So much to do in this game!

I'm in the middle of about 10 quest trees, with probably about 30 side quests on going. I've decided to clean up my side quests before continuing on with the main quests, as there's a lot of "Go Talk To ___" type things just cluttering the quests screen. But all of them end up being enjoyable.

One quest that I'm in the middle of is following a dog that's talking to me. He and his owner had a falling out, and he wants me to help him talk to his owner. I believe his owner is some sort of demon/demigod type character, and might even be the dog itself, who's just playing a trick on me. I was following the dog, but got distracted by an interesting... Read All
I wonder when Doom 4 is coming out? Finding this is in Rage made we wonder.
Nerd Dragons represent.

So, I'm kind of a Metroid addict. Ever since the first time I played through the first one, being the very first NES game I ever played through to completion (even before Super Mario Bros or The Legend of Zelda), I had to pick this up. I bought it a few months ago, if I'm not mistaken it was released in late 2010 or early 2011, so Its been around. I don't know anyone else who bought it, or even played it so I went into the experience completely blind. I'll tell you, this is a very refreshing take on the whole Metroid history.

Ever since the Gamecube (even on the DS) Metroid games have been largely First-Person. A very cool departure from the original side scrolling,... Read All

After pre-ordering Rage for $60 and playing it on the PS3 I was a bit disappointed with the single player. Loading took way too long, often I would die and have to re-load back an hour of gameplay. The game was frustrating on the console. I found that the legends of the wasteland was fun for co-op, really fun, but the single player wasn't.

Recently I got it on the PC and I have to say its MUCH MUCH more fun than the console counterparts. Quicksave exists by hitting F5. The game is easier with a mouse which means I can actually hit things I shoot at. The graphics are nicer and the texture pop-in is less noticeable. I'm not entirely sure of all f the reasons why but Rage... Read All

Recent article highlighting the new Siren in Borderlands 2.

Another article about the commando:

Since this game recently went free to play I decided to install it and give it a shot because the price was right.

After a bit of downloading I installed the game and created an account. Process wasn't horrible and I was greeted with some options for creating an account.

I wanted to roll a Wizard or Mage so I clicked the EQ2 version of that. Couldn't play as that character for free so I clicked a less fun class to play. I honestly don't remember what I was bummed I couldn't roll a Wizard/Mage. I was then presented with a screen to pick some hair color and some other stuff I didn't care about. I clicked random as much as I could but it would have been better to just click... Read All
I just tried out the Final Fantasy XIII-2 demo. I have to say, this dude is annoying, kupo! I always thought Moogles were cute and amusing in the games where they didn't have any recorded dialog. They aren't supposed to sound like 8-year-old girls, kupo! The moogle is really useful to have around though.

Now, on to the meat and potatoes: This is a lot of fun. Random encounters are back, but they are easily escapable if you aren't interested in fighting. The preemptive attack is done much more cleanly, giving you the opportunity to attack before battle mode is activated.

Speaking of the battle system-- say what you want about FFXIII, there are plenty of bad things to say... Read All

Doom 3 is a game that I happily put on my most loved games list. I have played it through a few times now and every time really enjoy myself. Some people hate on the fact you cant use the flashlight and a fun at the same time. Some people hate on the fact that the game is dark. But both of those things are game mechanics that make the game even more unique and fun for me. For instance, when you are walking through the Mars base and its dark you can either:

A) Keep your shotgun handy and stay "safe" knowing you can shoot zombie heads off.


B) Have your flashlight ready and see whats ahead while not being able to do jack squat when a demon starts throwing fireballs at... Read All

Graphics & Art:

From the first few minutes in you can tell that Diablo 3 is a Blizzard game. It's beautiful and well blended as you have come to expect from their games. I really enjoy the color palette and ambiance that has been created. I read initial complaints that it "isn't dark enough for the Diablo IP", but I am quite happy with it. Graphics are really only a small part of the game but I doubt anyone will be disappointed with the look and feel of the world.

One thing that I can't get past is the environment depth. It screams of Titan Quest - the altitude of cliffs, the depth of chasms. I really enjoyed the effect in Titan Quest and I'm glad to see it again.