I just downloaded the original Donkey Kong for the Wii last night. I had never really thought about it before, but I've never actually played the original Donkey Kong up until now. Of course, I've been familiar enough with it since I was a small child, but for what ever reason, I had never actually gotten around to playing it. Being a history buff, I decided I had to finally give it a try.

In a lot of ways, it was Donkey Kong that made Nintendo. Of course it was Super Mario Brothers which was responsible for the domination of the NES/ Famicom in the 80s, making Nintendo a household name. But it was Donkey Kong which not only made Nintendo into a presence in the global... Read All

Hey all.

Trying out Google Ads on the site, let me know what you think.

I want them to be available yet not annoying. I hope Google can provide them such that they are beneficial to you.

Love to hear your thoughts.

Playing through the game, and doing a lot of side quests, the game almost felt *too* big to do what I really wanted it to: a full scale war.

Now things have happened, and the war is in motion!

(Trying to not give any spoilers!)
Let's do some math:
Deus Ex: $15.99 36 hours 44/hr
Skyrim: $54.99 213 hours 26/hr
Portal2: $49.99 23 hours $2.17/hr

And you know what, Portal was worth every penny.

It was my favorite game of last year, over Skyrim, over Deus Ex, over... everything. Shoot, there should have been an option to leave your web-cam on during the entire game so that you can go back and just watch your own $#!? eating grin for hours on end.

There wasn't a part of that game that I didn't think was about perfect.

Possible my favorite part is this: you go through an entire game without hurting a fly (unless you count personality cores or turrets). No, I'm not a huge pacifist, and I have zero... Read All

Some people actually created a Super Mario Brothers with portals game. Looks pretty awesome.

Can download it for Windows, Mac and Linux.

From the site:

"Two genre defining games from completely different eras: Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. and Valve's Portal. These two games managed to give Platformers and First-Person Puzzle Games a solid place in the video game world. But what if Nintendo teamed up with Valve and recreated the famous Mario game with Portal gun mechanics?"
Anyone here still playing this one? It has been a bit frantic since out went free, but I still pick it up from time to time, you know, looking for hats.
Ive been seeing reports that Valve may release a "Steam Box" to compete with Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft in the console market.

The picture above is from a patent application filed by Valve last year for a "game controller having user swappable control components."

"Apparently meetings were held during CES to demo a hand-built version of the device to potential partners. We're told that the basic specs of the Steam Box include a Core i7 CPU, 8GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GPU. The devices will be able to run any standard PC titles, and will also allow for rival gaming services (like EA's Origin) to be loaded up."

Some more interesting bits from The Verge:

"Part of the goal of... Read All
This is one of my all time favorites, providing me with hours of quality entertainment.
Anyone else ever played this one? It is the must frustrating/exhilarating game I've played in a long time, and its turn based.

Basically, both teams tell their team what to do at the same time. Once you have it ironed out, the teams just go. Everything is broken down into 10s chunks, and you'll spend an hour coming up with the most perfect, intricate plan, and when some guy you didn't see pops his head through a window and takes out everyone you had pointing the other way, you'll curse and scream and toss your keyboard through the monitor.

If anyone has ever played the Vicksberg War Game, it reminds me of that, just not as lopsided.

This game scared the crap out of me the first time I played it. I liked it. Mixed success with Wine, almost need to have a windows partition around to play it.