
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

Legend of Dungeon is fun new rogue-like that was recently released on the Humble Store. I picked it up and was instantly taken with its unique look and fun gameplay. It is in my "regular rotation" of games I am currently playing and I can say that, for me, it works flawlessly on Mac and Linux(so far I haven't actually played it on PC). I reached out to Alix Stolzer, one half the amazing Robot Loves Kitty Indie duo that created Legend of Dungeon and other lovely games such as Tiny Plumbers.

Since I sent out the questions to Alix, Legend of Dungeon has been successfully Greenlit on Steam and the game has continued on to garner more fans and positive reviews. I want to thank Alix for answering my questions and wish them to a speedy final game launch.

jdodson: Legend of Dungeon is a very pretty game. One thing that visually stands out to me are the shadow effects and how that allows the game such a dark and moody tone. Was this something you set out to do or did it kind of emerge when you were developing it?

Alix: The Dynamic shading on flat sprites was one of the first things we did. It was a technique that Calvin had been curious to try, and we loved the way it turned out.

jdodson: Indie Games are blowing up the video game industry right now. In fact, I can’t think of an upcoming triple A game on my radar. Being part of the current craze of Indie awesomeness I wonder how you look at the video game industry today? With that, are there any new indie games or companies on your radar others should be aware of?

Alix: We really enjoy the creativity and curiosity you see from a lot of indies, and the passion for creating worlds for others to play in. Some games/devs that we are looking forward to that are newer and less out there are Artemis by Incandescent Workshop, Delver's Drop by Pixelscopic, Mc Droid by Elefantopia, and Starseed Pilgrim by Droqen.

jdodson: For people new to Legend of Dungeon, I wonder what you recommend for them to do or remember when they are winding through the depths of The Dungeon?

Alix: Don't forget the lantern in the tavern, and enjoy your unfortunate but inevitable deaths (you will have lots of them)!!

Enjoy the journey enough that when you die, you laugh, and try again :)

jdodson: How has the community response to Legend of Dungeon been since people have been playing it? Anything surprise you about how the game has been received?

Alix: We have been completely amazed by the response we've gotten, and we feel like we've gained a bunch of friends!

jdodson: I was listening to an interview you both were part of on YouTube by thekillerbits. Calvin mentioned that one inspiration for Legend of Dungeon was the ol’ Ninja Turtles arcade hack-n-slash, which is awesome because thats an awesome game. Recently I hooked up Legend of Dungeon to my TV and was playing with a friend using our USB controllers and it was really fun. I sort of died really quickly because I was trying to be funny and ended up as a ghost, which was cool. After collecting a few pellets I came back with 1 HP. It was really hard to get back into the game after that and kept dying. For people that may just want to play with their friends who are not pros themselves, will there possibly be a “press start to continue” akin to putting another quarter in the arcade machine and your player comes back with full life?

Alix: An actual arcade style "____ to continue" version would be really cool, but it would ruin the game in a lot of ways unfortunately, especially the fact that it would be making it beatable every time you play. We are only in Alpha and still balancing things, hopefully we'll end up with a death system that makes most people happy.

jdodson: I love the dwarf and would love playing that character in the game. Will the Dwarf be available at some point to play?

Alix: We think the dwarf is great, but so far we don't have any way of using him as a character. The dwarf is too small! We'd love to have him do something more in the game, so we'll see!

jdodson: The current version of the game I am playing is the Alpha. It seems really polished for an alpha and I wonder what other amazingness will be added before the beta and the final release?

Alix: We have a ton more items and monsters to add, we need to also put in the random NPC's you might meet on your journey. We are getting close to Beta though, it shouldn't be long now!

jdodson: I wonder what the most requested set of features people have been asking you add to Legend of Dungeon?

Alix: The most asked for thing is definitely Networking. it means that we have a game that people want to play together, which is really exciting for us. It's something we just can't add to the game at this stage in development.

jdodson: Legend of Dungeon was successfully Kickstarted and as such I am wondering if you guys will be Kickstarting all your future games as part of the release process? Do you think this is the new model for indie developers to get a game to fans or just something people are doing right now?

