In a lot of ways, it was Donkey Kong that made Nintendo. Of course it was Super Mario Brothers which was responsible for the domination of the NES/ Famicom in the 80s, making Nintendo a household name. But it was Donkey Kong which not only made Nintendo into a presence in the global...

My only experience with the game is King of Kong. Look intense.
We did have a Donkey Kong Jr. Machine in the SUB in college, and I got dominated there regularly.
Historically speaking though, you're right. Nintendo is mario, and mario is jump man, and really, Nintendo is who made video games a viable market.
I wonder if Jump Man will ever return to games. Or will that character or name be ever lost to Mario?
Kind of like Plinkett and fake Plinkett.
As in the Red Letter Media Phantom Menace review Plinkett.