I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.
2748 Posts
After Diablo became a huge success on PC, Blizzard partnered with EA to port it to the original Playstation. This bit of retro knowledge wasn't something I was aware of until I saw RetroSnow's recent review of Playstation Diablo. From his review, the port seems to be very well done if not a bit dark in certain levels. It's nice to see Diablo III make a strong comeback on modern consoles and if you have a PS3, PS4, 360 or XBone I seriously recommend you download the Diablo III demo to see how well it plays.

I recently found a video that catalogs the history of Doom and also briefly discusses iD Software. I've posted videos before talking about iD Software but this is a bit different in that it mostly covers Doom, it's origins and the most recent Doom 2016 installment. Not a huge amount of new information here but if you don't know the story of Doom, this is a very good way to get it.

Speedrunning charity stream Summer Games Done Quick will be blasting through the gaming stream-o-sphere starting July 3rd @ 9.30am and wrapping up on the 9th. As with every year, the game speedrunning lineup is a buffet of classic retro titles and many hot new modern titles such as Goonies II, Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening DX, BioShock, Dishonored, Hexen and Fallout 4.
I've created an Event you can join to add to you calendar to remind you of the event or just queue it up on Twitch starting July 3rd. As with every year there will be some great speedruns of this event and i'll share the ones I really enjoy. Let me know if you plan on watching and what games you are going to tune in for!
Summer Games Done Quick is supporting the Doctors Without Borders Charity and it's a very special one and well worth you considering making a donation during the event!
"Every year, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provides emergency medical care to millions of people caught in crises in more than 60 countries around the world. MSF provides assistance when catastrophic events—such as armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, or natural disasters—overwhelm local health systems. MSF also assists people who face discrimination or neglect from their local health systems or when populations are otherwise excluded from health care."
I've created an Event you can join to add to you calendar to remind you of the event or just queue it up on Twitch starting July 3rd. As with every year there will be some great speedruns of this event and i'll share the ones I really enjoy. Let me know if you plan on watching and what games you are going to tune in for!
Summer Games Done Quick is supporting the Doctors Without Borders Charity and it's a very special one and well worth you considering making a donation during the event!
"Every year, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provides emergency medical care to millions of people caught in crises in more than 60 countries around the world. MSF provides assistance when catastrophic events—such as armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, or natural disasters—overwhelm local health systems. MSF also assists people who face discrimination or neglect from their local health systems or when populations are otherwise excluded from health care."

"Relive the depths of Rapture and sail through Columbia in BioShock: The Collection! Remastered for current-gen, this edition includes all three #BioShock games, complete with all single-player DLC and a never-before-seen video series with commentary from Ken Levine. Available September 13, 2016 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC."
If you haven't jumped into BioShock yet this upcoming collection will be a great time to do so. Whereas the original game didn't sit as well with me as others, I thought BioShock Infinite and both DLC missions were incredible. If you enjoy heady sci-fi games with compelling stories, characters and gameplay or simply want to head back and experience Rapture again, the BioShock Collection drops September 13th on PC, XBone & PS4.
If you haven't jumped into BioShock yet this upcoming collection will be a great time to do so. Whereas the original game didn't sit as well with me as others, I thought BioShock Infinite and both DLC missions were incredible. If you enjoy heady sci-fi games with compelling stories, characters and gameplay or simply want to head back and experience Rapture again, the BioShock Collection drops September 13th on PC, XBone & PS4.