Alix: It helped us understand how people would think of our game while it was in early development, and we loved getting all the input from backers. The freedom of funding our own projects is also very nice. So I think it's a very good way for many indies to get a better understanding of the market and we are definitely thinking about using it again.

jdodson: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, do you have any other awesomeness you want to say before we wrap things up?

Alix: It's been an amazing process, having a game that has become something so big, when it started out as a small side project that we didn't know anyone would like.

Thanks so much for all the questions!

jdodson: (to you the reader) This morning I noticed a new bit of news that Robot Loves Kitty posted to their tumblr about the state of the game making its way to steam. According to them, the game will most likely be released on Steam during the beta or final versions of the game.



The original idea of Cheerful Ghost was simply a way to share your list of games with the world. As the idea evolved it became a place to tie all conversations about games together. It also started becoming more of an awesome game community and it evolved to what it is today.

As time has passed your game list has grown but I haven't done much to make your game list more exciting or something you might go back to curate. I have just launched the new GAME LIST 2.0 BETA and I seriously recommend you check it out.

new stuff:

  • Each of your games has a flow. Wishlist -> Own -> Backlog -> Playing -> Played -> Completed. Update right on the list and it magically saves in place.

  • You can change the platform as well and it auto-saves too. Magical.

  • I added a new search filter, so if you button up your games list you can do some awesome stuff like share with your friends you wishlist, backlog and games completed.

Want to know how many games I have completed? Certainly.

Want to know what I am currently playing? Simple.

You can update your list by going to the drop down and selecting "Game List." From there, edit away and have fun!

In my latest Lets Play I tackle the Kickstarter Beta for Chasm. I also dial it up a notch by doing some on-the-fly in game voice dialog for the NPC's*.

The Chasm demo isn't very long but paints a good picture of how well polished the game is and what we can expect when it ships.

* Please don't judge me because I am strange. Ok well, maybe a little.

YouTuber's VenGoose Gaming just released a video cut up of all the released Starbound information. Its a really good primer on what we know the game will be and comes with some really nice in game visuals to give you a good picture of it.

Apparently I need to post every bit of Starbound information imaginable so bear with me until launch. During that time I may also rename the site to Cheerful Ghostbound, but you know, I might not... :D


Back this on Kickstarter!
As I was perusing the Kickstarter games section I came across a new project called Chasm. Chasm is a retro 2D pixel-art RPG styled after Super Metroid and Diablo. Really though the idea was compelling because we all loved Super Metroid and the mashing that with Diablo sounds epic. And come to find out they also have a Windows, Mac and Linux demo for us to all try. I like this new movement with Kickstart projects to provide a playable demo.

The demo isn't very long but I played it start to finish on my Macbook and it is superb. So great, I plan on doing a Let's Play about it in the next few days. You __REALLY__ should try the demo and consider backing this project. They are currently halfway to their goal and have 23 days left. So all in all, a good chance Chasm will be funded.

But don't take my word for it, check out the demo for yourself and let me know what you think.

Awesome new Northern Lion with Edmund McMillen about The Binding of Isaac and its upcoming sequel Rebirth.

A few awesome bits:

  • Rebirth is being made by the VVVVVVV guys and is in a very early staged programming wise. The game is being made to work on all manner of handhelds, Steam, Windows and Mac. Edmund really wants to support Linux.

  • Rebirth will include all of the Isaac content and some balancing changes. Many features could not be included in the game due to limitations of Flash and they will be including many of those missing features.

  • Edmund talks about how he feels people should play Isaac by going in blind and experiencing how things work without any kind of guide. He things giving away all the item secrets and formulas is a bad design choice.

  • He is looking forward to a few month period with Rebirth where there is mystery to the game and everyone doesn't know what everything does.

  • Edmund wants to incentivize people moving through the levels quickly with certain rewards.

  • A ton more..

Seems like we have a ways to go for this to finally release, but when it does it will be a day one purchase!

After watching this Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft narrated battle play out I am much more interested in this games release. Since it will be free to play, the barrier to entry is pretty low and I am curious to see how this will play on the PC and iPad.

