
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

Humble Bundle is running a 2K bundle that just added Freedom Force and Freedom Force VS The Third Reich. Freedom Force was made by Irrational Games in 2002 and is a top down turn based super hero strategy brawler you may not have played. It is heavily rooted in campy comic book stories and when I played it in 2002 I really enjoyed the graphics, quirky story and humor. I'm not sure how the game holds up but i'll be playing it soon and write up some thoughts on it.

The 2K Bundle also contains some really great games in Borderlands The Pre-Sequel, Battleborn + DLC, Railroad Tycoon 3, The Bureau XCom Declassified, Mafia 2, NBA 2K16, Civ V, Duke Nukem Forever, Spec Ops The Line and The Darkness II which is a superb value at $15.


LucasFilm is slowly releasing all the panel videos from Star Wars Celebration 2016 and as i've been watching them, I have another batch to share. Linked above is the Star Wars Rogue One panel where we get a small amount of new information on the movie from director Gareth Edwards and the stars of the new film. It's a really sneak peek at the film and after watching all the Rogue One news bits to come out of Celebration 2016 i'm more excited about checking out Rogue One in December.

Warwick Davis interviews Carrie Fisher

As far as I am concerned, Carrie Fisher is real life Star Wars royalty and this interview shows why. Warwick Davis does an amazing job keeping the interview flowing and Carrie brings her own strange and often extremely uncomfortable style to the mix. She gives me hope that one can be aged well and also keep a good sense of humor and make others squirm.


The Creatures, Droids and Aliens of Star Wars: The Force Awakens

David Collins welcomes artists from the Pinewood Studios-based art, creature and costume departments as they reveal the creative process behind their wonderful designs, including never-before-seen pieces.


I know some of you said you weren't getting the new NES classic, but all your fears have been put to rest because here is an official video showing it off! If i've learned one thing it's that people can't resist advertising so let me know if this turned you around to picking one of these up on November 11th.

Commercial's work. Right?

"From your first Goomba stomp to your thousandth victory in FINAL FANTASY®, the Nintendo Entertainment System™ may just be the most nostalgic gaming console ever. And now, a new, miniaturized version is here, pre-loaded with 30 of the all-time greatest games, including The Legend of Zelda™, Super Mario Bros.™ 3, and MEGA MAN® 2. Just plug it in…and play."

Commercial heckling aside, this looks great and i'll be picking one of these up around the holiday season.

Have you always wanted to have a party in Terraria? Well now the Party Girl or certain other NPC's will throw one under certain conditions you set up. As with any new feature, they don't say what they conditions are but I imagine it will come to the wiki at some point.

When we run our next server we should throw a party.


"You’ve fled your home, only to find yourself lost in space with a damaged ship. Your only option is to beam down to the planet below and gather the resources you need to repair your ship and set off to explore the vast, infinite universe…"

Starbound launched today and to help celebrate I installed 1.0 and gave it a shot. I'll have a more formal review later but my initial impression is mixed. That said, I am curious what others think of 1.0 and how you are playing it?

What did you think of the opening story mode?

The developer of StardewValley tweeted some amazingly terrible news today.

"Quick Update: Mac & Linux are set to be launched on the 29th! Multiplayer, localizations, and the version 1.1 update are still in progress."

Well see on one hand that's good because the reason I haven't picked it up yet is because Stardew Valley lacked a Mac port so now that's solved. On the other hand it's terrible as I am sure all my free time will go down a virtual farming hole. A few Twitter fans asked ConcernedApe some questions about what tech they used to port the game.

"ConcernedApe: It was done with Monogame, as a milestone in the progress toward releasing console versions!"

Interesting to hear it's eventually coming to consoles. I bet the game would be well received by Wii U users. He was also asked about Steam cloud cross saves.

ConcernedApe: Yes, although I'm not sure yet if Steam Cloud will handle it all for you or if some manual copy + pasting will be involved"

Great news that the game is finally coming to Mac and Linux but with this the Starbound 1.0 drop and the new Hearthstone update I wonder when will we all get time to sleep?


There have been rumblings in the Hearthstone community of a new adventure for the last couple weeks. In the video linked above Disguised Toast makes a pretty good case for the new adventure being themed after the World of Warcraft area Karazhan and might also be focused on the Mage class. I've been saving up my gold and have enough for 4 adventure wings and a almost have enough to open another 20 packs. Not sure if I want to open Classic or Whispers of the Old Gods packs but i'm sure either choice would be a good one. With that, today Blizzard has sent out an announcement of an event on July 28th @ 11pm that will unveil the new adventure streaming on Twitch. The Blizzard invitation drops that it will be a new adventure but doesn't give out many more details than that.