After Game/Show launched I posted quite a few episodes to Cheerful Ghost because I liked the style of the show and what it had to say. Today I watched the latest episode that sort of just let us all know the show was over using a title roll and series of clips. Not that everything that ends needs to wave goodbye, but this doesn't seem like the shows style and I wonder what the story here is?
All that said, Game/Show had a really solid two year run and like many I appreciated it's perspective and what it added to the discussion.
*waves goodbye*
All that said, Game/Show had a really solid two year run and like many I appreciated it's perspective and what it added to the discussion.
*waves goodbye*

If you've ever played a GameCube or Wii game you owned in Dolphin you know it can at times be both very good and at times strange. The upscaling ability of Dolphin on Wii and GameCube games is well worth the price of admission alone as experiencing these classic titles in HD is incredible. For me, my classic hardware sometimes breaks so I try and backup all my games so I can play them on my PC. Recently Dolphin released 5.0 which is a notable milestone in that it optimizes for speed and also makes many games run much better than they did before.
"The long awaited Dolphin 5.0 release is finally here! After nearly a year of bug-hunting and handling the release process, everything has come together for our biggest release yet! The three previous releases followed a very distinct pattern: sacrifice performance, hacks, and features in exchange for higher accuracy. As such, Dolphin 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 progressively grew slower. But thanks to the cleanups put forward throughout those releases, Dolphin 5.0 is the fastest Dolphin has ever been!
By removing all of those hacks and outdated features while cleaning up the codebase, Dolphin has reached a new level of efficiency, powered by a revitalized dynamic recompiler. On the GPU side, OpenGL and D3D11 have seen tons of optimizations and accuracy improvements, and have been joined by a brand new D3D12 backend for huge performance gains. If there's a CPU or GPU extension that can make Dolphin faster, we take advantage of it."
"The long awaited Dolphin 5.0 release is finally here! After nearly a year of bug-hunting and handling the release process, everything has come together for our biggest release yet! The three previous releases followed a very distinct pattern: sacrifice performance, hacks, and features in exchange for higher accuracy. As such, Dolphin 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 progressively grew slower. But thanks to the cleanups put forward throughout those releases, Dolphin 5.0 is the fastest Dolphin has ever been!
By removing all of those hacks and outdated features while cleaning up the codebase, Dolphin has reached a new level of efficiency, powered by a revitalized dynamic recompiler. On the GPU side, OpenGL and D3D11 have seen tons of optimizations and accuracy improvements, and have been joined by a brand new D3D12 backend for huge performance gains. If there's a CPU or GPU extension that can make Dolphin faster, we take advantage of it."

