
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

Fallout Shelter is the brand spanking new mobile game by Bethesda. It is currently out on IOS but they are planning an Android launch at some point(sorry Android friends). I've only played it a day and I am already hooked. It's a game very similar to Simtower and Progress Quest as you are tasked to manage your vault and the balance of having enough resources(water, energy and food) with defense and exploration. You can add vault dwellers by people randomly showing up to be let in or by your vault dwellers shacking up and making babies. Vault dwellers can shack up(if they are not related) and have a high enough Charisma to get things moving. After you get your Vault up and running you can send people out to scour the wasteland looking for guns, armor and caps.

I think the game balances the free to play aspect to not be annoying or soul crushingly slow. When you build a room it's instant and many things require no waiting at all. That said, at it's core it is a waiting game but it isn't bad.

If you have iOS you need to try Fallout Shelter. If you've played it, drop your thoughts, tips and vault screenshots in the comments.

So far, I have found a few tricks that you might find useful:

  • When your vault explorer comes back, they are invincible so you don't need to send them back at half health. (Learned this the hard way)

  • Early on I paired up my couples with one person because they had un naturally high Charisma so I could get it done fairly quickly. This led to a later problem of most of my vault kids being related. Ensure you keep diversity in your vault pairings and offspring.

  • You get a boat load of Lunchboxes early on, which is great. After your initial hit you get MUCH less so send out vault explorers to collect guns, armor and extra caps.

  • Focus on a strong economy before you get a ton of extra buildings going. After your economy is strong, get a med bay and science station so you can equip your explorers with enough stimpacks and radaways.

I just finished watching the Bethesda E3 showcase and I can safely say it was the best E3 show i've ever seen. Bethesda kicked things off showing a ton of new gameplay from the upcoming Doom game and it looks incredible. Shotguns, blood and demon face punching look incredible and I can't wait to play it.

What do you think, are you read to head back to hell in Doom?

I want to be honest, the game looks so brutal I kind of feel bad for the demons....

New trailer:


Two new Heroes are coming to Hearthstone in Medivh and Alleria Windrunner. Combined with the new Tavern brawl, Blizzard is creating a pretty large Hearthstone update.

I wonder when we might see a new Adventure? If we did, what kinds of new cards or card mechanics would you like to see?


It's the time to hide yo' wallets because the Steam Summer Sales is finally here. Like the years before you can buy a load of games for a steep discount. As usual try and hunt for a flash sale as they seem to net you the most savings.

This year is a bit different as Valve has a new Cookie Clicker-esque game called Tower Attack where you join the ranks of other Steam users clicking bad guys and taking them down together. You can upgrade your character to attack automagically so as such I recommend sinking skill points into the Auto Fire Cannon and Advanced Targeting. If the community beats enough bosses in the next 16 hours we will unlock some deep discounts on the games of that day along with special trading cards.


What games are you planning on picking up in the sale? Are you going to play Tower Attack and if so, what do you think of it? As always, the conversation is in the comments.

Brazilian game company Behold Studios recently launched Chroma Squad on Steam after a successful Kickstarter. They were kind enough to give me a review copy and after my initial few hours with the game I can say that if you were excited about a Power-Rangers inspired Sim, your excitement wasn't misplaced! The game focuses on a group of stunt people that are unhappy working on their current show and decide to strike out and make their own. The game features fun turn based team gameplay where good strategy is rewarded with more fans of your show and money. Each mission is tied together with a story that is light hearted and engaging.

I hit up Behold Studios to see if I could ask them questions about the game and I want to thank Saulo for getting back to me. The game is great on PC and I think it's will be a good fit when it comes out on tablets too.

jdodson: Chroma Squad was Kickstarted and recently dropped on Steam. How are you feeling right now after the game has launched and people have had a chance to play it?

Saulo Camarotti: Chroma Squad is a 2 year project, and after so long we are extremely happy to be able to launch it. The feedback from the community is great so far. We're receiving tons of compliments and words of excitement. To be able to make people happier make us feel whole.

jdodson: In the movie Interstellar by director Christopher Nolan CASE says the ships spin rate needs to be 68 revolutions per minute to dock. When the ship is shown it is spinning at MAYBE 20 revolutions per minute. What kind of space shenanigans does Christopher Nolan expects us to believe? That this is some kind of magic spaceship? I really hope someone got fired for that blunder. This wasn’t really a question.

Saulo Camarotti: The thing is: Interestelar is a fiction. You can't expect that everything should be real. ;)
Top 5 movies of all time for me.

jdodson: Are you planning any future updates to Chroma Squad? Also wondering if you will be porting it to any new platforms?

Saulo Camarotti: Yeah! The new version is coming for Tablets with some big changes to gameplay from some core elements, like Mecha Fights and Marketing. In the end of the year, we are also planning for the Console version of the game: Playstation and Xbox.

jdodson: When you have been playing Chroma Squad what parts have you been most happy with?

Saulo Camarotti: We really love the jokes. It's fun to read and have a laugh at something we've created. The best thing is that the game is making people feel happy.

jdodson: Portland has a pretty large Indie game scene with many new people starting the process of making games. I wonder what advice you have for people just getting started making games?

