Current Player Leaderboards
Tale of the White Wyvern has a few in-game places where you can see how players are currently ranked. The first is the current player rankings you can view by (L)ist Players -> (S)ee all...

Tale of the White Wyvern is a text based, high fantasy, sword and magic adventure mini-MMO that you can play with your friends!
You can play the game at:
Tale of the White Wyvern is a text based, high fantasy, sword and magic adventure mini-MMO that you can play with your friends!
You can play the game at:
I shared on Facebook and tagged Jon.
DLC code message to you Greg!
Thank you! :)
Wait a second...Travis said "for 1,500 gold," (see line four of this post) but the screen shows 500. I think you have a typo in this post, Travis, or you owe me 1,000 gold haha.
Oh right, thatās a mistake in the post itās supposed to be 500 gold not 1500.
I just retweeted - @rzbreaks twitter account.
Code messaged to you. Thanks Smasher!
"Young Billy" hit me with his "Smashed Pumpkins." LOL I get that one!
Thanks for making this Jon & Travis!
What's the difference between staying at the Inn (which costs $400) and just logging out while in the Town Square? It seems you could save money by doing the latter, but I'm assuming that would leave you vulnerable to attack. It also seems you can attack people who are in the bar? The bartender said you can call someone down and they'll get first hit. Can you clear this up for me?
Personal request: would it be possible to get a custom color scheme? Maybe we could create one in the game. I don't have a problem w/ the color scheme, I'm just curious if it'd be possible to change it to something other than the other included themes.
Also are you going to be sending out the social media hype link and rewards?
> What's the difference between staying at the Inn (which costs $400) and just logging out while in the Town Square? It seems you could save money by doing the latter, but I'm assuming that would leave you vulnerable to attack. It also seems you can attack people who are in the bar? The bartender said you can call someone down and they'll get first hit. Can you clear this up for me?
It's pretty much as you say. Plus:
* You can only attack people at your level or higher or one below you. So level 5 can attack 5 and up and level 4 but no one level 1-3.
* Staying in the Fields (quitting the game normally) makes you able to be attacked by people (with the rules above)
* You can pay to stay in the Inn (400 gold * level). This means people have to spend money to Call you Out plus you get one bonus. If you stay in the Inn you always get the first attack(to give the Inn a further bonus). (with same level rules above)
> Personal request: would it be possible to get a custom color scheme? Maybe we could create one in the game. I don't have a problem w/ the color scheme, I'm just curious if it'd be possible to change it to something other than the other included themes.
It's something Travis and I will add to the list. With that, what color scheme are you thinking about?
> Also are you going to be sending out the social media hype link and rewards?
That's going out on the 29th so check back tomorrow for more information on that!
ALSO your Inn stay lasts until you log in next and experience a new day. Then you need to rent another room.
Does staying at the inn regen health?
Thanks for the clarifications. So, if you log out while in town, you're in the fields while logged out?
The color scheme I have in mind is a black background with blue text and purple for the highlights (like the parenthesis "()" surrounding letters/keys to press to activate action). I was surprised and pleased to find out that it's not just a keyboard game, but it's also point and click. :)
> Does staying at the inn regen health?
No. You can heal at Helga's to pay to regen health. Also you regen health when a new game day hits. Also you have a random chance to regen health in the forest.
> Thanks for the clarifications. So, if you log out while in town, you're in the fields while logged out?
Yep. Stepping away from the game at any point drops you to the fields.
Cool. Thx for the info.
I played my first day, and was totally transported to high school (other than the fact that I was playing on my phone lol).
Travis and Jon, you two have done a fantastic job creating this game! It honestly feel super good playing it!
> I played my first day, and was totally transported to high school (other than the fact that I was playing on my phone lol).
That's the basis of what I have going on in my head about creating a marketing message. Something like (in a deep voice) take a trip back to 1995, the era of the BBS. Cheerful Ghost brings you a game reminiscent of your favorite BBS games. Come check out Tale of the White Wyvern.