Last year Cheerful Ghost published Starship Rubicon and I am really proud of that. Working alongside Wick to get the game launched, promoted and sold has been one of the more enjoyable things I've been part of. When I approached him about publishing his game, I had a fledgling idea of how to approach and in the end I believe we did well by the game and its fans. Together we've learned a lot: firstly, making an Indie game doesn't mean you make big money (because as of now we haven't made very much), and secondly, you need to be aware of what is out there that can potentially harm your game. One such thing that can chip away at the money you can make in the industry is the CD Key grey market.
Tiny Build Games is a relatively new publisher from Seattle I admire quite a bit. They started modestly and had a hit with Speedrunners that catapulted them into a really great spot in the Indie community. Since then, they've published Party Hard and Punch Club which are really great games that are well worth your time. They also recently wrote a blog post about the CD key grey market called "G2A sold $450k worth of our game keys" and after it was posted on their blog it lit a fire in certain parts of the game scene. The blog post is fairly detailed but the long and short of it is that over time G2A, a CD key reselling site, has made over $450k in resold keys from their published games. These keys were __NOT__ given to G2A by Tiny Build but resold through the CD key grey market where keys are acquired through bots scamming storefronts, purchased through low cost bundles or sold directly from crooked partners. Very frequently, CD Key resellers like this end up with a massive dump of keys from stolen credit cards, and there are no checks in place to ensure that keys are legitimate.
Again, it's an interesting read and I recommend you check it out.
Why Do You Care That I Sell Or Giveaway A Game Key I’ll Never Play?
To be honest, I don't. I don’t have a problem with a normal gamer getting a copy of Starship Rubicon and selling it or giving it away. I think there is a huge difference between a normal person reselling a key to make a couple bucks and having a CD key grey market middleman scam hundreds to thousands of keys to resell. Again, just to be super clear here I have zero problem if you giveaway or sell a Starship Rubicon key to your friend or internet stranger, as normal people are not the problem. Grey mass-market CD key resellers that use G2A and sites like them are the problem.
It’s also not wrong that people want to buy a game at a reduced price; sales are the lifeblood of the game industry! But there is a huge difference between buying a game in a Steam or Humble sale than on sites like G2A because the developer gets nothing from G2A.
By the way, Starship Rubicon is now 60% off in this current Steam Sale so if you love massive discounts and awesome Indie rogue-lites you need to check that out! CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP!
We are also handing out free 10 copies in a Giveaway but that will only last for the next couple days so enter now! FREE? WHAT? ARE WE CRAZY? DON’T ANSWER THAT!
Cheerful Ghost Won’t Make Money From Developer Misery
G2A and other reselling sites can be a big problem for developers and as such I want to make it known that until they and other sites make drastic changes we won't be supporting them. Websites like ours can make big money recommending you purchase games through CD key resellers but we aren’t going to do that and to-date we've declined each request. Let's be clear here in that if we partnered with these sites we’d make quite a bit of money it’s just not right for us to do that. In one such deal we have been offered 6% commission for displaying a banner ad and re-directing gamers to make purchases on a reseller site. We’d also get 5% for direct purchases and it sort of breaks down a bit in terms of percentages based on use-case. Needless to say, if we made some hard recommendations and altered Cheerful Ghost to recommend these sites, we’d do really well.
Many Twitch streamers are financially supported by G2A because the money is pretty darn good. That’s because the CD key grey market is a gold mine, it's just banked on developer misery. We’ve decided to not partner with these sites and give up that revenue because we feel this position is better for developers making great games and the gamers that play them. I was also heartened to see the Reddit Hearthstone community take a stand on this issue and reach out to Twitch streamers to re-think their partnership with G2A.
It’s good for gamers to care about this and make their thoughts on this issue known. The kinds of partnerships we make as video game sites and streamers matter and we need to think what kind of world we are creating by making them.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Ultimately CD Key Reselling sites will either change their rules to disallow massive CD Key sales from unofficial sources or continue with their morally bankrupt model. I have my doubts we will see much more than platitudes here but I remain hopeful to change. Ultimately these discussions are good to have because they raise awareness to gamers and developers on the health of the industry we all love. Curious what you think about this issue and would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
Here is another article well worth your time.
A developer is recommending piracy over buying a game on G2A, can’t say I disagree with that thinking. I’d rather lose a sale than see G2A get money.