What kind of cards would you like to see in a new Hearthstone adventure? Personally I'd like to see some new deathrattle cards and spells and if this adventure is anything like League of Explorers, it will change the meta in a really great way.

I also want to thank Blizzard for scheduling this event on my birthday, it was already a pretty fun day already and being able to watch this stream that night will put a metaphorical extra candle on top of the cake.


This years Star Wars Celebration in the UK was the place to be for rabid fans of all things Yoda. Star Wars Celebration is a yearly convention that talks about what's happening in the Star Wars universe by way of panels, interviews, art exhibits and expo floor. The above link is to the Mark Hamill interview where he talks about his short work on Episode VII, the old trilogy and drops a few incredible lines in the voice of the Joker from the recent Killing Joke animated film. There were a couple panels that Disney hasn't released footage of yet namely the Rogue One panel, which I can't wait to watch. I've collected more links to some of the more interesting stuff from Star Wars Celebration so check those out below.

Rogue One Director Gareth Edwards Interview & Rogue One Film Reel

Gareth Edwards is the director of Monsters, Godzilla 2013 and the upcoming Rogue One and in this interview talks about his love for Star Wars and how that translates to directing a Star Wars movie. It's interesting to think that Gareth grew up watching Star Wars on VHS and is now directing his first Star Wars film something he may have possibly dreamed of doing some day. JJ Abrhams was a huge Star Wars fan prior to directing Episode VII and that seemed to turn out pretty well so hopefully Gareth's love for the franchise translates to an incredible film.


Disney dropped more Rogue One footage at Star Wars Celebration and you need to click the link below to watch it. Gareth's gritty war-soaked Rogue One looks absolutely incredible and I can't wait to watch it in December.


Star Wars Archeology Panel

If watching every behind the scenes feature on your Star Wars DVD's is your thing, watch the Star Wars Archeology Panel. This deep dive talk stars off talking about how they are recreating the original trilogy sets in VR and how they are using this tech on the new Star Wars films. They also talk about miniatures and model building and that The Phantom Menace was the Star Wars film that featured the most miniature shots of any movie because computer effects weren't advanced enough to be used.


Rogue One Costume Exhibit

So many Trooper costumes, so little time.


Fallout Shelter launched hours after Bethesda's Todd Howard took the stage at E3 2015. It was a bit of shock to see Bethesda launch it's first mobile game but they nailed it as it was one of the most popular mobile games of that year. Since it's launch it's received some updates but it's most recent 1.6 update may be the biggest to date. I've been playing the new version for the last few days and if you've been away from Fallout Shelter since its launch last year, you need to come back to the vault!

The PC Port Is Beautiful

To be honest I expected the PC port to be a bad. The game was designed for mobile and as with some games not designed with the PC in mind, they don't always play well. That said Fallout Shelter on PC is great and the visuals look incredible on the big screen. If you have a 1080p or 4K display Fallout Shelter will look good as it seems the graphics were made with the ability to scale them. The tap controls translate well to mouse clicks and I only found a couple cases where I would have preferred a keyboard press. The ability to resize the Window to be placed anywhere on the screen is great for the times where you want the game open but you want to surf the web or play something else. Fallout Shelter is a great game to run in the background on your PC and it's default Windowed mode helps this along.

The only downside to running Fallout Shelter on PC is that it requires the Bethesda.net launcher. It seems that every company now needs their own digital game service to compete with Steam. I may write a post about this in the future as, at this point, I have no idea how many different game services we are going to get in the next five years? Needless to say the game runs well on PC and I had zero issues with the install process. I hope Bethesda brings Fallout Shelter to Steam but for now it's a Besthesda.net exclusive which gives people a reason to sign up for the service.