Saulo Camarotti: Never stop making games. You don't need a studio, or a team, or money, or anything else to make games right now. Grab your computer, create a work routine, make plans, start working. And aim for the end of the project. When a new game is released, start working on something new. That's how it goes. In less than 5 games you'll be making some good games already.

jdodson: What games are you all (the team) playing right now?

Saulo Camarotti: We've been playing a lot of games lately. But i've played "Papers, Please", "Stanley Parable", "Cities Skyline"... all good games so far.

jdodson: Now that Chroma Squad is out what’s next for Behold Studios

Saulo Camarotti: We're working on some new things for Chroma Squad and the port for other platforms as well. We're also working on a new game, but it's a secret for now.

jdodson: Care to drop any hints about the next Behold game?

Saulo Camarotti: Hm, it will be awesome!

Chroma Squad is available on PC, Mac and Liunux for sale right now on Steam and GOG.


I recently saw a pretty cool fan creation called "Predator Dark Ages." It's an exceptionally good fan creation that pits the Predator against some Dark Ages Knights.

If you are a modern PC gamer more than likely you have bought a game on Steam. And if you have a large Steam library I imagine you've purchased games you wish you could return. In the era where more and more of our entertainment is purchased digitally I was very happy to see Valve drop a new Steam Refund policy. It's pretty simple and I encourage you to read it. The main points are pretty simple.

"The Steam refund offer, within two weeks of purchase and with less than two hours of playtime, applies to games and software applications on the Steam store. Here is an overview of how refunds work with other types of purchases."


It seems pretty simple and straight forward and like anything new it is coming under some pretty heavy criticism. I linked a recent Game/Show video above where Jamin isn't too happy with the 2 hour return clause and cites other developers as well as some Indie games that can be completed in less than 2 hours.

As someone that created a video game website and is now getting into the business of game publishing with Starship Rubicon(buy it now kids, it's great) I can honestly say I applaud Valve for this new policy. Is it perfect? No it isn't but when you try something new it often doesn't cover every use case right away.

Should Valve offer refunds to players that pre-ordered a huge triple A blockbuster that can't be played on day one, is a buggy mess or didn't deliver what it promised? Yeah, totally. Should Valve offer refunds to players for Indie titles that can't be played on day one, is a buggy mess or didn't deliver what it promised? Yeah, totally.

That said, some Indie titles are an incredible experience and also very short. I think Valve has the ability to solve that and I imagine at some point they will. They have also said they will police abuse and I also image they will do that as well. Remember Valve doesn't make money if everyone returns everything so they have just an incentive to get sales to stick as a developer.

This new refund policy might not be perfection but it's a really nice step in a world where digital goods are a big part of our lives.

Hearthstone is a game I have come to love over the last few months. Whenever I am able to unlock the next Naxxramas tier it makes my week. Blizzard teased that they were going to release new Hearthstone Heroes and today they dropped the details of the first Hearthstone Warrior Hero Magni Bronzebeard.

"hese new Hearthstone Heroes will feature beautifully detailed animated Hero portraits, including all-new art never before seen in the Blizzard universe. The first new Hero we’re introducing is a famed Warrior—the mighty King of Ironforge himself, Magni Bronzebeard!

Aside from the vibrant new Hero portrait artwork, these new Heroes also come with unique Hero power animations. Magni’s version of the Warrior’s “Armor Up!” Hero Power is sure to reinforce the fact that his majesty is not to be trifled with!

New Heroes also come with unique emotes and voices that convey their individual personalities, a play area featuring a custom visual theme, and nifty “entering the game” animations so you can greet (or intimidate) your next opponent in style.

If that wasn’t enough, new Heroes also come with a unique card back that will impress even the mightiest of dwarven kings! The steadfast “Magni” card back is added to your collection immediately after purchasing the Magni Bronzebeard Hero, and can be used with any deck of your choice.

These new Heroes don't offer anything new in terms of gameplay(awwww) but they do offer a new way to make your play experience more unique. Magni Bronzebeard will costs $9.99 to unlock and according to Blizzard will be released soon. Are you planning on buying any Hearthstone Heroes or will you stick to the standard ones?


Cygnus Destroy has a new Innocent Until Proven Guilty Video I wanted to share. I enjoy his take on the classics and have really enjoyed his series since I started subscribing last year. In his latest video he looks at Super Mario Brothers 2. Super Mario Brothers 2 is my favorite Mario game and only in the last few years did I discover the blow back this game has received. Some consider this not a proper Mario sequel because it existed first as Doki Doki Panic. Pretty sure when I was a kid it wouldn't have made the game worse and knowing that now gives the game a richer history but doesn't detract from it's charm or beauty.

I know most of us consider Super Mario Brothers 2 to be a great Mario game but I wanted to share this as the games controversy still marches on.... as strange as I find that to be.

Blizzards Heroes of the Storm finally launched today. During the launch party live stream they talked about the new Crusader hero that will soon be added to the game. Johanna looks like a pretty beefy powerhouse that melee characters should enjoy playing.

Blizzard also is giving away a free in game Mechanospider mount for free if you play a Facebook game. I did it and it's not too bad but is currently experiencing some issues with a zillion people trying to play it.


If you are interested in checking out the Heroes of the Storm launch event archived feed.