Looks like G2A is attempting to address some of these issues if at least, very slowly. I think this is an interesting attempt but as the article states…
“Unless they actually solve the main issue — fraud on their platform — this initiative invites developers to become accomplices.”
Tiny Build Games is a relatively new publisher from Seattle I admire quite a bit. They started modestly and had a hit with Speedrunners that catapulted them into a really great spot in the Indie community. Since then, they've published Party Hard and Punch Club which are really great games that are well worth your time. They also recently wrote a blog post about the CD key grey market called "G2A sold $450k worth of our game keys" and after it was posted on their blog it lit a fire in certain parts of the game scene. The blog post is fairly detailed but the long and short of it is that over time G2A, a CD key reselling site, has made over $450k in resold keys from their published games. These keys were __NOT__ given to G2A by Tiny Build but resold through the CD key grey market where keys are acquired through bots scamming storefronts, purchased through low cost bundles or sold directly from crooked partners. Very frequently, CD Key resellers like this end up with a massive dump of keys from stolen credit cards, and there are no checks in place to ensure that keys are legitimate.
Again, it's an interesting read and I recommend you check it out.
Why Do You Care That I Sell Or Giveaway A Game Key I’ll Never Play?
To be honest, I don't. I don’t have a problem with a normal gamer getting a copy of Starship Rubicon and selling it or giving it away. I think there is a huge difference between a normal person reselling a key to make a couple bucks and having a CD key grey market middleman scam hundreds to thousands of keys to resell. Again, just to be super clear here I have zero problem if you giveaway or sell a Starship Rubicon key to your friend or internet stranger, as normal people are not the problem. Grey mass-market CD key resellers that use G2A and sites like them are the problem.
It’s also not wrong that people want to buy a game at a reduced price; sales are the lifeblood of the game industry! But there is a huge difference between buying a game in a Steam or Humble sale than on sites like G2A because the developer gets nothing from G2A.
By the way, Starship Rubicon is now 60% off in this current Steam Sale so if you love massive discounts and awesome Indie rogue-lites you need to check that out! CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP!
We are also handing out free 10 copies in a Giveaway but that will only last for the next couple days so enter now! FREE? WHAT? ARE WE CRAZY? DON’T ANSWER THAT!
Cheerful Ghost Won’t Make Money From Developer Misery
G2A and other reselling sites can be a big problem for developers and as such I want to make it known that until they and other sites make drastic changes we won't be supporting them. Websites like ours can make big money recommending you purchase games through CD key resellers but we aren’t going to do that and to-date we've declined each request. Let's be clear here in that if we partnered with these sites we’d make quite a bit of money it’s just not right for us to do that. In one such deal we have been offered 6% commission for displaying a banner ad and re-directing gamers to make purchases on a reseller site. We’d also get 5% for direct purchases and it sort of breaks down a bit in terms of percentages based on use-case. Needless to say, if we made some hard recommendations and altered Cheerful Ghost to recommend these sites, we’d do really well.
Many Twitch streamers are financially supported by G2A because the money is pretty darn good. That’s because the CD key grey market is a gold mine, it's just banked on developer misery. We’ve decided to not partner with these sites and give up that revenue because we feel this position is better for developers making great games and the gamers that play them. I was also heartened to see the Reddit Hearthstone community take a stand on this issue and reach out to Twitch streamers to re-think their partnership with G2A.
It’s good for gamers to care about this and make their thoughts on this issue known. The kinds of partnerships we make as video game sites and streamers matter and we need to think what kind of world we are creating by making them.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Ultimately CD Key Reselling sites will either change their rules to disallow massive CD Key sales from unofficial sources or continue with their morally bankrupt model. I have my doubts we will see much more than platitudes here but I remain hopeful to change. Ultimately these discussions are good to have because they raise awareness to gamers and developers on the health of the industry we all love. Curious what you think about this issue and would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
Here is another article well worth your time.
A developer is recommending piracy over buying a game on G2A, can’t say I disagree with that thinking. I’d rather lose a sale than see G2A get money.
Looks like G2A is attempting to address some of these issues if at least, very slowly. I think this is an interesting attempt but as the article states…
“Unless they actually solve the main issue — fraud on their platform — this initiative invites developers to become accomplices.”