Quests Give Fallout Shelter Purpose

Fallout Shelter 1.0 was a great game but after a week or so I didn't know what the end game was. Send your Vault dwellers out to collect more loot so you can build a bigger vault? Sure and that premise hooked me longer than most mobile games but with the addition of Quests, Fallout Shelter 1.6 feels like a proper Fallout game. When you have 18 Vault Dwellers you unlock the ability to build an Overseers Office which brings you the ability to run Quests. Quests let you send your Vault Dwellers areas to explore in a manner very similar to how you would in a proper Fallout game. For instance I went out on a daily quest today to do a "junk run." I sent my two highest level Dwellers and they went through a factory room by room clearing out Radroaches, Bandits and Ghouls until we grabbed each piece of loot. Along the way I found a bunch of caps and a really great gun I gave to one of the Dwellers for the return journey. The Quests are much more interactive than simply sending your Dwellers out to automatically explore and this addition makes Fallout Shelter feel like a bigger game.

Bethesda also added a new feature to sending your Dwellers out to explore in that occasionally you can allow them to ability to explore a random location. This location is then loaded just like a Quest filled with fights and loot to obtain.

Random Encounters, Junk & Pets

A couple of times while I was playing the game I noticed a mysterious stranger appear in my vault and if you select him you get some caps. So far i've just seen the Mysterious Stranger but if you see some other random happenstance let me know what you found.

Another awesome new feature is that when you kill a Bandit, Radroach or other wasteland baddie you can now loot the corpse for caps, junk, weapons or armor. Junk is also a new addition that if you collect enough, allows you the ability to craft things. I haven't built the crafting room yet, but I am collecting enough junk and plans that when I do, i'll be ready.

Bethesda also added pets to the game. You can find pets in kennels in the wasteland or by opening lunchboxes. Each pet comes with some kind of bonus ability like 25% to Junk find or %35 to caps find. You can assign them to Vault Dwellers you send out and as with weapons and armor you can reassign them as you see fit.

If you enjoyed Fallout Shelter and always wanted a bit more or if you haven't tried it at all I heartily recommend picking it up on your phone or PC. The game is free to play so you can play the game without spending anything or you can if you want a bit more. Curious what you all think of the new update so drop your experiences in the comments!

As a bonus, here is a screengrab of one of my Vault Dwellers that was out exploring and found a random Red Rocket location. It was just one room but after I killed the bandits was able to loot the place for some caps and a really great weapon.


While it was happening there weren't many moments where I didn't have Summer Games Done Quick playing in the background on the TV. Watching people speedrun games is a nice thing to do when you are caring for an infant and since it was going all day long, if I had to be up at 3am I could turn it on. There were so many incredible runs but I wanted to showcase a couple I liked the most.

Wolfenstein: The New Order

Blood_Thunder did a particularlly impressive speedrun of Wolfenstein: The New Order linked above. This one features a very fun prank he pulled on the audience and SGDQ itself which was hilarious to experience live. I also donated during this stream so watch it for a special Cheerful Ghost shoutout! Woooo!

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

One of the more impressive things I watched was Romscout running Castlevania: Symphony of the Night completely blindfolded! At one point in the stream he gets confused and gets a bit of help but he completely beats the game blindfolded! He progressed based entirely on muscle memory and sound queues.


Fallout 4

BubblesDelFuego ran Fallout 4 in 1:05:09 marking the first year Fallout 4 was run at a Games Done Quick event. On the couch supporting him was the speedrunner for Skyrim and also Blood_Thunder that ran Fallout 4. There is much cross pollination between runners of Bethesda games as they often utilize a common engine so methods and glitches can be shared among games.


Diablo 2

MrLlamaSC runs everyones favorite demon murder simulator in 1:44:51. I shared one of his runs before because I love this game so much I can't stop myself. It's not quite the same run from last year and he runs it with a Druid, so you should check this out as it plays out very differently than before even though some of the main run points are similar.


Super Metroid Race

The Super Metroid Race between oatsngoats, sweetnumb, zoast & Behemoth87 was one of the last runs of the event and a total nail biter. I was absolutely floored with how it ended making for one of the more intense runs i've seen. I don't want to spoil it but as i've said, it ends differently that you would expect. Since they all decided on a run that favored time and was much more difficult it made for some really crazy moments you need to experience.


Super Mario RPG

Super Mario RPG is on my list of shame yet I really enjoyed this run because the game seems really good and also a very hard game to run. If you've never played this game, this is a good chance to get it all!



DrTChops completes Skyrim in a blistering 46:20! Another great thing about this run is that DrTChops is also very fun and explains the run as he goes through it.


Two Worlds

This might be one of the most funny and short speedruns i've ever seen. Shaddex completes this in 2:36 and I can't think of a better way to spend a couple minutes.


SGDQ 2016 was a really great event and if you have any runs you liked I didn't share let me know what they were in the comments below!