I really likens the back and forth between the players and its different enough from Magic The Gathering to be compelling. I wasn't sure based on that video when its ok to target minions VS players though. Hopefully the game comes with a fairly length tutorial.

Will you check out Heroes of Warcraft when it launches?

On a lark yesterday I decided to start a game of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I was kind of deciding between games and picked out a classic. At first I thought I might really only play it for a few minutes of nostalgia, but after I beat the intro I decided I was up for more.

As I have been playing more modern indie titles that use pixel-art or try and riff the Zelda motif I have noticed they do quite a good job of harnessing that tone and style. After playing the first bits of Link to the Past these games seem a bit further away from the absolute amazingness of this game in particular. I am not saying modern indie takes on the retro 2D games are bad, far from it. But there is a level of polish with this game that few games achieve and its worth noting that even 22 years later that still comes across strongly.

I never noticed this before, but as I first entered Kakariko Village, the game gives you waypoints of sorts. Zelda didn't invent this perhaps, but I can't remember a ton of games that did this before Zelda and they are super useful. Not that I need them, so far I have completed much on pure reflex memory alone, but they are interesting to see and compare to games made now.

The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past was one of the triple A releases of the day and as such the level of polish and game design is superb. Blowing the game up on my widescreen TV(but in fullscreen aspect ratio of course) I can see more detail than I otherwise did on my ol CRT. Since I am not a barbarian, I don't set the pixels to smooth out and experience the game in all its blocky pixel glory.

The superior game design comes across right at the start of the game in how it guides you along and teaches you the gameplay as you go. Feeding you easy puzzles that teach you the basics as it slightly changes them is a really nice touch. As a kid I flew through the dialog and now find myself reading it more now and taking it in at level I didn't really appreciate as a youngster. Not that the writing is very good, its passable, but I want to soak in more of the game and its interesting to take in the words in a way I haven't before.

My one complaint about the game, if its even a complaint, is the game isn't as deep in lore and story and I would like a bit more. Opting instead to have the player mostly piece the story together based on what they do, the game delivers you a great couch and popcorn experience but I am finding I want a little bit more "Hyrule by campfire."

Before I started the first light world dungeon I had already collected 5 hearts, 2 bottles, the net, bag of magic, bombs and the lantern. As I was coming up to the first dungeon I realized Link was moving rather slowly and one of the things you get after the first dungeon is the boots that allow you to sprint. Again, more absolutely awesome polish here because just as you start to realize you move slowly you get the ability to sprint.

I plan on posting more of my thoughts as I continue my quest through Hyrule. As I was considering what to screenshot for this post I decided to do the flute boy. I couldn't snap the picture with all the animals around the trunk, but got him as he was fading from view. By the end of my first playthrough I completed the first dungeon and just nabbed the icerod. I also am nearly maxxed out on Rupees, those really were fairly plentiful in Link to the Past.

In this latest Terraria Talk video they are given an exclusive screenshot of the new content coming in Terraria 1.2. What it includes:

  • Sandstone bricks, backdrop and furniture.

  • Cannons

  • PvP

  • Jungle Trees can be harvested for Mahogany wood

  • New banner designs

  • New armor and vanity sets including an Eskimo Suit

  • Cactus building sets w tables and chairs

  • Steampunk armor/vanity set

  • More I may have missed

Really looking for this update to drop. Right now there is no ETA on release but when I hear something you will be the first to know about it.

"We at Nintendo sincerely thank you for your continued patronage of our company’s products. We would like to inform you that a portion of the online services offered through the Wii console will be discontinued from 28th June 2013. We apologise to those of you currently using these services."

Specifically they are discontinuing:

- Nintendo Channel
- News Channel
- Forecast Channel
- Everybody Votes Channel
- Mii Contest Channel
- Data exchange with Wii Friends via WiiConnect24*

I view modern consoles in the same way I view computers, but it doesn't seem console makers do. The Internet Channel is still available so you can get news and the forecast from that, but its still feels strange Nintendo is shutting this stuff off.


*edit* added the full list of features to be removed.