Someone posted a video on YouTube that captured 30 minutes of E3 floor footage from 1996. It shows off Nintendo's booth and people playing with the Nintendo 64, Mario Kart and Super Mario World as well as a couple games I don't recognize. I like that this video is free of any commentary and is simply just capturing the 96' E3 show floor, it's a nice change from the massive wall of video commentary we get from these events.

Recently my partner and I had a kid so I haven't had as much time to game as I usually do. That said, Hearthstone is a good game to play if you only have one hand free when the other one is consoling your crying baby. Sometimes I have to put the phone down for a second to readjust my hold with him but if I am sitting on the couch it works out really well. I'm also a Hearthstone free to play player so like many, I don't have every card available to me but enjoy playing constructed and like trying out the new meta decks. One such deck to emerge post Whispers of the Old Gods is Warlock Burst Zoo. Warlock has always been great with Zoo but it's stepped up a bit after WoTG due to a couple new cards like Darkshire Councilman and Possessed Villager.
I recently built a Warlock Zoo deck from a recipe but since I don't have all the cards for it I had to make some substitutions. Sometimes you really can't sub out certain cards for others but in this case I think they worked out well. Here is the deck I based my alteration on for you to check out:
As you can see, the deck is mostly commons and rares with a few legendaries and one epic and I subbed out all the Legendaries and epics for other cards. Substitutions I made include:
What decks are you running right now and have you made any interesting changes to popular meta decks?
I recently built a Warlock Zoo deck from a recipe but since I don't have all the cards for it I had to make some substitutions. Sometimes you really can't sub out certain cards for others but in this case I think they worked out well. Here is the deck I based my alteration on for you to check out:
As you can see, the deck is mostly commons and rares with a few legendaries and one epic and I subbed out all the Legendaries and epics for other cards. Substitutions I made include:
- Reckless Rocketeer for Leery Jenkins. With Arcane Golem nerfed into the dirt, Leeroy is a very viable card now. That said, I don't have it as it's a Legendary so for now I think substituting Reckless Rocketeer is a good choice. Reckless costs one more mana but it's the same stats and I think the tradeoff is pretty solid. Reckless/Leeroy allow you to cast Power Overwhelming to burst your opponent to death as a possible deck win condition. Reckless Rocketeer (http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/560-reckless-rocketeer) Leeroy Jenkins(http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/674-leeroy-jenkins)
- Argent Squire for Gormok the Impaler. Yeah ok, this isn't a fair substitution but there really isn't a cheap replacement for Gormok. Since I don't have Gormok and I also dropped Crazed Alchemist as I didn't find it that useful most of the time I added two Argent Squires to make the deck more quick and added a pinch more Aggro. Argent works well with the buffs this deck can produce and is a very solid turn one. Argent Squire(http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/473-argent-squire) - Gormok The Impaler(http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/22323-gormok-the-impaler)
- Northsea Kraken for Sea Giant. Again, this isn't a perfect sub but one that works pretty well for this deck. At turn 9 Kraken is both removal and a huge minion making your opponent have to deal with it or lose. Sea Giant is incredible in this deck because it costs less per each minion in play but if you don't have it, like me, Northsea Kraken is a solid replacement. Northsea Kraken(http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/22289-north-sea-kraken) - Sea Giant(http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/614-sea-giant)
What decks are you running right now and have you made any interesting changes to popular meta decks?

During E3 iD released a demo for the new Doom game that was only supposed to run for a limited time. Sometime afterward iD and Bethesda decided to extend it so if you haven't tried out the new Doom game, now is a good time. There isn't a firm demo end date and I hope they just leave it up indefinitely. A limited time demo is a far cry from Doom's Shareware roots but then again, we ain't dialing up to BBS's anymore. Which honestly is fairly sad as I always loved BBS's myself.
#missyoulord #goodbyetradewars
#missyoulord #goodbyetradewars

I have Diablo III for PS4, and I almost hate to say it (almost), but I think I prefer it there than on PC. Of course, Diablo is much better suited for console play than some of their other games, but even then, they did an amazing job with the console builds (for the PS4, at least).
I'm relatively a newb when it comes to Diablo, I didn't start playing until the third game. That said, I was surprised to hear familiar music and see Tristram in this video. I really enjoyed Diablo III, which makes it a tempting game to get on a console. I'm glad that it does well on there and that Scrypt amazingly says he thinks he prefers it on the PS4 instead of the PC. Wow!
Yeah they use some of the same themes throughout the series. The Tristram you see in this game is the destroyed Tristram thats a little outside of New Tristram in Diablo III. I *think* some events at the end of the first Diablo destroyed it, but it may have been something that happens off-screen between the first and second games. I honestly don't remember.
Or alternatively: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8rFnefnKhA
That's awesome :)
That's awesome. Dorkly makes some really cool videos.
Yeah, the playstation version was pretty fun, but not quite as good as the pc... for Diablo 3, I really like the console version especially the local multiplayer and the dodge roll mechanic
Yeah, up until loot 2.0 and Reaper of Souls on PC I thought the console game was __WAY__ better but then the PC got most of the updates exception the dodge roll. That said, the console port is pretty darn good and the ability to couch co-op is pretty awesome.