Something like that anyway.
I was leaving the forest and was attacked by something and couldn't run away (I didn't want to anyway). I killed it and now I have -1 fights. :( Will I lose one when they're replenished or will it just refill?
I was having trouble withdrawing all from the bank. It said "enter nothing for all" and I didn't input anything and I withdrew 0, tried again, same thing, was reporting the "bug," tried it again and it worked. Maybe I didn't do it right until the last time.
Oh, ok, now after depositing all w/ the "deposit all" button, I tried to withdraw 800. I typed "800" in the text box. It said I withdrew 0, but that I had 800 on hand. I don't know if there's some kind of bug/discrepancy or I just did something wrong. In the end it works out.
> I was leaving the forest and was attacked by something and couldn't run away (I didn't want to anyway). I killed it and now I have -1 fights. :( Will I lose one when they're replenished or will it just refill?
You get all 25 at the new day.
> I was having trouble withdrawing all from the bank. It said "enter nothing for all" and I didn't input anything and I withdrew 0, tried again, same thing, was reporting the "bug," tried it again and it worked. Maybe I didn't do it right until the last time.
Should be fixed now.
> Oh, ok, now after depositing all w/ the "deposit all" button, I tried to withdraw 800. I typed "800" in the text box. It said I withdrew 0, but that I had 800 on hand. I don't know if there's some kind of bug/discrepancy or I just did something wrong. In the end it works out.
Should be fixed now.
Greg, it's possible you were doing all those deposit/withdraw steps while we were actively squashing a bug there.
Everyone, thanks for joining up and playing, it's fun seeing a ton of people enjoying this game.
> No. You can heal at Helga's to pay to regen health. Also you regen health when a new game day hits. Also you have a random chance to regen health in the forest.
You regen some health, right? I just logged in and I'm missing some health. Although I wasn't sure if I had stayed at the inn when I first wrote this comment, I now know that I did, because I tried to buy a room and it said "no need to pay twice."
Also, I'm sure a new in-game has started, but I only had 1 fight. :( Time is currently 3:35AM EST.
I think it missed that midnight new day. I had 0 fights and could still sleep in my room.
> I think it missed that midnight new day. I had 0 fights and could still sleep in my room.
Yeah, somehow the new day didn't trigger. I manually ran it this morning. Should be good now!
thx Jon!
I thought it was funny when I killed "Travis the Barbarian," but killing "Red Neck" really made me LOL.
> Travis the Barbarian
I have a few Travis references in the game.
I sprinkled in a couple Travis references in the bits of lore I wrote, but theyāre somewhat esoteric. One is easier to spot than the other.
> I sprinkled in a couple Travis references ...
> I sprinkled in a couple Travis references in the bits of lore I wrote, but theyāre somewhat esoteric. One is easier to spot than the other.
Dude, "esoteric!" I wrote a play in high school for a class project and it was totally esoteric! One of my recent game reviews has an esoteric title. :) (Yes, I did look up the meaning of "esoteric" as I've heard of it before, but didn't remember/know what it meant.) Mostly what I'm talking about are music references.
I'm still finding it humorous that I killed "Red Neck." I feel like I stomped all over his "Don't Tread on Me" flag/license plate.
I plan on playing on the 28th.
I plan on playing on the 28th.
Count me for playing on Sunday, July 28th.
I hope to get some horse armor.
This is seriously very exciting. I can't wait to play on the 28th!
Awesome, thanks everyone!
> I hope to get some horse armor.
We'll see what we can do.
>> I hope to get some horse armor.
>We'll see what we can do.
Oh! Like Minecraft! Give me some Diamond Horse Armor! Hehe
On a more serious note, I think some one should create an event for this. :)
š happy Tale of the White Wyvern launch eve! š»
When exactly is the launch? Is it 12:00AM PT?
Hey Greg. I'd love to do a midnight launch but we didn't have that in the plan. Mostly likely we will do that for our next game.
