritzy. They set out on a journey to save her kingdom and her family from the clutches of an evil wizard."

After playing Super Mario Brothers for the first time I wanted to be a game developer. Battle Princess Madelyn is an interesting project by developer Casual Bit Games where the main hero is his daughter. Taking a bit (highly interpreted drawings) of input from his daughter and translating that into the base game is a cute premise and as someone that has a kid now and enjoys having fun with him, I can see how this project could take shape. I... Read All

Elder Scrolls Legends released on iPad today and with that Bethesda also dropped a schedule for the rollout of the game on even more platforms. Elder Scrolls Legends will drop on Android tablets in April, Mac in May and phone in mid 2017. This seems to be a popular release strategy for all the new digital card games and Bethesda doesn't seem to want to be left in Skyrim on this one(get it, because Skyrim is cold.... please don't beat me up).