General Discussion

Released on February 28, 2012 by Cheerful Ghost

Developed by Cheerful Ghost

The place for conversation that doesn't make sense to talk about in any specific game in our list. Think of General Discussion as a "catch all" for conversations about gaming, game culture or anything else worth sharing.
Gabe did an interview with The Verge recently about the Steam console, Steambox, Piston, Bigfoot, whatever you want to call it. Read it here:

It's an interesting read, and the fact that they're building this platform, this paradigm, that anyone can pull from makes me very happy. Hopefully the fact that anyone can make a Steam "console" doesn't muddy the waters. It's one thing that has held Linux back, the confusing variety, but if Valve can pull this off it may change the way we game in some significant ways.
Look at that thing. Just look at it.

Not many details as of yet, but I had to share it, because look at it! But some hardware specs for the demo unit are here:
It started about a few years ago. I bought my first Humble Bundle and linked it to my Steam Account that contained Half Life 2 & Counterstrike. I then bought Portal 2 on PS3 and got a free Steam copy. After that I bought my first Steam game, The Binding of Isaac and then after a few more Bundles and Steam Sales I now have 81 Steam Games. I have more PC games, but those are the ones that Steam manages. Its awesome to be able to pick up any game I want. Its also awesome to have a zillion choices for what to play.

Well. Sort of. On one hand I can pick up a great game on a sale for cheap. On the other hand I have 81 games and the list keeps growing year over year.... Read All
It's official, folks. Or as official it can be before an officially official announcement comes around. The Steambox (not the official name, but they should totally use it) is going to be out in 2013, based on Linux, and Valve has other hardware in mind as well.

Valve engineer Ben Krasnow sat down with German gaming site to discuss their plans. This news comes as no surprise as people have been speculating the Steambox for years now. With all the Windows 8 criticism coming from Newell, and the push for Linux support and Big Picture mode, this was the natural way of things.

This brings up some questions and revelations for me. First, while this is obviously in... Read All
@Gary_Butterfield posted on the Watch out for Fireballs podcast page a question that I wanted to re sound here because I was interested in what everyone was thinking.

What video games are you looking forward to in 2013? No table limit, send up as many as you are excited about.

Full disclosure, I don't know a ton about all the games that will be released in 2013 beyond a few. But those few I am very excited about like:

Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm, MewGenics and The Binding of Isaac 16 bit de-make.

"Tetris. We’ve all played it, rotating the pieces (“tetrominoes”) and dropping them in the perfect place, or despairing as we discover a piece won’t fit. You may have even joked about “mastering” the game during a stint of unemployment, or as a child, before you could afford any other Game Boy cartridges. But what about the people who’ve truly mastered Tetris? Where are the Kasparovs and Fischers, the great champions who’ve dedicated their minds to solving its deepest puzzles?"

I would place Tetris as one of the best games of all time. After playing it on the Gameboy I was hooked. This love for the game brought me to watch "Ecstasy of Order" a recent documentary that... Read All

...just... Well... This happened.

The season finale of Game Shop is now upon us. This action packed episode is loaded up with Cyber Ninjas, Time Travel and lazer shootin' Digital Heads.

Looking forward to season 2.

UPDATE: This is not a real trailer. It's really the game, it's just a very early version that was never meant to be shown to the public. This was posted all over gaming news sites and even the social media manager at Activision posted it, so I don't feel so bad.

So here's another game for The Walking Dead. There's the Telltale adventure game, the Facebook game, and now this first-person survival game published by Activision. None of these are related at all except by the source material. I worry this will be confusing for some consumers.

I'll be... Read All