We're planning on Noon PT tomorrow. But that said, I'm hoping to push it live before Noon PT tomorrow and if I do i'll post to the site right away about it.
Oh hey everyone. I'll join you on the 28th :)
Sounds cool! Having three different classes actually makes me want to play three different characters. Will that be possible? (Like in Diablo.)
At launch we plan on having one game rolling so you can pick one class and then when the time is right dual class. After you get to level 12 and kill the Wyvern you start back at level one and can pick a new class.
We might run multiple games at some point So if we do you can pick whatever class you want.
Seriously though, this looks fantastic, and a great throwback tribute to a classic. I can't wait to play!
Looking forward to it. I am still surprised that my monthly patreon does not put food on the table.
Sounds cool. The title sounds similar to Legend of the Red Dragon. The game looks somewhat similar, also reminds me of Usurper, games I played back in the BBS days.
Tale of the White Wyvern is a love letter / homage to Legend of the Red Dragon for sure. I view it similarly to games that have come recently like Stardew Valley or any of the "Doom Clones" that permeate the industry. Thing is those are just shooters now and no one seems to make LORD clones, but hopefully we start a trend
Yeah good call Greg, I updated the post to reflect that. We cover it in the podcast but not everyone will hear that.
Two questions; When can I play this, and when can I play this!? I am a huge fan of text based gaming and this idea couldn't be more exciting!! I fully understand the time constraint issues plaguing us adult gamers. Quick hit games seem to be the way to go when time is a factor. One of the characteristics of retro gaming I enjoy is simplicity. Modern gaming can be all to complicated and often times I give up a few minutes into a game knowing I will never have time for it. I know you touched on this, and I am currently not a Patron contributor, but I would really like to get my hands on an early access pass. It would be my pleasure to promote and review this game on our channel. Either way, I'll look forward to seeing the finished product.
> Two questions; When can I play this, and when can I play this!?
Love the question. I really don't love dropping a date when it's a game we're working on in our spare time because things could happen that change it. That said, should be pretty soon and when we do it we'll drop it on social and here!
> I would really like to get my hands on an early access pass.
If that's something we do i'll let you know. Currently, the plan is to bring it into Beta as soon as possible and my current thought is i'm not sure what a closed beta would do.
My thinking on that is a few fold:
1. I want more people to play this much sooner. A closed beta with a few people would be good to get some private feedback. That said, since the game is VERY time based (you get forest fights every X real world hours) then if we had it to a few weeks that would be a few weeks that only a limited amount of people could play it.
Actually, that's really it, I want everyone to play it sooner so our current thinking, and this changed a few days after we posted this, is an open beta sooner for anyone that wants to partake. Also, the game won't be reset and we'll just balance things as we move on so people don't lose progress.
I can't want to play your "Link holding a Ghost" game! But seriously, I know the work you guys are putting into this and I'm looking forward to the game!
I look forward to you trying it as well! It's been a lot of fun to design.
Thanks for the State! GG top players!
I tried to put my horse armor on Tiberius, but he just ended up killing me. Be warned, Tiberius does not like to horse around.
So far, it's going great! I'm really enjoying the game!
The game is great, I forgot how much I enjoyed playing these kinds of games.
Whatāa the secret to leveling up so fast? Is it player fights?
> Whatāa the secret to leveling up so fast? Is it player fights?
Yep. PvP is a pretty big experience boost. With that, you have to balance it with not being equipped properly. For instance you can level faster but if you don't have a high enough weapon or armor, forest fight become hard. So it's a push and pull thing.
Seriously, I've been stuck at level 4 for a while now because I had enough exp to level up, but now not good enough equipment to beat the level 4 master lol
Iāve been through that, Adam.
PvP nets you a crazy amount of XP when you win. The hardest part is keeping gear leveled with you.
The addition of the outhouse is most welcomed. The forest was getting pretty nasty with everyone doing their business out there! :P
> The addition of the outhouse is most welcomed.
All Travis and I work on are the most important things for the game!